How to Drastically Improve Your RESUME with 3 SMALL Changes

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I want to show you how to take a week resume and turn it into a totally awesome resume now the most important part of the resume is this top section right here this is your header section this has your contact information and this has everything that the interviewer is going to look at in the first five to seven seconds and those are the most important so when I go through this resume here I see the name David Hill way too small so let's fix that boom we just bumped that up to a much larger point and it just really makes the resume pop now that we made the name maker and it pops let's take a look at the next line here where he has his street address he has an email address that says I love cats nothing wrong with loving cats just maybe not on a resume and then he has a really long LinkedIn profile so what we want to do is fix those like this now we have a name and a large Point font and we just say San Francisco California no need for all the other stuff we have a very simple email address D Hill and we have a personalized LinkedIn URL let's take a look at the next section action all right the next problem with this resume is it doesn't communicate what he wants to be doing sure it says he's good at project management data analytics and Java and open source but it doesn't tell me what he wants to be doing so we fix that with a very simple objective statement like this now we have an objective statement that says senior director of software engineering so I know that he wants to be a director level executive manager uh software engineer in the healthcare industry that simple statement tells me a lot you may have heard that job objective statements are passe and the old style ones are where you write where people write this big long paragraph that explains everything that they want to be doing those are dead what you want is a simple job objective statement that instantly communicates what you're looking for now if I'm a hiring manager and I'm looking for a director of software engineering and I read this resume you know what I found it in 0.02 seconds and that is huge and that makes me want to keep reading this resume so let's take a look at the next thing we can do to make this resume a little bit better now he has a bunch of skills here that say he's good at project management data analytics Java open source mentoring that's great those are a lot of skills but they're out of context I don't know if he's a you know a one or a ten I just don't know so let's put those skills into context like this now we got rid of that skill summary and we put in what's called a professional summary and we have a bunch of skills now that we put in context and now he talks about what he did with those skills and he quantifies his results he delivered 45 million dollars in software Solutions his teams have 150 software developers 10 million dollar projects He resulted in 17 million dollars in renewed contracts he Quantified his results he took those skills and he shaped them and he talked about what he did with them and that is what makes your resume so much more powerful so now we have an entire section here where we have a headline that pops we have a strong objective statement and we have a professional summary that clearly communicates what he's capable of doing and all of this happens before we even get to the experience section and this is the problem with most resumes they rely they rely on waiting for the recruiter to get down to the experience but you know what the recruiter is looking up top first and if they don't like what they see in the first part of your resume they are going to skip it they're going to throw it in the trash because they are not going to read through all of your garbage until they get down to your experience so that's why you want to make the top of your resume the most important it's like a magazine cover it's what sells employers on reading your resume you could literally have such a strong section here in the first half of your resume that they really don't even look at the rest of your resume they're on the phone to you calling you for an interview all right my friend if you found this helpful I have samples of resumes that you can get from jobtips dot Pro and if you want me to be your coach be your guide look at your resume book a call with me go to
Channel: Don Georgevich
Views: 40,920
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Keywords: how to improve your resume, how to write a resume, resume tips, how to write a good resume, how to make a resume, applicant tracking system, resume writing, resume format, perfect resume, resume mistakes
Id: rvKNhhhzkP8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 19sec (259 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 25 2023
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