"How To" | Dr. Pepper Air Fryer Beef Jerky

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what's up guys weird enemy or holy moly outdoors I'm so excited to join you in this video we have a highly requested video today for you guys going over how to make your own air fryer beef jerky now this is a great thing to be doing here we're all in quarantine here in Washington State so a perfect time to put together some really tasty food and get ready for the next time that we get to be out in the outdoor so we're going to show you guys today how to prep it how to cook it and how to get everything together and all the things you need so stay tuned air fryer beef jerky coming at you vis y'all all ready so we have everything we're going to need right in front of us here for our ingredients you're gonna need some sort of thin cut beef you could do chicken you could even do pork and I'm gonna even try something else later on but for this video we have our using a thin cut beef from the meat section at Safeway this is an eye of the round steak cut thin you're gonna need some kind of prep surface I have an awesome flyaway mat that will work great to prep our meat we're going to need some measuring utensils you're gonna need a good knife need some bamboo skewers some dr. pepper some kitchen shears scissors black pepper that's ground garlic salt red pepper flakes some onion powder wash or Shire sauce and a little liquid smoke all that put together into your air fryer and you will be all set to go so first we're gonna have to do here is prepper everything so this is a dr. pepper beef jerky recipe I kind of tweaked what I saw online to how I like it and this is really turning out awesome so let's start by prepping all of the meat here and then we'll get our airfryer ready to go stay tuned okay we got a food surface prepped I like to wear one glove just to help with hailing the raw meat and not cross contaminating a bunch of places so you're going to cut through and open up your packaging [Applause] and that's what you're working with here a really nice piece of meat [Applause] enough to prep this meat properly what I like to do is make sure as best as possible the fats trimmed off because that will ultimately an air fire be little chewy so go through your fillet knife or whatever prep knife you have turn it off and once it's tier laking then you cut it into strips so I'm just gonna go with the grain got this in half for cooking purposes and for enjoyment purposes at the end of the day a nice little probably 1 to 2 inch width piece by about 4 inches is perfect to set this up with [Music] [Music] and at this point everything will then go to a gallon baggie for the marinade but we're ready to move on to the next steps putting these into the bag and then mixing our ingredients and getting started on that [Music] now that can go in the refrigerator your filet away mac and go get rinsed off it's stuck in the dishwasher to be cleaned same get your knife on taking care of we're ready now to put all of our ingredients together make our marinade then let these babies soak all right now we got our pan on the stove our dr. pepper and our one cup measuring unit and we're gonna basically for this recipe doing two cups of dr. pepper per one pound of beef and so for this recipe you see here two cups of dr. pepper onto the pan and you're gonna want to have a pan that's big enough to hold all these ingredients and be able to be covered with the lid after this is done now next piece is going to be the water Shire sauce and that is a 1 tablespoon that we'll be putting it in here now then we go on to liquid smoke with liquid smoke you're gonna end up doing one teaspoon it's more to taste we did one here if you want a little bit more smoky you could do one half maybe two all preference base for that that's essentially gonna give you a little bit of that smoker flavor but really not obviously doing a smoking process so it's a good way to add a little bit to it the next piece you're going to do is the black ground pepper we have doing two teaspoons there then we get to our garlic salt we end up doing one full teaspoon because that stuff is a bit potent you just got to be careful what you put in there again if you want to do something a little stronger you can definitely do a little bit more onion powder is next and for that as well we're gonna go with the TSP and be able to set that up appropriately now again you can see here everything's being poured into the pan and next we have crushed red peppers and I kind of do that to touch more or less because you want some kind of heat for some people others may not so I kind of eyeball it to what I like and then take a wooden spoon and start stirring this mixture together a lot of the pepper and the garlic salt and onion powder is all gonna want to be sitting on the top of the dr. pepper so you got it mix it all in then what I do next is we're going to turn on the stove and be able to start to thin this down and reduce it and so showing you guys here exactly what I'm doing with the stove getting the camera all ready we're going to turn it to high and we're gonna basically get that unit boiling it's gonna go for ten minutes to start with and you can figure out how far you want that reduction to go so then at this point it has gone for the ten minutes with the occasional stirring involved making sure that everything is to where it needs to and yeah you can just eyeball it as well with this stage because that stuff's gonna get hot it's gonna start to reduce down as some of the dr. pepper evaporates which really gives you a good bonding material to go with the jerky to marinate so you want to go ten minutes at least and again let it cool down here now after that is all taken place because you do not want to put the hot liquid into the meat until it is fully cooled now their meat pull that out of the freezer everything is cooled you can figure out a good way to pour it in by either using the same cup as you did before scooping it in as you see here totally preference based on how you get that liquid in there could have a way to do a turkey baster kind of die type deal to suck it up and push it in to the bag but this works just fine and we're gonna end up getting all of that reduced down material to the meat so the marinade can get started and then you're gonna dump it back into the fridge and you could do this in like five six hours of marinating to then go to the air fryer however what I really like to do especially just like I would for smoking fish I want to prep everything and leave it in there a little bit extra alright guys now we get to do the final steps here to get your jerky going so we just pulled the meat from the frigerator sat about twelve hours by the time we got home so I've got a little bit extra soak time the reality is if you really want to get it six hours and you can start going sometimes it's even better to let it go maybe till the next day overnight so about 12 hours gives you extra time for that marinade to soak into the meat itself that way you get better flavor jerky ultimately still tastes good and regardless but more flavor in my opinion is better so now we can take to utilizing the bamboo skewers our kitchen shears and the airfryer to prep for putting this together and again if you got a glove it's not a bad thing to put on to save yourself but you're going to want to pull out four skewers out of your bag those are just safe way yours and then you got your air fryer basket now this has a gap that you guys might see which allows for once we trim up we can put our skewers lined up just like so so we can get those skewers all and we can get those skewers all perfect and lined up now you can just do your measuring to know exactly where you need it to fit but what the key is you want to have these so they are going to close when you put this back inside of your fryer lid pick those up after you're done but this this is the crucial measuring component if you want to call it that because you got to make sure you can get all these to fit properly be able to fit all that good jerky in there so there's four if your pieces are small enough you might even be able to squeeze a fifth one in here on the side I'm gonna leave for just because I know from experience of doing this for it's gonna give us a good amount to work with so then at this point glove goes on and we can start loading up our meat so it's really straightforward you're just going to put the skewer in in that top small portion slide it to the back and you want to try and see if you can't get five to six pieces at least on the skewer this will give you proper spacing [Music] you can gauge the spacing and see where maybe have a little wiggle around the benefit of cutting these things small in strips like I did originally so they're easier to get to fit and will cook more evenly just better overall for portion size [Music] again I will have everything in the description below for what I've done ingredients airfryer where you can get everything it's all going to be aren't ready all right love can come off make sure you close your bag so you don't spill it everywhere little guy just clean up now you got a really nice all ready to go in the airfryer it soap so next step right we're gonna move over here into the camera so you guys can get a full view therefore so because we put this in a way that they're sitting on the lip edge you'll be able to carefully put these in to the airfryer and it's good to gently sometimes you go finesse it through without knocking them off you want that too close and beep as you see there now I turned it on you're going to want to change your temperature and go all the way to a hundred and eighty degrees change your time to thirty minutes this allows for the first cooking of the jerky to take place to then also at that 30 minute mark we'll check it status wise will shuffle them around a little bit make sure they're evenly getting cooked and then we'll move on to the next 15 minutes and so the last essentially it's an hour of cook time a thirty minute first increment then a fifteen minute and then one more fifteen minute at the end to ensure really to your liking of how you want the jerky and you guys will see here color everything starts to come together and I cannot wait this is so good so we'll catch you in a few [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right everybody well there you have it airfryer beef jerky honestly that stuff is so dang good and it's so cool to be able to do something yourself I mean we're in this quarantine time hopefully liftin soon and I'm really excited to be able to have my own stuff super tender super juicy and the flavor is great so again everything's linked below if you guys want to check that out there's a lot more stuff coming for you guys so thank you so much for tuning in let's rip denim with home only outdoor signing off we'll catch you on the water soon take care stay safe and as always fish out [Music] you
Channel: Holy Moly Outdoors
Views: 5,522
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Air Fryer Beef Jerky, Beef Jerky, Dr Pepper Air Fryer Beef Jerky, Dr pepper jerky, Fishing, Holy Moly Outdoors, How to, How to Fish, Kokanee, Pacific Northwest, Salmon, Trout, air fryer, catch and cook, cooking, jerky diy
Id: WXYVnhoV4G4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 31sec (1351 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 21 2020
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