How to download Netflix movies onto a USB stick on Chrome OS

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hello in the video coming up i will show you how you can use your external storage to download netflix movies if you use netflix and let's face it who doesn't it's great it's a great way to spend some time in the evening or on the weekends just to catch up with your favorite series or movies there's so much you can do with netflix and the good thing is you can download on netflix so when it comes to chromebooks although chromebooks are starting to increase in file in in storage size that storage size isn't really being increased for things like downloads it's more being increased for things like using linux and you do need a lot more storage when you're using linux now when it comes to netflix you can obviously stream programs which is great but what about if you like to watch programs on your laptop when you're in bed and perhaps a wi-fi connection isn't that good or if you're going on holiday if you're going on a plane or you want whilst you're away on holiday you want to be able to watch movies you want to stream that because the data cost would be would cost you a fortune so the best thing to do is download it now to download it as by default it downloads to your local storage that's fine if you've got lots of storage but if you don't have lots of storage space locally then you'll want to install it on a usb stick like this and the good news is you can do it there's just a few steps you need to do to make that work so i'm going to show you now how to do that so i'm using a usb type c but you can do this with a usb type a as well it's absolutely fine or you can do it with any really external hard disk it shouldn't matter you can use anything so i'll just plug that in okay so that's plugged in now and then from here you'll see open settings and that's what you want to do you want to open settings but we won't do that for now because i'll show you how to get it if this doesn't come up for any reason but what i'll do is i'll quickly show you netflix at the moment so if we open up netflix and then from here just go to more down here app settings and i'll go back through this i'm just showing you quickly at the moment it's got internal storage i've got a lot free because i'm using a chromebook which i bought for linux as well so there's a lot of storage but you might not have that storage space available but you do only have internal storage so to get around that even though i've just installed the usb stick you can see it doesn't give you that option and the reason for that is that you have to let chrome os know that you want android apps to be able to use your usb stick so to do that as i said when you plug it in at that option you could have just clicked on that but if you didn't or it didn't come up for any reason you just need to go to your settings down here then go to settings here and then from here go to device and then from there go to storage management and then you should have external storage preferences click on that and you'll see this here i've named it that you can name it whatever usb stick and it's got here apps from google play may require full system access to read and write files on external storage devices files and folders created on the device are visible to anyone who uses the external drive it's just warning you that anything stored on that drive can be visible by other people so all you need to do is to simply click on that and then once you've done that just close that and then if you open up netflix now and if we go back to settings so it's some more here netflix may look different depending on the laptop you're using or how big your chromebook screen is so this is just a guide but it's more and then app settings there and as you can see here we've got download location it's currently on internal storage click on download location and now you'll see that my sd card showing just simply click on that and that's it and as you can see it's already got 457 megabytes on it that's because i downloaded the movie just to make sure it all works and it does all work so then you can watch netflix movies without being connected to the internet which is great and i think it's great because it isn't just for people who are going on holiday this is also for people if you're if you're in a wi-fi spot which is not that great around your home it's great for that or even if you're going to work it's good to have some shows on netflix downloaded so it is really good now the good thing is as well once you've done this you don't need to do it again so now it's done say for example let's just close that if i take out my i'll just show you the settings so it's device storage management external storage you can see that's on yeah so what i'm going to do is i'm going to take out a usb stick but you never take out a usb stick just by taking it out you need to go to file manager first and you need to eject here if you don't do that you can corrupt the disk so to always make sure you do that before taking that or obviously turn off the chromebook first and then take it out that's absolutely fine so i'll take that out okay and then i can take it out and what i'm showing you now is that now we've done it once you don't need to do it again so that's the usb stick we close that down open that put that back in like that and then open settings so this giveaway you can do it just go to open settings you'll see that it's already on so it actually remembers the usb stick which is good so you don't have to do it every time which is great and it's also the same with netflix as well if you've got your usb stick if you don't have your usb stick in inserted into your chromebook and you try to download something on netflix it would just download it to your local storage however if you do put in your usb stick and you've gone through them settings like i've said it will recognize that and then it will download it to usb stick so once you've done all this you don't need to change anything again in the future so it's really really good um i hope you liked this video if you did please like and subscribe to the channel for future videos and thanks for watching [Music] bye
Channel: Chrome Computing TV
Views: 161,299
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to download netflix series onto a USB stick on Chrome OS, how to download netflix on Chromebook, How to use external storage for netflix on Chrome OS, External storage for Netflix on Chromebook, How to use external storage for Netflix on Chromebook, external storage for chromebook, how to add netflix to chromebook, how to download movies on netflix on chromebook, how to download movies from netflix on my chromebook, netflix app on chromebook, netflix on chrome os
Id: hR51DSLAU8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 6sec (426 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 09 2022
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