How to Download Games on PC for FREE

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Hi everyone, Kevin here. Today I want to show you how you can download  some of the best and most popular PC games   entirely for free and this includes  games like Fortnite, Counter-Strike,   League of Legends, Roblox, Call of  Duty, and the list goes on and on. Basically, if you're looking to play a fun game  and you don't want to bust out your wallet,   you're in luck. When you look at the list of the top 20 PC  games that people are playing around the world,   it turns out that about 70% of these games are  entirely free to play, but what's the catch and   why are they free? In the past, when you wanted  to play a PC game, you'd have to pay for it   up front and that would give you all of the  core functionality, but game companies have   recently been changing this model where they give  you the base game for free and then the hope is   that you'll make in game purchases for things  like virtual goods or other premium features. Now with these virtual goods, most  of them are completely cosmetic,   where they don't actually impact  your ability to win the game. About 6% of players end up making in  game purchases and game companies end   up making more money from these people than  by charging everyone for the game up front. We should all be very thankful for these people  because they are subsidizing these games for us. Some of these players who make in game  purchases are referred to as whales   because they spend ridiculous  amounts of money in game. Just as an example, there was a 15-year-old boy  in Belgium who was playing the game Game of War   and he racked up over $46,000 worth  of charges on his mom's credit card. I bet she was probably just a little bit   angry when she opened up her credit  card bill at the end of the month. There are a few different places  where you can download PC games,   and unfortunately, there's not just one  comprehensive list with all free PC games,   but we're going to walk through some of the  top sites where you can get the best PC games. At number one, we have Epic Games, and Epic  Games is the maker of some of the most popular   games including Fortnite, Rocket  League, and Genshin Impact. You can head to their website by clicking on the   link up above or also down  below in the description. Once you land on their homepage, up on  the top navigation bar, click on browse,   then over on the right-hand  side, select the free filter. Next, go down to the section that says  type and then select the games filter. This way we'll see all of the free games,  and there are many different options here. Now, some of the most popular games, here you'll  find Valorant, you can also get League of Legends. Here's Genshin Impact. We have Rocket League,   and if you go to the second page, here you'll  find Fortnite, one of the most popular games. To install any one of these  games, simply click on the title   and then here in the top right-hand  corner, you can click on download. At #2, we have Steam and Steam is one  of the largest distributors of PC games. To head to their website, you can click on the   link up above and you'll also find  it down below in the description. Once you land on their homepage,  over on the left-hand side,   click on free to play, and here you'll see all  of the different games that are completely free. If you just want to see the most popular titles,  click on this header that says top sellers. And I know it's called top sellers, but  you're not really buying any of these games,   so they're not really top sellers, but it  basically shows you the most popular games. Once this list loads, you'll see  some of the most popular games. For example, here's Lost Ark, Apex Legends,  Counter-Strike Global Offensive, Destiny 2,   PUBG Battlegrounds, and Dota 2, just  to name some of the most popular ones. Here too, to play any one of these  games, simply click on the title,   and on the next page, click on play game. If you do not yet have the Steam desktop  app, you'll have to download that first,   but you'll be well on your way to playing  this game. At #3, we have the Xbox app,   and if you're running Windows, you  already have this app pre-installed. Simply go down to the search field and  type in Xbox, then click on the best match. Once the app launches, up in the search field,  simply type in free, and here you'll see all   of the different free games, and I know  in the first position it says Minecraft,   but this is really the Minecraft launcher,  and that's free, but it's not really the game. But here in the second position we see  Roblox, one of the most popular games,   and here we also see another title called  Halo Infinite, also a very excellent game. Here to play any one of these games, simply click  on the title and then click on get. At #4, we   have the website and this is owned by  Activision Blizzard or maybe soon to be Microsoft. Once again, you can click on the link up  above or you'll find it down below in the   description. On this website, you'll find one  of the most popular games, Call of Duty Warzone. To download this, simply click here and  then you can click on play for free. Back on the homepage, you'll also find another  excellent free game called StarCraft 2. Simply click on this logo and then here  too you can also play this for free. All right, well, that's how you can get some  of the most popular PC games entirely for free. That is, of course, as long as you  do not make any in game purchases.   For that 15-year-old boy in Belgium, PC  games have gotten a lot more expensive. To   watch more videos like this one, please consider  subscribing, and I'll see you in the next video.
Channel: Kevin Stratvert
Views: 1,897,056
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kevin stratvert, pc games, free pc games, best pc games, best, download, 2022, 2023, best games for pc, pc, for pc, pc games 2022, best free pc games, how to download pc games, how to, low end, low end pc games, how to download pc games in pc, open world, games for pc, xbox, steam,, fortnite, new, top, free pc games 2022, counterstrike, league of legends, roblox, valorant, apex legends, call of duty, warzone, rocket league, destiny 2, pubg, genshin impact, dota 2, lost ark
Id: t0OfvIHZcVk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 39sec (399 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 24 2022
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