How to Download and Install Windows 10 from USB Flash Drive for FREE!

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yo what's up guys so this is a guide on how to install Windows 10 from a USB flash drive for free so hook it in to the computer we are going to need an up and running computer it just popped up right here we're gonna need an internet connection so we're gonna go to google and we're gonna download from Microsoft's website the media creation tool just came up so it should be the first result I'll post a link in the description to make it easier so we're gonna have to download this and I'm just gonna put running the tool right now so it's downloaded and I'm just gonna go ahead and run it this is from Microsoft's website getting a few things ready so before we go through the setup process this is gonna be our finished product we're gonna have a clean install of Windows 10 with one downside see this bottom right watermark it says activate Windows go to settings to activate windows so if you want to do a free of charge you're gonna be installing an activated version of Windows what does that mean well really all it means is that you're gonna have a bottom right watermark telling you to activate Windows it will still function like an activated version of Windows you'll be able to browse the internet or play your video games whatever you want to do so maybe the watermark doesn't bother you you don't mind but maybe it does bother you while you later have the option to activate it just by a key insert it and the watermark will go away so we're gonna go ahead and accept this on create media installation so the language you want is English Windows 10 and we do want 64-bit most modern systems are 64-bit if you're upgrading an older desktop or an older laptop you can uncheck this and select like 32-bit but most modern systems are 64-bit such as this PC right here but if you expect their system is quite outdated and it may be a 32-bit you can check by going to your file explorer and we're gonna go to desktop now we're gonna go to this PC and when we're at this PC up here you see system properties and it tells us right here the system type it's a 64-bit operating system so that's how you check your system type I know if you're running an older OS like Windows 7 in the navigation may be slightly different but it's going to be found in this PC and system properties up here so let's see what system type this laptop is running I'm pretty sure it's a 64-bit too but we'll find out right now ok so just like on Windows 10 it's the same thing we're gonna right-click our folder go to Windows Explorer and then we're gonna go to not this PC right here just as computer so go to come and you'll find it up here like once again system properties clicking system properties and this is yep I was correct this is a pretty old system to Windows seven but yet this is also 64-bit operating system so a 32-bit operating system is very rare to find unless you're running like an ancient PC so I'm gonna go ahead and leave it at 64-bit next select USB flash drive next so I only have one USB flash I've hooked up to the PC so I know it's this one oh and one important detail I forgot to mention make sure the flash drive we're using is at least eight gigabytes in size it could be more than that but it cannot be less than that so for a gig goodbye or two gigabyte flash drive will not work so the one I'm using is an eight gigabyte flash drive I'll link it down below in the video description it's very cheap I think it's only like five dollars so this media creation tool we just downloaded what does it do exactly well when you download it the tool you didn't download the Windows 10 operating system right away the Windows 10 operating system is gonna download using this tool so that's what it's doing right now it's downloading the Windows 10 operating system so it's finished downloading Windows 10 now it says creating Windows 10 media which means it's now copying it onto our USB flash drive so go ahead and click finish and it's done we should be good now turn off the computer shut down so there we've copied over a bootable Windows 10 image onto this USB flash drive so now we're gonna be doing a clean install of Windows onto this PC and when I turn on the computer well you guys will see right now so when we first saw on the computer we're gonna see a splash screen now this splash screen tells us what key on our keyboard oppressed to boot to our BIOS so right now my flash screen is telling me press f2 or press delete rapidly on my keyboard so I could boot into the BIOS the splash screen doesn't stay open very long so if you miss the timing period just turn off your computer and try it again so we're now in our BIOS but before we do anything I just want to mention that if you're building a new PC like a new gaming PC with a hard drive that's completely empty doesn't have any windows version on it then you should be able to just plug in your USB flash drive turn on the computer and the motherboard will automatically boot to a flash drive because the detect that your hard drive doesn't have anything on it but this pcs hard drive already has a Windows installed on it so we need to let the motherboard know that we want the USB flash drive to be our boot priority so all I have to do is just drag the USB all the way to the top so I'm not going to put save and exit the PC when I reboot it and it should now boot directly to your USB flash drive so that's how you do it on a modern system but what if you're doing it on an older system such as a laptop this is my neighbor's laptop it's old it's got a lot of stuff on it that slows it down and we don't need and it's old I just said that Windows 7 we don't want that we want the latest and greatest Windows 10 it's a more optimized operating system so we're gonna turn off our laptop we have one USB port right here and I don't think that turned off our laptop laptops are funny I think so a lot of laptops when you press the power button it'll just put it to sleep instead of shutting it down so just make sure your laptop is turned off you could always go to Windows and shut down you know manually but our laptops off now so I'm going to turn it on and I'm gonna see the boss right there boot options so yeah different PCs it might be a different key it might be a 12 a minute maybe delete it maybe f2 but the BIOS splash screen will always tell you and if you miss the timing period to press the key just trough your laptop and try it again and now you know which one it is and you'll bring it up so I brought it up so where do we want to boot from we want to boot from our USB Drive so I'm using the arrow keys to navigate to our USB storage device and as you can see that BIOS is a lot older than on our modern system on our modern system it was a lot more nice-looking different computers have different motherboards and different motherboards have different bios's they look different but what you want to do is you just want to get your computer to boot to your USB Drive not to the hard drive on it because our Windows 10 operating system is on the USB Drive so it's reading for now from our USB Drive so we're in we're not gonna start the process of installing Windows onto our hard drive so click install now set up a starting just let it load now this is what I was talking about if you don't mind the watermark go ahead and put I don't have a product key if you have a product key you enter your product key right here so I'm gonna select I don't have a product key so this is where you select the version of Windows 10 that you want to install now the typical one is Windows 10 Pro that's the one I'm gonna be installing just pretend like you read this I accept the license terms next which type of installation do you want select custom so if you're installing it on a brand new empty hard drive it should only have one partition so go ahead and select the one partition and click Next this is not an empty hard drive so we have two partitions right here so you got to make sure you delete all the partitions your hard drive may have more partitions so it's just select each one click we tell you're left with only one partition then select that single partition and click Next oh and of course make sure you have all your data backed up because this will delete everything on the hard drive it's not gonna start installing Windows now it's just the waiting games just chillax it should be done fairly quickly and it's finished windows will not restart and right now just gonna load everything up set up your desktop for the first time is just configuring things just let it do its thing and during this process it's normal that the computer will then turn off and then restart again remember the boot priority is set to the flash drive I forgot to take off the flash drive so now look we're back at the same thing so I'm gonna go ahead and turn off the computer turn off and take out the flash drive so I won't boot to this anymore since our Windows 10 is already installed on here now it's not gonna turn it on same thing goes for the laptop and eventually we'll make it to this screen and when you reach this point you're pretty much done you did it it's pretty simple I'll go ahead and guide you through it so just go ahead and select what applies to United States keyboard layout I'm gonna pick us want to add a second keyboard layout skip let's connect you to a network I'm just gonna put skip for now type in your username create a password I don't want a password next make Cortana your personal assistant sure choose privacy settings for your device so go ahead and toggle these on or off whatever you prefer accept so once again just the waiting game and eventually will boot into our desktop and we're done we did it Congrats and see it's pretty weird because there's no watermark right here sometimes it appears and sometimes it does he so yeah guys that's how you install Windows 10 from a USB flash drive for free if you guys have any other questions feel free to comment them down below thanks for watching peace hey
Channel: Joey Delgado
Views: 5,842,792
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to install windows 10 from a usb flash drive, USB Flash Drive (Media Format), USB (Invention), how to download and install windows 10, windows 10, windows 10 free, Microsoft Windows (Operating System), windows 10 pro, windows 10 for free, how to install windows 10 usb, how to install windows 10 from usb flash drive, win10, microsoft windows (operating system), windows upgrade, free windows, windows 10 upgrade, step by step, how to download windows 10, usb flash drive, usb
Id: bkafkI32Cs0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 10sec (490 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 23 2017
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