How to Download a Youtube Video 2024 (Best Method)

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this tool I'm about to show you has really accelerated my YouTube content creation I'm going to show you the tool today and how to install it and how you can put it into your workflow so what is this tool so basically YT DLP is a powerful command line tool that allows you to download videos from thousands of ss so I'm going to quickly show you how that's done so if you boot up your web browser and you type in download YT DLP it comes up with a get uh repository this is an open- Source tool so you don't need to pay uh anything for it uh once you go on to this repository you'll see here installation uh you click on the installation and it will have this exe file so once you download this exe file what you're going to do is you're going to download it and then what you're going to do is you're going to put it in your path environment path and that in that way you can boot up your command line and run it from anywhere so typ in path over here edit system environments and then what you're going to do environments variables and then go to path and then go to edits and you can put in the download directory so I have my downloads which then will reference the exe file so once you've done that then click okay you can go back here and type in the command CMD uh which will bring up command prompt now you can actually use the tool so if you go YT DLP you can see it executes that tool from any directory which is is really handy to know so there we go uh if you want to see the help you can go help and you can see all the different things so what I normally use this tool is for is to download YouTube videos which you can then um you know with fair use policy you can then use within your videos you can see majority of content creators do this already uh but they do voiceovers or they make it so that um it's not copyrighted in terms of the fair use policy so uh let's take this uh one here okay so what you're going to do is you're going to right click on it you're going to say copy link and then you're going to come back here you're going to go to your command line tool and you're just going to type in YT DLP you're going to put in the directory there and that's it it will then go in and download that video so it's going to download it okay and then it's downloaded
Channel: AI Made Simple.
Views: 836
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: krbosRwrvng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 24sec (144 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2024
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