How to do Motion trails in Davinci Resolve | fusion studios

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another one and in this video I'll be telling you how to create this sort of fill animation I'll not be creating this effect from scratch I'm really sorry guys but I don't have enough time to make it from scratch but I'll be explaining it as you can see we have this node graph over here and by the way you might be wondering why do I have this such kind of a workflow like I have my node graphs over here in a vertical manner well that is because if I go to workspace and here in layout presets in Fusion presets I have chosen met flow this is a sort of a different workflow which the fault you have in DaVinci Resolve because in the by default you don't have this kind of workflow you have a horizontal workflow but I don't know I kind of like this one so that's why I've chosen this and you can do that too okay by following the steps which I just told you and yeah I'm in a vision page this is these are my notes and that is enabled because I have enabled my notes over here and also I am seeing my inspector because of this inspector and I have just a single viewer over here okay so yeah I think that's pretty much it let's start from the beginning always come here and just restart this you know this this node is really really annoying sometimes so let's start with the first things first so the first thing is our main footage which is this if I play it too you can see it's very basic and I'll not say boring because this dude is killing it with this t-scooter or whatever it is called I don't know I have never read this one but but anyway choice we have this main footage okay you can see that this main footage output is going into two nodes so you can create this pipe router if I just leave this one by coming onto this pipe and once you see the change in color you can hit alt and hold it and then left click this way you will have this pipe router over here so these are organizational nodes and effects you can even see here and flow you have these two sticky notes and underlay and also in the organizational structure we have this pipe router and much more but you are not here for this Pi Bluetooth that's for sure right so this output is going into two nodes first is this brightness contrast and second is this magic mask well what is happening let me just explain to you the final effect this main subject is cut it out or you can say is masked out from this real clip or the live action footage so how do we do that one way is you can come over here on this main footage and hit shift for spacebar and type polygon and then let me just and you can frame by frame manually mask the dude out okay and obviously this is a very rough mask right now I'm doing otherwise you need to spend a hell lot of time in this this way and still it's it's not even proper so now if I connect this to main footage you can see and this is just for one frame you have to continue it okay frame by frame so you can do this way this is called rotoscoping by the way what you can do is you can use fusions uh new nodes one of which is Magic mask so what does this magic mask do well if I come over here and by the way it's showing this image because uh you can you can do the same if you right click over here and and show you can choose show type picture well that will do the same for you okay and by the way you can you will be getting this uh file as well so just head up to the link right in the description below and you'll be getting the same and now in this magic mask as you can see our dude is cut it out well how's that if you come to this 30 second frame you can see over here I just draw a line like this of course it's not perfect but it will do the work with the help of that I'll just clicked on this track forward then reverse little bit you know doing some things in matte I just increase the blur also played with arrow dilate gamma and threshold as well and that is pretty much it with the help of that also if I play and you can see either our dude is masked out obviously it's not perfect but this will be enough to complete the effect and you can even come here and choose Alpha and then you can see how perfect your effect is or the mask is always it's not that perfect I just told you but it will do the work so yeah that is it and I've even added these notes over here subjects is taken out from the footage and all that things so you got you can understand it better and now this out from Magic mask is going into trails and also somewhere over here but these nodes are disabled just for now so I'll not explain these to you right now let's focus on our Trails first so then of course why you have your hair for the Tails effect right so for that you can do two things you can either add a duplicate node okay as we can see over here also I've written trails and duplicates or you can simply add a trail snow so what does this drills is doing let me just click on this restart and by the way you have to click on restart again and again I don't know it's something which are to do with this rails node and now if I'll play so you can see I have some settings enabled over here and those settings are I have keyframed this Trails mode see you have these again so you need to play on the street start again I have these two keyframes our first keyframe is on 18 frame and the second one is on 19th frame and here you can see around 18th frame what I did was I basically decreased the gain to one and just sorry increase the gain to one and just add a keyframe but after that foreign on the 18th frame I decreased the gain to 0.578 and then after that just a frame ahead I increase it to one well word that do basically so because of this uh gain let me just come move here and play this back again you can see it's blending out so obviously its green value is decreasing but once it come over here on 19th frame let me just play it back now it will be viewed fully for example now this will have a full effect okay now this can be seen properly and with help of this you have this sort of Trail effect I know I know it's not that good right now but again it does the work what else we want and yeah you can click on this restart again and again and now you can see that this Trails is also going into two nodes well the first one is this color corrector and you can see that some things are changing over here and second one is this merge and what this merge is doing let me first show you the color character okay so this way first of all we had we have these uh trails and our subject masked out okay so till this part you know that how to create first of all how to mask out our subject okay with the help of magic mask and then how to create trails with it pretty simple pretty easy we'll come over to these notes later on now let's come up over here to our main footage again and here come to the second input of where this main footage output is going well you can see over here also background color corrected so this part is all about background and if I come and obviously you can know that that this is big now and this is foreground that's why we have the subject popped out from our clip okay now if I come over here in brightness contrast and see this whoa what just happened so our main footage is like this but with the help of brightness contrast I was able to decrease the saturation to zero and that is pretty much it what I did over here so let me just take this color character drag it to the viewer and release and now you can see what I was talking about so this background is basically color graded you can say sort of and how is that possible with the help of these Master Wheels I was able to take my uh Master stroke and put it one here on between cyan and blue and because of that it's looking something like this well looking great I think and this is obviously personal choice you can do as much styling as you want and go as much creative as you need to go because as I have told my in previous video also and the introduction of my collage animation that this is basically your own imagination there is no rules in collage animation so that's why you can do anything you want I went up with the cyan you can go with anything okay well that's much pretty much it with the background and I hope that you sort of understand what is what these two notes are doing okay and by the way I've written over here also that background is color corrected that is it now our next group of nodes is called playground elements well what is this doing let me make you understand this after I explain these notes over here so let's come over here to our 40th keyframe so this is where the like this is just a simple basic video playing but after 40th keyframe this is where the main stuff is happening why I am saying that if I take this merge and drag it to the view you can see we have some random tidbits here and there and if I take this merge and put it over here we can see our text written over here and if I see if I take this merge and put and drag this over here also then you can see we have this rectangle red strip also here so wait wait wait what is happening first of all let me just come over here to my media out and let me just show you what I'm talking about so basically after this 40th keyframe is where the magic is happening of this Trail animation basically so if I play this and after 40th keyframe you can see what is happening and that's why I added my gain of this Trail animation to one if you remember and all of these things are behind a subject okay but right now if I just drag this from merge over here you can see that nothing is like that well that is because the next nodes are doing that for us okay so let me explain bit by bit first of all I have this ellipse this one over here and this one over here so basically these three ellipse and these three ellipse I'm masking out this gray background all right then this gray background is displacing because of this fast noise and displacing settings are set to X and Y and X refraction and Y refraction is set to point one point One X offset and marks that is set to minus point five minus one five that is pretty much it and those are the default settings which I always use and that has been displaced with the help of this pass noise and these are the settings which you can copy to okay and with the help of this merge and obviously this merge is set to multiply we have the sort of effect and this effect is not present in our whole flip okay now all these effects like the stakes red rectangle BG elements all these effects are from 40th keyframe 254th keyframe yes only 14 frames are being stylized you can say Okay so this keyframe pattern you will see in all the merges over here over here as you can see so this was pretty measured for the background elements now let's head up to text this is our main text which is written over here as dope actually this is our main text I just instanced it like this okay so basically these two are instance text the only thing which is uh D instance here is in layout panel the center values so that I can transform it okay so that I can transform this one also in the shading panel and in the outline as you can see we have this sort of text well this is looking nice but how is this possible that is because if I go into shading I have chosen uh and my obviously in the first element I have chosen this sort of effect this is the appearance which comes default which we can see here on our main text but in the outline one I have chosen my appearance to text outline okay and that gave me this sort of outline text and with the help of that I was getting these outlines but then I thought that it is not looking that great but we can change in here so again I came to my outline and here and I added another element which was read outline then change its appearance to the default one which is text fill and then in type I change it to gradient and then added these three colors but how am I getting this Alfred out image instead of getting this black one well if I come to my solid again and in here you can see that I have Alpha this out and because of this setting like if I increase it to 1 and then again go to gradient it will look something like this which is really bad and now if I decrease the alpha over here that will do the same technique basically okay so yeah this is how you can achieve this uh clear background yeah so that is it but I'll again come to the solid and decrease the alpha to zero and in the gradient and the black part is now Alpha doubt which is transparent and these white colors are showing the white color as simple as that okay and with the help of this duplicate like this outline is just over here and with the help of this duplicate I was able to have five copies one two three four and there's another one okay and I just increase the Y value to something like 0.797 that is it and then I merge this uh on top of like I merge this main text on top of these duplicates text over here okay and with the help of transform again why do I have this transform where I don't know I just added it I thought that I'll decrease it and you know with the help of this I just said to wrap I will be adding some cool effects but that didn't work out so yeah that is why I added I like I added this transform but and then it didn't matter and again with the help of this merge and keyframes on this blend I was able to add this on 40th keyframe so on 39th the blend is to 0 and 40th it's set to 1 and again in 454th keyframe it's at one and on 55 and set to zero that is how I was able to add my text over here and this is the same technique which I use in my merge 11 also my blend is set like this okay and the same way it's interested in this rectangle also so this is pretty easy guys I'll come here and you can see we have this rectangle mask over here okay like width height and Corner radius and angle all the properties are like this but with the help like putting this rectangle on the red background will give me something like this and with the help of this merge set to dissolve and then gain set to something like 0.6 we will be getting this sort of really cool red strip I don't know about you guys but this is looking really cool to me and with the old effects added later in the video this is just looking really cool really dope okay and lastly we have this background green so this is a group node if I double click on it you can see we have two nodes and you can group any node like for example if I had this Magic Mouse and mask paint whatever so we have these two nodes you can click on these two and hit Ctrl G to group any nodes okay so this way I added these two nodes so we have two games over here but why do we have these two grains over here well the first one is adding these I don't know what you do compression you might be not seeing it but in the first one I have this really small green okay really small soft textured green which is real simple to add I just add a grain node and then increase the power to 8. that is it okay but in the next one I increase the grain size to 3 and power I just kept it as it is to five okay so that both of the power mix and with the help of these two nodes the help of this PC green I was able to add this grain as texture okay I have written in my notes also by sticky notes also over here that this is green texture okay and now you can see that something is happening over here we have this merge and it is loading let us just wait for it and with the help of this merge we are getting R again that Trails output over here how is it possible let's discuss that so I left you here on the trails after this Trails I have these two outputs so again I can come here and we can see that these two pipes are blue so I can hit alt and left click and drag it to somewhere here I think this is looking pretty much fine again just just for organizational purposes you know so let me just delete that because you guys might be confused so with the help of this output this is the same okay so the pipe router what this does is basically this is the same output providing for this okay so nothing else so I can delete this and we have two outputs over here let me just first discuss this color corrector one so after this Trails I have this color corrector and let me just view this in node and it is doing the same thing as we were doing over here in the background isn't it well actually no because in this color character you can see we have many keyframes over here and why is that and what is that let me just discuss it first of all talking about this particular node we have the input of trails and also we have masked it out why is that well we can read it over here also color corrected plus mask is important as it will not affect the rest of the image what's happening in this color character in this color character on 39th keyframe I have my master wheel set to like this my saturation set to 1 and also contrast and gain all other things are like this on 40th keyframe my contrast is 1.26 my gain is 2 which you can see it's really high and also my saturation is set to zero so I am again following let me just come here I'm again following these keyframe pattern over here which I just showed you in all of these three merges which was here on like these effects okay so I am following the same on this color character and this is being followed till 54 to 55th and on 55th this is again saturated back okay so this is something which you need to keep in mind while you are working with color corrector and brightness contrast also then you need to have the effect mask enabled too all right and again this collector is also outputting two pipes one is going over here something is happening over here with the glow and one is also going over here well what is this so basically now I have added half tone effect and how I've created this half Tone If I again this is group node if I double click on it you can see all the notes over here so let me just explain this bit by bit here I have this ellipse you can see on this ellipse are this really really small soft edged uh okay which is masking out this black background so if I zoom into it you can see this is really small with the help of that I added a duplicate node and with the help of this duplicate you can see we have a series of horizontal same ellipse and with the help of second duplicate I have this whole canvas board covered with those black rounded ellipse all right and then with the help of this transform what I was able to do is you can see what is happening on this duplicate it's like this but on this transform it's really small so I said this edges set its edges to wrap and then increase the sorry decrease the size of it to 0.15 I'll come to my viewer create Hit control F to again fitted to view and let me just so that is pretty much it that is how I create this half tone I know this is not half tone at all but just for the sake of maintaining my pace of this video I was doing these kind of cheap tricks you can say for this half turn Okay and then this half tones output is going into two inputs of brightness contrast well as you can see this one is for subject and this Prince of background what does that mean if I click on this brightness contrast and drag it to the viewer nothing is happening well that is because once it is added to this merge now you can see what I was talking about so just for a moment I'll just enable this merge over here and nothing is happening in this merge by the way okay if you guys might wonder so this subject brightness contrast node is doing nothing it's just enabling me the power to have my half tone effect separated on this subject by which I will have more control as you can see on the half tone effect on my subject and this brightness because of this brightness contrast I'm having let me just enable this merge also for example if I don't have this merge enabled so my half tone is just affecting on the background but because of this merge I have that separate control of adding my halftone effect on subject separately okay so you got the idea I think if you guys have any questions please feel free to ask uh message me on the email I have that in my YouTube account I think yeah it's there and also you can message me at like any social media please I think I might be able to answer that and why don't you use the comment section Okay so because of this merge now we have the subject also this half tone effect for the subject separated all right and now this half tone effect is just working on the subject because I have this must enabled on this merge and this mask is of this Trails so I hope that you guys are understanding and now with this merge I was able to mask first of all add the half done effect just to the subject take the subject and yeah just smash that out and with the help of another merge I was able to add that like this is our background which I just uh explained you how I created this and I was able to add the subject on top of our background with this merge that is it like that is seriously it guys okay and then this is for a background let me add half tone in my background also so you can see okay so yeah something like this after this it's pretty simple I added some ofx or effects is basically after special effects okay so I added a heliation node and these are the settings which I followed a soft glow just for the glowiness okay and also a film damage and you can see how much of a great retro look we are having over here okay lastly I added a paper texture so I have this image basic image and with the help of this merge again setting its edges to wrap and yeah I was able to get that texture also and lastly I am popping the subject out with the help of the clue and Shadow node how is that well this is the second output of this color corrector so this is the color corrector we have the output over here and now I am masking my glow and Shadow with the help of this color character so my glow and Shadow is only happening in the subject you see how creative you can get with notes and I really hope that this was pretty much it and you guys might understand what I was able to make you understand and yeah with that now you have one more collage animation effect which is how to add some cool text effects and also how to add a trail animation and yeah by the way lastly I didn't told you about these nodes over here so this is nothing again this is a group node uh let me just enable it with Ctrl P or you can even come here and inspector and yeah in here nothing is like nothing's there it's just a duplicate note over here okay so we have this direct magic mark output and that is plugged into the input of this duplicate and here in the duplicate I just have two duplicate notes for now and again there are some keyframes over here which is for this time offset if I just play it now you can see what is happening we have these two duplicates if I increase the copies for example to 5. you can see what is happening so this can create a really cool effect without Trails now you can see what is happening right so this is this can only be achieved by this duplicate node and this way you will have some duplicates I'll again disable it because I'm not using it now I have this transform I don't know why but it's just here and this is again a node which might look very tedious but it's really really simple once I again break it down to you guys let me just do it so this is again a group node let me just enable it colorful mask is its name and again we have the magic mask direct input first of all over here okay that we understand but what's next well then we have this input of brightness contrast in here and with this brightness contrast we have these masks over here okay for this background so first of all we have this background and this background have a mask of this direct magic mask so with the help of it and a transform what you can do is you can create some really cool effect so if I come over here and the last merge and show this to you so you can create this sort of an effect see this is so cool you can use that lastly we have this tracker node over here and why do we have the stacker node over here so I just thought what if like right now these trails are not uh particularly attached to the image right they are just happening like anything okay so I don't want this to happen like anything and you know do all that kind of stuff let me just bring it here on to 40th frame and let me just play so it will take some time to load no issues let me just bring my tracker node let me just connect this to here and put it over here so you can put over here and take the direct input of the clip or maybe this color corrected version one because it will be you know why not of a brightness contrast because it will have some more contrast in it that's connected to the uh what is this like input or whatever yeah input connect it to the input now let's see the tracker first of all we need to track the tracker itself so with that what you can do is basically come over here in this tracker put the tracker onto the spot where you want it to track the whole image then select adaptive mode to best mass I think or maybe do none path Center to patent Center maybe we don't know anything just come over here and click on this track forward that is it so it will track the whole clip and that's it that's one of the video is already so fast and quick now we have the input and now we have the tracked data now on to this foreground what you can do is you can attach this input over here and this is our subject basically so you can attach your subject onto your merge and now maybe it should work I don't know I'm not sure first of all I think nothing will work yeah that's what I thought well that's because in operation we have set To None let me just choose March move and now it should work so are you guys ready let me just play and also let me just uh mask this out maybe no no that is not working at all so yeah let me display let's see what is happening all right so this is the problem which I was getting with tracker I don't know what's the solution of it but it is basically its pivot point is not corrected I think or something like that but now you can see that these uh trails are not dragged and attached to the clip which is really really nice maybe instead of taking this let me just take this and put it over here and now this is better so I don't know it's why it's moving maybe instead of match move we should choose something else if you're a busy apply mode is normal so that's why I just disabled it because I don't know how to use this tracking method in it but with the help of this tracking method you can see it's looking really really cool and it's creating a really really dope effect okay as the title says but you can mess with that around and get a really really cool effect maybe add a transform node after it or you know doing something like this but yeah so that is pretty much it now you can see that this is dragged to the image see this is why but again we will not add this well hold shift and remove it okay and I'll just move this and this again attach this to the clip so yeah that is pretty much it guys and I hope that again I was able to make you understand but again this whole file is available for free yes this whole file is available for free on the link provided description below what you need to do is basically just come over here in the main footage add your footage okay delete this one add your main footage then connect it with brightness Contours and this pipe router and in Magic mask uh delete the stroke mode okay so this will basically uh clear all strokes and obviously choose clear all Strokes then come to your master frame and then again add a key uh like stroke which I added over here okay like this add your keystroke see if it's working properly or not you know do some changes and add again then drag it forward and then reverse then come to the smart and play with the word Aero dilate gamma and threshold settings and then you will be getting the same effect which I did and that is it after this magic mask and Main footage like whole new mode will change according to your clip okay because I have done all the things for you so yeah that is pretty much it for this one guys I hope to see you in the next one and this one's for again collage animation I think this is second video of that series I'm really sorry I'm not getting enough time to you know make videos of like on this topic and also on their topics I have so much in my mind and so much to do but again I'm really sorry because I don't create this effect from scratch yeah this is how much I can do for you guys and yeah added a poll also like should I create the effects from scratch or should I break them down so yeah go and vote that out also so that I'll be knowing you guys better you wanna know how to create those effects from scratch or how to just you know I just give a breakdown and you can play with on your own so yeah all that kind of effect and lastly again this file is available on the link provided in the description below and yeah go check it out click that link and change your main footage and play with magic mask and you will be getting the same result which I have over here okay thank you so much for watching till the end if you're watching here you are a real Pro and yeah that's pretty much it so like this video subscribe your channel press notification Bell so that you can never miss any upcoming videos I will be creating really really awesome content so yeah that's one of it thank you so much for watching peace
Channel: Fusion Studios.
Views: 2,409
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davinci resolve, davinci resolve tutorial for beginners, collage animation, motion trail effect in davinci resolve, motion effect in davicni resolve, cool effect in davinci resolve, fusion, fusion tutorial, tutorial, fusion studios, motion graphics tutorial, motion graphics, davinci resolve motion graphics, motion trail, after effects, after effects tutorial, vfx, vfx tutorial, davinci resolve 18, davinci resolve 17, davinci resolve tutorial
Id: na3j2KLeVkA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 50sec (2090 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 18 2023
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