How To Do Motion Tracking In Final Cut Pro

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hi this is chris with stupid raisins and in this video i'm going to show you how to do motion tracking in final cut pro [Music] i'm going to share with you how to use the new motion tracker tool in final cut pro to produce amazing results with call-outs titles logos and then we're going to use the same tool with faces and we're gonna track them in order to create privacy or to bring focus to our subject let's check it out alrighty we get to work with the motion tracker let's check this out here in final cut pro first thing i'm gonna do is i got this really nice drone shot here i want to track this um i want to track this building here in the middle and we're going to add a title so let's go ahead and click on the titles here we're gonna look for custom boom and now before we drag this into our timeline or insert it into our timeline we are going to drag this over and find what we want to track to so this object is coming up real nice so let's go ahead and let let it choose that now the first thing you want to do once you've established what's going to be tracked throughout the shot is you want to come up here and click on analyze and you'll see it'll go forward in the shot backwards in the shot no matter where your play head is at and it will create that tracker almost like the tracker timeline which gets attached to this clip at the bottom so we'll drag the title back over here i'll take a moment to customize that okay so that looks pretty good so what i'm going to do is i'm going to go back to the beginning of this clip and press play now you'll notice while it is tracking very well that text is doing a bit of a like a rotation uh there's a way to fix that we're going to click on the title and in this title under the video settings we'll come down here to transform at the very far right next to the hide and show button is this new tracker option menu so there's a couple things we can set to do obviously we want the position to be adjusted based on where the tracker is moving us but we don't want the rotation anymore so let's click that off and look at that much nicer it's still tracking very nice but it is not it doesn't have that slight rotation to it here we've got a drone kind of sweeping over a city what we're going to do is we're going to bring in a logo so i've got one right here we're gonna drag that over that spot there now to help us see i'm gonna go ahead and hit the v key which is going to allow us to just mute that just disable that clip for a second center this on this rooftop here click analyze all right now let's drag this logo over this clip re-enable it and we're going to adjust the scale and let's play it back once the render is done all these little dots we want to let those go yep and look at that it's tracking very nicely to that building nice it's very smooth so now something you'll notice is if your footage is shaky if it's not stabilized if it's not a smooth drone shot if it's not a smooth gimbal shot or if you're not holding it steady or keeping on a tripod or dolly you might find that the motion tracker gets a little cranky and may not work as well as something as as smooth as this shot that we have here as an example so something else that this tracker can do is track faces which is really awesome let's go to another title we'll just bring in another custom again instead of dragging it down here we want to bring it up while we could find out an object we're going for the face all right and then before we do anything else analyze all right so let's go ahead and change this title a little bit here adjust it over the top of this footage all right so we adjusted that to a nice look matched the color to the stripes on the shirt picked a fun font but what we noticed is just like from earlier we got that thing bouncing in a way that we're not wanting it to so let's click on the transform stop it from rotating that's that let that render play it back much nicer if you're tracking with me so far just know we release new videos like this all the time to help you with your final cut pro 10 projects subscribe to our channel and hit the bell so you can get notified when we release our next video so we're going to come back here to this to this clip and we're going to do what's called a a call out so there's something in the in the image that you've got some text and you've got an arrow you've got a line that's pointing to something telling you about that giving you some detail or information about what's in the image so we're going to go ahead and do that with this one here let's change this to built in 1902 don't quote me on that i did not research this could have been built in 1994 for all i know all right so what we're going to do from here is we're going to grab a generator so we're going to minimize the titles here expand the generators we're going to look for the beam which is already showing up we're going to drag that onto here now it's going to look nuts just bear with me for a moment we're going to change this glow all the way down to 1. bring that size down a little bit take out the saturation so essentially we have sort of a grayish white line and what we're going to do with that from here is just scale that down a bit and now we can start using some of the on-screen controls and we're going to match this up with the house move that over a bit and in order to get this to track with the rest of the the title is we want to go up to tracker hit this arrow and find this object track so because that title was already on that motion tracker setting we were able to sync up with that and have that line match up with it so we're going to configure the motion tracker to help out with adjusting the color and exposure in the image to bring focus and to highlight the subject on the left so we're gonna go to the effects browser let's click on that type in color and we got the color board right here so we're gonna drag that over to her face and let's go ahead and let that analyze we're going to click on this color here that takes us to the color board and what i want to do is come down here so this mask you can adjust the settings of the inside of that mask as well as the outside so we want to adjust the outside because it's already nicely exposed so what we want to do is bring down the global exposure very nice so we got a little less focus on everything else maybe bring down the brightness a bit maybe even the shadows and then we're going to desaturate everything but her just bring the global saturation down a bit and then let's play that back already you can kind of feel that your focus is drawn towards her but if we click done and uncheck you'll see a drastic difference and now you'll you'll notice that as you move this around in trying to find just the proper uh guidelines for you here you'll notice that this seems to be linked together you'll move the shape and then it will move the tracker so what we're going to do is uncheck this so this is like a chain and this is to link or unlink the tracker from the shape so we're going to unlink that and click on the shape and we're going to bring this in and feather it out quite a bit and the tracker is not affected as you can see you've got a separate sort of like a mesh grid look for the tracker and just these uh red circles for the shape and let's go ahead and click done let's check that out see how that worked out looks really great she's the focus of the image now so you're taking a look at how motion tracking can enhance our footage with titles using objects and generators logos and even enhancing a certain part of the image over another with masking and tracking an individual or an object all right and with that we've reached the end thanks for tagging along since we got that locked down i have a free gift for you a pack of final cut pro plugins to enhance your videos and impress your clients it's worth 138 dollars but it's yours free click below to receive your free gift [Music]
Channel: Stupid Raisins
Views: 222
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fcpx, final cut pro x, stupid raisins, plugins, fcpx plugins, fcpx plugin, final cut pro x plugin, final cut pro x plugins, final cut pro, effects, fcpx effects, final cut pro x effects, fcpx effect, final cut pro x effect, how to do motion tracking, motion tracking
Id: ro8xK0i1htc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 28sec (628 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 06 2021
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