How To Do MASSIVE Bunnyhops!

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everyone hope you are well now hopefully you've come from my video showing you how to make this bunnyhop bar kit and hopefully you've followed my instructions and now have your very own one like I said in the last video the logical thing to do next is to teach you how to bunnyhop I'm sure a lot of you already can bunnyhop pretty well but there's a few tips and tricks I reckon I can give just to get that extra height get you're maxing out your hops but even if you can't bunnyhop hopefully some of these tips and tricks or help you just get your bike off the floor to begin with so before we get on to the bar get into the bigger height there's a few things I need to go through first so the first thing we're going to talk about even before we begin the first bunnyhop is bike setup there's a couple of things which you can do to bike that will make life a lot easier if you're coming from a mountain bike background maybe you're running SBDS or something like that definitely get yourself a pair of flat pedals they'll make life so much easier and making it that you use the correct technique I've seen a lot of people who use SPD's they just rely on the little attachment to the bike just to lift it up but if you actually want to get the big hops you're going to have to ditch the SPD's the second thing is if you are again on a mountain bike or you've come from a road background and you're running your seat high slam the seat get that seat as low as you can you don't want it going up your ass believe me third thing tire pressure now you don't want your tires too hard you don't want your tires too soft if they're too hard it makes your bike not respond to any of the preload you're gonna put in it on a ride like it's a long on the flipside if your ties are too soft you might get quite a lot of spring but with some of these advanced techniques you might be landing quite sideways and you will fold that tie off the rim so easily if your tires are too soft as a guideline I run my tires between 40 and 45 psi I found that to be the best mix of bounce and that stiffness lack of folding and my last tip if you from a trials background often riders will run their bars quite far forward that makes bunnyhops so much harder believe me if you want to physically hop over a bar then I'd say roll your bars back as you can see hopefully my bars are almost in a direct angle as my head tube with the vertical part there I find that to be the best compromise between ease of lifting up and still being a like good on the back wheel but other than those tips you can bunnyhop on any bike the gear ratio doesn't really matter that much the height of the front end can affect it but you can still bunny off with a lower front end that all the tips and tricks are still exactly the same you just may have to just pull up just that bit harder so hopefully your bike is now fully suited to bunny hopping let's just talk you guys through some of the basics ok for those of you who can already bunnyhop bear with me I'm going to start at the very beginning here before you can lift both wheels up you need to learn how to lift the front wheel and that technique may familiar to a lot of you I see it so often where people try to lift the foot wheel they literally just lift the bars but towards the chest the one tip I give everyone with every type of trick that you need to do on a trans bike is you need to make your body do it first so you can see here I want my foot wheel to come up you really need to move your body to make it happen so slow down and in detail the best way to lift the front wheel is to ride your weight forward then shift your weight down and back over the rear axle while snapping up on the handlebars with your arms you drop your heels at the same time or just get that weight even further over the rear axle and one last time take note of what my body is doing before I'm even lifting the front wheel my body's starting to move you've got to lead with your body and the biker follow up to that so preload and lift with practice you'll find the preload becomes less and less as the body becomes more efficient with the movements alright well hopefully you've mastered the front wheel and now it's a tricky one getting the back wheel off the floor without using that front brake so here's an example one direction and the other direction it's usually the back foot which is doing most of the work I'll get some slo-moes at leas now for you so the key to lifting up the back wheel is all down to your feet this is a really tricky technique that some people just can't get their heads around I've slowed it down even more here to put it simply the motion in your feet is a down back and up as you can see just before I lift the back end up I do a little push down on the pedals just to preload the tires and the bike don't forget to move your body as well to lift the back wheel up you have to move your weight forwards a good test you can do to make sure you using the right technique is just with one foot on the floor get your back foot and see if you can lift up the back wheel and even both wheels at the same time by using that down back and forth techniques with your foot you're also pushing slightly against the handlebars to create a tension between and yeah arms now this is something I see a lot of people do who've just learned when cops and that's lifting both wheels at exactly the same time known as an English putting on one of the main disadvantages of an English bunnyhop is you have to take off when your foot wheel is travel all the distance let your back real fast before you can land it's a lot harder to go high if you've got to cover all that distance the best technique is known as the American hop where you lift the front wheel and then the rear wheel independently shortening the distance you have to travel and the time you're in the air to do an American bunnyhop it's a case of just combining the two tips I've already shown you using your arms and body weight to lift in front and then your feet and body weight to lift the back room I've slowed down a bunnyhop here and exaggerated the moves roll along weight slightly forward shift the weight back while lifting on the bars lift up with your feet while pushing forward on the handlebars that gets your back wheel extra height and here you can see going over a bar the timing that is needed lifting different wheel and then the back wheel you can see the time in the air is very minimal and it's a lot less effort than lifting both wheels at the same time once the bar starts to get higher all the principles are exactly the same it's just you have to lift harder and quicker and get the timing absolutely perfect okay here's a slow-mo of another angle the higher the bar goes the faster you need to hit it I'm looking at the bar lift the front wheel weight back lift the back wheel push the bars forward stay loose for the landing and hopefully you've done it a nice bunnyhop okay everyone I'm going to show you two different techniques here I've raised the bar up a little bit this first one might look familiar to a lot of you number one and number two now can you tell the difference in those two let's have a closer look okay here's the first technique slowed down this is how 90% of people hop three three you can see my ass is directly above the rear wheel like I said this is how ninety ninety-five percent of people bunnyhop the disadvantage with this way is you're limited by your rear wheel once you get higher you start to hit your ass on the rear tire and it's seriously limits how how you can go okay so this next technique is the most important one if you want to get the height so everything is exactly the same that start of a hop but if it frees it here you'll see my ass is now to the side of the back tire but this technique it's called the Tuck and if you can let the bike come up to the side of you it will add so much to the max height of your hops the other thing which i do which i think is a bit weird is I drop my right elbow and raise my left elbow I've seen other people tuck and they don't do this with their arms so I don't think it's vital so just work out what's best for you okay now that you've impressed all your mates and your girlfriend or boyfriend of how high you can go let's start to get the bar really high it's worth bearing in mind that the higher the hop the further back you need to initiate the hop if you start too close to the bar you're going to knock it off with your front wheel and look like an idiot okay so move the bar up to about 115 now and I still get my tuck on but at this point timing is vital you can see here this is what happens when the timing goes completely wrong so here's that timing so badly wrong in slow motion essentially I just shifted my weight too far forward too soon hit the front wheel and like I said I look like an idiot okay so I've moved the bar up now it's about 120 centimeters this is getting close to my personal best so here it is in super slo-mo just for you guys to study if you want to and I'll break this down bit by bit and hopefully try to explain it in the most detail I can so firstly the preload this is a point where you want to put in the biggest preload with the most effort you can that will get you the biggest lift from the very start the front will lift over than the Tuck this is one of the most important parts of a big hop the faster and harder you can lift the foot wheel the higher the bike will go the rear wheel lift once the foot wheels been lifted as high as it would go it's time to lift up the rear wheel with pretty much exactly the same technique as I showed at the start of the video once the back wheels left the floor push on the bars and get into the Tuck you just let the back wheel come up to the side Edie it's bit of a weird sensation if you've never done it before and I would recommend if your right foot forward let the back wheel come up onto the right hand side of your body if you left foot forward do the opposite reason being that if you want to do 180s over the bar being able to tuck on the correct side of the bike or really help with that if you've come from a pure Trials background or competition trials background you may find it unnatural to tuck to this side but believe me it would be worth learning it this way if you want to spin correctly you can practice the Tuck technique just track standing on the floor leaning your bike against the wall just getting down to the side of the bike and getting used to how it feels hopefully you've now made it over the bar last thing to do is extend those legs brace for impact remember to be loose on the bike so you don't land like a sack of bricks once you over turn around make sure everyone saw it make sure the gun Instagram clip just to prove you've done it and then be happy you've got a high hop and here it is one more time from another angle get to see quite how sideways I get the bike and helped up the diameter all right let's do this one more time from the front in super slo-mo through the tips again so you got the preload you've got the front wheel lift the rear wheel lift that push and the turqu then extend for landing gloat it's there you go guys I hope some of those tips helped you to recap it's all about the timing doing an American bunnyhop rug than an English one setting off the correct distance away from the bar and the most important for the really big ones is getting to the side of the bike like I said if you go straight up the back you're going to get limited by firstly the tire hitting in the ass and secondly the distance you have to travel by going sideways the effectively shots in the amount of time you actually going over the bar and it makes it a lot easier don't worry about what bike you've got just any bike will do to learn bunny hops obviously a bike like this will make it easier but you can learn the basics on any bike and I'll actually help you in the long run by learning on a harder bike if you didn't see the video on how to make my bunny hop bar click the link up there and if you really like this video go check out my other videos click the button up there to subscribe and I hope to see you guys again soon please post in the comments go check out my social media and get out B fluently bikes and yeah good luck with the bunny opps catch you later guys
Channel: Ali Clarkson
Views: 990,116
Rating: 4.9384789 out of 5
Keywords: bunnyhop, bunny hop, ali clarkson, Ali Clarkson, Ali C, ali C, world record bunnyhop, how to bunnyhop, massive bunnyhop, tutorial, bmx, mtb, biketrials, streettrials, street bike, street, trials bike, inspired bicycles, inspired arcade, 120cm bunnyhop, guide, bmx hop, bmx tricks, gopro, hero 5, redbull, mtb tricks, mountainbike stunts, epic bike jump, bike jump, action, bike stunts, bike tricks, bike bunnyhop, highest bunnyhop, highest bunnyhop on a bike
Id: q5zBbLWIhHY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 13sec (733 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 25 2017
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