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[Music] [Music] [Applause] what's all YouTube I'm back today with a new video for the trunk it's a simple mod if you guys are following Instagram and if you're not you're missing out big time Instagram the same as a YouTube name but everything Diezel so with that being said today's mod is a quick mod I'm doing it because it needs to get done it's going to be a CC V CC v delete which is put in the last video I showed y'all all it is there's just a tube going from the side and crankcase oh we're down to the turbo we're gonna gut that out take it out and plug it up I'm gonna show you guys how to do it I'm also gonna pop off the top of the cover before the CCD cover pop that off and we're gonna get out the inside of the filter and show you guys how to do that mod so stick around and you guys I'm gonna show you guys walk you through it real quick before I actually started alright so yeah that's pretty much it so real quick it's a simple simple simple job okay sign of the crankcase here we're gonna pop this off follow it down pop this hose off back here it's a clamp down here at screwed screwed clamp here screw cap I'm not gonna take this off just this bottom one take that off pull this guy out put the plug in put the plug in down there put the plug in down here by the intake elbow and then up here is gonna be the little filter and then after that we're gonna pop off the valve cover and I'm gonna show y'all how to get that filter out real quick alright so this is gonna be a sweet simple quick job so I'll get everything in position and then we'll go so real quick for this job you don't need much to lose any mana to give you basic tools and you can get the job done gotta know this channel locks I'll show you guys you know I'm putting it back on so first I'm gonna do take off this bad boy right here sometimes you might have to loop these up I did not because I put these on not even a year ago so should be good so go ahead wiggle that off that's already done connector call it I got a bracket here because from the delete kit it came with a black keyboard so I'm gonna take that off for a quick get on to it you got gonna Birkin use and spin this off a handle quick make sure you don't drop them nuts because it sucks are you trying to find them you have to do that before a few times all right don't forget where you put your hardware because it kind of sucks when you gotta find you gotta throw away your stuff take this clamp off down here picnics in my elbow loosen this in a good way if you have a problem you getting off a hose a good way is twisting it twisted right and left that way you'll break the initial torque off of it whatever is holding it you'll break it this is a perfect example so if you see here so if you can see here look at all that and get the camera to focus I can't get the focus whatever but look at all that will hey it smells like straight-up oil okay it's sludge down there not sludge but just bad bad stuff you don't want to stuff getting into your truck okay so the first thing I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go down to the elbow side down there I'm going to install the plug on you take elbow get that clamped up and I'll show you what that look like and once I'm done okay all right I'm back so now I'm go ahead I went ahead and put the clamps on it would be kind of stupid because they were wrong the clamps were on our own wrong sides so go ahead and get this bad boy tightened down and then we'll be done with it with the delete for the CCV filter we're not the filter but for the against my fumes whatever rotten but then after having to pop that cover off show you all what I'm doing and then I'm to cut it I'm gonna cut cutting it out with my grinder and then we can go from there all right real quick and we'll show you all how it's looking how it looks when it's done and how sweet all these lines are tightened down are we good let me show you guys what that is so I went ahead this is the final product deleted that Nancy filtered so I no longer have crap going down into the turbo so what I did was the hose that was on this this fellow right here I took the hose off this side I cut some off of it because I didn't want it too long and I just reuse that hose it's not touching anything it's not gonna wiggle I even reuse the clamp okay let any want to either reuse the clamp cuz I didn't want to let you call it put a one of these guys on even though it's cleaner and I just put it back on and yeah that's it really so it's plug now so it takes good that's good filters good so I'm gonna go ahead get the right side socket to take off that valve cover and it will be right back sweet so I'm back now I'm go ahead pop this off take off the oil cap put that somewhere where you won't forget it screws that hold these valve cover on is gonna be an 8 millimeter I got it I got deep oil because the deep well you're gonna need it for back there go ahead so what once you finish that you're gonna go ahead and pop the cover off like such I probably could have added that filter while it was off but oh well okay so this is what it looks like on the bottom that's not what we're trying to get you or try and really get to this is super heavy I actually got an engine code I got the form service on the truck because of this but yeah we're gonna get it so pretty much what we're gonna do you're gonna cut here here I'm sure you guys we're gonna cut here here in the corners cut it out move it it's gonna be paper on the inside and then from there we're gonna get the paper out all right I'm gonna show you guys what I'm doing it by this one to let you know heads up how we're gonna reuse this this housing because we need the top pan we don't need to bottom in of this okay so I'm gonna go ahead get the tools I need get you guys set up and then I'm gonna kick it off and show you how I'm doing it right okay so I got my stuff I got my grinder God was only gonna go ahead and cut this off to show you guys the immigrants [Music] all right so with this it was being all of them say let me get y'all in position shouldn't do that before she was being kind of stubborn almost got it wrong just want to show you guys how I did it so what I did was I got my grinding will I cut cutting down the middle and I cut the four corners okay all four corners I cut and then I cut down the middle and then I get my flat head cover my flat head and right here these are the points that holds this bottom piece to the top these pieces here here here and then I don't know the other one is on this side but those sizes where it's being held at so you got to get in there with a flat head go underneath and pry you're saying something that's just gonna come out all willy-nilly you actually got it like [Music] once you get the piece out once you get this piece out you gotta clean all this out get it out get it cleaned up make sure there ain't nothing in there like these loose pieces you want to make sure none of that stuff's in here all right get it all hollowed out get this cleaned up an enema get y'all back so I'm not showing you boring stuff all right I'm sorry for the bad light for being dark out here yeah probably could have probably could have flipped the light let me see you flipping the camera over the other side is gonna help we'll say oh yeah okay I apologize today hiccup still trying to get good at recording I am incomplete I'm lucky when it comes to this stuff I'm not Photoshop you know Sony Vegas pearl other countries I'm doing the best that I can you know getting better with every video so let me know if you guys enjoy it if you think think there's ways that can improve the quality of it such and such so definitely this is gonna help out a lot once again this is gonna help out so much because it's gonna be able to breathe better all that fumes and crank crank case vent that this dude makes that's just gonna expel into atmosphere now this filter is going to get one of the eventually what I really need to do is what I really need to do is uh what you call it get that I should've got the heater hose and just run it down inside but I just figured this would be good for now you know it costs a little more the heater hose is probably cheaper but it is what it is that is it that's how you do a CCV delete got this sob put the filter on and then put the plug on down there alright real quick always start always start up make sure there's no leaks in anything like that I'm just checking to make sure I didn't leave any tools anywhere cuz it got dark kind of fast so I'll see what I did is having this tool somewhere where it does not belong so we look good so go ahead get the camera get the camera from the stand and I'm going to crank her up fellas okay be right Masum go ahead crank her up nothing funky going on [Music] [Applause] they look good siree Bob it's a little quieter actually this is my ear yeah shoutout to the actonel community [Laughter] heck yeah that's the wind right there boys all right we're back I'm back we're done today that was the CCB delete mod for the Cummings not a huge it's not a huge crazy mod but nonetheless it is a mod so thank you for watching I appreciate it thumbs up like comment and subscribe if you enjoyed the content I'm putting out also please check out the Instagram because the Instagram has the sneak peeks and any type of giveaways I'm going to be doing it in future it's gonna have all the information there so check out the Instagram I'll put it back here again like I did in the last video check out my instagram for this channel same name as a channel umm what else that's it really is simple it's a simple job it took like an hour over an hour I actually was born fast but I got it done in a decent time so do it on I spent Homer I spent for the delete' kid I think it was like 30 bucks on eBay umm I'll put a link down in the video for it but do it bad do for you try hook the truck out five miles don't have this problem because this was before their missions crap came out so do it for your truck make your truck feel good take care of your truck she's definitely gonna take care of you okay so once again I appreciate you guys thank you for watching take care of peace out god bless [Music]
Views: 152,635
Rating: 4.8677077 out of 5
Keywords: cummins, 6.7 cummins, cummins 5.9, dodge ram 2500 cummins, straight pipe, inline six cummins, axel dump, h&s minimaxx, s&b intake, pusher intake manifold, egr delete, dpf delete, 1st gen cummins, 2nd
Id: x2EduDE76HA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 22sec (922 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2018
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