How To Do A Tilt I 5 Minute Tutorial With @MissAuti

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- Am teaching you how to do a tilt. Where am I? You guys were doing a tilt today and it's gonna be great. I have some progressions to get you there and just five minutes. But first our patient of the week is Emily just like Beyonce she has no last name I respect that. Emily thank you so much for your love for your support and just being you we love having you in the Missauti family congratulations this is your week. We're sending you all love thank you. So what I'm gonna be teaching you today is your tilt like I said and this is the position we come up we're in tilt and I'm we're leaned over our body okay? How the heck do we do that? I don't know I'm just kidding I do know I'm gonna show you. So first thing I wanna say is make sure you're stretching warmed up. I don't want you guys attempting anything that is not in your range of motion or if you're not properly warmed up because you can hurt yourself. So be gentle on your body okay? Don't force it into positions that don't feel right. What we're gonna start by doing is in a nice parallel position you're gonna pick whichever leg you want to take up. I can put my right leg to be up so my supporting will be my left. So I'm going to step left. Pick whichever foot you want like I said and then do my directions okay? From here I'm gonna swing my back leg up into a bent attitude. My arm is going to loop underneath my knee. Now I have a pretty good range of motion so I can take my head under my knee but some of us may need to be done here and that's beautiful too. Don't stress about it. Grab under and hold. This other arm is gonna come to a half tilt to support your side okay? So we're here six, seven and we step lace underneath your knee or your thigh where ever you're at. From here my supporting foot is going to pivot on my heel or I'm sorry my heel is gonna lift so I can pivot on the pad of my foot. Now the word tilt is what you need to do in your upper body. So I'm gonna shift up and over and tilt from my upper body keeping my bottom foot turned out my other arm and a half tee. And then from there once we're tilted over I'm gonna stretch this leg straight. So again some of us may be down here that's okay we're tilting over and we're stretching that's beautiful too. One note I do wanna mention is to not do a little (dog barking) groggy on the fire hydrant moment which looks like this. It's gonna be easier to bring your leg up but it's not proper technique. So you wanna maintain the turnout and the open alignment of the tilt. So don't let that hip hike forward. Don't be a little puppy okay? So let's try it again. We go step lace under shift under your supporting leg tilt over and stretch. If you're a little bit more flexy you can grab your ankle and let that body tilt over here. Come up nice and steady with a neutral spine to have a clean landing no matter where you are you're gonna come to a passe and close that position. Let's try it one last time. Step forward with whatever foot you like. Attitude shift on the pad of your foot. Upper body tilts stretch wherever you are. Come up to a neutral spine passe close(mumbles) Good job guys. So again flexibility comes with time. Be loving on your body. Let it get warmed up properly. Go through each little step make it feel good and steady before you take the next progression. I have plenty of warm up blogs plenty of stretching blogs. If you're feeling tight or like your range of motion is not too broad find one of those and help your body out. Don't be mad at it. Just keep working at it. It comes with time. Thank you so much you guys for watching. I love each and every single one of you. For more lovely videos like this and exclusive content that literally only goes up on Patreon go to You can also get a chance to be the patreon of the week. I love meeting you guys online. I love talking to you. I love hearing your stories. So it's been really cool getting to know every single one of you. So if you wanna be one of those people please support us. We love doing what we do and we cannot do it without you. I'm at for the emails. Send us mail here. Find us on Instagram@missauti @braydenbear I think that's it. Happy Tilton Bevis. (fast paced rock music)
Channel: Ti & Me TV
Views: 127,785
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to do a tilt, tilt tutorial, dance extensions, flexibility tricks, flexibility stretches, dance stretches for flexibility, how to do a leg hold, leg hold tutorial, how to get your tilt fast, how to get flexible fast, how to do the splits
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 16sec (316 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 12 2020
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