- Hey dancers, I'm Miss
Auti, and I'm hosting a free pirouette workshop. This workshop is for all levels, even the absolute beginner. I'm gonna be walking
you through step-by-step to get the perfect rotation. After the workshop,
there will be a live Q&A with a massive announcement. Space is limited, so make
sure to click the link in the video description
to get your free ticket. Hello my love, welcome back to the Dance With Miss Auti channel. Today, I'm gonna be teaching
you how to do fouette turns. We're gonna go through some progressions and some step-by-step so you can actually learn how to do it. Let's go. But first, meet my
beautiful assistant Sydni. (upbeat music) All right dancers, this is the turn you're gonna be learning. Six and seven, tendu one. Plie two. And up. Two. Three. Four. Okay, let's break down some
of the positions first. So, first things first is first position. Get those heels together right here. Your arms are gonna be on bas, so just below your bellybutton. From here, no matter
what side you wanna do, you will begin with a
nice tendu a la seconde, so Sydni's doing a right-side fouette, so she has her right foot out. Arms open up to a second,
so your elbows are lifted, they're nice and long however. This toe is pointed, and
she's rotating from the hip. Beautiful. Can you turn to the side for me? From here dancers, you're
going to rond de jambe this toe back into a fourth position. That foot comes down. Good, and we plie. Beautiful. You'll notice that Sydni took a moment to neutralize her pelvis. So, go ahead and stick
your booty out for a sec. Do not do that, okay, you
wanna neutralize the pelvis, and hold there. Shoulders are dropped. One arm's the side, one arm is forward. Go ahead and just shift to face the front. Beautiful. So, from our first, to our tendu, to our rond de jambe. Now we take a passe underneath
the knee, beautiful. This is the turn position
in between your fouettes, your arms are in a fifth en
avant, so in front of your body. From here dancers, you're
going to take the leg in the front, beautiful,
and then you'll open it to the side, and then
you'll come to a passe. Good, you can show again
kind of from the diagonal so they can see. Beautiful. And then open side, and passe. Good, come on down. Gorgeous. Okay dancers, so the
first thing you wanna do after you know those positions is to build some strength
and some stamina. So, if you need a bar, or
a chair, or a countertop, go ahead and grab that. If not, you can be a rockstar like Sydni and be in the middle. We're gonna take our
feet to first position. Arms are gonna open into second. You wanna make sure that your arms stay in front of your side seam
so that you don't press back and open your ribcage out, okay? We're gonna do 16 eleves
in first position, eleve has no plie. Six and seven, this is rise. Good, and two. Beautiful. And three. Her shoulders are down, good. Five. And six, gorgeous. Her chin is lifted. Eight, eight more. One, good, her heels are pressing forward. Three, good, her legs are straight. Last four, keep the
energy in the upper body. Yes. And up. 16, good. Okay, are your calves burning? Yes.
(Auti laughs) Good, okay. From here dancers,
we'll go first position. We're gonna take our first progression. One. And two. Just to passe, up, and
then first position. Again, we go one. And two. And lift. And lower. Again, go one. And two. Beautiful, and lift. Lower, hold it there, flip towards me. Let's show them to the side. Seven and a one. Good, and two. Passe and lift. One more time profile. Out, keeping your neutral
pelvis, beautiful. And lift. And low. Good, okay. Dancers, second progression
gets a little bit trickier, because now our leg is actually extending to the front and the side. So, we were showing you the front, facing the diagonal, just
so you could see the line, but make sure that your fouette
goes front, side, passe. You don't need to rotate to the diagonal, that would be for your
a la secondes, okay? So, from first position
we're gonna go one, and two. Passe. And front, side, passe. Again. Go front, side, passe. Good, she's squeezing her abs, and she's using her arms. Last one Syd and (Auti vocalizes). Lower. Good, okay. So, that can be a little bit
intense with your hips, right? 'Cause you're lengthening your leg out, the weight of your leg is
in that kind of hip flexor, so try not to grip it too, too hard, but you know, we are human,
so we're gonna use that part. So, use this moment to kind of stretch your little hip flexor out. Now, before you try, or
attempt, the full turn, you do wanna make sure you're spotting. So my favorite spotting exercise is to stand parallel, put
your hands on your hips, pick a focal point. So, I'm gonna look at Brayden,
who's behind the camera. (Auti laughs) I'm gonna look at Bray, and
the whole time I rotate, I flip, and I keep my
eyes locked on Brayden. So, if you don't have a
Brayden at home, that's okay, you're gonna find something
that's stationary in your room, maybe it's a lamp, or it's
something on your wall, or like what? A photo on the wall, a teddy bear, okay? You're gonna lock your
eyes on that teddy bear, you're gonna rotate, and the
moment you face the back, yes, you're gonna whip
your head around, okay? So, spotting is maintaining your focus on a stationary object
while you're rotating, okay? (Auti sighs) Should we put the whole turn together? Okay. It's tricky to do fouettes slow, but what Sydni's gonna attempt to do is from first position she's gonna go one, she's gonna go two. She's gonna do a single pirouette that lands her, ow. And then she's gonna
show you that to the side is how you pick up into that next turn. Let's try it really slow. It might be better than
my sticking bare feet. Six and seven, this is tendu, this is plie. She does a pirouette. Front. Side. Pirou. Um hi, yeah, that was beautiful. Let's go one more time. So dancers, eventually when
you have the whole mechanic of your tendu, your fourth position, plie, your passe, your front side turn, it's single pirouettes
in between front side. So it's front side
single, front side single, that's a fouette, fouette means to whip. So, you're whipping yourself around. Let's go slow one last time. Six and seven, this is one. Two, squeeze your tummy. Front side, up. Good, beautiful. Great job dancers. All right dancers, fantastic
job doing your fouette. So, remember that dance
technique is layer, by layer, by layer. So, always start with the
very first progression and then work your way back,
or work your way forward, into your fouette. And I actually like that
I said work your way back, because if you find the next progression is a little too challenging, step back and give yourself a moment
to master this foundation, this progression, and
then step forward, okay? Beautiful work and happy turning. (upbeat music)