How to do a Tachyon Eye Splice

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in this video I'm going to show you how to do an eye splice in 7/16 inch diameter Tachyon rope Tachyon has a reputation for being fairly difficult displaced because it has a really tight cover but if you do a few basic tricks it's really not too bad the first step in doing this place is to is to put the layout marks on the cover of the rope to do that we're going to use a 7/16 inch tubular fid and we're going to lay it beside the rope and measure up the rope one two bitter fit to mark hey okay and you can make these marks with them felt tip pen if you want I like to use thread because it doesn't leave any ugly marks amaro just go through the cover being careful not to stick the core okay okay then from that mark I know from experience that's to do a tight eye on on this rope I need three and a half inches of rope so I'm gonna measure up three and a half inches from that mark and I'll make mark be at three and a half inches okay alright and then from mark B I'm going to measure up one long fit to mark C and if you look at a tubular fit there's a couple little double marks right there this is a short vid and that from those two to the tip is a long fit so we'll measure up one long fit from there for mark B and we'll make Mark C okay all right now once we're at that point we're going to from mark C we're gonna measure up the rope five feed links and tie a knot just to keep the core and the cover from moving above that point so we just roughly you don't need to do this exact but about five FIDs up the rope three four and five okay and then right above that you're gonna tie and it Alpine butterfly okay just grab the rope like that pull some slack through like that and bring that through you don't know how to tie a butterfly you should learn because it's important not for climbers okay now once we're at that point we can go back down to the beginning of the rope again and we're gonna start doing our layout for the taper marks on the cover okay to do that we take a felt-tip marker and we count eight strands towards the end of the rope and I'll zoom in a little so you can see what I'm doing here okay so we're gonna count eight strands for that string at eight at point-a just go one two okay all right there so then at that point we're going to draw a dark line pretty much all the way around the rope so it's real obvious okay because this will be covered up in this place okay and then from that point we want to do our taper okay to do that we count off three strands and markup air force transport a pair and so on until we have 6 pairs marked so just start counting go one two one two three and mark that pair okay then for and mark that pair dead three mark that bear and for mark appear three mark up here and for your just marking those little Chevron's okay so there's 1 2 3 4 5 6 so we have 6 pairs marked that's we want ok now the next step is to go back here to point B and remove the core from inside the cover ok and little so what we're gonna do right there at point B we're gonna punch up the core as much as we can just to kind of get some slack in there just helps to get makes it easier to get the core out okay and then we're gonna take our wire fid and right there at that mark at mark B we're gonna insert the wire feed in between a couple of strands push them down in there you can actually take the string out at this point because it's just in your way okay push that down in there and use that to pry back and expose the cover the core okay so there's the core strand see those white strands in there that's your core that's what you want to pull out okay so take your feel at this point and stick it down in there let me get one strand okay there we go okay and you're gonna use that fit to grab those core strengths and start prying on up out of there okay okay and use your once you start it get up coming just use your fingernails to pull back push back on those cover strands and the cover of the core will then start to come up and out of there okay just be patient don't get in a big rush at this point because if you get the big rush and snag some cover strands it'll ruin its place so just be gentle push back on those cover strands until the cover comes popping out of there like that okay it helps to bend the rope once it starts to come out of there just use your fingernails to work the rope down periodically I kind of try to grab a little bit better purchase on the core be real careful you don't snag any of those cover strands with your tippier or on spike to run your home ruin your whole day okay parish comes sometimes these pop right out and sometimes they can be kind of a pain but if you're just patient and keep working that cover back like that as you pull the cooler up and out okay to bend the rope sharply now so what that cover will slide off of there all right I got it okay so that point just pull this core out of there I like to put a clamp on the end of it just to keep it from unraveling me okay these are these pieces of plastic is just the manufacturers mark it's nothing we have to worry about okay at this point we want to pull that cord all the way out of there like that and pull it out and expose those manufacturers markers okay and cut those off just get rid of them okay all right so pull it all the way out and then go back up here to your eye and milk all that slack back out of there work it all the way back down to the point where the core comes out of the cover okay just a little bit okay okay do that a couple times just milk all that slack out of there from the eye back towards the where the rope comes out there right there okay all right at this point now you can kind of ignore that we'll fix that in a minute okay just make a mark where that core comes out of the cover okay right there okay then we're gonna pull the core out of the cover exposing as much of the core there as we can okay and we have to do three marks on the core for the layout okay again we're going to use the water field so the first mark you measure up one short fed from that initial marked or to the second mark okay so there's mark 1 mark 2 and then from mark - we measure up fed plus a short fed to mark 3 so we're going to go one fed right there okay and make a mark and then come up a short fit above that and there okay so now we have three marks on the go over we've got mark one mark two and mark three okay all right so the next step is to do the taper on the cover on those marks we made earlier okay so and you can pull this out this piece right here now we don't need that string okay just start removing these strands each pair as you pull them out be sure to pull away from the end of the rope pull this direction don't pull from this way or you'll bunch up the core or the cover and ruin your splice okay so just start grabbing those with your Marlinspike get them started and pull them out of there they get easier after you get the first couple pairs out okay and just be careful to pull away from the end of the rope on some ropes you can use your Martin spike fairly aggressively here and just drink these out but with Tachyon you need to be pretty careful or you'll you'll bunch the rope up it's you're careful how you pull them out Paul to it once if you want to once you get a little farther along all right so there's our six pairs that are ready to be removed and what we gonna do is just go on and where they come out of the ropes cut them off okay okay so those are initial taper on the cover okay then we're going to go over here on this hand and first thing we're going to do is pull those purple strands got kind of a little messed up there so we'll pull on these right down here at the end and pull that out of there okay now we got a nice neat piece or elf to work with okay so here on this end about the last five inches we're gonna remove down right right about there we're gonna remove the half the strands just to reduce the volume of this last five inches here okay doesn't that be exact but basically you're gonna go back about five inches and you're gonna start taking out strands about I usually remove about half the strands it's not too critical but if you don't do this it's really hard to pull this the core back through the cover so just start popping those strands and I take again about half the strands or a little less okay we'll do more there all right those were just gonna cut off all right good so now you can see devote the volume that the role pier is reduced considerably from above that point okay the other thing we've got to do is go back here to point here's point that mark one here's mark - okay and mark three is over here right here at mark two we're gonna pull those purple the inner core out right there at mark - okay just go in between the cover strands look for those purple inner strands and very gently with your own spike grab just those purple strands and pull them out of there okay and once you get them out you can cut about half of it about cut them out about seven or eight inches long so them stick out like that okay all right so now we're ready to start doing our berries and the first part that I normally do is to pull the cover back through the core okay do that we're going to go back here to mark three on the the core and we're going to pull some slack here just to bunch it up a bit not too much okay and we're going to take a tubular there I'm sorry take a wire fit and shove it in right there and just very carefully run it down through through the core without coming out through the side clear down here - mark - okay and right there at mark - we're going to come out and we're gonna put the cover and the tubular fid leave about a inch and a half or so stick it out and then just pull that back through the core and if it gets hung up on these purple strands just pull the purple strands back out okay pull it on through until you'll see it pop out over here okay so there it is pull the purple strands back down through there if they get bunched up like that there we go okay now put a clip on the end of it just to hold on to it so it can't go anywhere okay then we're going to go over here and we're gonna bury the cover inside I'm sorry the core inside the cover and we want to do that from that market we made all the way around the rope if we're going to bed MIT bear it from there all the way up here to his upper mark that we marked with the string okay mark see all right do that it helps if you first pull a little slack and kind of punch the rope up just to make it easier to pull things through there okay and then we're gonna stick this we got it we've got a wire fed here with a handle on it okay and we're gonna run it through on the backside of the rope right about there go between a couple of strands and be careful not to snag the the core okay run it through and you want to come out over here at that mark that we made all the way around and you want to come out on the same side as the core okay so the core is laying right here it used to go in right there you wouldn't want to come out over here okay come out right between the strands right there with your wire yeah just work it through being careful not to snag not to go through the middle of any strands okay and then just take this and put that core through your wire be careful to get all the strands through like that pull it back so about there's about an inch and a half or so sticking out okay and I also liked it at this point take up a stupider fit shove it in there and kind of enlarge that hole right there just so that B you know the core will go through there okay all right now just pull on that bring it in until it starts to come through and pulling on your your water fitter just work that down in there until it starts to go through you'll see okay so now she's pulling down him okay just keep pulling until you get over to here bunch up the ropes pull this out and that just gives you more room right in here okay and then pull on it and if it doesn't want to go through which is often on Tachyon it can be really hard to get that to come through there then you may want to that's gonna go but anyway okay so it's right now it's real tight okay so what I want to do is just reverse this and that way I can hook my my the head of my wire or my my feet over your hook it to up to a a cleat or some kind of a solid point I just have it over my clean and that way I can move the cam a little bit okay so I hooked it to a cleat over here now I can pull on this and milk that cover over that okay see it starting to come through there just keep milking it you can feel it moving okay and one more pull almost through you're coming through right there careful that it doesn't get tangled up in the purple strands oml periodically okay we're a bit just about through okay so there we go pull through so now we have everything we need all right to do our to do our berries okay so just keep pulling on this right here so keep pulling on these strands pull that cooler through the cover until it starts the crossover starts to form okay then you need to go over here and take the clip off and pull on the cover until it starts to go down into the core like that okay and you're gonna you're gonna ultimately pull on both ends of this okay to get that crossover to pull real tight just pull hard on that one and pull hard on this one I like to grab them both just kind of simultaneously pull in both directions and that way I can suck that crossover down right nice and tight okay so that's what it should look like okay okay now we need to do two things we need to do a final taper on on the Cobra strands okay and you know but recall we did we tapered part of it but now we just need to do the final taper out here on the tail okay to do that I just first want to pull this down out of there okay I just start grabbing strands okay okay and cutting them off okay and I take one strand about right there okay cut that one off okay then I go up the Rope just a little bit and they take another one go that way then go up the Rope a little bit and take another one just keep doing that do you get all the way to the end of the rope just about there take a little more off these last several good yeah that looks could be pretty good we might take just a tan off okay all right so that's ready to bury now inside before we do that we also we need to bury these strands okay and the way you want to do this just pull them out of there until this kind of bunches up here okay like that and then cut one of them off right work comes out of the core cut the next one about two inches longer and the next one about two inches longer than that okay okay now when we pull all the slack out of here all this will bury inside the core okay so just start doing like that you'll see the whole whole thing will just bury in there okay nice and smooth okay so there you know there's our crossover see how it's nice and tidy and tight okay and all we have to do now before we do the final bury is get rid of this okay to do that we go back to the crossover and we we kick we hold on to the crossover and we milk all the slack out of the rope back down to that point okay all right and then we make a mark right there with our fill right where that comes out of the rope okay then we're going to just grab a hold of this and pull on this until I can pull it all the way out as far as we can okay now just short of that mark that we just made we've got about a quarter inch shorter that we're going to cut it off okay now we have to taper this little bit right here okay okay and all we do to do that is I normally remove about at least a third of the strands right down here right where they come out okay just take a few of them out of there just to reduce the volume so you don't have a big bulge in your splice okay that's probably good enough okay now we're just gonna flare this out and cut a long diagonal taper on all of those strands okay so just get them all flared out okay like that you have to cut kind of a strong angle to get it to taper right but okay then just feel it and see if it feels like it tapers down to a nice point I think we could take just a little more up there okay perfect okay so now we're ready to bury our splice okay do that we're gonna move back over on to a cleat I'll move the camera all right so now I've got my rope and I fastened it to a cleat over here okay and I'm gonna bury what we've vari our splice so to do that we're just a little air okay so try to do so you can see it okay so what I want to do now is just hold this in my hand so that I keep tension on both sides of the ice I pull on this okay and if your watch it's a as I pull you'll see that little bit of rope out there it'll it'll bury inside the coat okay so just keep pulling and milking that cover down and it or the and the cover will cover it up okay now yeah keeping tension on both sides so that we don't get any bunching I'm gonna start milking this slack over the eye initially it goes really quick I mean you can actually bury you know very that in there really fast okay so you can see what's going on there I'll move the camera a little more here [Music] all right now I should get near the end it gets harder and harder but basically you just keep milking the slack and the cover over the core go all the way down to the and just keep you know that's going inside there that's what you want to do okay and keep going keeping tension on both sides and pull it hard until you get about two there okay then they're gonna start to need a carabiner in there to hold on to it I'm gonna go just a little farther over there there we go okay I'm gonna grab a carabiner here yeah I use the carabiner to keep it really tight okay yeah I'm gonna go down pull the slack and this is where you need a nice right once you get towards the end here pull hard and keep tension on both sides see how that's go in there okay it'll get progressively harder as you get towards the end just keep going all the way down to the end and pulling slack see how bunches up right in here that's the slack that used to go over that far the rope so just for don't where you gotta pull really hard but you can see it's going okay when you get to this point kind of massage it a little bit that'll just help it it loosens up the cover strands and makes it easier to get the core inside the cover okay go a little farther west here all right oh go down and grab more slack and when you get there right here or okay so let's go on let's get closer massage it each time Jack then go back down milk slack and when you get to the end Lord that are almost in there see that heck yes massage it some more this is where it gets to be work but we're almost to the point where the core is going inside okay hard and okay so see now the core just went inside but we still have a ways to go because we want this eye to be a real tight eye now I like to switch hands because it gets to be hard work if you do it all with one hand so I'm going to switch to my other hand here and I'm gonna pull and right here I'm gonna okay you were almost there not quite just massage it real good okay we're getting close closer yet okay couple more times we'll have it okay well I at the end poor heart almost there one more [Applause] pretty darn good I could probably still go just a little more I think I'll try one okay I think we're good okay now the other thing we have to do to finish this now if this is all bunched up right here we need to get that bunching out of there so to do that we're going to go back over to our cleat and hook this end of the rope to the cleat so we'll go right back over there okay so here I just take this end here put it around like that and pull the bunching out pull real part until all the bunching works out of the cover there okay all right so we're done there is a tie tie spliced in Tachyon rope still need to do a lip lock here to secure this place so it can't work loose but essentially it's done in terms of the actual place [Applause]
Channel: Eric Forsman
Views: 87,675
Rating: 4.808279 out of 5
Keywords: Tachyon rope, splicing Tachyon, Eye splice, Double-braid eye splice
Id: 0FTlZgFvgJM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 42sec (2082 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 21 2019
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