How To Do A Downspout! Basic DIY Guide From An Expert.

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the basic ways to do a downspout for you so here's my arm i already got it built but i'll show you what i do so i come up here i got my hole punched as well and i pull a measurement from the siding to the edge of the fascia where the gutter meets it so right here it's about two foot it doesn't have to be exact you don't really have to count the quarters and everything half inch or whatever we'll just say two foot i take off five inches so that would be one foot seven i go cut it on the chop saw and that's my piece right here this first elbow the one that goes in has to go inside next one has to go around this so that's just so the water stays inside if you have this one on the outside of it then the water will pour right out the seam same thing with this one so basically when you're going down everything has to go in top to bottom so you go up here we got our arm cut one foot seven i use the x out hole punch bend out these tabs and this will go right on there just out of my pocket and get it on here and i do one in the front and one on both sides and as you can see the big thing with this x out pattern is these corners you don't want any light showing on there and you get good enough eventually where you can make it wrap around there tight every single time but while you're practicing if you do see a little bit of light you can dab some caulking on the inside just to kind of cover that up then we want to get our two straps on and at this point you can flap your ladder all right after fighting that you can collapse your ladder and lean it up against the wall just so you're closer now we're going to put on this strap a lot of the times if the old downspout was straight you can just go right in between their two holes or one hole or mark or whatever whatever shows you where there what stairs was if it was straight something you got to look at beforehand and screw that on the wall then you can take your downspout this is how i do it i just get a rough idea i get it about two foot off the ground i'll come up here line it up make a general mark now i've been practicing that for a couple years so i can make it where it doesn't come out too short or too long but even if it does you can just chop it with the chop saw dan or snip off a little bit so now that we got this cut i'll take this elbow and i'll just barely cramp the back and the sides a little bit just to help this slide on the easiest way get this on there and then you can kind of wiggle it back and forth to get it all the way up while that's holding on there get your zips ready push it up into place and you can kind of pull the back of this strap before you screw it just to make sure it's tight so then it's not loose on the wall i pull on the back of each side just to tighten it up make sure it's solid on there i'll show you that over here the little things that make it make the difference between a good job and a great job so that's the things i focus hit a on on each one of these seams you can just do one on each one on one side so i usually go down one side of the screw and down there more zipping down here of course make sure she's straight pull it tight down here and then i always it's always good to do extra at the bottom egg because this is the part where you know a kid will kick it off or stomp on it it's better bottom one's secure so i do two on the front one on each side then we're gonna do a five foot extension and that's pretty much it got my five foot extension here and as you can see i cut a little angle on this and that's just so it slides on better you kind of get a little bit more meat at the bottom so it's definitely going to drain into here and not flow out the back once again wiggle it up and down nice and tight and i usually just do one on each side one zip sometimes you know you can do flip ups or no zips at all if the people just want to slide it on and off but that is pretty much it so if you got any more questions comment subscribe if you like it and let me know
Channel: One Gutter Guy
Views: 122,199
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 1RRW9s-C_Cw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 23sec (323 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 16 2021
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