HOW TO DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | Apostle Joshua Selman Sermon

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blessed be the name of the lord hosanna to the king of glory lord we love you joel chapter 2 if you're there say amen verse 4 [Music] the appearance of them is like the appearance of horses unlike horsemen social they run like the noise of chariots on the top of mountains shall they leap like the noise of a flame of fire that devoured the stubble like a strong people set in battle array seven they shall run like mighty men they shall climb the world like men of war and they shall match everyone on his way and they shall not break their realms neither shall one trust another they shall walk every man on his part they shall walk every man on his part he said they shall walk every man on his path tonight's teaching is very important it changed my life years ago when the lord opened my eyes to this revelation and i pray that it will change somebody's life tonight in the mighty name of jesus christ hallelujah tonight i'm teaching on a very powerful subject walking in your purpose walking in your purpose walking in your purpose the bible begins to give us in the book of joy a description of a great army and the bible makes us who understand that this army they were like mighty men they lipped upon walls hallelujah the bible says that every one of them none broke their rounds that every one of them walked in his path who are this man this class of fearful people hallelujah every one of you self-taught me i was born for a reason say it as loud as you can i was born for a reason i am not a biological accident i am not one of the many people in the earth [Music] i was born for a reason i have an assignment i have a mandate i have an anointing i have a destiny the world is full of people who found themselves in the middle of time [Music] they didn't know why they were born and they died without discovering why they came upon the surface of the earth [Music] there is nothing as tragic as a man who lives upon the surface of the earth without knowing the reason why he was born and what he was mandated to do upon the surface of the earth take this very seriously purpose and destiny tonight i trust that god will open up our eyes and grant us the ability to walk in the path of our call the part of our anointing and the part of destiny say amen if you believe that many of you have been praying and saying lord why am i here am i just here to escort others in destiny the lord has heard your prayer tonight that's why i want you to be very attentive hallelujah praise the lord now the word purpose means the intention for creating no manufacturing a thing when you say the purpose of a thing the intent the reason why you manufacture that product please if you're not writing you can kindly ask your neighbor to help you with a sheet of paper or use the notepad on your phone just make sure you are writing this is very important hallelujah so the purpose of a thing is the reason for its existence the reason why it came are you listening to me everything god is a god of purple self tell me god is a god of purpose yes he does not create anything for nothing god is a god who is driven by purpose and everything he creates is supposed to serve a reason these amplifiers these these speakers are supposed to serve their purpose the mic i'm holding is serving a purpose are you listening to me the video camera is having a purpose the projector is having a purpose the worship team they are serving a purpose so the purpose of a thing is the reason for its creation the reason for its manufacturing hallelujah [Music] it's important that we realize that god didn't just create man listen to me to walk upon the surface of the earth get old get married give birth to children go to church go to the university earn degrees and die that's a terrible testimony and that's the testimony of many people many people there are so many young people even in nigeria they do not understand the purpose of their lives they do not realize that they did not appear on the earth as a biological accident i don't care how you were born are you listening to me is irrelevant how you came in to be the most important thing is that you are here now hallelujah it's important for you to find the original assignment and the intention of god for your life do you realize that every one of us has an assignment a marked by god it has been predetermined let me tell you something about purpose purpose is not the same as ambition ambition is your desire are you listening to me what you aspire to become by reason of your likes by reason of um your environment and whatever parameters you use purpose is the intention that god put in your heart to serve here in the earth realm when he shot you as an arrow from eternity into time he packaged you for a reason [Music] i needed to understand that you don't create your purpose you discover it you don't create purpose let me show you hebrews chapter 10. turn with me quickly to hebrews chapter 10 verse 7 if we can get it on the amplified that will be okay otherwise any version hebrews chapter 10 verse 7 who is there hebrews 10 verse 7 no i come in the volume of the book it is written of me to do thy will listen he said then i said behold here i am coming to do your will oh god to fulfill what is written of me in the volume of the book to fulfill what what is written it has been written [Music] you don't come and walk here on the earth and then one day god just chooses and say uh what do we do with bridget now and then god just said you just managed here no no i come as it is written of me say after me it has been written concerning my life that's why i know you cannot be a failure god cannot write failure about you the bible says lord i come in the volume of the book as it has been written of me the day you find yourself in the book you begin to walk in the path of destiny hallelujah can i tell you something one definition of frustration in life is to work void of the knowledge of your assignment you will waste energy you will waste resources are you listening to me [Music] we used to play a little game during break when i was in primary school now primary school children play computer games during break time but we used to play a game i don't know how many of you did it you people will walk around and you come i pass here and what will you say i pass here that's how many people are doing in destiny they just get everywhere i like technical i pass here and life will say what no way [Music] hallelujah there are so many people escorting others to the place of destiny [Music] god designed that you find fulfillment when you begin to walk in your purpose are you listening to me your joy is in your purpose your peace is in your purpose your prosperity is in your purpose your fame and your influence is in your purpose [Music] and the danger is this if you do not find it you will leave your life getting offended and angry at those who have found it because you will aspire to become what they already are but you will find out that the road you are taking will always end you up in frustration one more time self-tammy i was born for a reason i was born for a reason many of you as we are saying you are laughing at yourself you say me too yes you in luke chapter 4 from verse 17 the bible makes us to understand that jesus do you realize listen to me that jesus was a non-entity until the day he found his purpose is in your bible there was no there was no proof that jesus was an important person that people loved him and valued him until the day when he found something luke chapter four you remain a non-entity in life i don't care who you are i don't care how fine you are i don't care who your father is luke chapter 4 verse 17 [Music] hallelujah are you there can someone read it for us please he said and there was handed to him the role of the book of the prophet isaiah he said he opened the book and found the place and found where the place there is a place for you and he found the place he didn't say he found a place he opened the book in the opening of the book he did what he found the place the place there is the place it's not a place for many people it's not a place for competition you know why there's so much competition because many people are trying to be what a few people who have found their purpose have become and the best you can become of another person is a second class of that person your originality is manifested when you find the place next verse [Music] verse 18 this is what jesus found the spirit of the lord is upon me for he has anointed me to preach the good news to the poor he has sent me to announce release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind to send forth us delivered those who are oppressed who are downtrodden bruised crushed and broken down by calamity next verse 19 to proclaim the acceptable year of the lord the day when salvation and the free favors of god profusely abound verse 20 listen to what jesus said and he rolled up the book and gave it back to the attendant and sat down and the eyes of all in the synagogue were gazing attentively at him 21 and he began to speak to them and said what today your today starts when you discover purpose many of you are celebrating buddy how many how old are you 35 all right that's nice but your today has not started until you begin to walk in purpose he said today this scripture has been fulfilled in other words i am come as a fulfillment of this prophecy what prophecy are you fulfilling your work upon the earth is supposed to be a fulfillment of a prophecy are you listening to me what prophecy are you fulfilling for many of us all that we desire is to just say lord bring a man now to marry me am i not getting old and we believe that that is all to our lives but i want you to know that there is more say there is more see i was born for a reason yes jeremiah chapter 1 let's look at what god had to tell jeremiah jeremiah chapter 1 from verse 4. jeremiah chapter 1 from verse 4 are you getting blessed tonight jeremiah chapter 1 then the word of the lord came to me jeremiah saying now this was jeremiah he was a great prophet born to be a great prophet jeremiah brought the lamentations and caused the nation of israel to walk in the path of the lord but he did not know that that was his divine destiny in christ until it was revealed to him verse 4. okay verse verse 4 please then the word of the lord came to me saying verse 5 before i form you can we read it together i want to read before i formed you in the womb i knew and approved of you as my chosen instrument and before you were born i separated you and set you apart consecrating you and i appointed you as a prophet to the nations he said what before your father and your mother came together you see why i say you are not a biological accident because i don't care who your father is and who your mother is and how you came he said before you were formed in your mother's womb he said i knew you oh he knows my name that's what the bible says he knows my every thought [Music] he sees each tear that falls and he hears me brother do you realize that before you were born it has been written concerning you in other words heaven met come on let me have somebody just anybody let me have somebody preach that god bless you that means when it was time for bridget to come upon the earth the holy spirit didn't just go on an errand and suddenly he just found out that our bridget is coming and he said hey what do we do let her just come we'll find something no no it was well calculated by heaven they created a vacuum in the earth and planted bridges to be the solution that prophecy to reveal that dimension of god and they said now you can go and she appeared but let me tell you something your coming upon the earth does not mean that you are going to walk in purpose you must discover it hallelujah yes ago i carried my bible i carried my daughter and i ran to the dam abu dhab many of you only go there for picnic we didn't go there for business destiny discovering business and you go there i will buy bonds and your god thirteen error and bonds and i'll sit down there and flog it up with this thing and say lord i cannot be a non-entity there's got to be something about my life my father didn't tell me what i was born for did your father tell you what you were born for i hope you will tell your children what they were born for because it's the responsibility of every father before you get your wife pregnant sit down say lord what am i doing who is coming what is his destiny [Music] that's what manoa did he called the angel he said come and tell us what will be the destiny of this child and what we are supposed to do and he said he shall be a nazarene let no result touch his head he shall be a judge over the house of israel hallelujah so when you realize that you were born for a reason it would change your outlook about life suddenly do you know that everyone was created with inferiority complex by default i don't care whether your father is the president of this country i have seen great people with inferiority complex i've seen beautiful ladies and some guys with inferiority complex i've seen millionaires with inferiority complex inferiority complex can be tried to solve you can try to solve it with different things but only your purpose kills it once and for all so you don't solve inferiority complex by prayer you solve it by discovery [Music] are you listening to me when you find your place that i have a place in life and that you have discovered it and you will walk in that path hallelujah how many of you believe that you have a purpose in christ how many of you believe you have an assignment [Music] this discovery helps you because many of us have role models that are not in the area of our purpose and we are struggling and sweating i must be a fashion designer the grace is not there it's not part of your job description in destiny and you are suffering and sweating i must be destined you are trying and somebody comes to work with ease with the grace that came upon his life i listen to me there are many of you i must do music this music is selling i must do it nobody is buying your album there are no helpers there are no partners no errands and all to hold your hand you are suffering nobody likes what you are doing you are saying i must steal that's the one i want tonight i want you to know that your place in life is not determined by you is determined by god so outside of god there is no discovery of purpose there is only ambition are you listening to me the bible says he opened the book and he found his place without the opening of the book you will never find your place in life there are so many people that have been crying lord what am i here for let me tell you something the danger of complex is unimaginable if you think this message is not important wait until you get out of this place and you will see how confused your life will be today you want to be like your brother tomorrow you want to be like this person this swinging life purpose gives you stability [Music] hallelujah very quickly how do i discover my assignment how do i discover my purpose now that you know you were born for a reason i know that many of you have already born for a reason born for a reason but it has not dawned on many of you that you should discover the specifics about your life don't say i'm too young joash was aged 8 when he became the king of israel number one to discover your purpose there are certain parameters that god has put together number one your potentials self-timing potentials the word potential comes from the word potent that means it's inherent an ability that has not been popped yet hallelujah your potential is a pointer to your purpose is a pointer to your assignment your potentials are inherent abilities make sure you write the word inherent they are not gotten by impartation you came with it hallelujah listen look up please there are some of you here from the day you were born from the day you were born i said baby every time you share music as a little child you just go and stand close to the tv and if they want to take you away you are crying hallelujah from eight seven you started singing in children's choir you were the youngest here they couldn't stop you your parents refused that you would not go for yaza the moment they were stopping one uncle came and said like i used to go and said the sound in the church i'll be taking the person every time you turn towards that area destiny seems to open up doors for you potentially hallelujah from young the leadership mandate not just ministry mandate not just apostolic everywhere i went in my life i was a leader [Applause] there are some of you like that class monitor class one two three four five you are the last one in your family but your father will call you and say we're about to make a decision what do you think is making him do that [Music] are you listening to me potential your inherent ability your inherent ability given by god many of you have seen it is glaring before you every day what are your potentials don't say i don't have any are you joking let me list some of them for you it will shock you because many of you do not think they are called potentials there are some of you that are exceptionally beautiful ladies what do you think that is potential do you know in the book of esther the nation of israel was saved by the potential of beauty there was no prophet that prophesied anything there there was no man of god that turned snake into a rudder and he was the beauty of a woman took her to the palace are you listening to me and she obtained favor and brought salvation to the nation of israel what of your creativity there are some of you who are so creative you have a thousand ways of doing the same thing are you listening to me creativity very important music for some of you when we are suffering to train our voice drinking ginger honey you take cold water you break all the rules of music but you sing well you pitch to a point that you even you you are surprised let me tell you one proof that is your potential there is ease and grace in that area there is no struggle you like it so much even if they don't pay you you do it with joy while others are crying you cannot believe that they are crying about this thing hallelujah every time you see jimmy and and um assistant music director david every time you see them give them one minute they are playing a new song and you see them laughing i get so bored with what they are doing but you see them nodding i mean they are just enjoying it he said have you heard this i just had this recent download by by um john picky and they are playing and dancing you know and just enjoying themselves and not leaping i'm saying can these guys get out of here there are many of you when you are about to sleep and they just tune to a fashion channel you just wipe sleep from your eyes and you can sit down till the next day while we are sleeping then when the children in i'm watching i'm happy i'm laughing you are angry because i'm not giving you room to tune to the channel what is it benny he's such a boring man you are my hiding place yes i'm enjoying it i'm enjoying it listen i hope you are getting my point there are many of you from the day you came to a bu you love your class even when you finish exam you just go and sit down there you are smiling and your colleagues listen listen listen listen your colleagues do not even understand i listen to me you have started becoming ashamed they've called you everything lukewarm proof it's not like you like it you can't stop it even when you're about to sleep after 10 minutes you just touch your book and just use your thoughts and glance through something briefly before you close it and your roommate is saying this guy is frustrating us could it be that there is a voice in prison crying inside of you wanting to find the expression there are many of you who are leaders when you were age five you were behaving as if you were 15 years old when your colleagues are playing you sit down be thinking like this your father said what kind of stupid boy are you your colleagues are playing eating sun and i said daddy no we can't eat sand and your father is in jesus christ i be this guy is the incarnate of one elderly man you see a small have you seen little children like that very much all something touches their clothing they haven't cleaned it and they are careful you want one above them at age three or four they say no say just wait outside but like what in the world is happening to this generation [Music] potential your ability are you listening to me your first assignment tonight is write the list of all your potentials write it i wrote it hallelujah i knew i had the call of god upon my life i didn't know how it was going to start and when god was teaching me this all of this drama happened in the dark god told me writing i said singing oh then i had a beautiful voice i had not laid it as opportunity cause for ministry i had a beautiful voice hallelujah but you can't have two masters at the same time hallelujah that's why god brought a beautiful worship thing if you preach the way i'm doing your voice cannot be smoked [Music] hallelujah and i wrote singing and then i wrote teaching oh i love teaching i love teaching i can sit down do you know i was so obsessed about teaching i will soon reveal many of your secrets to you i will lock myself sometimes in the room and you imagine yourself teaching how many of you [Music] and you teach so well and now my own is not teaching in classroom teaching the world and i'm teaching and i imagine myself talking to people and i tell you as i'm doing it the anointing of god comes truly as if god is not playing say if you like be playing you are doing hazard do you know this is how i learned how to preach i would stand at the foundation we had one empty foundation in our house we wanted to start a construction they're very and i'll stand and imagine a crowd of people and i tell them turn with me to the book of this little did i know i was killing the bear and the lion in the wilderness many of you every time you are in your room you just lock your room and put two chairs and you say um good morning ladies and gentlemen we are on to ministry today many of you say hey it's not word of knowledge this word of wisdom i know it should happen to you hallelujah and you have passion every time you tell your roommates they laugh at you but there is something crying inside of you the next thing your passion your passion your passion what is it that you would do if you were not paid there are many of you that love some things it's not the issue of money there are things in my life that i do with passion for instance what i'm doing oh boy i can preach you tomorrow morning i tell you if i'm tired it's just for your sake i can preach till morning once you make a mistake of giving me this mic even if you don't give me a bible god recorded small of it in my head and that one that i have i will preach it out sometimes when i'm going for night vision people just beating me i say are you joking i'm enjoying myself seriously the exact same feeling you receive in the kitchen is what i'm receiving now hallelujah passion what do you have passion for do you realize that many of you are doing things you don't have passion for you are angry you are frustrated stop it you must not do it you are doing it because you belong to friends who are doing it hallelujah stop frustrating yourself and begin to pursue the areas that you have passion because there is grace there the last point discovering your purpose steps to discover your purpose the last point is the place of your pain and your anger the place of consistent pain and anger everywhere you keep receiving consistent pain and anger there is an assignment there for you are you listening to me moses the grace for a deliverer was upon him and when he saw that his people were being oppressed what happened he was angry to a point that he killed a man later in the years he would be the deliverer of those people there are things that make me angry i hate it when i see that people do not love god i hate it when people disrespect god and don't have a passion for the things of the spirit i hate it when people do not live by the principles of the kingdom i hate it when satan oppresses people i hate seeing sick people i hate poverty i hate poverty with my life i hate the effect it has created on people i hate the effect that on society my anger my pain many of you have been rejecting your pain will you go back and revisit your pain right now when you were young you were abused when you were as 12 you were up you hate men you hate everybody would it be that there is an assignment for you there are you listening to me there are many of you who just sit down and you get concerned about people's relationships if it's not your business they have insulted you you are tired you have gone to repent before god but you find yourself there again could it be that you have the grace to be a life coach to help people hallelujah there are many of you when you were born anything they give you you give it out anything they give you sweet you are crying or you give somebody else and your mother called you i slapped your head and said hello i'm i'm training adult child and you cannot only help us could it be that you are a kingdom financier could it be that there is grace for you to release and equip the body your pain what have you gone through in life do you think it's a waste are you listening to me your pain has grace let me tell you something about pain every time you conquer a situation in the spirit authority is given unto you to bring others out so moses feels the pain and the tragedy that's why see i went many of you don't know why i i trust god and content for the anointing for miracles and to heal the sick i went to i've shared with you the challenge i had look i've gone through sickness in this my life many of you say what kind of yeah every time miracles it's not your fault the day you are sick and the doctor tells you they cannot do anything about your situation you will see the relevance of what we are doing hallelujah grace your pain can become the testimony [Music] so write your pain what are the things you have gone through in life that you are angry about this is a workshop tonight make sure you are writing please what are the things you've gone through there are many of you who you have suffered inferiority you have suffered complex to a point that you don't know what to do with yourself again could it be that you are sent as a deliverer to many like you [Music] hallelujah [Music] thank you jesus where are the next steve jobs warren buffets the next world changers who will take this kingdom for the king your purpose have you discovered your purpose i read that book by dr maz munro discovering your potentials it changed my life forever [Music] i started getting angry with my life and i said lord i cannot be like this i cannot be like this i gave myself a time space that i must discover why i'm on earth i refused to celebrate my birthday i told myself until i discovered my call there are many of you you have the biggest party and you don't know why you are on it one year before your birthday you have started planning as soon as you finish this one yes you are planning the next one you you handle drinks you you handle the hotel we are cooking and you have no idea why you are dancing whether it's christian or secular that's not my business so long as you do not you have no right to celebrate your birthday until you have discovered why you are living there are many guys that don't know what they are on earth for and your eyes will not allow ladies to move peacefully any lady you look you are just smiling do you not realize that she's supposed to be a help me [Music] when you are going out with her where are you going to where we are going out ahead to where do you know where you are going take what i'm saying seriously tonight do you know where you are going [Music] hallelujah the first thing god did is to reveal his assignment in the garden then when adam began to walk god saw a need for eve guys if you have not discovered your purpose i tell you relationship will kill you because you will not have direction a day will come there's nothing to talk about again you have talked about all the cartoons you have talked about the lady's hair what else do you talk about the lady keeps asking you questions you cannot answer so where are we going so i can start planning my life in light of where you are showing me and you say let's just be going even abraham god told him let's go [Music] hallelujah discovering your potentials [Music] listen when you discover your potentials in it you will find your uniqueness this is the secret of self-confidence your uniqueness is not in your similarity with others i mean your your your greatness in life it's not in your similarity i'm not the only preacher in the world but there's nobody that does it like me i have my way of doing mine hallelujah i have found my place in the ministry i'm fulfilled in finding my place i'm exploring the paths that god has demanded for me many ministries are frustrated because they do not have vision they don't have purpose and so they are trying to do everything that's why you see all kinds of people today they are apostles tomorrow they are prophets later on they say is it that an i'm not very sure they are everything you tell him what are you saying multiple talented ministers what is the meaning of that [Music] hallelujah you find people in life let me tell you something you cannot be everything many of you have written what you want to do and what you want to do is what the whole world will be doing you will die you better cancel it and find out what god wants you to do say i was born for a reason listen to me you are sitting down to listen to me by grace because i discovered my potentials are you listening to me can we sit down tomorrow and listen to you because you have discovered your potential when i was in the dam crying and praying there was nobody nobody was calling me apostle or joshua salman or whatever [Music] but i knew that that discovery held the key to the fulfillment of my life i tell you i live a fulfilled life i have not started a journey yet but i'm enjoying the fulfillment to be in the heart and the center of what god wants me to do no competition that's why i don't have enemies in my life when i said are you joking your enemies are the people you have been trying to you are angry because they are walking in their path and then you are wondering what to do with your own life and every time you see them their zeal frustrates you because they are committed to do some things and you are wondering why am i not having that same kind of seal when you find out your assignment i tell you you will not sleep because of it [Music] hallelujah when you discover your potentials when you discover your abilities they are pointers to your destiny although discovery and revelation is progressive but when you have the tools it begins to guide you are you listening to me it begins to guide you if you see someone holding a stethoscope who is that you cannot say that's a carpenter are you listening to me a carpenter has nothing to do with the stethoscope when you see someone holding a scissors holding needle on thread who is that person that's a tailor is that a caterer [Music] so when you begin to gather your tools what happens it begins to give you direction when you put those tools together you find out that these tools are leading me to the ministry they are leading me to the ministry every time you stand and you see sinners you cry whenever you watch reinhardt donkey you cry something in you every time you see jakes on stage something tells you there is a place for you in destiny there are many of you every time you see me preach something in you tells you you will be standing to hold this mic like this every time i'm shouting it people are laughing but you are not laughing there is something attracting you years ago every time i saw benny him and i saw certain ministers of god sometimes i would go back crying how many of you have had that kind of feeling you will cry for days you cannot tell exactly why you are crying but you are crying anyway it's a cry of passion [Music] you must discover your purpose when you discover your your potentials what do you do listen the next thing is you begin to develop it develop it develop it refine it i beg you take what i'm teaching you tonight seriously develop it develop it [Music] the process of developing your potentials is a very difficult process this is where the boys are separated from the men because we live in a generation where many people do not want responsibility we believe that god is supposed to do everything but the moment let me tell you something that when people say they are idle is because they have not found what to work on your purpose will occupy you 24 hours will pass you will not know there are some of you when you sit down and there is you have written over five books when you sit down writing it you sit down by 4 a.m in the morning and when you check the time it's 8 00 pm in the night and your colleagues woman say you are here passion passion is dangerous it brings obsession you cannot stop hallelujah develop it say in the name of jesus say it as loud as you can in the name of jesus i receive grace to develop my potential see men of purpose are not people who are idly wasting their time there are many people let me say it again there are so many people wasting their time every day visitation to visitation room to whom your job is you don't know what to do with your time you're just moving you say where are you going they say let's go to this this place you say okay when you are a man of purpose there is direction in your life you value your time you know that your time is precious the greatest gift god gave you aside from his son and the holy spirit is the gift of time every other thing you will do is in time many of us sit down and you are sleeping from morning till night you just check and say 5 pm which kind of siesta did i have today purpose will occupy you your purpose will help you to know the kind of books to buy listen many of you have made friends with people who have broken your heart because you do not know your purpose when you find your purpose you will see a group of people that you belong to he told he said when you go you will step into a band of prophets and you will begin to prophesy like them many of you do not know the kind of groups to belong even in church many of you don't know what departments you serving because you do not know your purpose many of you don't have friends today because everywhere you go and you don't fit when you step into the place that has the oil of your purpose you will fit perfectly [Music] that's why many of you got into mistakes in your relationship and got into big trouble you know why because for many people out of that desperation to find a friend that can appeal to you suddenly you just see a brother how great he he just at least and something attracts you and then you misunderstand that attraction and you land into trouble are you getting me when you discover your purpose see the moment you begin to develop your purpose you begin to develop your potentials self-confidence begins to come not pride self-confidence certainly you'll find out that i used to be afraid of telling people where i'm coming from i used to be afraid of telling people my father was a carpenter now it doesn't matter anymore let me tell you something when you know when i was in primary school into secondary school there's a hairstyle punk how many of you remember punk if the barber messes up that punk he can spoil your face and the ladies will not like you so then because we did not discover our purpose that was our obsession when you go to the baby saloon the baba better don't play with you especially when it's time to go to the church the pastor's daughter is there there are many vips there you can't go and mess up yourself but when i began to walk in purpose i just found out that i'll go to the barbie saloon and i'm thinking i'm just telling the guy just clean my hair make it nice there are many things that are occupied do you know that many things you think about is because you don't have any other thing to think about when you truly are occupied with purpose you just stand as ah am i sure it's my is my my shoe many of you are too meticulous guys carry comb in your pocket you are moving and you carry nonsense when you find purpose even if your head is scattered because you are thinking it will not matter again yes i will say it again yes [Music] see a guy behaving like a lady just being nice [Music] hallelujah when you find your purpose you are grateful to god you live a life of gratitude you stop being let me tell you something when you find your purpose your potentials your place in life do you know what it will do to you it will make you to honor and value those who have found your own because you will see that it's not child's play many people disrespect the anointing upon people because you have not found your place so you don't know the level of discipline that it takes to get to that point when you see the minister sit down it's easy to look at them i say yeah this guy said i have the ability to do that same kind of thing because you know when god calls you you feel you are calling to the ministry you touch three or four people they fall they say ah it's just not doing it then as you begin to progress in purpose when you begin to encounter certain things hallelujah and you begin to pray and build yourself and after praying for hours and building yourself you will see only grace you are seeing in the life of the people you start respecting them and say so uneasy lies ahead that wears this car let me give you a little story about us do you know we don't watch films there are only few times even these days we start watching christian films it's not like it's a taboo is the sacrifice for the anointing [Music] you come to visit me you will watch worship songs and messages and you will read books and you'll be tired no wonder you're anti-social but you are still anointed are you listening to me when you discover your purpose and you begin to walk in it i tell you every day as i progress in ministry every day i keep saluting the fathers of faith that have gone ahead of us because i know that that's not business managing people becoming successful is one thing managing success is another thing when you become a minister everything about your life is a subject of discussion it takes stamina and audacity to move through are you listening to me when you begin to walk in purpose you will respect people suddenly you will turn as you are becoming a man you will turn and look at your father and say hey so this is why my father used to shout he's really not a bad man now that i'm becoming a man i'm finding out that there are responsibilities that can make men become dracula's so that's why my father has become what he is right now shouting and yelling at everybody now you are collecting money from home many of you mommy giving me this daddy give me this the moment you step into responsibility for yourself suddenly you get up and find out that nobody is going to send you money and you drop an application for a job and maybe the job is not coming and you sit back my brother calls you and says sorry brother can you send me 2 000 at that point you start having a full taste of what your father is going through that you are insulting him for listen discovery of purpose makes you respect people are you listening to me if you do not discover purpose you will never honor people who have gone ahead of you because you would trivialize their sacrifice you would trivialize it you are insulting your father for not having a jeep but he has a house that you are inside the day you are about to get married and you go out you have your money but you can't find a house you will salute your father [Music] are you listening to me the day they make you a class monitor and your class members want to beat you because you did not advocate for them for assignment you say oh so what of those who are leaders over thousands many of you who sit down just which i say hey i wish i was joshua salman speaking to hundreds and thousands of people these guys enjoy no they are giving him water please come and sit down and take the water i promise you listen i give you three days you will cry and run with my anointing and bring it back and give me i promise you hallelujah [Music] you see junk for prophet saw you are laughing guy how can he know about your life the day you tell somebody something and they lock you for it that day you will say whether you really want to be a prophet or not are you listening to me discovery of purpose makes you to honor the grace of one people every day i keep respecting let me tell you something my outlook for my father and my mother changed when i started taking responsibility for my life i knew it was not child's play with all the tongues i'm speaking with all of this i said so now they were not filled with the holy ghost they were not praying in tongues they are not hearing what you are hearing but they try to do what they have done many of you after now you need to once send text messages to your parents and tell them you love them and you respect them you'll be insulting them and say only ten thousand he's not ashamed he's made the elderflies his classmates okay very soon so you have told your father you marry in two years very soon you will see what it means to be a man you will see what it means to be a woman many of you who stand and speak to your mothers and just insult them and say mommy let me tell you i'm not a small girl again please don't insult i will wash you now [Music] a small child put in front of you and you want to be a mother welcome to the world of reality when every childishness is washed away by time and wisdom hallelujah are you getting me these messages that i preach are hard messages but they are messages for those who are interested in their destiny not everybody likes me and i understand that but if you will listen let me tell you something about in life there is a difference between teaching and training are you listening to me a teacher can share but when you are being trained when you are being coached that's not the time to pamper you are you listening to me that's not the time to pamper you a coach presses you to bring out the best in you and then when it's time for the race and you take first position the sower and the reaper are both happy many of you may say why is this guy always shouting his messages are always hard you will appreciate it when you step out and see the difference between you and others you will thank god for this world you are receiving today are you listening to me you are receiving it free but let me tell you those who are not receiving it today will pay for it tomorrow it will not be as free as it is today are you listening to me they will pay for it and many will they are not talking of paying with money they will pay with time they will pay with their tears to receive some of these truths say i was born for a reason i was born for a reason i always told myself this there is something about my life i'm not a known entity i'm not an entity today when i confess it i know it is true look at what the lord has done in my life do you know every time i'm sharing with you this to the glory of god i have seen the honor of god in my life i have seen the blessings of god i saw my head boy today he was two years my senior when i was in ss1 in secondary school he was a senior prefect i saw him today i saw him on bike and was just running i was going to discuss with somebody and tears filled my eyes i think it was ik who was driving me i said once upon a time this guy was my head boy today he calls me sir what takes a man from a place where he is nobody are you listening to me to a place of prominence the lord has honored me in my little life within this country outside this country i have seen the mercies of god i have seen the grace of god the things that people run after god has honored me with this is what i want your life to at least become my greatest goal is for the least of you to be better than me there is no reason why you should be the same as me if you become the same as me i have failed my prayer my cry every time i pray for you i say lord let the least among us be as great as i hope you appreciate what you are receiving you see let me tell you something there are many of you that do not know the sacrifice of bringing the word of god to you it's easy speakers are all arranged are you listening to me chairs are arranged all people pray are you just coming and strolling and sit down let's hear what he has to say ah in the days of somewhere when the world was cast many of you god is intercepting your life because you did not receive this training from home many of you came from every different kinds of background but god is intercepting your life to change you i hope you value it i hope you take it serious my son the bible says pay attention to my words incline your ears to my sayings do not let them depart from your eyes keep them in the midst of your heart yes ago let me tell you this i shared with some of my classmates what i'm sharing with you many of them laughed at me many of them thought were just being ambitious and being stupid people today by the grace of god and the short message of david the gap between me and my contemporaries far are you listening to me everything i spoke and i prophesied i have seen a major part of me today in my life that which we have seen that which we have heard that which our hands have handled of the word of life we declare unto you in 2006 when we were leading a people for crusade they insulted us they called us all kinds of names but by the grace and the mercy of god today you are a proof of our apostles if it is true that we are called if it is true that we are anointed you are the testament of the fact that god is at work in this place but tomorrow it will be your turn are you listening to me tomorrow the stage will be opened and it will be your turn to bring the word of the lord to the nations in ministry in business in life whatever you are going through today enjoy it develop your potential don't be too quick to start manifesting david killed the bear he killed the lion but he went back to the secret place do you know compared to where god is taking me i am still under rehearsals i keep telling people i'm still on that training you have not seen the best of me yet what you are seeing today is the prophecy of yesterday tomorrow you will know what i'm speaking today [Music] i've seen many of you have seen yourself in visions every time you sleep you see yourself a leader over others a ministry over churches there are many of you here there are churches and ministries apostolic ministries prophetic ministries music ministries financial ministries businesses locked up inside of you waiting for manifestation there are many of you you are the next medium of groups you are the next opera winfries and the rest you are the people who come and interview us you are the ones who will change the course of history do you believe this about yourself i am motivating you tonight we are going to pray and that prayer is a cry you are going to say lord help me i don't care whether you are young or old many people covering their purpose hear me friends if you do not discover your purpose you will join the queue of frustration that is going on in nigeria jobless people parading the streets of nigeria they graduated with first class they graduated with 2-1 they have nothing to do with their lives i hope you know listen to me i hope you know many of our parents who are suffering today they are filled with the holy ghost hello but in spite of their being filled with the holy ghost in spite of their bible study they are still suffering pastor chris said something that i respect so much he said you cannot park in the same parking lot of your parents and expect a different result that's why god is intercepting your life i made up my mind that i was not going to follow the road of a failure are you listening to me right now is the time to sow the bible says he that repent bearing precious seeds listen what will kill many of you is convenience you like convenience too much that christianity of honor i'm not saying i'm not against comfort but let the days come many of you see me wearing suits today and you want to go and buy my kind of suit find out what i was doing when i was i say it without humility you see ministers stand and you want to do what they are doing you want to eat food in sagalinku it's allowed you to carry that 500 naira and buy a book do you know one of the biggest problems we have in the church our fathers have lied to us they have refused listen they have refused to open up their clothes and show us their scars they hide their scars and they tell us just speak it and it will happen but i'm not hiding it i hope you appreciate it many people lie to you they say i've never suffered in my life i just moved and things began to happen hallelujah are you joking are you playing for there is a scar person let no man trouble me for a bear in my body the mark of christ there is a mark that you receive now even jesus christ has the mark that brought him greatness those cars are still in his hands don't be ashamed of your scars don't let new creation teaching make you fool yourself and be ashamed of your scars many of you because of your testimony you drink gary keep drinking it and saying my life is better there is something in my life i cannot afford it today i'm not ashamed of my one trouser i will not be confessions no no i cannot afford 300 naira cream i will use the homemade vaseline but as i'm using it i'm saying lord i thank you my destiny will blossom and will show up one day if you came tonight to hear a word that will change you this is it i'm preaching tonight from the depth of my heart and i hope you appreciate what i'm telling you you may not be able to make your hair don't envy anybody you don't know how they got there just pay the price pay the price heed that weapon bearing precious seat i made up my mind 10 years ago that i was not going to be poor so don't see me today and some of the blessings that god is helping me i didn't make the resolution last year you will frustrate yourself if you want to be like me in three days are you listening to me somebody came to td jakes and said i want the anointing upon your life he said you are such an influential man new york's best time the best seller i want the anointing on your life and you know them until jake says lord send him tribulations lord sending persecutions for every time you ask god for the throne you will see a goliath standing in front of you if you cannot kill that goliath you are not going to the front i assure you friends many people will speak against the message i'm teaching you today and they'll say i'm not helping you but the future will tell are you listening to me we are going to pray but let me just learn something in my spirit pay the price i do not see many people who are paying the price many of us don't pay the price in the place of prayer many of us don't pay the price in the place of jesus how many of you you said god has called you to be a king of financier how many books on finance have you read i assure you i don't care if a gallon of oil is poured on your head you will never become a millennial god's way no sir it doesn't work that way you want to get married next year how many books on fatherhood have you read how many books on godly parenting have you read am i challenging you in this place you want to get into a relationship how many books about men have you read you think a man is another woman [Music] god has told you you are a leader why don't you become an uncommon leader go and google principles of godly leadership buy tabs buy books you are sitting down meet semester break you share that there is a leadership summit happening in abuja quickly carry your remaining 3 000 and run there once sit down quietly and listen to generals of the faith speak before you criticize them listen to them you have not gotten to where they are getting so shut your mouth and just listen first no matter how much mistake they are making it's not by trial and error they establish those levels of grace you have something to learn are you listening to me sit down under that anointing see many of you let me tell you something there are many of you who i pray that you don't regret the opportunities you have today are you listening to me sometimes you see the ministers they wear jeans like you they laugh like you be careful so you don't get too familiar you're not standing in the same room if i were you i would run one day and pin one minister and buy him zubu and say teach me something about leadership and refuse say i will not let you go many of you don't know how to press for your destiny are you listening to me go around zarya go on google who are the ministers and the leaders that have displayed the quality of what you want god has told you you are going to have a miracle ministry you are just sitting down and lying down you think the holy ghost will come upon you just like that hallelujah many of you may need to contribute money you are your roommate contribute money and buy my tv and put in your room people say ah enjoyment you know what you are pursuing are you listening to me you are not dressing when you have one but you have a set light and you have a tv people say what kind of enjoyment is that you know what you are pursuing while those messages are playing you are saying lord i receive there is grace i receive are you listening to me go and buy tips buy mp3s worship people refuse average in your life refuse it from class run and go somewhere see i challenge you see i am on my knees begging you listen to me i'm on my knees begging you if you take what i'm saying seriously you will be a champion in life but if you play with what i'm saying you will see how messed up your life will become [Music] hallelujah i'm preaching tonight from my heart that which i have i give unto you enough of failures in life it takes sacrifice you will cry oh let me tell you i'm not the kind of person that will preach that gospel to you your crying is not because you are backsliding heat that whippeth bearing precious seeds you are holding your seat loading office is not much that is coming but i will keep giving i will keep tightening i will support your house lord just one shed what i will give i have two sets but i will still see i am diligent in the place of prayer people may insult me but i continue my roommate say i don't have perfume my body is smelling but let me be a prayerful smelling person i am still praying oh lord i keep praying and then your glory will break forth like the morning and you will rise a day will come everything you are longing for you will get it as a platter of god did i ever know that a day will come in my life when i will not need to think of what to eat again those days are here are you listening to me the car you don't have today stop admiring and claiming cars sit down and start working on yourself every car that passed i claim is fafa foul that gospel that they taught you better repent of it this night that's conventiousness not claiming you sit down and partner with the holy ghost and you will become a champion stay with your bible in the place of of of sacrifice listen i want to see a situation where from tomorrow morning from this night all of us are working wake up in the morning write something about your life don't waste your time any see your enemies the person that comes to distract you don't be afraid to tell people now is not the time to jesus you are walking when you are walking somebody just comes ah i saw you don't smile and tell very sorry but i'm doing a little work and i say stupid people they always try to claim they are serious if you are ashamed of your reputation you will not be great in life you must die to be a champion great men are those who have died in themselves paul said i died daily hallelujah one last point to discovering your purpose is service you will never be a leader until you become a good servant many people see me today and think i was just crossing my legs and then the anointing just came bam and god said just get up get a suit wear quickly and start ministry you think so [Music] i shared my story when i used to play there's a man called reverend emmanuel amechi i don't know where that man is power praise sharper than this church i used to play keyboard for him 1996. i will play keyboard for him let me tell you something the only thing i remember them doing for me once was during the launching of his uh of this they gave me one cassette and one fanta that's the only thing they did for those of you who do something say the way we are singing we are serving in colonial austria they are supposed to be paying also say you are rich live please leave we are looking for serious destiny don't you know that you are lending your destiny free of charge see you kill yourself and it happens a lot to musicians you have not gone anywhere you are saying they should pay me don't you know that you are learning hallelujah when you find yourself serving in a church or in a body never complain see it as an opportunity to learn it will give you discipline are you listening to me you cannot be a leader until you are a good servant you must be able to serve you will learn the discipline and the regiment of service many of you as you are serving one day they will give you they'll give you an opportunity they'll say now um josiah please help us to lead prayers five minutes that will be the first time you'll be uncovering the grace of god upon your life you who has thought that you are not anointed that day you just stand five minutes prayer you change the atmosphere suddenly it leaves you with a question how many of you has that happened to your faculty fellowship they just say there's a choir a family just live there 20 minutes praise and worship and you leave press and watch it and people dance after the choir they keep singing your song and then you start discovering that there is service service is the place of discovery many of you who are not serving in the house of god you call that smartness you are cheating yourself you learn a lot of things are you listening to me you serve god take responsibility for your life stop insulting your father mother and say my father was smarter i'll be better if my mother was this i'll be better if they were sending me more pocket money no don't be ashamed of your tears stop living a realm that you have not yet gotten to you will get there ladies you will not have to change or we won every 22 days you don't have that kind of money stop frustrating yourself a day will come you will only boutique you will own a spa a spa center you can change your hair every day stop killing yourself right now the brothers know you are laboring to enter your rest and they appreciate it hallelujah and for the guys do your best stop borrowing clothes from everybody so that you will be smart be contented with what you have said that lady looked at my leg when we were talking the last time i beg helped me to a canvas why must you pretend [Music] you borrow car you borrow blackberry you borrow everything you don't know how to use it you put yourself under pressure you carry fifty thousand that god bless you with i need to buy a baby baby don't sit down and press for your destiny what is it about a blackberry that that you cannot get are you listening to me i'm challenging you tonight away with childishness when i was a child i thought like a child i acted like a child like a child when you become a man you lay a side child these things rise up on your feet and let's pray [Music] bless the lord for tonight [Music] go ahead and pray in the spirit say lord i bless you for this word i receive your word with meekness i receive your word with gladness yes i commend you to the word of his grace that is able to make you wise and to give you an inheritance among them that are sanctified [Music] pray for tonight i receive praise to discover my purpose i refused to be a known entity i stopped wasting my life i stopped wasting my time i pay the price pray lord reveal to me what are my own head for why am i here why did you bring me here before you were formed in your mother's womb i knew you i called you i separated you to be a prophet unto the nations and jeremiah said i am a young man he said i'm a young man god said no i will put my word in your mouth and you will declare don't be afraid of them let entrepreneurs arise let apostolic ministries arise prophetic ministries arise evangelistic ministries eyes [Applause] let businessmen arise kingdom financiers arise life coaches arrive come on pray media giants arrive educationists arise in the name that is above every name managers arise pastors arise apostles arise prophets arise interior decoration giants i call your eyes kingdom catrice arrives sportsmen arise kingdom celebrities beauticians consultants the kingdom needs you in the name of jesus alive scientists arrived manufacturers arise music ministers in the name of jesus alive come on pray i discover my assignment i discover my assignment in the name of jesus i find my place in life stop escorting men i stop escorting men i find my place the place of glory the place of victory the place of breakthrough now i come in the volume of the book as it is written concerning me to do your will pray i am not a nobody my world will celebrate me prophesy to yourself nigeria will hear your voice africa will hear your voice the moses of our time the joshuas of our time the elijah's of our time rise of generals rise up generally pray i find my place in life i pay the price i read the books i pray you are a celebrity you are a champion god will give you the fame god will give you the grace he will give you prosperity like you have never seen he will give you anointing the husband will come the wife will come but stay in the place of blessing stop giving excuses stop giving excuses repent tonight cleanse the excuses stop giving excuses take responsibility over your life stop blaming the government stop blaming your parents stop blaming your background stop blaming your uncle take responsibility [Applause] among us be as mighty as david [Applause] you will preach this message to your congregations he will preach this message to your children you will preach this message to your business partners you will preach this message one day you will be on air one day you will be on satellite the world will share you you will make reference to this day i open up the portals of destiny over your life i open up the quarters of purpose over your life let revelation come let revelation come i prophesy to you find your place find your place find your place [Music] find your place find your place there is a place for you only you only you you are an answer you are a solution to a problem don't rob us don't rob us there is something about your life that our generation needs don't die with your guilt hallelujah hallelujah while i say this i want to say something important but if you are coming here for the first time for time sake please run out while i say this if this is your first time just walk out to pray for you while i'm while you are coming out listen everybody the gift of a man please if this is your first time please come out while i'm speaking the gift of a man may get room set after the naked room say the gift of a man the potentials of a man [Music] makes room for him and brings him before great people say the gift of a man brings him before great man [Music] if you find your gift you find your place in life once upon a time i was in nobody but the gift that the lord has given has made room for me that's why there is no boasting because it's the election of grace can we listen to you tomorrow can you stop giving excuses all kinds of excuses we live in a world where the youth in nigeria there is no other place in the world where the youth shy away from responsibility like nigeria we run away from responsibility that's why people like a god that does everything no sir that kind of christianity we buried in this place [Music] hallelujah write the following books please [Music] i know those of you who are here the member please write the following books buy it check the library if they have the books get it discovering your potentials by dr mass munro discovering your potentials by dr miles munro discovering your potentials then understanding your potentials still by dr miles munro understanding your potentials god's big idea still by dr miles monroe the purpose-driven life by requiring the purpose-driven life required the purpose driven life by rick warren have you written that oh dear there is one on my mind right now i just forgot lord help me i have to bring this out [Music] oh dear i'm trying to remember i just forgot it right now finishing strong by wu steve farah finishing strong you need to read that book finishing strong by stephara [Music] these books will help you you can explore others go to jordan bookstore tomorrow wake jordan from his house and say i need my destiny my destiny must move forward come on open your bookstore get these books sit down listen some of you can form little groups among yourself instead of gisting and gossiping about people sit down give yourself an assignment do you understand you read the pharah's book you read my son and then you come and have a little bible story there's nothing wrong you edify yourself it will drive away visionless people from your life turn your room into a place of vision don't allow anybody coming to your room and use it as a place of gossip and back fighting and asking you useless questions do you like that guy tell him look i'm studying if you are not going to help me my destiny please walk out thank you jesus you
Channel: Salvation TV
Views: 102,780
Rating: 4.822 out of 5
Keywords: online sermon, apostle selman sermon, apostle joshua selman sermon, new sermon 2020, apostle joshua selman new sermon, youtube sermon, sermon on youtube, apostle joshua selman messages, apostle joshua selman nimmak messages, koinonia, apostle, joshua, selman, nimmak, prayer, apostle joshua selman, apostle joshua selman 2020, koinonia messages, download apostle joshua selman messages 2019, how to grow spiritually, impactation, god, success, how to be successful, purpose and destiny
Id: soC4km-hDnk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 29sec (5429 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 12 2020
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