How To Deliver A Baby - EPIC HOW TO

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Oh babies they're like the most beautiful and precious creation that you make with your junk and their delivery is the most terrifying thing that you're ever going to experience it's messy they're screaming but don't worry because we're going to teach you all you need to know to bring that little bundle of joy into this world get your stork pants on this is epic a two first things first you are probably not a doctor so if you have the option go to a hospital or birthing center I can tell you from personal experience that nothing creates more panic than a woman going into labor and you want to be near a trained professional but let's say you're on the way to the hospital and you just aren't going to make it in time or maybe you're a cab driver in a sitcom either way here's what you're going to need to know if the baby tries to go work right in your lap when you're by yourself first it can be really difficult to tell when a pregnant woman is actually going into labor one clear sign is the release of amniotic fluid you've probably heard the phrase her water broke well that's actually the amniotic fluid that surrounds and protects the baby leaking out when the amniotic sac breaks this can happen hours before labor actually begins and if a woman's water breaks and she doesn't go into labor within 12 hours she needs to go to the hospital to induce labor as the baby could be at risk of infection the next step is contractions as a woman enters labor her uterus starts squeezing down hard and her cervix dilates to prepare to let the baby out you might ask Joe how do I know if the cervix is dilated well if you aren't trained to look - probably won't so just skip this thing the only way you're going to be able to tell is if the head of the baby is crowning or actually coming out of the woman at which point it's pretty obvious the mother is in labor actually really far into labor come now it's common for women to suffer fake contractions before actually going into labor this is essentially her uterus practicing for the big day and a lot of women into thinking that they're actually about to have a baby so how do you tell the difference if the contractions are less than 10 minutes apart that probably means she's entered labor once there are three to five minutes apart it means you're getting real close and less the two minutes apart means you're about to be holding the baby get ready to catch a human now you need to thoroughly wash your hands and have plenty of clean towels and sheets available because there will be amniotic fluid blood and wait for it yes whoo you see the pressure of pushing a baby out causes most mothers to defecate which isn't as bad as it sounds man it's life it's like science happens your twin brother's probably a poop now get this though recent research shows that this may actually be a vital part of the birthing process as the poop delivers beneficial bacteria to the baby which helps jumpstart their digestive system like I said science in fact babies that are delivered to be a c-section miss out on these probiotics and it can set their early development back as much as two years so yes pooping on your baby is a natural part of the process just only when they're being birthed don't ever do it any other time I told you this would be gross now once you have everything ready try to get the mother as comfortable as possible contrary to popular belief the legs up position we see in the movies is actually one of the worst positions for the mother to be in it's really only beneficial for the person delivering the baby to have a good view of what's going on in whoohoo land so just like when you make the baby women should find the position that's most comfortable for them the best position tends to be squatting as gravity is helping to deliver the baby and it opens up the birth canal 20% more than other positions and the squatting position helps if the baby is coming out first which can be a very serious complication known as breaching the squatting position will let the baby reposition itself before emerging into the world now she's gonna have to start pushing encourage her to tuck the chin and concentrate on pushing downwards she should try three to four pushes per contraction and try to help keep her breathing deep this will help her concentrate and mitigate some of the pain it's also your only real job until the baby pops out when the baby does emerge you need to support the head as the neck is too weak at this point but do not pull this could cause serious serious nerve damage you should let it come out at its own pace if the umbilical cord is wrapped around the baby's neck which does happen gently lift it over the baby's head but again don't pull the baby should naturally rotate as it comes out as the shoulders reach the opening but it may need a little guidance here what he expects just born has learned yet and now is the time to get ready to catch because the baby is going to be slippery the baby is still having trouble coming out at this point have the mother grab her knees and pull her thighs toward her stomach this is called the McRoberts position and it's very effective in managing final pushes needed to deliver the child oh look at that you're holding the baby but now what well you're gonna want to help drain the fluids from the mouth and nose and the easiest way to do that is to hold the baby at a 45 degree angle with the feet above the head and let gravity help but make sure you're still supporting the head of the neck like I said very very important rub the body vigorously with a clean towel to encourage the baby to start breeding on its own once the mucus is clear and the baby is breathing then you can hand the baby off to mama ensure full skin-on-skin contact between the mother and the child is happening because babies love that the baby should also breastfeed it right away this will release the hormone oxytocin in the mother and the child which not only role create a bonding feeling between the two but will also help the mother deliver the placenta what's that placenta you say yes it's not over yet it's also called the afterbirth and it's the lining uterus that has been nourishing the baby the last nine months the mother will feel a need to push which is exactly what she should do to expel the placenta the last thing you're going to need to decide is whether to cut the umbilical cord if medical help is hours away you can do this on your own feel the cord to make sure there is no pulse blood will stop moving through it after the placenta separates which should happen about 10 minutes after delivery next tie a string or lace around the cord three inches from the baby's bellybutton tie another lace two inches away from the first one and make sure both are good and tight then using a very sterile knife or scissors cut between the two laces it's going to be thick and slippery and feel like rubber and may take a while to cut through but that's fine just take your time and don't worry about causing the baby pain there are no nerve endings in the umbilical cord fun story when I cut it I got sprayed in the face life man now just make sure the baby and the mother are comfortable and get them to a hospital to get checked out as soon as possible because once again you're not a doctor doctors get paid lots of money to know things so go find one cool there you go you did it you waited through the bloody mess that is bringing a child into this world it was beautiful it was precious but now it's gonna get real hard because the next 18 years are on your shoulders dad or mom I'm Joe Bereta and this has been epic how to let us know what topic you guys think we should break down next in the comments below and don't forget to subscribe
Channel: AWE me
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Keywords: how to deliver a baby, giving birth, how to help a woman give birth, epic how to, how to help, how to, how does giving birth work, delivery room, what to do in the delivery room, aweme, awemechannel, awe me, defy, defy media
Id: J3kuiP14BBQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 35sec (455 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 04 2016
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