How to DELETE Trophies from PS4 Account (Remove Tutorial)

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hey everyone this is Tim from your sex tech today in this video I'm going to show you how to delete trophies off of your PlayStation 4 account so I'm just on the home screen here I'm going to go up to the top bar and then go on over to Trophies and select this now I want to find a game to delete so I'm going to go through my list right here and I don't believe I've ever played this game before it's called meet your maker so I want to select it and then go to options then we will have the option to delete it right here trophy information for the following application will be deleted meet your maker let's go on over to okay so it is now removed from my list so if you are trying to delete something and it's not deleting this could be because you're actually into the trophies menu right here I can see all the trophies for the game if I press Options under this menu it's just going to say search internet and it's not going to give me the option to delete it so I have to be on the main trophies menu and then press options on it and then I should have the option to delete now not every game will have the option to delete I don't think I've ever played that game before but if you look through the list so this one's an online game Grand Theft Auto that's an online game Sonic team racing so Ark survival I'm able to lead but hopefully this video did indeed help you out it did leave a big Thumbs Up And subscribe to my Channel Down Below for more Tech out videos coming up next on your sex tag
Channel: YourSixTech
Views: 20,867
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Keywords: delete trophies ps4, delete trophies ps4 pro, ps4 trophies, how to delete trophies on ps4, why can't you delete trophies on ps4
Id: hFg7-ciQckc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 36sec (96 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 11 2023
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