How To Delete Extra Pages In Microsoft Word

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hey what's up everyone it's clay from howtoapps and right now i'm going to show you how to delete unwanted pages on your word document in microsoft word this goes for word on mac or on windows and this is a pretty easy fix but one of those things that i'm sure we've all experienced that it's just this this thing that's driving us crazy that we can't figure out but really there's just kind of one step to it so i'm going to show you what that is for this in this example that i'm showing i've just got some random text here and let's say i wanted to get rid of all these paragraphs right here so you know i'll just select it and then hit delete and delete one more time but this page is still sticking around and i'm sure you all have experienced this as well a cool thing a cool feature that word has implemented is this function that shows all the different paragraphs and where you've hit enter on your document and that's this button right here on the home tab it's this paragraph symbol if you click on that then it shows you where you've hit enter and where it texts a new line is started for a chunk of text so let's scroll down to this page and we'll find that there are some extra spaces here so word is generally good about not leaving extra pages here if there's nothing on them but it did detect some extra spaces here that were invisible to us but quite quite real to to this to word so all we have to do is just click down on the very bottom paragraph symbol and then just keep hitting delete or backspace on your keyboard until they're all gone and there you go that page is out of your way and then to turn this off you just hit this button again up here and boom there you go that's how you delete unwanted pages this video helped you out please leave a like and comment below and subscribe to see more tutorials like this see you later
Channel: Trevor Nace
Views: 143,408
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iphone, ios, android, app
Id: H6bXizFEfIY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 51sec (111 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 22 2021
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