How To Delete A Blank Page At The End Of A Word Document

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have you ever finished a document and been really pleased with the way it all looks and then just before you print it or send it to someone you realize that it flows onto a second page and there's nothing on that next page and try as you might no matter how many times you press delete' or backspace' that page is not disappearing in this video I'm going to show you four quick simple ways to get rid of that deadly last blank page oh it can be really irritating when you've just finished creating a document you've got everything just perfect and then you scroll to the bottom and finds you have an extra page a blank page nothing on it at all and you go to get rid of it and you can't microsoft word just will not allow you to get rid of that last page you can try hitting backspace you can try hitting delete you can click on the previous page right at the end of it and hit delete for all you like you can try and highlight between the two pages and do backspace or delete it's no good nothing seems to get rid of that last blank page what I'm going to do is show you four very quick very simple and easy tricks that you can do which will help you get rid of that last page you'll generally only ever need one of them but which one you choose will in some cases depend upon the formatting of your document so you might want to try one see what it ends up looking like and if you don't like it try another so let's move straight away onto a technique one technique one is to change the amount of space the top or the bottom of the page in your document very easy to do this we'll use the ruler which at the moment does not appear anywhere on the screen so what we'll need to do is click on the View tab at the top of the ribbon and then click ruler that brings up the ruler along the top and on the left hand side and what we need to do is just find the split between the needed area at the bottom and the white section the white section is of course where the content of your document will go the shaded area is the footer section at the bottom of your page we can reduce the height of that footer section which will slightly pull your document down and should get rid of this bottom page underneath for put my mouse just on the split between the shaded area and the white area on the ruler on the left hand side you can see the mouse pointer changes to a double-headed white arrow there so I'm going to click and I'm going to drag down slightly and then bingo there we are just suddenly pop the border at the bottom has now been reduced we can't really see any difference between this document and how it looked just before except that now we've got rid of that extra blank page at the bottom just going to undo that so I can show you a second technique so whilst we can change the height of the space available at either the top or the bottom of our document getting rid of that blank page we can do a similar thing by changing the margins on the left and the right hand sides now here you can use the ruler at the top problem is it's quite tricky especially on the left-hand side with all these tab widgets and everything here so what I would tend to suggest especially so that you can keep things symmetrical is to go to page layout at the top of the ribbon and then head over to the left where says margins and choose custom margins at the bottom now what we can do you can change their heading at the top and the bottom you can see it's 2.5 4 top and bottom at the moment what I'm going to do is change the left and right margins going to change that down to say 2.1 so I'm taking off Oh point 4 of centimeter on the width and by changing the left and right margins slightly and clicking ok there we are and again you may not even notice that there's much of a difference Oh point for a centimeter isn't a huge amount where it's less than half a centimeter added to the side you can't really see that but what you can see is that we now have only one page we do not have that extra blank page at the end I'm just going to undo that again just so I can show you the next two methods so you have there the ability to get rid of that blank page by changing the top or the bottom margins the left and right margins keeping it symmetrical now the next thing to do is to look at paragraph spacing you'll notice that every paragraph has a space above and below it by slightly reducing that paragraph spacing it won't make a lot of difference to the way the document looks but you will just pull it all up slightly so you get rid of this extra page at the bottom now what I'm going to do is triple click inside this paragraph if you're not sure a triple click obviously three rapid mouse clicks will select a whole paragraph so a single click just puts the mouse the text cursor there a double click will select the word that you're on and a triple click will select a whole paragraph so I'm going to select that paragraph I don't want to select this table or the image so what I'm going to do is hold down the control button and I'm going to triple click in these paragraphs as well and then with ctrl down just deselect that image now if your document is just text well just simply highlight all the text if you don't don't want to worry about changing paragraph spacing within tables or round images then again just select everything I'm just keeping things really neat and simple by just making a change to the text and only the text within this document to show you how simple this is so I've selected the text let's go to the home section of the ribbon at the top and when you select home come along to the paragraph section here and what I would do is click on the little button at the bottom right corner to go to settings and here we can see this is the bit here the spacing at the moment it's set to auto I'm using size 12 font you can see up here size 12 so Auto will probably mean that I've got size 12 as the spacing before and after a paragraph and then I click on the up arrow here and and change that to nine so I'm bringing the spacing of the paragraph the height of the gap between each paragraph down from 12 point to nine point and then I click OK and there you are I've now got rid of that page at the bottom you can still see that my paragraphs have a space above and below and you can see that the text doesn't look terribly different from the previous one and so there we are we've now got rid of that extra page a third different way let's just don't do that again and now let's look at the final method the fourth method which will help to reduce your documents down a page again if we I'm just going to highlight everything now so you could just simply click and drag to highlight everything but ctrl a is the keyboard shortcut which will select everything and what I'm going to do now is to reduce the font down by half a point but the problem is we've got to at least two different font sizes here we've got the title here possibly we might have a different font size for the tables so what happens how can you reduce the font size of everything proportionately well if we do ctrl a and then I hold the control button down so I'm holding ctrl down and then what I'm looking for are these square brackets not the round ones at the top of the number pad as are at the top of the the numbers on the top of your keyboard but the square brackets which are just to the right of the letter P on your keyboard so if you find the letter P P for pepper find that on your keyboard and write on the right-hand side of that will be the square brackets if you hold ctrl down and you press the left square bracket the font size will reduce if you press the right square bracket the font size will increase and that's for the whole document regardless of what size font is we used within each section of your document so you'll notice that if I press the left square bracket all the text including the title text the paragraph text the text in my tables everything is reduced by half a point to a point so you've still got the same base of proportions the paragraph spacing is still the same but now we've reduced the height of our document so that we have got rid of that blank page at the bottom so and you'll see that we've got quite a lot of extra space at the bottom so what I'm going to do is just undo that and all I'm going to do now this time is select the paragraphs of text I'm not going to select the title the image or the table and and then rather than using the control and the square bracket I'm going to go right up here where you've got the size of the font and I'm going to start by just typing in 11.5 and maybe people didn't realize you can have half a point so 11.5 press Enter no we haven't quite got that so let's try 11 then and there we are we're down to 11 points on that we've not had to reduce the size of the title we haven't had to reduce the size of the table in fact we may even find that we can increase the size of the text in the table quite a bit now so there we are for quick and simple ways of changing the formatting of your document very subtly so that you can either reduce its overall length if you've just gone over onto another page you don't want to have just a paragraph of writing at the top of the final page or if you've got a page that is stubbornly refusing to disappear despite having nothing on it for different quick and simple ways that you can juice that so top and bottom borders left and right margins paragraph spacing and font size hope you found this useful if you did please consider subscribing and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: The Tech Train
Views: 753,019
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Microsoft Word (Software), How-to (Website Category), Microsoft, Word, delete page, extra page, document, format document, remove page, reduce document
Id: X2hf7DlSgDw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 27sec (687 seconds)
Published: Mon May 25 2015
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