How to Remove Blank Pages in Microsoft Word

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today i'm going to show you how to delete blank pages within microsoft word there are three main ways to delete blank pages so if we scroll through this document you see here there's a blank page in the middle there and we also have a blank page at the end now the first way the simple way to delete the last page is click on the page and hit delete now sometimes that doesn't work so a lot of people recommend hitting control and then backspace and then that will delete the page the second way to delete blank pages is if we go click on view navigation pane it will show you all of our pages and as you see here we have a blank page for blank or for page number two if we click page number two it takes us to that page and we can simply hit delete the third way to delete a blank page is if we go to home click on the paragraph icon and it'll show you what's causing that blank page so here we show a page break so if we select that page break and hit delete our blank page is gone please like and share this video and if you know of any other helpful ways of deleting blank pages let me know in the comments below thank you for watching you
Channel: Interweb Finds
Views: 331,604
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to Remove Blank Pages in MS Word, how to delete blank page in word 2016, how to delete an unwanted blank page in word, delete a blank page in ms word, how to delete page in word, how to delete blank page in word, how to delete a page in word, how to remove blank page in word, how to delete extra page in microsoft word, how to delete a blank page in word, how to remove page in word, how to delete extra pages in word, how to delete last blank page, remove blank page in word
Id: ozmJp-E3qn4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 41sec (101 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 11 2020
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