How to Delete an Unwanted Blank Page in Word

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hi everybody today I'm going to go through some strategies for deleting unwanted blank pages in Word so you can see that I have a document here and if I scroll down I have a problem with a blank page in my document so the most basic solution is to go to the blank page that you want to erase and place your cursor as close to the bottom right-hand corner of the page as possible and then click wherever the cursor ends up is the bottom of the page and then I can simply hit the backspace button until I get rid of the pages so if that simple fix solves the problem for you then that's great in some situations you may still have a problem however so let's try going to your layout tab and clicking on the margins item over here then select custom margins click the Layout tab and then in the drop down menu next to section start select new page and click OK now that didn't do anything to my blank pages so now it's time to turn to a really important tool for figuring out why your pages are blank in the first place which is this button here which toggles whether you're showing or hiding paragraph marks which by the way is in the Home tab so click on that and you'll see exactly what's on your pages which may not truly be blank this shows me that I have a page break after my text here and on my next supposedly blank page here I actually have another page break and then on this page I have some spaces and another page break now what I can do when I have my paragraph symbol showing is select everything and click delete what I erase any unwanted page breaks I will be down to just the pages that I want the trick is that you can't erase these pages or even know they're there until you make those paragraph symbols display now let's say that those options didn't actually help with deleting a blank page because I have a table at the end of my document there's a function in Word to automatically insert a paragraph after a table which can cause an extra page to appear now you can't totally delete this paragraph but you can make it extra small so it doesn't cause a new page to be displayed with the paragraph marks turned on select that last paragraph and change the font size to size one now the paragraph is so small it should delete the blank page you can also change the spacing around the paragraph by selecting the paragraph symbol and then pulling up the paragraph formatting menu from here on the indents and spacing change the spacing before and after to zero and make sure line spacing is set to one if even those two options didn't work you can actually hide the paragraph highlight the paragraph mark and then launch the font dialog box from the font tab select hidden and then click OK this is a bit of a last resort but it should work for you so we went through a bunch of ways to try and erase those troublesome blank pages and in almost any situation one of these should work for you hopefully you found this helpful if you have any questions just let us know in the comment section below thanks for watching and have a great day
Channel: BetterCloud
Views: 1,045,355
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BetterCloud, BetterCloud Monitor, BetterCloud Monitor Academy, tutorial, Microsoft Word, delete blank page
Id: U3CEclo3gIQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 11sec (191 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 04 2016
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