How to DEFEND in EA FC 24 (in under 5 minutes) - EA FC 24 DEFENDING TUTORIAL

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this is a short but sweet tutorial on how to defend in the AFC 24 now be sure to keep your eyes peeled hit the Subscribe button because I'm about to upload a complete defending tutorial it's over 50 minutes long so be sure to keep your eyes peeled but this is a quick summary for you guys for now since it's been such a highly requested video on the channel so far but I want to summarize defending up for you we can't defend like previous years what you'll notice is if there's any split Gap in the defense or if your opponent turns on you whether that be with a skill move or with a dribble it's very hard to adjust when you're jockeying in ec24 so what does that mean for us we need to focus on player positioning our defensive structure and ensuring that we're maximizing our players momentum where we can what do I mean by that well firstly player positioning if you're not in a position that's allowing you to cover a hole or a gap or a space and and there is a space or gap for your opponent to exploit it is so easy to Sprint through that Gap and so easy to exploit it that you're not able to react this year so it's a matter of keeping the players in their holes in their spaces and in their positions as I said positioning is key as the number one rule so the way you want to do that is when you're jockeying you don't want to be so aggressive with the left stick in terms of trying to dive in to a tackle when the attacker is on the ball attempting to beat you or attempting to build up it's a matter of sticking to your position and not moving your Defender too far out of his position because as I said if you do you'll be exploited and then also maintaining the structure which is the second topic I want to talk about maintaining the structure is super important and the way you do it is with right s switching you want to constantly switch between your Defenders so that you can keep them in their position in their holes and ensure that you're tracking every Runner and every passing Lane and the way you keep this structure is with right stit switching I warned you on the channel before the release of eafc that you needed to learn right SE switching so if you did watch my tutorials about a month ago you're winning in life but you essentially want to continue to switch between all of your Defenders to keep them in their structure in their line this will enable you to keep all of your players in their positions and minimize the holes and gaps and spaces that you'll leave open for your opponent to exploit cuz as I said that you can not react with jockeying this year and you'll be more susceptible to any spaces or gaps left open cuz it's so easy to Sprint through those gaps and spaces with let's say the new R1 dribbling technique or even with R2 I then want to mention the importance of patience this year I want to sum it up we need to essentially wait for our opponent to make a mistake rather than us ourselves make a mistake and pull players out of positions you'll see the only time I'm actually pressing my opponent is when he is isolated or when he takes a large touch I am never pressing my opponent when he is on the ball and he's attempting to build up around my 18 yard Bots or even in his own half I'm keeping my defensive structure switching between my Defenders and keeping a solid line Whenever there are Runners I am Trucking those Runners and I'm doing it as early as possible and I'll revert back to what I said before about momentum if you track runners late then you won't have the maximum momentum to keep up with that Runner if he so as to get in behind so it's about patience it's waiting for the right moment to pounce on the opponent and it's about keeping the structure of your defense now in terms of all of those techniques like right s switching jocking pouncing on the opponent even all of those techniques are covered in the long comprehensive complete defending tutorial coming out on the channel in the next week or so smash the like button let's get ready for it because what you have to realize these videos take forever to edit and do take a while to get up on the channel so hit the sub button hit the like button and let's get ready for it as always I'm coaching 10one on if you want to be a part of that the link to it is down below I also have a Lobby in my coaching Discord which allows you to request personalized tutorials from me to make for the patron how good is that check it out the link is down below but I'm out goodbye thanks for watching if you enjoyed the video then I'd really appreciate it if you hit the Subscribe button and lastly if you do want any pregaming fuel or supplement then head over to ATP which is the first link in the description and use the code dyet ATP at checkout to get yourself a discount not only is it the cheapest way to get supplements but it helps me out a ton guys so thank you
Channel: Dylan Banks FC
Views: 199,408
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dylan banks, aussiefifa, tutorial, FIFA, EA FC 24, ea fc 24 defending tutorial, defending tutorial eafc, how to defend in ea fc, ea fc how to defend, ea fc 24, ea fc, fc 24 defending tutorial, defending tutorial ea fc 24, ea fc defending guide, how to defend in ea fc 24, ea fc 24 how to defend, defending guide ea fc 24, defending ea fc, ea fc defending, how to defend, ea fc 24 complete defending tutorial, defending tutorial fc 24
Id: zKykf-v3vwo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 44sec (284 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 28 2023
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