How to Deep Clean your PS4 Slim

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so the other day my brother and I were online playing some games together and his connection just kept dropping so we'd be in the middle of a round and suddenly he's not there anymore leaving me to fend for myself so at first we thought maybe it was his internet connection if it was Wi-Fi or what we tried hard lining his ps4 and that wasn't bringing it back to life so he just lives on the other side of town I drove over to his house to see if I could help him figure out what was going on and this is the mess that I stumbled on his PlayStation was out in his mancave and the thing is covered in dust this looks like the PlayStation equivalent of those dogs that you see on the ASPCA commercials we need Sarah McLachlan to sing about this thing in the arms of the angel fly away from you every day thousands of Playstations live in neglect cold dark and scared their fans filled to the brim with death all right and after that we don't want to get sued so long story short we are going to take this puppy apart and clean every part of it we're gonna start with the case we're gonna go around the outside get that plastic looking good we're gonna clean the intake fans where this thing pulls in the cold air we're gonna clean the fan itself the heat sink all of it we're gonna get this thing looking sharp so let's give you a quick rundown of the tools that we're gonna need we've got ourselves a Swiffer duster then we're gonna use to get a lot of the dust off the case both inside and out we've got ourselves a top care toothbrush you can go with a Colgate not a crest never a crest don't ask why we're going to be using 88 security Torx now this is gonna be the part that's probably the hardest to find and so in the description of this video I have a link to where you can pick up a kit that's made for disassembling Playstations we'll have the pieces that you need and it's at a great price some canned air some alcohol wipes paper towels gieux there's screwdrivers and that should be everything that we need to get started so first thing we're gonna do is take an alcohol wipe and just wipe off the top of this PlayStation here good lord that's a thick layer of dust and you can see that even just the top of the case was coated in dust lots of dirt and grime coming off of there you could see that we have like some sort of dust or grime in the sony button this puppy needs a little bit of love i'm gonna go ahead and just take it here across the front of the PlayStation I'm gonna long the intake fans on the sides so after we have the thick outer coating of dust off of there let's can go ahead and take our toothbrush and we are going to just run it along those intake ports there trying to kind of pull out some of the dust that may be between the grapes scrub those USB ports that are in the front and then the USB the networking the HDMI all those ports that we have in the back califor same thing you can see we're already much cleaner along the outside there sony no longer full of dog food so now we're gonna go ahead and take our canned air and just blow this thing out on those ports so you can see after scrubbing the outside we look a lot better we've got the the outer plastic cleaned these intake ports have been scrubbed and blown out the USB ports here along the front we've got those scrubbed and blown out using the toothbrush in the canned air and then the ports across the back looking much better so now let's go ahead and crack it open and we will clean the inside now on the slim model saris made it a little bit easier to take apart to get access to the fan but they've also added a metal plate that we're gonna have to take apart and you'll see that as we get in there so let's go ahead and what do is across the front here we're gonna grab the edges where it says ps4 and Sony and we're just gonna pull up on those outer edges and then in the middle and the top of the case should just release like that and roll right off now actually the inside of this thing is much cleaner than I expected to see I mean you can see that the case there has just a little bit of dirt on it so we're just going to go ahead and take our Swiffer clean the inside of that case there and then we can go ahead and just put that off to the side on the inside here is where a little bit more of that canned air is gonna come into play now as you spray your canned air you don't want this fan to go around on its own too much the fear is that you will generate an electrical current that can short out different circuits on your motherboard so if you go ahead and just put your finger on the black piece there as you blow it out and then I would just go ahead with that top case off and blow out those intake ports again now depending on how dirty your PlayStation is that amount of cleaning can be sufficient blowing out that fan cleaning those intake ports that may be all that you need I want to go ahead and go one step further and so we're gonna remove this metal plate so that we can get access to the heatsink that's in here as well as a little bit better shot at the fan so to do that we're going to remove the screws that are holding in the power supply we're going to use a miniature Phillips head screwdriver and just remove the screws that are right there and then we've got some other screws as well let's go ahead and do that and now that we have some of those screws removed we're gonna go ahead and use our t8 Torx to remove those security Torx there you can see here that as we remove the silver plate we've got a longer bolt on this side and a little bit shorter bolt on that side so you can just go ahead and leave those in the holes as you set that off to the side and that way you can keep it all straight and now we've got our power supply somewhat out of the way we want to take out all the screws and torque security things that are holding this plate in place okay now after we have all the screws taken out we're just going to go ahead and pull up on that power supply just a little bit in the front and after we have that pulled up just a little bit to give us some room we're going to pull up here on this metal plate as we have that we're just going to lift it up and out of the way honestly I'm pretty impressed at how clean this actually is on the inside the fan really doesn't have too much dust in it the underside of this protective plate has just a little bit of dust but overall this looks really good so let's go ahead and we're just gonna take our Swiffer and wipe the inside of that plate there and we're gonna set it off to the side and you can see here that we have the heat sink to our processor overall it's a lot cleaner than I expected to see so we're just gonna take our toothbrush and kind of pull up here on the edges try and loosen any dirt that may be there in that heat sink now that we've got the dust out of the way we're gonna go ahead and take our canned air again and we can blow through the heat sink going this way and then we can rotate it and blow it back some the other way now overall the inside of that looks pretty good if I wanted to I could take some q-tips and some rubbing alcohol and clean each individual blade of the fan but I don't feel like doing that overall I think that's clean enough that the airflow is gonna be a lot better than it was so let's go ahead and button this thing back up the first thing that you're going to want to do before we put on the metal plate is there is a small metal tab that goes on the side that is opposite of where your fan is looks like that it's very small and it just sets in over that screw hole and points down you want to make sure that you don't lose that piece so now that we've got that we're gonna go ahead and take this metal plate slide it back in so that it lines up with those screw holes and then the front should just set with the the silver metal edge right behind that black plastic edge now we're gonna start with the Torx screw and put that in the back center hole there's a small arrow that points at it once we've got that tightened we don't want to over tighten we're going to go ahead and stop then the black screw goes here centered over the DVD intake drive now finally if you look at all your silver short screws one of them is going to look different than all the others I can't really show you the camera won't focus but it's a little bit shorter and the threads are finer and it goes in the screw hole here it's just a little different than the rest now once you have those three screws in place the rest of them look to be identical and so they can just go in the rest of the holes across the case there and now that we have all the screws put back in on that silver plate we're gonna go ahead and press down on our power supply so that it's firm and we're going to put this metal plate with the two Torx screws back in now in case you got a mixed up the longer Torx screw goes on the side with the fan the shorter torque screw goes on the side away from the fan go ahead and tighten those in same rules apply we want it to be firm but not over tightened so when you start to feel some resistance go ahead and stop and finally we're gonna take the four Phillips head screws that we have and put them in those last four holes okay and we've got that all buttoned up on the inside we can go ahead and take our playstation cover and we're just going to start at the back and slide it forward and you'll kind of feel it catch and some resistor and then we're gonna go ahead and just snap it on by applying pressure to the corner first and then in the middle once you have that lid snapped on your PlayStation is put back together and ready to go and you can see oh that's cool the bottom of the PlayStation the rubber feet are the different symbols that you'll find on the controller and I didn't know that but you can see overall this thing is much cleaner than it was we don't have dust along those air intakes the outer cover is clean the inside is clean now the piece de resistance what I would do is when I boot this up I would rebuild the database on my hard drive it's very simple to do and it can speed up your PlayStation quite significantly especially if you have a lot of games save files things like that doesn't take too long so in the description of this video I will post a link on how to rebuild the database of your hard drive and I would recommend doing that every few months or so so this PlayStation is ready to go it's gonna run a lot smoother let me know what questions you guys have I hope that this helps get you back in the game appreciate you watching and we'll catch you next time
Channel: Altoelder
Views: 2,644,600
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: clean your ps4, PS4 Slim, how to clean ps4, how to clean your ps4, how to clean your ps4 slim, loud ps4, ps4, Playstation 4, Noisy PS4, clean ps4 slim, How to clean my playstation 4, how to, gaming, ps4 noisy, broken ps4, dusty ps4, how to clean a dusty ps4, cleaning ps4, clean ps4 fan, how to clean ps4 slim fan, ps4 overheating, ps4 slim overheating, ps4 shuts off
Id: CfIM32P6tis
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 54sec (834 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 19 2019
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