PS4 Slim Cleaning, Maintenance and Dusting

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now on the ps4 slim there are five different things that commonly need to be cleaned one is the plastic case two is the air intake on the sides three are the ports the USB ports on the front and the ports on the back the fan inside the game console as well as the heatsink inside the game console I'm going to talk to you today about all five of these let's get started so now the first thing we're going to talk about is just a plastic case this is actually fairly simple to clean all you need is a solution of warm water with just a little bit of soap in it stir it up and then you can use a cleaning pad such as this it's kind of like a scratch pad sort of thing you don't want the really tough ones you don't want to actually scratch up your game console you can also just use like a cleaning rag or something like that and that will usually get most of the dirt or stains off of the case on your ps4 slim the second thing I want to talk about is the ports in the front and the back sometimes the USB ports and on the back there is always the HDMI port in the Ethernet port and that sort of a thing if you live in a dirty dusty environment sometimes those ports will kind of get clogged up with dirt and hair and that sort of a thing so what I normally use is a metal dental pick I do have to warn you if you do something like this you have to be super careful not to actually gouge any of the metal or plastic parts but just get in there enough to get any hair or dirt out another thing you can use is a brush such as this brush there are multiple styles and kinds that will work you just want something that has the bristles I can get in there and really clean it out so that is how you clean the port's on the ps4 slim so the main thing that usually needs to be cleaned are the side intake ports for the air on the ps4 slim or even other ps4s this is the area where the console gets its fresh air to cool itself is right on the side from the original all the way up to the slim and the pro these ports on the side are where it gets the air now if you live in a dirty dusty environment with pets where there's shedding and hair you're probably going to notice that there's going to get to be dust and hair and all sorts of stuff that gets clogged up in this end air intake you this is actually under a suction that fan is pulling air through these ports so any dust or hair is going to get pulled right into there it's going to clog up these ports so the first thing that you're going to want to do is just clean that off and what I always do is just get a brush brush like this and you can just really go along like this and clean it off and then I just use some canned air and spray it out like that and that's going to get the vast majority of the dirt and hair off of the sides of your console now if you do live in a dirty dusty environment you're going to want to make sure and keep that area fairly clean it doesn't have to be perfect but you want to avoid getting a bunch of dust and hair inside your system so you know if it's building up right there on the outside you know that it's been pulled in it's going to be start building up on the inside I'm going to show you how to clean the inside next but to prevent the inside from getting dirty just go through and clean this periodically and you'll be able to go longer before you have to actually tear open the console to clean out the fan and the heatsink now speaking of the fan and heatsink there are several things to keep in mind before we talk about getting into the fan one is that you do have to remove one of the covers and you do have to remove a metal plate inside so please keep in mind if this is not something that you're really good at or if you've never taken anything apart before don't even try this it's not worth the risk of ruining your console or having to set it in to get repairs or something like that so if you're not used to it if you're not good at it or if you just have no experience this is probably not the best thing for you to do now that being said you can't actually clean the fan on your ps4 slim without voiding your warranty all you have to do is remove the top cover and remove a metal plate and that will get you right to your fan now the warranty sticker is right here on your game console if you peel that sticker off that means your warranty is void and you cannot send it to Sony for warranty repairs so you always want to avoid removing that if your console is still under warranty but like I said for cleaning the fan on the ps4 slim you don't actually even have to void the warranty all you have to do is remove this top cover you're going to want to pull up on this corner and this corner and then in the middle so we're going to pull up here pull up here and we didn't actually have to pull in the middle it just came off and then slide it back and that will remove the top cover on your ps4 slim so the next thing we need to do is remove this plate in order to remove this plate we need to take the screws out of the power supply and then we just need to pull up on the power supply and get it a little bit loose so we can clear the lip of this plate and that will get us to the fan also keep in mind if your fan isn't super dirty you don't have to remove this plate you can see the fan right here so if it's not too dirty you just get some canned air and just start spraying it in here all around the edges and that will actually clean the fan pretty well now you don't want to get the fan spinning too fast but with canned air I wouldn't worry about that it's not going to spend too fast and you just want to get it as clean as possible now if your fan is really dirty you're going to want to remove this plate so you can really get into the fan and clean it really well another thing to remember as well you can actually clean the heatsink really well with just removing this metal plate so let's get the metal plate off and I'll show you what I mean now to remove the metal plate and the power supply screws you're going to need a t8 or t9 security Torx I'll be using tools from iFixit they do not sponsor this video but I do use their tools quite often so we're going to remove this long screw here and this long screw here from the power supply and that will remove this metal plate also this screw right in the middle is a long one I'm going to lift this up so you can pause it here if you need to see where the screws go you can see one black screw goes down here so keep that in mind and now we removed the other four long screws in the power supply and the one short screw [Music] now that those screws are removed we're just going to lift up on the power supply enough to be able to get this plate out as you can see there's a little bit of a gap right here that should be enough for us to be able to remove this plate now we just need to remove the screws so we can get the plate out now with those screws removed we're going to lift up on the plate from the front and then we do need to make sure that it can clear this lip on the plate as you can see there's a small lip right here that goes right down here that we need to make sure that we can clear now before we get too serious here we need to make sure that we're careful of this little metal tab it goes right there by the disk drive and then there's also a black metal piece that goes down in here so you want to make sure not to flip this over or anything like that now that we have that plate off we can get to the fan as well as the heatsink now what I normally do with the dirty fan is I grab a brush and I clean out all the fan blades as much as possible and the brush is mainly just to loosen all the caked on dirt and debris and hair and that sort of thing I also clean all around the edges here with a brush just to loosen the debris and then I use canned air to really just spray it all out really well you can also use a vacuum or something like that you just need something that will be able to really blow the dust out of there now as far as the heat sink goes if your heat sink is dirty you just use the same brush and you're going to want to brush basically up because you want to brush up and get that hair and dirt and everything out of there instead of just using it to push it further inside the actual heat thing so you're going to want to go with a brush and get up and get as much out as you can and then you can use your canned air and you can go behind the heat sink here and then you can also just go along the edge of the heat sink with the air like this and like this now that's going to get the vast majority of debris and dirt and hair out of there and that'll get your system nice and clean sometimes if I really want to get everything clean I'll take a q-tip with some isopropyl alcohol and just really clean out the edges sometimes they'll clean the fins and sometimes I'll even clean the heatsink if it's really needed most of the time the heat heat sink will just clean up just fine with a brush and with the canned air so that's really all it takes to do a real in-depth deep cleaning on the ps4 slim you don't even have to remove the warranty sticker you just have to take off the top case the metal plate and that gets you right into the guts of the console I do want to talk about a few myths that I've heard that have been floating around that people comment on my videos sometimes and I want to make sure that you guys know the truth first of all vacuum out it vacuuming a console of dirt and dust there's going to be no problems with any static electricity or anything like that you can always use any sort of a vacuum the size of the motherboards on these is large enough they have a huge ground plane there's very few components on the motherboard of any ps4 that are actually very sensitive to ESP or electrostatic discharge so don't worry about vacuuming them out you can do that however you want as much as you want and it's not going to hurt anything especially around the edges taking a vacuum along those anytime you're vacuuming vacuuming is a good idea especially if you live in a dusty dirty environment now I've also heard people say you don't want to use anything like canned air because you're just going to push the dust further into the system I can also say that's not true if using canned air on the edges just blow along the side the vast majority is going to get pushed away from the system yeah there is a chance that a little bit may get pushed further in but it's not going to be enough to actually do any damage or make anything worse so don't worry about pushing more dust into it as that's not really going to happen especially if you're using your brush to loosen it first it's going to want to just fly away from the edges the cleaning interval is really going to depend on the environment in which you use it if it's really super dirty and dusty you're going to need to clean it more often if you live in a nice clean house that's sealed up and has AC and that sort of thing then you're really not going to need to worry about cleaning it hardly at all probably never even in the life of the console so keep that in mind just take a realistic look around your environment where you have it where you're playing it and if you notice it's dirty and dusty especially if you leave it on the floor and that sort of a thing then you're going to want to clean it now just a few tips to help your console last longer you always want to make sure that it is up off the ground as when it's on the floor it's going to be getting all kinds of dirt and hair and stuff like that it's going to pick it up right from the floor especially when you vacuum or you're just walking around anything like that so keep it up off the ground if possible you also want to keep it in a nice well-ventilated area try and put it like on the top of a desk or TV stand or something like that I would recommend putting it in an enclosed area most of the time that's going to be fine but obviously that can cause problems with overheating especially if you're running other electronics in the same cabinet so I always recommend keeping it up in the open air so we can get as much natural cool air in as possible if you find that even after cleaning your ps4 Celyn still gets too hot you may actually need to replace the thermal paste I've got a video about that I'll link up in the top of your screen and off to put an end card so you can just click on it and it'll go right to that video thanks for watching my ps4 slim cleaning video let me know if you have any questions or comments in the comment section I'll get to them as soon as I can thanks again for hanging out with me and have a great day
Channel: TronicsFix
Views: 3,063,195
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PS4 Slim Cleaning, PS4 Slim Dusting, PS4 Slim Maintenance, ps4, playstation 4, cleaning, slim, maintenance, playstation, how to clean a ps4, how to clean your ps4, clean ps4, how to easily clean your ps4, ps4 cleaning, how to clean your ps4 the easy way, ps4 maintenance, ps4 clean, tronicsfix, xbox one s, diy, ps4 slim, ps4 overheating, clean ps4 slim, cleaning ps4 slim, how to clean ps4 slim fan, clean ps4 slim fan, cleaning a ps4 slim, cleaning ps4
Id: hdNNIm1utAw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 44sec (704 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 13 2017
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