How to Decoupage with Thick Paper / NO BUBBLES or WRINKLES

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hi everyone it's Deidre from our upcycled life  and welcome to my channel if you like drifting   diys and repurposing you've come to the right  place and we'd love to have you follow along so   make sure you like subscribe and hit the bell for  notifications so you don't miss any great content   today i have a tutorial on how you can use thicker  papers uh to decoupage with when you're using a   thicker a thicker paper and you're trying to  decoupage you get lots of wrinkles and lots of   bubbles so i have a technique that will make this  job easier for you and you can use scrapbooking   paper you can use photo paper with this technique  so it opens up all the possibilities to decoupage   with greatly so today's a step-by-step tutorial  on how you can do this and also if you go back   and you're looking at my other videos make sure  you head to my etsy store because all the graphics   that i've used in those previous projects are  there and if you use the code say 50 you get 50   off all of my graphics in my store and make sure  to leave a comment down below just even to say hi   because after this is aired for a week i always  go into my comments and i pick some person   to win one of my graphics out of my  etsy store okay let's get started   a b c d e f g okay i'm going to make a sign with some  scrapbooking paper and i'm going to show you   how you can decoupage with it and make it thinner  so it's easier to work with and you won't have   any bubbles or any wrinkles the first thing i'm  going to do is i want to put a quote on my scrap   booking piece of paper so i'm going to cut it  down to the size of a piece of computer paper   so i can put it through my laser printer i'm doing  this step just so i can make it into a pretty sign i'm going to put this through my laserjet  printer so i can put the quote on it   this will also work with your inkjet  printer if you seal it with some hairspray now i'm going to cut my scrapbooking paper a  little bit bigger than the actual board that i'm   going to make the sign on this technique that i'm  going to show you will work on scrapbooking paper   any paper that's thicker photo paper if you're  going to use a photo make sure you don't use   an original photo though use one that you've  printed off on your printer so you still have   the original copy when you're trying to decoupage  thicker paper it really tends to wrinkle and have   bubbles and it just doesn't lay very nice so this  technique will get rid of all of those problems   and what you're going to need is some packing tape  and i never fold the tape over when i'm finished   with it so it's easier to get apart so i'll  struggle here for a minute and you're going to   cut it bigger than the size of the piece of paper  and press it firmly down into that scrapbooking   paper and then the next piece you're going to  overlap it a little bit and lay it completely   across the piece of paper again and you're going  to keep doing this until you've covered the whole   paper you're going to overlap it and then press it  down firmly and cut it now the next step is to get   a credit card or something that you can really  firmly press that tape right into that paper   and get all the bubbles and wrinkles out of it  make sure it's adhered really well to the paper   now you're going to start at the end of the  last piece of tape that you just put on and be   really careful get the edge up and then  just slowly pull the tape away and as   you're pulling the tape away you'll  see that there'll be a layer of paper   that will completely come off the  back of that scrapbooking paper and now you're going to pull the next piece  of tape slowly you don't want to rip it just   slowly pull it away and see all the paper that's  coming off and it's making it that much more   thinner to be able to work with easier when you're  decoupaging and we'll just take off the last piece and you're left with a really thin piece  of paper that's way easier to work with   and to decoupage with if your paper still  feels thick you can do this process again   and now we're ready to decoupage it onto the  sign there are lots of different decoupaging   methods i'm going to show you the water method  i put my scrapbook paper face down on a paper   sheet protector that i got from the dollar store  and you're just going to dab it with a wet sponge   you want to completely soak the paper you want  it nice and wet and after it's completely wet   you just want to let it sit for 10-15 seconds  and let all the water go right through the paper   now i've printed my quote off on my laserjet  printer this is where you might have a little   bit of difficulty if you used an inkjet  printer and you've printed on your paper   as it may run so you're just going to have to  do trial and error and see if it works for you   a little bit of hairspray on  the quote might help seal it   and now i'm just going to take a j cloth and  just dab it and get all that excess water off and gently make sure that it's  laying completely flat there's   no wrinkles or no bubbles and you're  ready to put it on your piece of wood   i'm going to take my mod podge matte finish  and put a layer across the whole sign put a liberal amount fill your  brush up a couple times make   sure the wood's completely  covered with the mod podge now you're going to pick up your plastic  paper protector and the scrapbooking paper   will stick to it because it's got  the water on it and you're going to   make sure it's exactly where you want it on the  sign have it centered nice and you're just going   to press out any bubbles or wrinkles and i like  to take my little credit card and just run it   across the plastic and make sure that the paper  is adhered really well to the board this technique   is perfect to use on anything you can use it on  signs on jewelry boxes on furniture on coasters the possibilities are endless and now you know  how to make your paper thinner to make it easier   to decoupage you can just imagine what you can  use just carefully peel away that plastic sleeve   and you can see that it's nice and flat  no bubbles no wrinkles on that sign i'm now going to put the top coat of mod podge  over the whole piece of scrapbooking paper   just a light coat just to seal it i made a video of four other mod podge transfer  methods and i'll put a link below in the   description or up here in the corner and you can  check that out after you've watched this video   before you do your project test it with  a scrap piece of paper so you can get   the feel of how you can tear away that  paper before you start your main project i've let it dry completely and now i'm going  to take my sanding block and just sand along   the edge of the wood and the scrapbooking paper  and you'll see that it makes a nice clean edge and that's how you can turn a  thick piece of paper or photo paper   into paper that's more manageable to decoupage  with i hope you've enjoyed today's tutorial   and i've inspired you to try this technique  yourself thanks for watching and have a great day
Channel: Our Upcycled Life
Views: 177,788
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mod podge on canvas, decoupage techniques, how to decoupage, how to decoupage with thick paper, decoupage, thick paper decoupage, how to decoupage with no wrinkles, decoupage with mod podge, decoupage tutorial, how to decoupage with no wrinkles or bubbles, thick paper in decoupage, any paper for decoupage, poster decoupage, cardstock in decoupage, diy decoupage, easy decoupage, printing photos for decoupage, how to print pictures for decoupage, decoupage boxes ideas, mod podge
Id: 9uLxgmoluYE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 12sec (492 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 10 2021
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