How to Declutter Your Mind
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Channel: Alex M Dorr
Views: 24,622
Rating: 4.9115791 out of 5
Keywords: mental minimalism, minimalist, thinking, from clutter, to clarity, minimal, stress, anxiety, how to, how can I, what is, minimalism, the minimalists, matt d'avella, davella, simplify, my thinking, marie, kondo, tidying up, tidy up, mindset, minimalist setup, simple ways, minimal life, simplify my life, simple living, tools to be, a minimalist, declutter, organizing, cy wakeman, leadership, minimalist life, think minimal, simple, Nick Wignall, decluttering mental, fear, be happier
Id: tp31BoPyP0c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 40sec (640 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2019
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