Decluttering Your Emotions, Time... then Stuff

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[Music] if you don't get it all your questions answer which you won't tonight please feel free to call me after tonight's session I offer people half hour free consultation to give you some private attention on how to get you unstuck or out of overwhelm or how to move forward with or without me there's no obligation okay so the whole idea here is to do just be with me now okay and it's a very complicated messy business my name is Laura Moore and I run a company called clutter clarity and I've been doing this work helping people declutter organize downsize and move or move not everyone's moving everyone's different so every job is different is unusual and I have to put the pieces together it's a lovely creative process I work with people for maybe one hour over the phone to three hours in during a session but often I'm working with people for three weeks three months or three years these are I work with very intelligent people who are doing reasonably well in life their house might be a mess but they're actually willing and able to step up and do what needs to be done one person I'm on my seventh year with her okay now she and I are quite close at this point as you can imagine so but I go through her papers this is a woman who would rather canvass for Bernie Sanders in the middle of a snowstorm then go through her papers the two of us have figured out a way to trust each other to take care of her papers once a week for three hours a week okay and before we moved her into a continued care community I said so why did you choose me to / work with there's plenty of organizers out there and she said you told me I could keep what I loved her children wouldn't stay in the house anymore that's how much it needed help but she was not a hoarder she was an excessive accumulator that liked to go shopping and the stuff would come in and it would never go out and it started taking over the house and so once we decluttered and organized and threw a party for her family then we started the conversation with well how do you have all your papers do you have all your of life papers together and she said well no not really she hadn't done her well for five years since her husband died and so that really was the next step she's now heading towards 80 and we spent about a year to go through every sentence of her will I brought in the attorney okay every sentence of the well and we figured it out and we presented questions yeah all phones off please and it became a we got it done and we shook hands that by her 80th birthday party she was going to have these papers done and the funniest things were happening she was she loved to have fun and do everything else so I said to her sweetie pie your birthday is in two weeks you're turning 80 and we're kind of need to move things along a little bit what do you thinks gonna help and she go I don't know and I said well you know we have shaking our hands and my job is to help you do whatever you need to do I knew what two things that motivated her her family she didn't want to become a burden to her family okay so I was basically the surrogate daughter helping her do whatever needs to be done and I said if you don't have those papers in shape before you fly off on your next vacation she's gonna go hiking in the Rocky Mountains and I'm see this is somebody with asthma that's not my business so I said we gotta get these papers done because you might fall off the side of the mountain and she said I don't think that's gonna happen I said we don't know and it was what second anything can change and I've been through three Falls with her and she keeps them bouncing back she's now 84 but the reason we got those papers done is the other thing that motivates her is money I never got involved with her money she managed her money on her own I mean she paid her bills pretty well on her own the papers that we got through were the sort of maintenance of life and the 200 solicitations that came into her home and the magazines limit you know all that stuff and so I knew that I had to play the money card and I said I know what will motivate you I know how we can get back on track she said what and I said I'll double my fees if you do not make it by the 80th birthday and she said you wouldn't do that and I said I'd be happy to I'd be happy to you're getting to be a pain in the neck sweetie and we were laughing you said you wouldn't do that I said yes I will and so we got all the papers done and I took her to the airport and on the way we dropped off all her paperwork at this at her attorney so I'm still with her I love her I only work with the people I likes I only work with 60% of the people who call me if it's a good fit it's a beautiful experience for both of us and that's why I can stay vertical and keep on going into people's homes and I teach people my backgrounds in education I said how is it possible that so many intelligent creative reasonably successful or very successful people are so stuck with the stuff in their homes and it became really interesting to me that the professional organizing business and the media was promoting quick tips quick strategies getting done once and for all attack your clutter all of these things are incredibly misleading and so if you don't get quick solutions in your home my clients I should say they get frustrated they start thinking that there's something wrong with them and that's a real disservice for an industry and so I it's not that I wanted to be a professional organizer it just happened to be the perfect place where I could put my energy because I love homes I love people I love stuff I love design and creativity and I like figuring things out collaborative collaboratively so I created a approach where we do the physical work together but while we're doing it I teach my clients how to think it through not just what to do how to make good decisions how to negotiate agreements with your family members so you get cooperation how to prevent overwhelm how to stay motivated how to manage your time so that you can keep on showing up in little bits through time it's a whole sequence of things that need to happen so that you're just puttering through your clutter you don't want to attack it you don't want to be in a hurry so I just want you to start thinking about this decluttering this want to clear up give you a fresh perspective why bother because if you actually get a fresh perspective then you feel better if you feel better it's so much easier to do the work a lot of people say this is so boring I can't believe you do this five days a week and I go it's absolutely fascinating from a cultural perspective a historical perspective a psychological perspective an economic perspective there's lots of really good reasons that we are in this mess together as Americans or overeating were overstressed were over scheduled were overtired we're overspent and our homes are just over stuff naturally so when I go into a home it's like it's great I go in the home and I don't see anything wrong I just see patterns of thinking and patterns of behavior that create patterns of mess a few adjustments to what people are thinking and what they're doing can set them free you don't need brain surgery you need an adjustment it's kind of like a chiropractic adjustment and some people are more emotionally upset about this some people are out of time they feel like they're out of time so there's a lot of time management involved in this and then we can get to this stuff but the to the emotional management and time management are the two things that need to be addressed so that you can take care of your stuff in any reasonably comfortable way most people who call me or so what am I going to do with my stuff and I said well let's figure it out okay but if they're stressed out the same time that they're trying to solve the problem of what to do there with their stuff there's there's fight and flight you know that it's like oh my god I have to go volunteer or I have to go take care of somebody else and often they do so fight and flight and freeze by definition if you're overwhelmed you're not thinking clearly and so the mind that makes the mess is not the mind that can get out by themselves the whole important thing is to not isolate be alone with your stuff stay engaged stay inquisitive and turn your concern into curiosity you're worried and to wonder it's very different when I don't know what to do and worried about it than it is I wonder what I'm going to do and then go figure it out a whole new fresh perspective at thinking allows you to be curious and engaged and solve the problems so I took my background in education to create graphic lessons where I give to people how to think it through and what to do as we go through the process and I remove the emotional logistical barriers each step of the way we just keep on coming alone you don't want to attack your clutter you want to putter through your clutter in order to putter through your clutter you have to be reasonably relaxed okay but if you're angry at the person that you live with or you think that you if you had a different house or a different husband or a different history or a different mother and that's what's the fire in you I have ADHD or I it doesn't matter what you have you still need to turn around and take care of your stuff and there's ways to do it no matter what your particular challenges are but none of the tips and strategies in the book you know thousands of books about decluttering and organizing or any good there are good tips and strategies but they're not good unless they're adapted to your unique person your personality your preferences your priorities your unique home square footage the layout then you have half a chance of creating a sustainable system to take care of yours F so I'm sort of bucking the organizing system in organizing profession in this which has been around since the late nineteen eighty seven was when it started late 80s now all the things that happened before the 80s there's very good reason that it became a profession and then Oprah got on Oprah and brought this organizing business out of the closet where people started talking to each other about instead of hiding in shame not being able to take care of their home emotional management time management and stuff management but before we go on why don't I find out a little bit about you okay your time is valuable thank you for coming out on a Tuesday evening and how many of you are organized decluttering and organizing but staying at home big hands okay so how many of you are downsizing and moving and planning on moving and six weeks to six months oh good oh there's nothing but you moved a couple months ago it's behind you and you wanted to come to this workshop that's impressive now you have to declutter everything you moved right okay I took me a minute but I was onto you and how many people it's really great that if you are thinking of moving the when you want to get help is use when you start thinking about moving not when you're about to move if you don't give yourself enough time it's so much more stressful so how many bate how many people here are I think this is how many people here are expecting grandbabies in their lives okay you have to make room for them right how many people here are marrying or remarrying a read of or seing in getting married again and read and getting divorced again that's always fun it's a real double duty when you're getting out of one house with a divorce and you're moving into another house where there's somebody already there and all their stuff that's that's fancy footwork at that point I really need to be working I have like two homes two personalities two and two full houses worth of stuff but it's all doable if you give yourself time how many people are helping their elderly parents downsize okay how many people are the elderly parents downsizing it happens to all of us already yes there's that yeah and you want to downsize all those toys I mean declutter all those toys yeah that would be the decluttering and organizing sort of redesign sometimes people hire me just to go into their home to rearrange the furniture that's really fun or the artwork or how to make it beautiful so how many people are going through belongings after the passing of it of a loved one there you go wow that's a lot Wow hmm so what I'm illustrating here is you don't declutter once and for all you don't organize and get it done once and for all decluttering is a life skill to learn and to practice throughout life the organizing headlines say just you know it's sort of I get it done once and for all you're never done so you might as well learn how to enjoy it from birth to death and beyond we're dealing with our stuff so let me explain what clutter is and what it isn't and what decluttering is and what it's not you can be very organized and it's 90 percent clutter okay and you can have a very messy home and there's almost no clutter in the house okay mess and clutter definitely go together but they're not the same thing so you can have a very organized home and 75% of its clutter that is what happens often after a death okay but you can have a very messy home and there's no clutter so clutter is what no longer adds value to your present life clutter is no longer what is the stuff in your home that no longer adds value to your present life whether it's clutter or not you have to decide whether it's worth it to you to keep or to let go taught you you have four five resources time money energy space and skills time money energy space and skills and when you consider all five of your resources every decision costs or replenishes your resources you get very self-aware of what you're giving away or what you're replenishing by your decisions it's very hard to decide what clutter is and what it's not if you don't have the criteria to make the good decision so that's one envelope is the the value envelope the other is present what's present in your life not in the history and not in the future clutter is all about telling the truth about what adds value to your present life not the past not the future but around now so you ask yourself a couple of questions about the stuff do what now joy you all know what book I'm referring to when I say the word joy there that book is decluttered in every home I'm in the book is good okay what she did was raise the conversation and raise the bar to joy because it's a very subjective experience there's no one that come in no one can declutter for you and tell you get no one should come in and tell you to get rid of something it's a very subjective experience only you can decide what adds value to your present life I can organize for you without you being there but I can't declutter for you without you being there okay so what adds value to your present life the four criteria to decide whether it's clutter or not I love I love it now but if you love it and then use it use it around now that means the out around now means a year love use space if I let go these things I get to keep what I love and use see it's like a puzzle you put the pieces together love you space and this is the one that's often forgotten and it's your current lifestyle so you love it now you use it now like within a year you have space for it in your present home or in your next home that's when I do floor plans with people so they might love lots of stuff and they want to bring it all with them but once we do the floor plan it gets pretty clear what's not coming okay so love you space and lifestyle and by lifestyle I mean your current age your current health your current hobbies your current aesthetic and our stuff naturally becomes clutter as you and your interest change you know it's not like it doesn't necessarily come into the house as clutter but this our lives are dynamic and our stuff actually might have really fit perfectly in a 40 year olds life but once we hit 60 it's losing its relevance and by 80 it's really lost its relevance I'm not talking about memorabilia or photos at this point but if you can choose what you really love what you really use what really you have space for and what fits into your current life my philosophy is you if you take very good care of the present the future will take care of itself okay packrats are people who live in the future and afraid that they won't have what they need in the future and sentimental people live in the past and I'm kind you want to visit your past but you want to take care of the present so once you have the criteria to move through the decision-making it's not so hard but it does require your time okay so which one of these are clutter and what's not it's very different for every single person here so when I'm working with you I'm actually paying exquisite attention to you and not the stuff so we might go through like okay let's see this yoga mat okay how many people would have this be clutter in their homes love you space etc how many people need a yoga bat oh my god okay okay Lauren we're going to do a second raffle for the service clients or Chuck this into my car one day as I was leaving take this too and I said okey-dokey I know maybe I should keep it seen you change your life just a little bit that's a great idea I haven't thought about that I love it when people go I haven't thought about it that way before I know I'm getting through when I'm actually if I can reframe how you're thinking about it you'll feel better and you open up from worry to wonder so this jacket how many people think this is really ugly okay it is do I love it no do I use it no drive space for it yes it fits into my closet does it fit into my aesthetic in my current life no but when I filter through those four criteria you don't have to answer yes to all four of them okay but am i leaning towards keep or let go no this was my grandfather's jacket and I loved him it gives me goosebumps right now and I'll keep this forever and that's just the way it is this is a keeper right and I don't have much left of him okay but this fits into my life and certainly fits into my closet and it makes me feel good when I look at it okay so you get to keep some things that are sentimental just don't you don't get to keep everything that's like overeating and never pooping it just doesn't work that way you're gonna get sick okay this is not personal this is not personal it's totally your decision but this is the law of nature you can't keep on putting stuff in your home and expect it not to affect you eventually but you got a poop a little more often so this okay this is a pie rack would this be clutter in your home would anyone it not be clutter in your home oh she's tempted okay well I happen to collect old metal household items that are now plastic and so I actually have a display of items just like this I was so excited when I saw it and the price was right and I scarfed it up and I brought it home and I had to make room for it rearranging the room like this was my new baby okay and I had to honor and respect the square footage in my home there's room for this I love this and if you actually turn it this way it could be a really good file rack some of you I've found that's very creative that you knew that okay so this bag love you space lifestyle it's actually a really nice bag if you like the bag it's not a really nice bag to a lot of people in this room right would this be clutter in your home I must have really bad taste when it comes to bags so I must be really this must be a really ugly bag for most people so you like this bag who likes this bag who loves this bag you love this bag and you love this bag really love you space lifestyle it fits into your eyes thetic fits into your authentic what is a girl to do love you space and how many pocketbooks do you already have only that's impressive how many pocketbooks do you have who you yes you scores okay you see how you just show up and figure it out I think you get rid of your things oh well because my life just like your life it is not stagnant your stuff naturally becomes clutter as your life and interest change this changed for me this never changed for me this I brought in because it was worth it to me to spend the money for it and this is we're gonna raffle for it got a lot of yoga girls and guys in here so you see how you figure out the questions okay so I was just gonna say do you have any questions yourself might have to keep this oh really the question isn't what am I gonna do with my stuff and then freeze you don't want to freeze you know what you want to you don't want to flee from the decision the hardest part is getting clients to keep on showing up and staying with the question until they have an answer so fight flight freeze we figure it out go you know what I'm gonna weave this into my calendar and give it maybe an hour a week or two hours a month to try and figure it out like I'm working with somebody now it's moving in now five weeks into a new condo and when she called me she was thinking of doing a yard sale of the items in her home I've not been in I hadn't been in her home yet but I knew with five weeks with the size of her home and what she was describing and how she processed herself I said you know a yard sale is going to take five days out of your life and it will take two days to recover so can you afford seven days when you have five weeks to get completely out of your house I said I don't recommend a yard sale and so what we're doing instead is we created a strategy with the rest of the family where the whole family is showing up on one weekend and whatever gets done is there and the rest is going to be donated but I'm also bringing an auctioneer in to evaluate what's left and so and it will be sold by one person who takes everything there's like 15 pieces of furniture they're all going and somebody else is gonna be responsible for selling it for him and for her and so we're going to be able then we can focus on the rest of the house and the move you see it needs to fit into your timeline emotional management and time management those are the two things that need to be managed before you get into the stuff we have to really honor that our stomach will only hold so much our homes will only hold so much you can rent a storage unit but then you have a whole host of other problems see my work with people is discussion to come up with a good solution now we don't get rid of our clutter that's another thing is the attitude we want to putter through our clutter and you want to make a decision about what to do with your clutter that actually feels good to you so but we don't get rid of our clutter that's what filled the planet of our stuff and of trash get rid of sort of sounds dismissive and disrespectful you want to show up and take care of your clutter in such a way where you choose to let it go you decide whether it's clutter or not and then you choose to let it go in such a way that feels good there's only so many options you donate you give it to family or friends you have to ask first don't just drop it off okay a friend of mine just a workshop about kids going they don't want your stuff get over it it's unbelievable how there's a whole different culture coming after us so where was I options to get rid of it what did that come out of my mouth options to choose how to let it go in a way that feels good this is all about you it's a subjective experience you may not have children you may have children you may not get along with your children they don't want your stuff whether you get along with them or not okay but you eventually you ask them and then you have to go through that painful experience just don't take it personally they're not saying no to you they're saying no to your stuff so you choose how to let it go in a way that feels good there's a few options give it to your family or friends you donate it to organizations you care before you trash it or how are you sell it and then what's left over is what you keep the decision-making is how to sell it and how to get it out of your house everyone needs to young men and a truck okay just before you start doing massive decluttering just line them up and I promise you or build up a routine to take it out yourself and your what used to be station wagons naan station wagon thing I really do age myself the biggest mistake people make is to try and do too much too fast too hard in too little time okay they clear out the whole weekend and they knock themselves out and then Monday rolls around and they're almost horizontal and they look around going I can't believe that's all I got done most of the time and then they know they have to come back and do it again and you're brain smart enough to not want to do it again okay so you're building up resistance by doing that way decluttering is a life skill that you need to practice through time in little bits like two hours a week one day a month and decluttering is a family affair okay it shouldn't fall I work mostly with women it shouldn't fall all in their shoulders but let me give you an example I was working with a lovely couple in their 60s in Arlington very happy together and they were renovating and also there was a guest room that she wanted to turn into a reading and writing studio well what this woman I put my hand we were having a really good time picking paint and all of that and I put my hand on this bureau and the tears started coming out of our eyes and I said what's the matter sweetie pie and she said I've been trying to get rid of that effing bureau for 25 evarin years I'm going really but that's the kind of see the potency of the emotion we don't just jump into what are we gonna do with the bureau and get rid of it the house I said what's gotten in the way my husband twenty-five years now I happen to know they actually got along really well the difference is that that bureau was her husband's first wife's Bureau okay and been sitting in her guest room for 25 years now her husband and she get along really well that Bureau just never got to be one of his priorities the problem was and her husband's alone the problem is that she gave up and she didn't know how to negotiate an agreement with her husband other than nagged him to death and then of course he doesn't want to show up for that okay so I asked her husband to come into the room and I'm often in the middle of people in there in their homes negotiating what to do with this stuff and it was he was just stunned that she was upset about the bureau he had long forgotten the bureau it had been ten years I think she stopped ten years ago but for her it's been in her house for twenty-five years that's a quarter of a century this is a really high functioning woman you were wondering how she couldn't get the bureau out she gave up she didn't want to fight with her husband and she loved her husband more than getting rid of the bureau so our priorities are what's running the show but so he came in and we to negotiate the process his needs need to be respected as much as her needs so he's french-canadian and grew up in poverty she is middle-class maybe upper middle-class Jewish New York or Jew okay totally different relationship to the stuff she can chuck it he cannot not try and sell this Bureau he's not being a good husband if he just takes it out and throws it away so we made an agreement he has the skills to sell it on Craigslist I said great listed tonight take a picture he was all ready to go and in one week's time if it hasn't sold it's going out and he said okay now I knew that the price he was selling the bureau it would never sell or at least I suspected but that's none of my business okay I sort of suggested that he lower it a little bit he said no I want to get as much as I can this is in his you don't push against that and so the and so before I left that day I said to the wife I said you have a housekeeper does she have a husband does she want the bureau make sure he's here in a week with a truck and the bureau was gone in a week and everyone was happy the whole idea is how can you find a solution that actually fits your unique circumstances really what you need to do is integrate the decluttering and organizing in little bits through time create a routine for your family it sounds kind of way too logical there must be magic potions somewhere but the hardest thing is to keep on showing up with the other pressures on your life so one of the first things I do with people is declutter their calendar and help them rearrange their priorities to make the time but let me tell you tell you that whenever you get that constriction and you're heartless how am I going to get everything done and you just freeze and I hate that feeling sometimes I have it and that's the the minute I have that feeling I call somebody for help or there's five options do delegate drop diminish or defer at any given moment when you're pressed in time this is not just related to clutter this is really good time management wherever you feel that constriction of how am I gonna get everything done you don't you don't get everything done on your list you get the highest priorities so you have to consistently make decluttering part of your daily life kind of like brushing teeth if you didn't brush your teeth regularly it gets kind of grody in there right the same thing in our homes you just regularly show up so how do I do that when I'm so busy so you put in the schedule and you look at okay I want to declutter my office and you look at your office and you look at those piles and you go to the movies right like not today I deal with procrastination and perfection a lot and so they know I'm showing up so I do help people create a plan through time they might work on their own once the plan is in place and then they actually I help them stay accountable and we problem solve each step of the way but if you feel that constraint look at what you need to do and you ask yourself okay can I do it can I diminish it which makes a big project smaller can I delegate it a different I really can't do this this week I'm going to bounce it into next week you don't abandon your intentions you just move them to another day and this is a great way to just keep on moving through the process and you have to decide your priority another person I worked with hated doing her dishes and there was no one there and I occurred to do the dishes and but of course the dishes stacked up see there's nothing wrong when I go into a home I notice without the judgment I noticed without the judgment I said well of course your dishes are in your sink and so the thing is not to force herself to do the dishes or force yourself to do the clip decluttering you back up and you go well how can I do this in a way that feels relatively good so I started talking to her a little bit and all of a sudden I said what do you really love doing and she says I love opera and I said bingo is music you can listen to music and do dishes at the same time so she said I wish I could listen to my music more and so we designed a way in which she gets to do her dishes night or morning she decided morning was best because she didn't like to do him at night she wakes up in the morning and she turns the operon and she finally is doing the law her dishes in a way that before it was just drudgery so the first step is not to attack your clutter or take care of your clutter the first step is to back up and figure out how you can do it in a recently comfortable way and there's lots of options and it's through dialogue and through discovery when you turn your worry into wonder and your concern into curiosity I worked in one home the woman had 8 children you know middle-class Catholic family 8 children they all went away and she had m8 empty closets and so she went and did the next best thing that she knew how to do which was shop okay she was a very good shopper and she liked to collect I'm changing what she collected she liked to collect let's make horses you know little animals little chats keys throughout the house and some of them are actually quite nice but a lot of her clothes are underwear pajamas or sweaters or shirts had little horses on them but there were a lot of horses and a lot of clothes I'm going oh honey what are we gonna do and her daughter actually brought me in if they were like terrified like what are we gonna do my mother she's lost her mind and they didn't want to go through all the stuff because that you know they would argue or whatever I never fight with my clients so I and we went through the process you declutter you spill it out spread it out sort it out and put it into categories the pants with the pants the sweaters were the sweaters shirts were the shirts the pajamas were the Potamus this is really important decluttering for this stuff stuff management you then you go to one category at a time we weren't getting very far because she loved horses and she loved clothes so I had to find out something that she loved more than horses and clothes I'm thinking what am I gonna do you know and so I had to think about it and I finally said okay what do you love I don't know what you love what do you love more than horses and clothes and she had to sit down and think about it and then she looked up at me it was sparkle in her eye and she said my grandchildren and I said bingo I grabbed her hand off to the bank we went and we opened a bank account okay and she was finally motivated she was reconnected to her purpose and she was able to let go of her clothes now and sell them and the money went into the bank account for her grandchildren's college fund you see if you stay with it there's a solution for all of it and never we only worked together two or three times she was well on her way doing it on her own and she felt started standing more proud she's had a lot of purpose so but just know that there's a solution to it all about emotional management time management and then you can get to the stuff management the biggest fear of people have is that they'll make a mistake and regret it for the rest of their lives so please slow down and give yourself time to think it through don't be in a hurry to get it done just like when you go down 128 if you're a Russian you're much more likely to get a ticket miss the turn or crash you want to slow down and keep them showing up steadily through time and then it's a beautiful and may I say enjoyable experience of considering what really adds value to your present life and that's the gift of decluttering what was once drudgery becomes discovery what was once concern turns into curiosity reach out and help if you have something that you don't know what to do with go ask three people what would you do if you were me you need to gather information to make a good decision and one of those three things usually leads you in a direction the satisfactory but don't isolate don't be alone and stay connected with the people who love you so thank you [Music] well good time to get help is to pay attention to how you feel are you overwhelmed or are you stuck okay and then you go well can I get out of this myself and if not you that's when you ask for help okay if you it's very hard to get out of those emotions on your own if you are overwhelmed or stuck repetitively it's not lack of effort people call me after repeated failure attempts to stay organized or stay decluttered or you know they're arguing with somebody or they're just plain tired they just plain ran out of time and the moving truck is coming if you're moving in a year from now that's a good time to ask for help to get a plan realistic expectations and utter week-to-week through your clutter if you have run out of time and you need help like I just did a house in a really nice couple they actually were pretty organized they just were completely overstuffed they never let go of anything he was a pack rat and she was an excessive shopper it took in one not in the whole house just with her clothes we've issues of perfection here I'm coaching her after we moved her not during because we were out of time so I worked exclusively with her I brought in a member of my team to work exclusively with the husband these were healthy happy people who were gainfully employed would just let it get out of hand in their home and then they moved and then I brought in two assistants who got us ready break you know laying out the stuff breaking it down getting dealing with the trash dealing with the recycling we had six people working in that house three days a week for three to six hours a day okay and we got them out in a six-week timeline when the moving truck was coming they had and the closing had to take cave if you wait and think that you're going to take care of it yourself and you're running out of time that's when it gets so hard start early and keep on moving now my other one that was called me you know three years before the move there was hardly any stress in this work at all because we just puttered through her clutter we didn't have to attack it we didn't have to hate it we didn't have to resent it we had to show up and take care of it you see the difference everyone's different so no project is the same we have time thank you all so I have paper clarity here you can purchase this online or a month from my website from a PDF it's all about what legal financial and medical documents to keep when you can shred and how to organize them if you'd like a half hour free phone coaching session with me we can discuss your unique circumstances and how to make your decluttering or downsizing and move more enjoyable please visit my website clutter clarity calm or call clutter clarity at nine 78704 1897 I look forward to hearing from you and just remember it doesn't need to be so hard Thomas thanks very much for watching [Music] you
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Views: 142,748
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Keywords: organizing home, downsizing, time management, senior move manager, decluttering, decluttering presentation, organizing workshop, clutter clarity
Id: QCEo3OjU8rY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 53sec (2693 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 07 2017
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