How to Deal with What Scares You | Sandals Church

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hey you guys welcome to sandals Church where we are all about this vision of being real and one thing I want to invite you to check out today is our debrief podcast it's an incredible podcast where pastor Matt gives real answers to tough questions and it's just a really cool way to take this vision of being real and live it out in a different way so check that out today at debrief dot show and I just want to say thanks for joining us again we're more free than ever to pursue our desires and create the life we've always dreamed of but life is still full of hard choices were we ever supposed to figure this all out for ourselves what do you really want with your treatment chase your dreams is this okay follow your heart follow your heart what do you really want with your truth do this for you chase your dreams this for you do this for you isn't it your turn me I'll leave your truth isn't it follow your heart isn't it your turn to be happy now what do you really know what does it even matter is it even better what will we choose [Music] good morning sandals Church it's good to be here today so if you don't follow me on Twitter I want you to I want you to look at least look what I posted this week there was a kid in Australia this week 17 years old he caught one of the largest sharks on record this year now we don't know exactly how large the shark was because when he pulled it in when he finally got it in only the head came in and the head weighed the head weighed 225 pounds that's how big the head of the shark was he said well what happened to the rest of the body of the shark something else bid it something else bit this shark and they asked him what was he says I don't know I we didn't see it what do you mean you didn't see it how is it that literally a 700 pound shark gets bit in half and you don't see what it was Ben happy said man the oceans big you don't see everything the swims you see it's not the shark that you can see that you should be worried about it's the one you can't see let me tell you something there are bigger things in life than you know there are bigger things in life than you know it's one of the sins of modern society we think we know everything we don't even know what's in the ocean we don't even know we know so little and we think we're so wise you know 150 years ago people didn't believe in germs there was a doctor who said there's invisible things on your hands that are killing you and there was like you're nuts and now we call that fourth grade right wash your hands don't pick your nose don't eat your boogers why it'll kill you let me ask you 150 years ago nobody believed in where they couldn't see and nowadays we're the same level of ignorance many people don't believe in God they don't believe in the devil they think things that you can't see her a joke let me tell you something there are things swirling in the waters of life and if you're not careful they're gonna take a bite out of you they're gonna take a bite out of your family out of your marriage out of your dating life out of your kids and their desires for you and this is why you need God because only God can deal with the scary things you can't like I'm afraid of things I can see God deals with the things I can't see I want you to write this down in your notes spiritual battles are real some of you are parents today and you're worried about your kid and you feel like your kids being swallowed by life swallowed by peer pressure swallowed by their friends swallowed by literally technology video games internet porn and you're like man I just don't know what to do let me ask you this question parents what if it's not just the world that's trying to swallow your kid what if there's something darker something far more sinister what if it isn't your your kids friends is that a problem what if there's actually an eternal enemy that hates your kid and wants to swallow him some of you are married like our marriage is hard what if it's not your husband's personality what if it's the devil like what if it's something really dark what if there's something really really dark in the depths swimming beneath you and you don't even see it and there are scary things in the deep many of you guys you read right through the Bible and you never pay attention Genesis chapter 1 it says God creates God creates God creates well there's actually two words that are used in Genesis chapter 1 for to create in Hebrew one is bara and the other is a saw one means to create out of nothing and the other means to gather in Genesis chapter 1 God only creates two things out of nothing you well not you but your dad Adam and then Eve and the next thing is the Leviathan that swims in the ocean you know what God's trying to say he said I made you and the scary things and I own both I own both this is why Hollywood gets it so wrong Hollywood's always making us afraid of demons let me ask you this what are demons afraid of you know what happened when Jesus Christ the Bible says he ascended into hell for three days do you know what the demons said in Hell they said oh crap you wanna know why something scary just walked into hell and his name was Jesus and you know what Jesus did in hell he preached the gospel he preached a sermon there's something scarier than the things that are dark that swim in the deep that wanted out devour your life his name is God and here's the thing so many of us are playing games some of you came to church today yeah you I'm glad you're here but for you it's just a game it's just pretend maybe you came to church today because someone cute invited you or maybe you came to church today because you hope you'll run into somebody cute I don't know why you came to church today but let me tell you something if your relationship with God is fake it will not help you when the shark comes it won't help you and at some point in time and you're like you need to know this something's gonna swim right up next to you something's gonna bump you and some of you're just like he's like my friend one time I was surfing in Newport Beach and a 12-foot hammerhead swam underneath this I saw him go right underneath my legs cuz the water was clear enough see that's why I'm for pollution I don't want to see that 12-foot hammerhead shark swimmer underneath me I told my friend I said shark and my friend won't like this I'm not looking I'm not looking like we're all kids right if I don't look it can't eat me we think sharks think oh I'm still here write this down spiritual battles are real they're real men some of you fought one to get to church today they're real some of you were married you get along great till it's Sunday morning then you hate each other why is that because the devil don't want you in church some of you are like well I've never been attacked that's because you're on the devil side and he does need to attack you he already owns you you see when you become a Christian you declare war on all that is evil all that is dark all that is awful the spiritual battles are real acts 19 13 through 20 it says a group of Jews we're traveling from town to town casting out evil spirits now here's the thing you need to know about the ancient Roman Empire the ancient Roman Empire had a bizarre relationship with Jews they hated them but they loved him they didn't understand him but they were enchanted by them many a mini Roman Emperor would date a Jewish woman until it was time to be crowned king because racism has always been real and so a Roman Caesar was not allowed to date or marry a foreign woman and so when when he would come into power he'd have to reject his Jewish mistress but they were fascinated by the Jews and so Jews would make money on this so the Romans didn't understand Hebrew but they liked the way it sounded and so Jews would literally say prayers in Hebrew and Romans would pay them you see they didn't they didn't get Judaism but they were drawn to it it was powerful so a group of Jews traveling from town to town they were casting out evil spirits they tried to use the name of the Lord Jesus Christ in there and can't Asian why would they do that because it seemed to work you see they saw the Apostle Paul and the Apostle Peter used the name of Jesus and literally lives were saved cripples were healed miracles took place and so they thought well if the name of Jesus works for them we'll use it for us here's the problem they used the name of Jesus but they had not yet become followers of Jesus and unfortunately that's where some of you are today you used the name of Jesus but you're not a follower of Jesus so they tried to use the name of the Lord Jesus in their incantation saying I command you in the name of Jesus whom Paul preaches to come out seven sons of sceva a leading priests were doing this you see their dad was super important their dad was a priest their dad was like a megachurch pastor their dad was super important super connected to God listen to me just because your mom and dad love jesus doesn't mean you do just because your grandma knows jesus doesn't mean you do just because your husband and your wife your brother your sister knows Jesus it doesn't mean you do since I command you in the name of Jesus I love this underlying this whom Paul preaches like I don't know him but Paul knows him so I'm gonna throw a little Jesus on you I command you in the name of Jesus whom Paul preaches to come out seven sons of sceva leading priests were doing this but one time when they tried it would you circle this one time listen to me it's usually not the devil but sometimes it is you know what it usually is your stupidity that's what it usually is you're like the devil made me do it the devil's like I don't even have to help you you good on your own you can mess up your own life literally like the devil walks up to you is like Douw you're you're good you're already screwing it up let me tell you something it's usually not the devil but sometimes sometimes it is about a year ago someone in our church was they were having weird things happen at their house furniture was moving there were noises in the night they're freaked out they're gonna sell their house so they called the church we need somebody to come over and and bless our house the Devils there nobody wanted to do it I'm like I'll go I'll go I'm not afraid to see the devil you know when I see the devil it doesn't ruin my faith it builds it let me tell you something the devil's greatest weapon is camouflage he wants you to not believe in him he wants you to think he doesn't exist so I made my assistant go with me for my assistants freaking out now free literally freaking out she's like I can't believe you're not nervous I said I'm not nervous she said why I said I don't have to outrun the devil I just have to outrun you last time I checked only one of us is an Ironman bye Felicia right I mean I was like just saying just saying and you know we went over there and I don't know what it was but I didn't sense the devil you know why it's usually not the devil but sometimes it is sometimes it is I remember another time our soul care was doing a prayer time with a young lady and I don't know what happened I was in my office and I'm just I'm looking through my office I'm I'm looking out the window and I'm just seeing staff members run what is going on like are we are we being held hostage what is happening and I go in this room and this young girl maybe 19 20 years old has all of our pastors freaked out we got assistance crying like what's the matter one of us is like oh the chief the devil I walked in the room I said can I help you and this is what she said she said I knew you'd come and I realized I'm not talking to a 19 year old girl and you've heard me tell this story and then I watched her walk up a wall backwards in our church office sometimes it's the devil usually it's just you it's just you so here's what happens these knuckleheads these pretenders these stupid arrogant young men run into the real thing but what time one time when they tried it apparently usually it was successful the evil spirit replied but you don't want the devil to talk to you he said I know Jesus I know Paul but who are you this just went real wrong didn't it who are you guys again then the man right this singular one dude one man leaped on them on seven grown men one dude and he overpowered them and he attacked them with such violence they fled from the house naked now circle that word naked that's not a big deal if you're in California like right we see naked people all the time I did call nine one one one time nine one one what's your emergency I'm not sure if this is an emergency but there's a dude riding his bicycle down Magnolia Avenue naked I was like a Wednesday at 8 a.m. and he was just used get a cruiser whoo this is what the 911 dispatcher said I kid you not she said well how are we gonna identify him I said he's naked like she wanted to know his race his a as it easy he's naked on a bike I think the police officers got enough info but she wanted descriptions what kind of naked is he like that's just Wednesday that's Wednesday morning in Riverside but 2,000 years ago nakedness was something that would never occur because it was publicly shameful to be exposed so these guys are thrown outside naked oh and by the way bleeding it's a bad day at work amen can you imagine how was your day it was bad lost all my clothes got beat up right we got jumped how many I'm more there one how many was in your group seven look at this the story of what happened spread quickly throughout all Ephesus do you know why Ephesus was a pagan city Ephesus is the capital city for the ancient god of artemis Ephesus practiced witchcraft Ephesus believed in every God but the one true God and it spread in Ephesus to Jews and Greeks alike underline these words a solemn fear descended upon the city why one dude beat up seven dudes and the name of the Lord Jesus was greatly honored because they realized hey we can't we can't pretend and many who became believers confessed their sinful practices listen to me here's what happened there were a lot of people who claim to be a Christian but they still had sinful practices you know what that means they were fake and a number of them who've been practicing sorcery brought their incantation books and burned them at a public bonfire here's what they said I can't afford to fake my Christian faith anymore and here's what you need to know in the ancient world in the modern world books have no value in the ancient world they were oftentimes the most valuable thing you owned a book can you imagine a book was the most valuable thing you owned so they burned them at a public bonfire and the value of the books was several million dollars and so the message about the Lord spread widely and it had a powerful effect listen to me when we take God seriously people will take us seriously you see real power comes from a real relationship with God not a fake one real power doesn't come from your mama's relationship with God real power doesn't come from your daddy's relationship with God real power doesn't come from grandpa or grandma or your uncle or some distant relative who was a pastor real power comes from a real relationship with God and you cannot use the name of Jesus for your own purpose and yet people do all the time it's why one of the Ten Commandments says this you must not misuse the name of the Lord your God don't misuse it do you know why God cares about his reputation don't you care about yours some of you were all freaked out oh my gosh somebody tweeted somebody googled somebody said this somebody said that y'all worried about your name the other day I did the stupidest thing I googled my own name I told Tammy I just stop like the first three comments are positive and then it was just blue that this is bad this is terrible and I'm all offended look you get offended when people gossip about you slander you God gets offended when people do that to him and here's the thing that takes him off the most when people claim to know him but they don't you will not misuse the name of the Lord your God the Lord your God will not let you go unpunished some of you are seven sons of sceva and you don't even know it yeah but you're headed for a beating he says I will not let you go unpunished if you misuse my name you can't fake it til you make it that's not the way faith works some of you today need to burn your books some of you need to burn your computers some of you need to get rid of your smartphone because it's a sin phone I need to say Lord I want you over everything else you matter to me more than everything else because here's the reason listen to me there's gonna come a time when something's gonna swim underneath you and it's gonna be something bigger than your marriage it's gonna be something more powerful than your love for each other it's gonna be something stronger than your kids it's gonna be something scary and it's gonna swallow you if you don't know Jesus you see what the Book of Jonah teaches us is God controls even the most scary things like you know the story of Jonah got uber to fish but Jonah didn't have his phone to see it coming oh it'll be here right about now here's the thing it took Jonah being swallowed by something from the deep to get him to acknowledge God I don't want you to have to get swallowed but unfortunately God's willing to risk your life to save your soul and some of you gonna have to learn the hard way you must not misuse the name of the Lord your God the Lord will not let it go unpunished if you misuse his name do you know why this is because many people I meet the only reason they don't believe in God is because they've met a Christian people misuse god's name with a couple of things we take the Lord's name in various ways the number one reason I see this is people misuse God's name with their hobbies and passions you know people tell me all the time like we just started we're gonna start a church in east fail if I said we're starting to church in Hawaii something about the Lord's leading it always amazes me how we want to put a sticker on our passions for God like there's two reasons I started Santos Church and Riverside reason number one Tammy said so happy wife happy life right so Riverside the other reason was I was sitting in seminary if you don't seminaries it's like college for pastors I'm sitting in seminary and everybody's feeling lead everybody's feeling called to Malibu to Laguna Beach to San Diego there's sinners in San Diego nobody's called to Yulin empires I gather good they're good they're all saved like have you been to the unlimber isn't it amazing how we always assume our passions is what God's leading us to fulfill look what the scripture says you won't spend the rest of your life chasing your own desires but you will be anxious to do the will of God when you're passionate about something be careful be careful not all the Lord led me to her know she's cute right I mean so many of you you're more passionate about your sports team then you are about God's team look man you got to follow God's leading I'm a Lakers fan I got asked this week to go speak to a professional basketball team not the Lakers apparently they're not interested in God and I think it's affecting their playing amen right maybe we don't need King James and we need King Jesus but you know what I got invited by another sports team to do their Chapel and here's what he said he said everyone on our team is young stupid and rich I was like well I'm really good at speaking to two of those three categories young and stupid those are my people [Laughter] [Applause] look some of you care more about a sports team that doesn't care at all about you isn't amazing we root for these sports teams that don't have five seconds to shake the hand of a fan and yet you have a God who sent his son to die on the cross for you and you don't have five seconds for him next people misuse the Lord's name with their business man if I go if I go meet somebody for business and they got a Bible on their desk I know they're a liar you ever had you ever had somebody yet to do business and like we need to pray I'm on why you need God's help to do the right thing you know many times I've been ripped off by somebody who claims to be a Christian businessman this is why people don't love Jesus because they think you're a joke look put a little fish on your business card doesn't make you love Jesus loving Jesus makes you love Jesus look if you want to be a Christian business and I don't think your business needs to be saved but listen to what the Bible says my integrity and honesty protect me for I put my hope in you look if you're a Christian businessman a Christian businesswoman just be honest have integrity that's enough you don't need a little fish you don't need a little Greek letters nobody even knows what that means ix o ye what is that the only times I've been lied to by somebody in the name of Jesus I've had Christian business leaders try to get me to do unethical things they're taking the name of God in vain and God will deal with them all right single people here I come dating just write it down I'm just all about Jesus I'm dating Jesus oh look at him he's cute what are you doing look we're all stupid when we date that's just a reality this last week man I was at a conference this is a true story I can't believe it happen I'm a big fan of Levi let's go and I wanted to meet him and so I went in the back room to meet him and and he was get ready to preach at this conference I was there he needed to use the restroom to get ready before he went to preach and so I was just in the green room in the back with a couple of the assistants and we're just sitting there and you know me I just gotta talk to people and here's the thing is sandals his big church so it's weird I always assume people know me like for example I was in the airport in Tel Aviv and I just hugged a stranger they smiled at me so oh you go to sandals nope you just are in an airport do you know how weird that is if someone just hugs you in an airport I did that so where I'm in this room Levi Lesko is getting ready to preach and there's a couple ladies and my friend and I look at one of the gals and I was like oh my gosh you look so familiar she turns bright red all the other ladies start laughing you know why that is ladies you're evil guys women talk they talk and they don't tell us Michael oh my gosh and I put my arm on her children I'm like where do I know you and I was like oh my gosh freshmen your high school we dated didn't we she's like yeah and all the other ladies I know listen to me guys I wasn't bad to her but I wasn't good so I had to share my testimony I got saved good news is she did - listen to me if you're single there's three loves that are mandatory before you date somebody non-negotiable before you date somebody number one they gotta love God if they don't love God they're not gonna love you they gotta love God number two this is key especially if you're under 30 write this down they gotta love to work I'm just I'm gonna I'm gonna fulfill my passions okay the number one career choice two people into 30 you know what it is famous that's why I take these selfies oh my gosh I got 18 likes I'm on my way they gotta love God ladies think I don't love to work some of you ladies you want to have kids don't marry a kid they gotta love to work and then they gotta love you think I love you don't let somebody fall in love with you because you're a fixer-upper dating don't become partners with those who reject God how can you make a partnership out of right and wrong that's not a partnership that's a what a war is light best friends with dark does Christ go strolling with the devil some of you did last night I like the next line to trust and mistrust hold hands well he was on Christian mingle oh that's that seals that he saved come on ladies sometimes the only thing saved about him is his profile you need to wake up you need to wake up next we take the Lord's name in vain with our decisions oh I prayed about it I feel like the Lord led me to do this you know many times I've heard somebody say the Lord led him to do this I'm like that's stupid don't know don't do that don't do that I can't tell you how many times I've heard people make the dumbest decisions in life and they put God's name on it boom like there was a couple in our church God led them to quit their jobs and go minister to NASCAR they had a kid they quit their job sold their house and they go the traveling circus called NASCAR that's what it is goes from town to town to town and they're like we felt like the Lord led you to make a dumb decision let me get this straight you got no jobs you got no support and you just sold your only asset well has the Lord leads I'm like that's dumb don't do that I knew it so sad you got a wife following the husband in a stupid decision in the name of God look the Lord directs the steps of the what the godly you know what that means he talks to people who listen who listen like I never heard from God maybe you need to clean your ears most of us don't want to hear from God because God's gonna tell us we're going the wrong way the Lord directs the steps of the godly he delights in every detail of their lives he loves you he cares about you he wants to direct you don't put your stupid decisions on God look man if you got a friend that's constantly making dumb decisions and blame it on God it's not God I told the guy in our church this I said it sounds like God is wrong a lot he didn't like that do you guys know that people use God's name to manipulate you right ladies guy comes up to you the Lord told me you're my wife here's what you say ladies well he knows where I am and he can tell me goodbye creepy right people are always using God's name the Lord the Lord led me to sing a song and sandals or the Lord needs to give you the gift of singing because he didn't happen yet look you really got to pray about is what you're doing because God is leading you or is it just something that you want to do next we take the Lord's name in vain with our actions look I asked my small group last week to pray for me and hold me accountable on something and so far I've I've I've only been successful one day this last week I told the small group my small group I said I want you guys to pray for me that every day when I get up every single day when I get up I would pray before I leave my driveway that I would have the right kind of attitude as I interact with people because here's the thing I've noticed everywhere I go people notice me now I was literally at the gym I was at the gym and some guy came up to me said hey pastor I just wanted you to know that when you put your glasses on you use your middle finger and your flipping everybody off in the gym I'm like oh I thought I was just putting my glasses on I didn't know I was giving you the bird so now now I have to think about I'm like listen to me every single day your actions lead people to Jesus or away from Jesus and here's the thing is I'm recognizing I'm being watched most of you are clueless and here's why I need to be aware of it I don't know but I don't know what your face looks like here's what my face looks like if I'm not aware does this look like I know Jesus don't laugh in my face this is the face God gave me every single day people are watching us I had a doctor's appointment I went to the doctors and my co-pays $56 for this particular treatment and so I gave him my credit card paid for my copay but when I went to pay my credit card bill at the end of the month I realized that they didn't charge me $56 they charged me fifty six hundred dollars yeah so I went back and I told the ladies I said hey guys you made a mistake I was supposed to be charged fifty six dollars and you guys charged me fifty six hundred dollars and they're like and I was like no it's okay everybody makes mistakes I said you're gonna pay me back right and they're like and so they started to figure out the paperwork and they're gonna credit me in my account and swipe my card again and literally one of the ladies there's three ladies at the front desk one of the ladies I kid you not she said this are you a Christian are you and it like I was like what are you Christian smell what is it you know I was like yeah why she's like I knew it I knew you were a Christian I could sense Antin I said why could you sense it she said because usually when we make a mistake like this people go off on us and you didn't she said I knew you're a Christian where do you go to church said sandals she goes I've heard of that place here's what Jesus said Matthew 720's just as you can identify a tree by its fruit so you can identify people by their actions look if it looks like a duck wattles like a duck and talks like a duck it's a duck if it doesn't walk like Jesus look like Jesus or talk like Jesus I don't care what the tattoo says do you know many people you meet with Jesus's face on it with a crown of thorns crying the reason he's crying is cuz they got him tattooed on their body but not in their hearts lastly Christian leaders man Matthew 7:15 jesus said beware of false prophets who come disguised as harmless sheep but really are vicious wolves not everybody who claims to speak in the name of Jesus speaks for Jesus there are people out there that just want your money they just want to have position in power over you and you need to be very very careful I was so naive when I first became a Christian because what I thought is everybody who used the name of Jesus actually loved him and knew him and unfortunately I've been gratefully disappointed but jesus warned us you don't just listen to the words that come out of their mouth you actually look at the life they live do you know what's as important as the words I speak to you how I love my wife how I love my kids I'm not perfect I'm not a perfect husband and I'm not a perfect dad but it matters it matters look if I ask for your money and I'm flying in on a private plane that's probably a problem I arrive at church in a private Subaru it's a stationwagon because that's what Jesus would drive I love my Subaru next you know people misuse God's name as a cuss word do you know why I think people are so free to use the name of Jesus flippantly because Christians don't use it seriously this is a true story whenever I meet you in the lobby I always ask you one of three questions one question is how'd you hear about sandals church how'd you find us why did you come to church today and so for whatever reason this week I just popped out the question you know why'd you come to church today and this dude was like this he's like I was like whoa this is gonna be a good story I was like why'd you come to church they said well I'll tell you but I don't want you to call the cops I was like okay I'll play along I won't call the cops why'd you come to church today he's like well last week we robbed this lady's house from Reno Valley I was like we he said yeah me and my two buddies we robbed this lady's house she wasn't opposed to be home but we knew she had a new TV she got a new stereo she got some money and we're gonna rip her off she wasn't supposed to be there and we got into the house and we didn't think she was there the problem was she's no lady and she was sleeping on the couch in the living room we missed her and so as we're carrying the TV out together she had big flat-screen TV we're carrying it out this old lady stands up I said what'd she do he said she just yelled I said what she yelled he said one word I said what word he said she yelled Jesus I said what'd you do he's I didn't know what to do I said what'd she do she said Jesus he said me and my buddies in know what to do we're carrying her flat-screen TV we put it down my buddies ran out but she's at the door I said what'd she do she said Jesus she started coming towards him I said what do you do he said I froze I said what'd she do he said she touched me what did she say she said Jesus I said what you do he said Iran I said why he said freak me out man so I came to church I said this true story I said how'd you like it he said I gave my life to Jesus one word one word what's the difference between this old lady in Moreno Valley and the seven sons of sceva she knows Jesus she knows him and she touched him in the name of Jesus and he'll never forget it can you imagine if he's here this weekend oh my gosh look God elevated Jesus to a place of highest honor he gave him the name above all other names that at the name of Jesus at the name of Jesus every knee should bow in heaven and on earth and under earth do you know the difference between hell and most churches that if the name of Jesus is spoken in Hell the devil himself takes a knee and in church we give Jesus one of these the name of Jesus the name of Jesus the reason people use it flippantly is we don't take it seriously the name of Jesus people use the name of Jesus but never share his message that's how we take the Lord's name in vain oh you want to be saved by him but you don't want to be obedient to him 99% of christians 99% of christians never share their faith look I'm not asking you to be bold I'm asking you just not to hide it right let me ask you a question like if gay people can come out of the closet why can't you why can't you we don't have a Christian pride parade cuz you're all like I don't want anyone to know Jesus said if you deny me before men I will deny you before my father who is in heaven do you know that 20% of Americans say 20% it's an all-time low 20% of Americans go to church do you know why that means 80% of your family 80% of your friends 80% of your neighbors don't go to church now listen to me that 20% number includes the Bible Belt what do you think it is in California is probably around 10 percent of Californians go to church Gallup poll just did a study and here's what it said 82 percent of people said 82 percent of Americans said they would go to church if someone invited them I've invited two people to Easter my Hindu neighbor he's coming and my Muslim friend who sold me my first car in Riverside his name's mo he's coming here's the problem some of you keep inviting the same person over and over and over again and there's 82 percent of people around here let's say why don't you invite me you know I don't want you to be saved I want this person to be safe but what if God's calling you to this person here's what the Bible says for everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved but how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him and how can they believe in him if they've never heard about him and how can they hear about him unless someone tells them that's why the scripture says how beautiful are the feet of the messengers who bring good news do you know this is the verse where the name sandals Church comes from Jesus died to save the world but the world can't be saved unless your feet your sandals share the gospel share the gospel tell somebody about Jesus tell somebody how much he means to you look if an old lady in Moreno Valley can save a robber with the name of Jesus why can't you save a friend a neighbor by inviting them to come hear about Jesus let's pray together Heavenly Father we thank you for the powerful mighty name of Jesus there is no other name by which we can be saved Lord Jesus forgive us direct us and inspire us to share our faith and to no longer take your name in vain we love you Jesus because you've loved us we pray this in your powerful mighty name a men
Channel: Sandals Church
Views: 12,232
Rating: 4.7842321 out of 5
Id: GvZ_ya3KK2o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 50sec (2750 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 01 2019
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