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lord you are changing our lives in the name of jesus you are changing our lives in the name of jesus will never be the same you are making mysteries out of us [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah i really want to commend our seriousness when god calls you to dwell in his presence every day is because he's doing something in your life hallelujah please sit down for a few minutes i just want to encourage us and then we will pray [Music] hallelujah one of the place those outside make sure you participate one of the killers of grace one of the killers of impact one of the killers of a life of color and beauty his pride vain glory i have seen in my little life i've seen people rise to the top and crash back hallelujah one of the one of the the worst comments that can be made about a man is i remember the days when this person used to be mighty there are pastors with those kinds of testimonies i remember when the hand of god used to be upon my life i remember when ministry used to expand i taught a message i think two or three years ago called the secret of sustained glory please you can get it after the service and listen to it there is nothing as ugly as testing increase greatness honor and crashing down and becoming a monument of warning to others and they say beware of social person pride let me tell you something it's my personal opinion now sin is sin but if i were to arrange sin i consider pride to be worse than fornication hallelujah pride that that mystery that has destroyed people you see let me tell you something when god begins to lift you satan is not a fool he will study your vulnerability you are not given to women satan will not carry a lady and come and destroy you he knows that you have capacity to resist it he will not use money but he knows that enshrined in every man is the desire to receive the accolades of men and this is where the mighty fall what a woman may not be able to do in the life of a man or a man as it is what money may not be able to do what persecution would not be able to do you stab yourself with pride feign glory that affinity for the uploads of men and let me tell you something god is speaking to us to warn us i have seen people i have watched people i have watched them nurture the seed of pride i have watched them naturally carefully to grow the first time that pride pride is at work in your life is that submission becomes an embarrassment to anybody to anything submission becomes an embarrassment it's a sign that you're already dying from pride not just submission to a man of god submission to principles oh everyone lift up your hands and you just stand and you are watching lift up your hands for what now air the seed of pride submission thank you very important galatians 5 26 we just look at two scriptures i really want to challenge us on this because i have seen this thing kill people men women i've seen and you know the the interesting thing about god is he gives you a measure of what he really intends giving you and watches your reaction and many of us shock god and shock ourselves with pride and arrogance [Music] let us not be desirous of vain glory faint glory vain glory and a sign that the desire of vainglory is not working you is that you begin to provoke people you begin to envy faint glory you see there are two dimensions to pride i want us to pray against today the first dimension is we were discussing i think with jimmy earlier on this morning and he was just asking me a few questions and we're really discussing very interesting discussion there are two dimensions to pride the first is the one you organize for yourself so i can see them right now apostle joshua sermon the great man of god and i find some of the leaders and some of the people pastor alpha but so family all the people i say look create a scenario that drums my impact before everybody so is arranged on purpose are we together now that's the first dimension of pride so whether it is by creating certain names or creating certain things you you create a system and that's not honor because i seek to use people to establish my relevance as against their own relevance now the second dimension of pride is where many of us are victims of and we don't know you may not create the seed but it is a desire you lost in your heart and the day someone else created you would jump at it hallelujah you will jump at it you may never ask anybody to open look listen to me and learn and grow and walk in power someone may look at you and say ah um you may never tell anybody to call you great man of god but it's a desire in your heart and the day somebody says do you know you are such an awesome man you say what did you say can you repeat it again he only stimulated something that has been there waiting for occasion to find expression many of us think because we are not the ones arranging the scenario it means we are free from pride sometimes humility is it takes effort you must reject something you must pay or not and say no this has come too far it must remain here by yourself i watch man of god on tv sadly i don't criticize man of god but i have watched people and i see like you pour cold water on a thirsty soul that's how they drink pride they three kids as members in you see honor has a boundary once you cross that boundary it no longer becomes honor the character of pride is that you find fault in the glory of others so the character of pride is everybody must be down for you to be satisfied if we are all lifted you are not satisfied because the goal of pride is to attempt to show the excellency of your stature as against somebody so pride does not um is not satisfied when you are lifted it checks if others are down when they are down then you are satisfied are you getting that now so if we say oh thank you pastor alpha thank you ebenezer thank you jimmy ebenezer get angry and say no no no if you had said thank you pastor alpha um but i'm disappointed in you hey jimmy you didn't do well but you are exceptional he says now you have honored me because you have honored me by contrasting others that's the spirit of pride so it wants to stand alone there are men of god who have created all kinds of theologies in their ministry to downplay any once this young offshoot of true grace they strangle it with teachings they threaten people with courses because there is insecurity locked up in them hallelujah are we together now vainglory a lost for the praise of man it's amazing how we look for it we begged for it we organize programs for it we organize sons and daughters for it you see men of god running around can you make my bed i mean make noise with it so to say so and karen put everything just make sure everybody around knows and we laugh it's a dangerous thing i always say this bless people and give them the option of appreciating you by themselves they will surprise you they will surprise you i run away from pride ego like a cancer there are men of god who do not see eyeball to eyeball because somebody was called mister by mistake i remember i think my people would bear me witness we went we were in um i think it was enugu towards the end of last year and i went to minister and crusade yeah and it was a great meeting people came around and there was a gentle man i think he's a pastor pastor son so they introduced him mistakenly they said brother so so and so i saw the way the guy moved you know with anger and insult to my grace you don't know who i am and he climbed up the stage and the first thing he said was look my name is pastor so-so-so not brother so so and he challenged them to correct it and then the next thing he raised one song and said i hope there are ushers here because the power of god will start moving i just said ayah my brother you have done two mistakes one you have refused to recognize grace let me tell you when you enter a place where there is a higher grace if you don't if you don't annoy it even your angelic activity will be seized there is ranking in the spirit that's why jesus look for john the baptist who is the man with the mantle in the city and when he's submitted and acknowledging his own ministry opened up i said this was a very foolish boy you came and you saw pastors all over pastors you would not see you don't even know who they came to honor you don't know why they are there you see some of us are cheated because we don't know how to take advantage of opportunities god gives you a privilege to stand in the midst of people that you never would have had access to and you blew it because of pride god wants to announce your ministry and it gives you an opportunity to take offering in a church that on a good day you should not even be found in front and you come up and say i just want to let you know that my email address is uh so so and so and so and i don't attend to calls anyhow in fact the way the ministry is going now how many members 20 30 45. there's a young man i would not mention his name in the body of christ he had contact to bene him very small boy ben him prophesied his breath many of you may know him this little boy had an unusual access i saw the way benedine was lifting him because ben him took him like a son within weeks his ministry exploded and this guy will be arrogant on stage imagine sharing the stage with an authority like benny him and one time i watched the guy he was talking and he looked at my new dog he said get a pen get a pen quickly get a pen and a book and i was watching him and he said write this it was an accurate prophecy but when he wrote everything i said this guy's grace has died he didn't reach one year have you not seen people rise up in the church i'm not going to mention names but you know people rise up and it's like god just withdraws the grace pride pride is dangerous dangerous and so that gentle man he said i hope there are ushers please i want you to station yourself move around because the spirit of prophecy is upon me i i sang one song sang another the people were angry they were tired they came with hunger you know imagine that kind of thing they gave him time he obviously overshot the time and then he started prophesying now everybody lift up your hands right now the power of god will move people waited five minutes it's always pride leads to destruction embarrassment and so on and so forth that guy did his best he may have seen grace walk in his church and he did not know the protocol of maintaining it god would have honored that guy in no small way if he allowed god to lift him and the guy got up and made noise and was challenging the people because they always would look for an excuse moved around one lady two ladies and he left with all kinds of disappointment back to his seat brothers and sisters at the end of that meeting this guy was shocked and he stood do you know it's painful when you make noise over something and it doesn't happen and somebody else comes and is so effortless the more it happens the more people say can you see this is what you would have been pride is dangerous is god speaking to us the bible says when you enter a place sit at the back it's a principle when you enter a place let your work speak for you don't speak for it proverbs 31 he said let her walk speak for her the gate you come around with one album and say i'm i'm an anointed i'm a samist i have my psalmist if you just give me five minutes i will i will surprise you in this church it's a sign that nobody is a testament of the transformation that has come from your grace but when you allow god lift you listen cornelia i'm teaching you something run away from the quest for vainglory sometimes men will try to do it stop it i was rebuking some of these my young people that i helped at times i saw some of them and when i see them among their contemporaries i see them standing i say you are already learning this nonsense i remember someone here he used to be here i looked at him one day and i said come and stand here he came and i said you are soon going to fall i see pride eating you up like a cancer and he looked at me he said me i told him i said there are many things i don't claim to know but there are certain things i know i know when a man is about to fall you see there are some of you who will honor anybody above you but when you are among your contemporaries that's when the pride comes you are forced to honor someone above you because of solidarity but when you are among your contemporaries let the power of god begin to move in a meeting and you see the way man of god your body is itching for mike everybody wants to hold their mind when the service is over somebody comes to pick a mic and say hold on give me e well we are not done what god is doing here all those things we think there's signs of spiritual maturity they are signs of childishness [Music] childishness we went for a meeting in yola we are going to pray it was a crusade in yola and i was ministering alongside god's servant dr paul and andre i know that that's a great man i've seen god honor me but that's a father in the faith god has lifted him i will not sit down and begin to compare my ministry and it will be stupidity of the highest order he's older than me god has honored him god has lifted him he has become a mortal to the body of christ i know what many of us will do you will try to make sure you snap with him and say i've shared the stage with men like so on and so forth and so forth and you just think yourself you connect the protocol i remember his his head of protocol was communicating with victor and he was excited about being my been around he heard about me and he wanted he wanted me to be there at the venue right he was actually coming for his own crusade dr paul and then he he was also to minister where i was ministering was a campus crusade and this is what the protocol said the night i went for the meeting that the power of god was awesome i mean mighty things miracles upon miracles and i knew that the people respect me they respect me so much and if i came there together with dr paul and nancy they want to honor dr paul and entry but they will not want to dishonor me so they may try to create the same platform and i rejected i said i'm not going i said i'm not going for the meeting you can ask the head of protocol they said no no no i should come around you'll be wonderful i said i am not going i told them we are not going anywhere let the servant of god receive the honor duty sacrifice we will come in the evening and finish a meeting many of you will not do that because you are looking for a platform one day i went somewhere and one guy just came back to near me like a thief that we should snap he's a pastor i was just looking at him because he will use my picture and take it to his ministry and say we ministered with men like this person apostle was there and and think that snapping the picture is an endorsement of his ignorance and childlessness humility entails that you consciously reject certain things not every open door was opened by god you need to know if the timing is right to entice [Music] hallelujah don't think because a door is open and you want to enter no sometimes god can say no your level has not gotten to this although the door is open stay quiet [Music] is god speaking to us this happens in every area of life that's why many of us will never rise there are ladies here you love god but the day god gives you an opportunity you'll be amazed at the pride and arrogance and god is watching how you are disqualifying yourself and allowing this ancient stumbling block of pride to stop you from stepping into the next level i share pride i run from it [Music] hallelujah i can't remember where i was sharing this testimony about a woman who um carried something you know load and i saw her and i was in a hurry to help her carry the load no matter how i'm lifted i know that i'm not stupid not at all humility humility there are many of you if if you were the ones who are privileged to stand where i'm standing you see crowds of people inside and outside there will be one pier to clean your left shoe there will be another pier to clean your right shoe are we together there is the one who he will not just give you unconscious you put your face like this and you clean it [Music] that's what kills men years ago in your campus years ago many people who have been there long ago will tell you there were many pastors on campus ministry i mean somebody will have five members three peers two ladies one guy i want to go on tv ministry you see people holding books as if they are bankers what are they doing i am prophet this i am apostle this i am i remember one person came and met me as a man of god what is your grace you need to go on air go on radio many of those people some are not even in ministry till now some are still roaming around wondering what to do god himself opposes the proud but he gives grace to the humble i was counseling a gentleman maybe he's here with his mother and the mother said something and the boy just shouted at her ah my name is joshua salman i turned to that boy and i landed it on him i said apologize to mama immediately otherwise you have subtracted your years in life the bible says he that dishonored his father he said his candles will be his candle will be taken and you'll be left in obscurity honor humility hallelujah is god is my weakness it's just that the protocol and all these people will never allow me i don't mind coming in the afternoon to clean the benches and do all the things i need to do it doesn't change me it doesn't change me true confidence is not in things around it's in who you are if i clean a chair today it does not make me less anointed listen god is speaking to us this is why some of us cannot be walkers in the house of god because we think god has lifted me and people are aware that's the devil destroying you there are ladies today who cannot quietly sweep the house of god because they feel kind there is a man of god i met somewhere he's a pastor and he said he likes me and i'm already imagining myself as a mama let me tell you i know the end of that relationship nonsense let me just tell you in advance because god is not a fool you will not carry his servant that he has been laboring on and then attach you to achieve his life [Music] i hate pride our daddy is here almost every time prof do you know that i'm even afraid i always tell him that when i grow up i want to be like him a man that is so fulfilled and yet very humble there are all kinds of distinguished people here there before yesterday or was it i introduced them madame lady and she was even quarrelling me she was saying why did i expose her there are lots of other people distinguished people scattered but there are people who come and stand outside and say tell the protocol i'm around who are you my name is pastor pastor [Music] good will something i saw what i mean you can imagine i came all the way from carduna let them know that i'm around and give you seed [Music] the lord told me if you will let men see me there is nothing i will not give you you know why some pastors will never have crowd they can preach everything and criticize people who have pride god knows the moment they see crowd the first thing in their mind is how do i get lifted if everybody gives me ten ten thousand it's a lucrative business if everybody does this and that you need it by the grace of god almighty i never preach people and say do you know i'm a man of god no it is it is this ministry is a call to serve is a privilege i'm not embarrassed about it i will say it all the time it's a privilege to serve god i was crying before the lord today and i said lord it's a privilege to serve never replace me with a stone never replace me god has power to replace any man [Music] i teach the leaders all the time when we go for leaders meeting the first thing i tell them is guys thank you so much people look at calinonia and they are looking at me but you are the brains behind some of these things that we do do you have the humility to acknowledge the impute of others to your success or do you make it look like they played a little role but after i fasted and prayed no i learn from everyone everyone and i treat people with dignity and humility that's the protocol how many times i've rebuked them just for telling people at the back shift shift apostle is coming and i tell them never do that never do that i know you need organization you don't come and push people and say apostle is coming so what this is all of me how big am i that you're asking everybody to shift can't i pass some of us are already enjoying it in our little fellowship you say when i'm coming you are the one who announced my coming you you escort me and i don't know where you are getting that mentorship from it's most certainly not from me i fear god and i've lived as transparent for you to see and learn many of us are learning nonsense we just go to any meeting and we are watching out of all that god is doing we are watching how ah they gave the woman somebody came and just said oh man of god and you admire it and in your mind you are hoping in your own small fellowship too people now come and say you are standing [Applause] [Music] we are going to pray pride is in chile i have seen people who do you know there are people seated here i know them they are millionaires but you see them keep quiet you can match them and they won't say anything but they are wealthy people but there are others with nothing but noise yet we make all kinds of noise let me tell you great people have a track record of humility that's why they became great you may see certain people there are great men and women of god there are people when i was coming in i saw people saying this person is here great people just carted inside and outside but there are others i am pastor this i am mrs this please we are going to pray brothers and sisters i know this in my little life pride is a killer some of us cannot greet elderly people again you see some of these are mothers and you just push them around and bring a course upon yourself and your ministry never listen to learn from anything oh i think you should i know i know i know we're fumbling i know when learning becomes an embarrassment to you pride is eating you up [Music] you rain you ancient zion's king caddo [Music] mighty on your throat listen the antidote to pride is a public acknowledgement of the value and the input of others you don't tear down the achievement of others to prove you are great that's why you will never generally open my mouth and mention the name of a man of god or a church or a ministry and castigate them god is not just the god of koinonia there are many other men of god doing great things and when people start saying apostle you are the only one i said be silent i know that's the voice of pride that's the voice of a killer on his way to destroy me i'd like you to lift your voice and say not let it die let it die that affinity for the praise of man pray pray that affinity for the praise of men on the strength of my accomplishment on the strength of my accomplishment oh god i laid down i laid down i lay down i lay down sucka barroco pray pray that spirit of pride that affinity for the praise of men the praise of man the praise of man the praise of men hallelujah hallelujah one of one of the indices that to measure through humility is how much you acknowledge the impute of god in your success are we together because chances are that the truth is you have you you kept certain principles to get that result so that people can look at you and say hi no no no no personal alpha at this level you are already almost becoming a doctor and then a professor all you are doing this i mean you can imagine and all of that is up to you to suddenly change to an osha and say there is one as you see me that's why you see when i go for meetings and the power of god is blessing people there are all kinds of reactions there are those putting their hands on their head what kind of man is this and i'm quick to tell them no what you see this is a puppet there is one behind me there is one who is responsible i don't say it indirectly i say it directly make no mistake there is one who can give and take the grace upon my life i am absolutely nothing coinonia is absolutely nothing thank god for the club for joshua salman but i am telling you now that this man you are seeing is nothing without the grace and the wisdom of god i am not embarrassed i remember where god took me from from sitting in a quarter to study my bible and see what god has done after many years i've still refused to be a fool i know that when you acknowledge god he will lift you i'd like you to say a lot in all my ways i will acknowledge you lift your voice and pray in all my ways in all my accomplishments in all my achievements [Music] pray in all my ways i acknowledge you in all my ways i acknowledge you when men try to blow the trumpet of me i direct it to you in all my ways i acknowledge you i will let men see how helpless i am outside of you those outside are you praying today hallelujah [Music] you get to a point in your life two more prayer points and we're done this prayer point is strategic because in the next two minutes i want you to list everything in your life that looks like a trophy and said lord is because of you if i've never said it i'm saying it now lift your voice if i have a degree it's because of you if i have a phd it's because of you if i'm married is because of you if i'm alive it's because of you if i am wealthy is because of you leave your voice coinonia acknowledge him [Music] because of you you are my wisdom you are my wisdom you are my wisdom you are my wisdom the force behind this ministry lord we acknowledge you pray [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] lord i acknowledge you [Music] [Applause] hallelujah the last prayer point i'd like you to say lord from today i become an usher pointing men to you i become an usher when they say what's the secret of your wealth i point them to you what's the secret of your beauty i point them to you what's the secret of your exploit lift your voice and pray lord i will let them know unashamedly unassumingly i will let them know [Music] pray when i'm tempted to receive your glory when i'm tempted to share your glory oh convict me god fix me [Music] the name of jesus please shout it in the name of jesus [Music] [Applause] i declare that i will let the world know i will announce to creation that jesus christ [Music] is the reason for my greatness for my anointing for my exploit and whenever i am tempted to take his glory to be deceived by the accolades of men i receive grace to reject the praises of men to put a limit to the presence of men that i may reveal christ in my success that i may reveal christ in my lifting that i may reveal christ in my greatness listen the purpose of your honor is to reveal christ the purpose of the miracles is to reveal christ if christ is not revealed in your activities you are arrogant [Music] [Applause] never criticize the impute of jesus christ and say well i thank god for the grace of god but i labeled stand there and let men know he's the reason a man of my mind that every time people clap to me i say you are clapping for the wrong person i'm telling you this and i say it with all my heart that's why you don't see people say oh god of joshua what do you have how many things can i do who can i help i'm not against people who there is a place for that but i'm telling you brothers and sisters we are too young to begin to allow this foolishness destroy us i'm telling you this i speak to us specifically the young people we are too young to allow the foolishness of the praises of men destroy us we are to i can clap for daddy we can clap for our mothers they have ended right through time but a small boy does moving and people begin to blow your head is a way of death we are too young we have read revivals we have read history bible history and seen how pride destroyed man it was alexander the way that got to a point where he claimed he was elijah that's what pride can do to men please from tonight hear me pastors business people i like you to make up your mind if there are a circle of singers and messengers that keep clapping and blowing your head go back and tell them it's dissolved in jesus name i love you i thank you for honoring me i received the honor but let's bring it down to the limit of my level this honor is too much for the level i have not yet gone far you must have the grace to tell them they'll say no no no no daddy you need more tell them look if you call me father then honor me by doing what i'm telling you keep it that way because the time i stopped the protocol because there were two protocol people coming to take me i said this is nonsense please i'm not ready a particular pa of a notable man of god in this country one time a military man when he came for coinonia he was surprised he saw what god was doing and he said man of god you should not allow people to access you anyhow i mean this is terrible the grace they are abusing the grace they don't sow into your life they push you around people come and i i was getting a sincere man but i was getting the counsel of my kid to fail sincere man the last time i heard about that man physically speaking he was doing well but spiritually he had died sleeping around doing all kinds of things that was the person who was advising me [Music] be careful whose advice you take as you sit down discussing ministry young people hear me as you sit down discussing life and god begins to bless you 1 million 2 million 5 million it blows up your head no you must maintain a life of more destiny be temperate in all things there is honor and stability when a man is humble [Music] it's difficult to accuse a humble man pride pride sponsors accusations when people say things against you your humility can bail you out hallelujah please lift up your request and let's prophesy upon it if you have it if you don't have that's all right [Music] for those of you who are just coming the lord gave us an instruction and the instruction is that throughout this fasting period you write two sets of lists you've been hearing the amazing testimonies the first list is a list of your expectations you are holding on to the aunt of the octane praying and saying lord this is what i want to see happen on the positive the second part of the list represent your challenges the things that have mocked god in your life you write it and he said this egyptians that you see you will see no more forever and the lord said every day i should keep speaking speaking over it and on friday prophetically we are going to set the list of those challenges on fire while it's burning we are going to lift up high praise the healer that place that brought jericho down please don't miss friday friday is like a miracle service plus invite everybody including your enemy we're going to bond these things while it is burning not before we are going to sing and jump before the god of heaven is called the healer is a mystery and let's see the devil that will tie your destiny and keep you there please remember that every day we are breaking with communion we are breaking with communion if you do not take my blood and my but my flesh and my blood you have no part in me it's very important hallelujah praise the lord please lift it up to the god of heaven as we pray [Music] hezekiah lifted the threat the threat and said oh god bow down your ears bow down your eyes and see this threat father you have instructed us and we are obedient i'm praying in the name that is above all names once again every challenge every altar listen i was speaking to a lady this this afternoon and i issued challenge me brothers and sisters there are altars that sponsor some of these pains who are going to judge you tonight lift lift up your in the name that is above all names every altar spawns up by the gates of hell that keep these challenges to be repeated in our lives it catches fire tonight in the name of jesus it catches fire tonight sheikha pakata it catches fire tonight in the name of jesus every spirit entity every human entity responsible for your pain responsible for your setback responsible for your weakness responsible for your delay your joblessness in the name that is above all names we command the sword of judgment the sword of judgment the sword of judgment the sword of judgment the sword of judgment hallelujah [Applause] after nine plagues pharaoh refused that israel would not go there was a time he said you can grow up or leave your wives and your children i like you there's no negotiation in this fasting time i can't go my health cannot go and leave my finances behind my finances cannot go and leave my marriage behind in the name that is above all means every power i say today holding your marriage your destiny your business in the name of jesus i set it on fire now i set it on fire now i set it on fire now i set it on fire now hallelujah every spirit that has tied down the joy of your family so that there is only sounds of mourning there are families that never rejoice they are crying all the time i pray for you let the voice of the accuser be silenced by the blood be silenced by the blood be silenced by the blood hallelujah the bible says to appoint unto them that mourn in zion to put an end to it hallelujah everything on your list that you are trusting god for that must happen we are praying there is an energy there is an ability of the holy spirit that makes it happen no matter how impossible it is oh god that answers prayer i pray that this this request will be turned into testimonies now turned into testimonies now coming to testimonies now [Music] hallelujah turn into testimonies i pray for you finally on that list [Music] tonight as you sleep as a token of victory i pray may god give you strange dreams tonight as a talking of victory i activate your spirit man to receive sickness three seconds dreams see your victory in your dreams see your victory in visions see your victory in your dreams hallelujah listen you will have strange dreams tonight you will see yourself receiving things as it happens in your dream it must appear in the physical as it happens in the spirit it must appear in the physical [Music] hallelujah [Music] there was one of our mothers here the boy is doing architecture now the boy came stopping he smokes everything drinks everything the woman was tired of him and she kept coming with a hard opening one day the fire of god fell upon that boy's head let me tell you when god locates you not no devil no devil hallelujah you've once had the story of promise [Music] promise remember his story he shared it here he came to zarya with dreadlocks dreadlocks lots of money dreadlocks and earrings that's when it came to this area but when the fire fell see what the fire can do the fire can change anybody let me tell you something please add the list of your unsaved loved ones if you have not done so don't say god cannot change them who told you saul was on his way to damascus fire fell on him i'd like you to pray and say lord anyone in my family who is not saved may fire fall on them this night lift your voice and pray one minute [Music] my father must be saved my mother must be saved [Music] an encounter an encounter an encounter an encounter give them dreams let them see jesus visions of heaven visions of hell give them encounters pray for your brother pray for your sister we snatch them from the hands of alcohol pornography immorality we snatch them from the gates of hell in the name of jesus we snatch them we release the competing power of the holy ghost pray for your father pray for your mother [Music] hallelujah revelations 5 verse 12 we're rounding up please as you go back listen let's use this fasting period to pray for our loved ones don't complain about them there is a spirit making them behave the way they are behaving stop attacking individuals challenge those spirits wake up in the night don't just know your way this is a period of spiritual awakening one o'clock two o'clock knock the gates of heaven lord i i take this top one lady i bring her before the altar leave code po back at her and let the fire fall on them don't sit down be disgusting and say you see you need to stop following men that's not the way out solve the problem there are spirits that manipulate the destinies of man revelations 5 verse 12 saying with a loud voice what is the lamb that was slain to receive what power and riches and wisdom and strength and honor the bible says by humility are riches and unknown i prophesy to you in the name of jesus christ because of the spirit of humility upon you may the god that i serve lift you again where men have laughed at you and buried your case like lazarus we call that case out and we say it's the season of exaltation everything dying in your life i speak to which in this year of multiplied grace and influence rise to a new level rise to a new dimension prophetically rise to a new dimension spiritually rise to a new dimension financially rise to a new dimension hallelujah please sit down for one minute and have the prophetic focus for tomorrow [Music] it gets hotter by the day and i'm encouraging us please from tomorrow wednesday down till friday please don't miss the meetings again because it's going to be prophetic we have been establishing principles now from tomorrow we are going to be confronting things controlling spirits territorial powers are we together we're not just teaching principles again it's rising hotter because there are entities who are alive and concerned we need to force them to give way for the opening of our destiny so please please if you can invite your family members no even if they are stubborn just leave them they can be playing around just leave them there when the fire falls and that spirit that is responsible leaves them they will step into a new dimension hallelujah tomorrow [Music] the prophetic focus we're going to be praying the irrefutable ministry of destiny helpers the irrefutable ministry of destiny help us there is no man that can rise to any way of worth without a connection to another man the breakthrough of every man is in the hands of another man the employment of everybody is in the hands of somebody every billion that will come to your account is in somebody's account already it will fall from heaven but there is a mystery that connects man write these two scriptures we have to pray please i'd like you to pay attention tomorrow by god's grace we'll give more time please those conducting when you come do everything you have to do fast so that we can have the prayer session and i want us to really stretch and pray because you need a man introduced in your life this week there is somebody that must appear to wipe your tears somebody shared with me a testimony today it's something i can't share here many of you will not even believe it a breakthrough god just brought somebody and just connected him i'm talking of multi millions just came like rain for doing nothing that's what the same way a wicked man can come into your life and not just subtract divide your life into two the lady was behaving well until a stupid boy came into her life and divided her life a gentleman was doing well until a very bad girl came into his life satan uses men to destroy men god uses men to build men are we together tomorrow we are going to also be seeing the prophetic implication of association please listen that you are not a true christian if it does not affect your association don't say i'm the only one the rest are drinking but i'm not taking it no if you are a child of god your atmosphere matters in your life please don't miss it there are people who must hear this message second samwell second samuel the irrefutable ministry of destiny helpers second samwell nine verse 1 to 11 you read there the story of my frugal mark chapter 2 those who will be leading it will expound on it mark chapter 2 verse 1 to 12. [Music] second samuel 9 verse 1 to 11 please we give this prophetic focus so that you can pray right you pray so beginning from tonight when you go back you begin to pray lord who are the men that must appear in my life i say sister you pray not just husband who are the people who must show up in my life there are some of us who have seen patterns in our lives the moment god is about to lift you certain people show up they call you former relationships how are you now can you come to judge are we together and strange things happen and if god grants us grace either tomorrow or next we will consider unwanted partners we catch spirits that visit us we're not just talking of destiny help us like just people coming there are destiny killers and we need to identify them and deal with them there are many people when god is about to lift you a strange man who claims he knows you comes to you in the dream sleeps with you or does all kinds of things and you get up somebody who was going to bless yourself change my mind they told you it does not matter see what is happening in your life we are going to deal with it in the name of jesus by the grace of god we believe the full gospel in calinonia we would deal with everything that should be dealt with many ladies are under the trap of this thing i'm telling you it's just that we are not sincere in church so everybody who just claimed they don't say just after seeing nothing something is happening and there is a mystery to it hallelujah someone who asked you out about to marry you say let's go and see your parents that strange man comes again say you are playing with me you wake up in the morning and the brother says i don't know what happened but something is convicting me that you're a wicked lady i don't want you whereas you're a kind beautiful nice walker in the house of god it's not just about saying god give me this give me that there are spirits strangers that come to connect us this is the mystery of things like fibroids this this demonic growth all over the bodies of people and if there is anybody here having anything planted in you and prophesying it before we close anything that is planted in your body that did not come from god in the name of jesus christ like that gun fell before the act it was flush out of your body tonight i'm saying it again it must flush out of your body tonight every stranger who has planted any good lump on your breast whatever it is around your body i just felt like doing this before we leave and in the name of jesus i'm saying it any growth around any part of your body from your head to your toe sponsored by any wicked stranger we judge it tonight in the name of jesus [Applause] [Music] use this fasting period to fight everything that is not of god don't say it's not paying me it must go it must go because it may not pain you now until it starts growing and they will tell you his cancer leave it and kill it there and it must die hallelujah says from the days of john the baptist until now the kingdom suffered violence it advances forcefully and only forceful men advance it so please don't tolerate anything anything that mocks you take it to the list anything that mocks you take you to my eye i mean i'm feeling pain take it there don't sit down say it's all right it happens every dry season take it there it must be dealt with hallelujah yes ladies please take it seriously don't say oh my honest it's something i'm used to i grew up with it like that please write it and say god this is not normal i've been keeping quiet about it for now i won't be silent [Music] foreign second chronicles 7 verse 14 if my people the first three words they are my people so we are not talking of those who are not my people but if my people muscle they are called by my name he said they shall humble themselves he didn't say they shall say i am sorry repentance is not brokenness brokenness is deeper repentance he says and shall seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then we lie here from heaven i will forgive their sins and i will not heal them i will heal their land their territory [Music] not just heal them but their territory the absence of a broken and contract spirit is for many of us the mystery behind not only the tragedies of our lives the continued patterns and the reign of partners over families over territories over individuals that you are a christian is not enough brokenness is a state that god cannot deny [Music] what is brokenness brokenness is a state of complete surrender number one number two brokenness is a recognition of your imperfections and your inadequacies outside of the mercy and the help of god this is called brokenness a recognition of your inadequacies and your imperfections outside of the mercy and the help of god [Music] brokenness is a spiritual strategy that god designed to kill pride in the life of men brokenness is a system in the kingdom is a strategy invented by the wisdom of god to kill pride in men let me tell you this pride is behind the many sufferings of people not seeing pride pride nobody really suffers from being a sinner we suffer because of our pride our parents suffer because of pride it's not their shortcomings it is the refusal to acknowledge that every man is inadequate without god are we together is god speaking to us the power of genuine brokenness is a strategy that kills pride is a strategy that kills a sense of self-sufficiency one of the greatest unbecoming of believers that sense of self-sufficiency i can do without god i can do without him i can live without him lord when i have a challenge in my life i will call your attention to help me are we together now yes it doesn't mean that god is not involved but you keep him until you feel it is with it is beyond your power then you say lord can you quickly come and just help me and then go back a broken and a contrite heart is a heart that is perpetually living in the revelation that outside of god i am inadequate are we together [Music] psalm 34 18 please give it to us psalm 34 verse 18 [Music] psalm 34 and verse 18 please read it it's projected one to read the lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart he said and saved such there are certain people that qualify for his salvation the bible says people who are of a contrite heart that's the reason why you can see some persons will come to church are we together they come they don't have faith are we together they are not even walking in holiness and righteousness as we know but they come with a genuine sense of brokenness and the whole service becomes about them something about the sincerity of their heart attracted god are we together notice the kinds of people that attracted jesus in his ministry she he was hardly attracted by the scribes and the pharisees he would see the sinners and go to them [Music] they caught the woman with the issue with adultery she didn't hurt you and said no no no no and jesus came and helped her remember when he met the woman who had six husbands five and the sixth one was not a husband look at how jesus took time to reach out to these people let me tell you there is one attribute i know a man can possess that will attract god in a helpless way is a broken and a contrite heart are we together yes that a man can cry unto god from his state of brokenness and say lord if you do not help me my family will not rise we have broken all the laws of financial prosperity we are broken i'm not a titan we are not titles we are not givers lord if you don't help us we are finished and you will watch the lord treat them like he treats the lilies of the valley that do not so neither do they reap yet because they are his creation he will get up and reach out to them in mercy every time people were broken and contrite god responded to them in the book of jonah there was a strange prophet that god gave an instruction to go to nineveh and warn them you know why jonah refused he knew god he knew they would repent he was praying that they have their heartedness will remain so god will punish them for him and he ran away and god drew him back he said go back and the bible says when jonah announced that the people broke themselves in fasting and ashes even their animals fasted these were not people who were believers they were not even of the covenant but they became broken every time people were broken god no longer asked them where they came from a broken and a contrite heart the opposite of pride he said a broken and a contrite heart he will not despise let me tell you this when you walk with god we teach these principles your results at a level in the spirit will no longer be based on the accuracy of your applying this principle but that you have come to a place where you have become the friend of god it is important to teach these principles but i submit to you a time will come in your walk with god is no longer about what you are doing you have won his heart in a way and manner that he has become vulnerable to you you will see things you did not pray for you will enter dimensions you did not fast for because you have maintained a state of genuine brokenness the prodigal son left parked his wealth and went to live a riotous life is that true the bible says one day he came to himself [Music] that's what was happened to many people in this day one of this fast he came to himself and said come how many hired servants does my father have while i sit down here and die with the pigs what is there to be ashamed of i will arise and i will go to my father and i will say father i have sinned against heaven and against you and i am not worthy you gave me resources i squandered it in a riotous way the bible says while he was a far off as soon as the father saw him he ran to him notice the father never asked him so where were you all the while a broken and a contrite heart is a magnet for the help and the mercy of god a broken and a contrite heart this is a principle that not only works for god it works for men are we together as wicked as we are as men when you find a man that is broken towards you no matter how hard you are you become as soft as a tissue paper the reason why many of us have lost favor we have lost opportunities we are humans and it is true that at some point you made decisions that was not wise or whatever it is our parents you fought with your boss they fired you something happened but we we thought we were repentant but we were not broken you see brokenness has a spirit you can know a man can come and say sorry jimmy please i want to work for you again sorry and you know that this is justice just apologies this is pride on rampage brokenness has a character is an unashamed acknowledgement of your humanity and how much it can shred you into pieces except god helps you there are people who have gotten their jobs back not because they qualified they came with brokenness there are relationships that are being restored because the individuals could be broken enough are we together there are business connections that have come back because of brokenness [Music] listen to what i'm teaching you tonight is a very deep mystery [Music] david was a man who understood brokenness thoroughly thoroughly thoroughly [Music] isaiah 57 verse 15 quickly let's look at it isaiah 57 verse 15 for thousands the high and lofty one that inhabited eternity listen whose name is holy he says i dwell in the high and holy place [Music] with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit to do what to revive the spirit of the humble and to revive the heart of the contrite ones there are people who are qualified for revival like a dry and tasty land as a man of god you have come to your wit's end as a businessman you have come to your wit's end and you come to the lord and say lord i am broken i acknowledge that if you do not help me i cannot do anything and god shows up for you someone can be holding his stick of cigarette under a bridge and just sit down and say god i don't know if you are there but you need to help me it's not like i like my life i'm sitting this way please arise for me brothers and sisters no prayer fasting no fury the holy ghost for a spiritual eyes to be open there an angel is sent from heaven and it comes to that person there his brokenness is a magnet he drew the hand of god i have seen god visit families that broke every spiritual law i know lend the loss of the spirit your humanity will necessitate them lend them one of it is brokenness [Music] are we together yes david was a man who understood god god don't give me to my enemies punish me by yourself i choose your own way god said this man this man [Music] how many young people have lost the favor of their loved ones because they do not have a heart of brokenness you used to live a wayward life i said am i not get am i not getting well behaved it's my father not sin there's no brokenness genuine brokenness i have seen people who are genuinely broken i have seen i have advocated for people who have offended their destiny helpers and i saw the level and the extent of their brokenness i felt guilty leaving them that way i went out of my way to broker reconciliation this is me a man hallelujah do you believe what i'm sharing with you this is a very powerful revelation these are the kinds of people that all things work for their good they know what to do to god to change equations you will look at them it is true their family should be caused their father was a herbalist is through his three one of the sons it is true that an ordinance is speaking against them and he goes before god he says lord i i don't come in my own righteousness i come before you oh god i never lied that i was a herbalist i never lied that i collect the charm it was out of pressure i came before you who else will i run to and god says who is calling me who is which family is calling me and while repentance is going on one devil is there concocting a charm that man cannot pray in tongues that man does not even know which scripture should be he cried and god showed up and said because of what you have done i enter a covenant with your children's children that all of them will be the head and you find out that three generations afterwards all leaders not because they fasted their brokenness was a covenant [Music] are we together show me a man that understands brokenness and i show you a man whose end you will never see you will never see i am convinced now and i don't say this in a state of sarcasm i say this sincerely i am convinced that when people fall to a point that their chapter closes the a level of pride was responsible for that are we together peter saw jesus christ and because of the pressure he ran away and betrayed him he was not a lie when jesus came to him in john 21 he said little children have you any catch he said cast your neck to the right side when they caught fish peter realized it was jesus the same jesus he had betrayed three days ago the bible says he ran away he said go away from me i am a sinner this is not the issue of condemnation is a recognition jesus i did this to you and you still come to me i disappointed you i told everyone i did not know you i took advantage of your benevolence but i come to you and jesus said simon this attitude has earned you something feed my sheep feed my lamb you qualify to be the leader this is the kind of attitude that is leader-worthy an attitude that is unashamed before me [Music] there are many proud people moving up and down i don't drink i don't smoke i don't look for women i don't look for men and our pride keeps us there every time we see people rolling before god and crying their hearts we sit down there with a sense of self-perfection full of our pride full of our jealousy full of our lust just because it has not yet manifested does not mean it's not there and when there is an opportunity to cry before god we sit down saying ah you mean that lady is also praying wow thank god though koinonia is helping some people a broken and a contrite heart a heart that is unashamed before god a heart that can roll from end to end and say lord you are the helper you are the coverer you are the defender of my life [Music] the psalmist knew this he said i'm aware that many are dead that trouble me many are they that look they pray for my downfall if you do not understand brokenness you will fall like a chicken it will surprise you your rising has a side effect to many people and they hope and pray daily that something happens in your life and if you understand brokenness you have helped god in a way and manner that he will never leave you this i know about god a broken and a contract believers are very proud people we exaggerate the teachings of faith we exaggerate the teachings of righteousness and it makes us proud people and we cannot tremble at his word and allow his spirit to walk on us that's why there is no power that's why there is no grace that's why there is no favor that's why there are no results a sense of self-sufficiency [Music] take over take over i have come to the end of myself brokenness is a mystery that attracts the mercy and the help of god to a man's life a mystery that attracts the help and the mercy of god when god is ready to show you mercy do you know god can help men how many of you believe that do you know god can help men there are very few people that have seen the help of god this is not men favoring you this is god deciding that i want to help you i have helped people in my life by the grace of god and i have seen how easy their lives became because i could reach out to them god can turn to a man and say me alpha omega i have decided to come to your family to help you it will surprise you what will happen most of us do not know what the help of god can do he said i will lift up my eyes to the heels from whence commit my help not my neighbor's own i don't know how he gets his own but my help you see us like this the name of this ministry is ebenezer a ministry that has been helped by god helped spiritually help with grace some of these mysteries are not just a product of personal research some of them are a sheer help of god that god comes to you by himself and says i want to help you god can help men when god helps you something will change about your life there are many families that don't help have the help of god because our loved ones are there in their pride and arrogance i think we should go and see a man of god i know god too and god says you see you see it now a broken and a contrite hand let's go and cry to god ah didn't i tell my wife sorry didn't i tell my husband sorry there's no brokenness there's a newness some of us seated here this is the one limitation that makes satan to perfect our lives and yet god seems to stand helpless everybody say genuine brokenness [Music] genuine brokenness that a man can come to a point where he goes to god i remember a woman who shared her a testimony very touching testimony she was staying in a house a rented apartment very wealthy man you know somewhere in abuja and true story she could not pay you know there was no way it's not the issue of give me time there's nowhere money is going to come from anywhere and the woman was broken because she still had the fees of her children this woman sent me a text by herself she said when it was very obvious that the boss was the the owner was going to drive her that the woman said she just knelt down before he and said you have children like this one and she was crying she said it's not my fault that my husband died i didn't kill him it's not my fault that i didn't have the opportunity to be educated i'm not lazy it's just condition that has kept me like this if you drive me where do i go to this woman started crying and according to what she told me that the man just kept quiet and looked at her and was touched he said i have children and i have conscience i will never do this he said continue to stay here it's not your own but just continue to say forget about rent because of this thing you have done i have given you this the help [Applause] you know many of us want to seek help at our own times pride and help don't go together are you hearing what i'm saying please america i hear you a doctor can you treat me you are the one who is sick oh god are you not seeing what is this family is doing we need five million to solve our problems i come by the blood of the lamb as i said you you ask him to die and in the name of jesus christ pride that's what the bible calls it i watch people all around from pastors to leaders and in all honesty i see that price oozing out desperate for help but not broken enough to receive it there are people who are desperate for help but the brokenness that qualifies them to receive their knees will not go to the ground i don't mean physically their knees will not go to they want to be helped but they want to be helped at their own times [Music] sorry do you have 100 naira can you help me it's not by force we don't have that's all right that's a proud man he's hungry he's in need and he's ashamed he's not my culture to beg i'm not justice i just felt like and that is not usually what i do i just hope that you can help me pride those kinds of people never get the attention of god thou son of david thou son of david please now you are the son of david others call you jesus but i i know what they've been saying about you have mercy i don't know what what it takes to stand up from here and i'm not sure i even have it look at the father of that guy that was convulsing he said help my own belief i don't understand this your faith i've done all i know to be fit please if i'm not getting it right if you leave me here to learn faith this child can die before i finish learning it help my own belief and god turned who is this notice how god was helplessly drawn to people who were broken is god speaking to us lord i need your grace and i need your anointing i'm not i'm not coming to act as if you're colleagues lord i'm standing if you give me anointing finally i'm not ashamed i need thee oh i need thee every hour i need come bless me now my savior i come to [Music] come let me now i say hey i can't listen when you truly need help don't act like you can do without it are you hearing what i'm saying brokenness is a force it can draw help to you there are many destiny helpers around us but our pride is what stops us from receiving help it doesn't take god anything to change a man's life overnight is this attitude of pride oh promise i hear that um you are an anointed man can you just agree with me i have issues in my life but if you are not if you are free that's all right you expect that anointing to work i'm not talking of human worship it's the same way we approach god we approach god with our pride and our sense of being this is not condemnation this is a recognition if you hear the way i pray for koinonia to scare you you would think i killed a human being lord it is by your mercy that you draw people this afternoon i just laid down my bed flat and i'll say lord it is by your mercy you change people it is your voice that is able to change people you are the only one who would draw people i don't take for granted what you are doing i will never act like i don't need you and here he comes again a broken and a contrite heart [Music] what prophecy did you cancel through pride what prophecies stopped walking in your life [Music] because there was no genuine brokenness [Music] [Applause] [Music] this kingdom thrives on mysteries i'm unveiling one of them for you so that you will see [Music] ezekiel 36 26 you want a new heart you want to rise in the spirit it takes brokenness ezekiel chapter 36 and verse 26 was we're going to pray shortly very quickly it says a new heart also i will give you and a new spirit will i put within you i will take away this tony heart this is this is the heart of many of us here this tony and stubborn heart he says and i will give you a heart of flesh that's the bible let me show you one more scripture very powerful scripture i found jeremiah 24 7 jeremiah 24 7 very solid scripture listen it says and i will give them a heart to know me that i am the lord i will give you a heart that will make you know me it says and they shall be my people and i will be their god why for these are returned to me with their whole heart it shall return to me with their whole heart a broken and a contrite heart towards god and towards men [Music] there are nations that would never go for war if their leaders can just admit we were careless we compromised on the deal i'm sorry but millions go hungry and in war because of the pride of one person over my dead body you hear them say many of the yokes that are on our families came because of the pride of one person one person one person one arrogant person [Music] over my dead body and the heavenly said to me say yes and we grew up in all kinds of yokes of darkness how many people offended a very old woman pushed her down and she said my daughter what did i do leave me alone you don't have eyes to see and the woman looks you say you did this to me your children would do it to you and the foolish girl moves around thinking that it's all about cath walking and many years later her innocent daughters come beautiful wonderful people when a man comes as soon as he says i love you what will happen to him he will leave you by himself that's why god put this gen if my people who are called by my name they are called by my name but the devil is still beating them left right and center he never said i don't have the power to save are we together he said but they shall humble themselves and then pray and then seek my face and turn from their wicked ways under that condition i will hear from heaven and i will forgive their sins and heal their lives go and watch the documentary about fiji island the revival in fiji island that's what happened many years ago missionaries came to fiji island and then the people slaughtered the missionaries and killed them and the missionaries when they slaughtered them everything died in that land the fishes disappeared mysteriously from the sea it's a documentary you can go and watch everything went down they will plant crops locusts will come from nowhere and devoid and then one time a group of christians who have been exposed say look this thing is not just the issue of we are christians there has to be a way of making peace are we together [Music] in the new testament restitution is not necessarily just about going back to one say oh i stole 500 when i was five years but restitution is a state in the heart a genuine state this our pride in the body of christ is why we don't see the power of god we don't jump at anything just because of a little theological study we did here and there [Music] and do you know the people in the land came together intercessors began to pray a few weeks down to months and one time in the midst of that prayer the spirit of prophecy came and he said look you people have to pray this land has taken the blood of those who were bearers of good news and they sat down they prayed and they cried before god they said lord you have to help us unfortunately for them they were able to get in touch with the grandchildren of the ministers they slaughtered and the christian missionaries said is true we have repented but since these people are there can't we reach out to them and they wrote a letter to them and the young people say we're not coming you people slaughtered our grandparents we had the story you didn't even allow us to see their body they removed their head and danced around with them in shrines and eventually the christian organizations called the people and they came and do you know they had it was like a ceremony they made peace they hugged them and the little children said no no no our parents have died but their blood flows to us and you are repentant we bless you the people who did this thing have long died you shouldn't be the victims of this we bless you it was not up to one week they started seeing fishes mysteriously in the sea the water the vegetation go and read it fiji island the the like the president of fiji island officially dedicated the place to god [Music] mysteries that people do not know and we cheat ourselves here and there a broken heart show me somebody who has offended god to whatever and can run to god and say lord i come to you show me a man who has offended a human being and can run to the person generally remember jesus taught about this in the parable of the servants unjust servants one of them went and cried master forgive me and all of that and all of that and they forgive him and then he did not go to make peace with the other one and then they now dealt with him that story was a message that you can run to him and you can cry and he will hear you if my people if koinonia a ministry called by my name shall humble themselves most of us every time we hear this thing we just think it's just for sinners it's for bad people may god knows i've tried that thing is pride is pride [Music] when it's time to be broken before god you are broken genuinely lord it is by your mercy it is by your grace i need your help in my life men are getting more wicked i need your help i cancelled a dear woman i'm sure she may be here and when i counseled her i saw the kind of troublesh you know as i can tell people my heart reaches to them i've been doing this for years there are cases when you hear you know that only god no matter how well meaning you are you can't help that situation the only and the way they come to you man of god help me and you two you know that you can it takes it takes only one who sits on god's throne to be able to help [Music] do you believe god can help you my life is a testimony of a man that god has helped god can help men it's a language we don't know most of our loved ones don't know it they believe men can help but they don't believe god can help the key is brokenness [Music] some of those who have received the mercy of god most are some of the most disobedient people that's what pains some of us because you are roommates with them and you see the way god keeps going out the moment they are broke all lord and allah comes and you are there you come back from three days dry the father i'm still there say you you will continue being there and you want you there's no brokenness in your heart somebody comes and says lord help me you know my situation there are people who god changed their exam scores because of brokenness they went to god and said lord please help me i take responsibility i didn't read it is obvious that if this result comes out i have two years and they ruled before god and christ i'm not talking of the mystery of a dance this is not dancing it's not every time you dance there are times you lie down and cry and god comes to them and all of a sudden the cross comes out and you see a something they didn't finish answering question one out of five questions who taught us that god has stopped helping me he said usaiah prospered because he was helped marvelously god can help a man of god and in one moment your life and ministry will change god can help a family some of these things we are struggling with it takes god to help us you attract his help one of the things that i believe believers and i say this from the strength of counseling there are two spirits that believers must cry that god should help i know we are humans and i don't mean to condemn you masturbation and pornography two devils of darkness that the devil uses to tear people into pieces it starts from their dreams when something good is about to happen a breakthrough is about to happen then the spirit comes again and you find out that the favor goes then the urge leaves too a broken heart [Music] there are women who the secret to the baby you are looking for is brokenness i've met every man of god they pray for me brokenness carry your medical report you have fibroids here you have fibroids here you put it on the ground and let your tears do the praying oh god will you not help me oh god my father served you till he died he died as a missionary for the sake of your mercy remember mercy and you are crying and you fall asleep and here comes an angel sent from heaven and he comes to you just touches your stomach and you get up and go to the hospital doctor check me again and this is a joke where did you go to the helper the helper showed up in your house coinonia our families need help if we don't humble ourselves recession will punish us to our knees [Music] we need help there are families that need to come together and just get down on their knees from the greatest to the least to say lord i am the priest in this home but i'm officially lifting this family we need your help we are broken we are broken see the bible says even if when he's caught if the thief tells you i only stole because i was hungry he says beating him bible this is the holy god speaking that's why god will look at a prostitute somewhere and you say god condemn her and god looks in the midst of our prostitution what he's seeing is lord i need help i've been doing this thing for 10 years but i need help and god suddenly sends a very powerful man of god he said that's your wife and you are there saying god this is cheating i've been in church god's word i promote who i can promote and demote any proud person i can demote this is the reason why we are angry at some people's results because it looks like it's not fair god should not help them with the way their lives are but god when your heart is right before god god will surprise you i am a keeper of principles but i can tell you this [Music] i have been committed to stand up and help people no matter how stupid they are because of something about their brokenness when you see me pray for koinonia and pray for my own life it will irritate you if you are praying with me [Music] i don't cry before men but don't be deceived i cried before god with my life i lied down before him and i said lord help help me are you getting blessed we are going to pray this is what we must engage tonight many of us need to cry on behalf of our proud family members 10 ladies no marriage go to the house of god god forbid all that place in that church that the gospel about people god wants way i won't come there and i'm doing no no i won't do that you can stand on their behalf and say lord if you depend on my family's faithfulness you will never bless us lord i'm advocating lord my father is a proud man but i cry for the sake of jesus for the sake of what the lord has done on the cross please step in for my family sickness is eating everyone lord we have broken every rule every law i now know it is true that my father has 10 girlfriends somewhere but lord if you use him to punish us moses knew what to do for israel god was angry he said these guys are an idolatry i will cause them moses said god calm down abba are you not merciful and compassionate do you want them to say you brought these people out and could not take them to the promised land and god repented hallelujah before you start claiming right tonight is a night of total brokenness before god i'm going to give you the next five to ten minutes alone before we start praying corporately whether it's on your chair just i'm going to leave you alone with god everybody find a way alone with god break your pride whether you are inside or outside this is you are alone with god and say lord mercy mercy mercy for my family mercy for my finances for my spiritual life [Music] lord do not judge my family according to their iniquities for they are many lord do not judge my sisters according to their wrongs do not judge my brothers lord if you do not show my mother mercy there is no salvation if you do not show my father mercy lord save my territory they are i don't worshipping territory they still worship idols have mercy i come to you with a broken heart lord there are chants in my house right now i come to you with a broken heart pray pray [Music] tell me [Music] [Music] lord if you depend on my attitude i will never get married lord if you depend on my prayer life then i will never see your hand lord it will depend on my faith level i will never break through in the spirit but tonight i cry i come to you with genuine brokenness [Music] forever [Music] whatever you ask of me lord i surrendered [Applause] [Music] whatever you ask of me [Applause] lord if you leave me to my results i will never graduate lord if you leave me to my chance call i may never get admission where is the helper of my destiny allies for me i cry before you oh god of jesus arise and take away the shame of my family [Music] my [Music] there are times in this kingdom i admit to you where it is not the quality of your keeping the mysteries of the kingdom but your ability to invoke the help of god through brokenness there are businesses that the people don't know anything about finance they cried before god and god arose and said i choose to wipe your tears [Applause] there are families who based on the way they train their children all the children should be armed robbers and prostitutes but not one of them is a spur because somewhere along the line the parents had to hold their hands together and say lord help us help us this cry can give you a job i tell you this cry can give you a husband based on the way you are no good man should come to you it's not a lie but the mercy [Applause] the mercy of god just a few more minutes of genuine brokenness the lord is graced and compassionate slow to anger and rich in love my bible says his mercies are new every morning [Music] [Applause] just one more minute and we pray corporately we're done the lord held the hands of cyrus an unbeliever and prospered because of the pride of god's own people he gave them over to their enemies [Music] it is not the witchcraft in your family that is killing you it is the lack of brokenness that is authorizing the spells to keep walking there is a way your repentance can be so genuine the lord will arise for you by his mercy our my is coming my believer is standing by my deliverance coming my believer is [Music] [Music] is now in the next 10 minutes i want you to arise like one who has touched the heart of god we're going to engage in some 15 minutes of intense warfare we're going to pound the gates of hell with faith we're going to pray and say that accuser of my family i have been broken before god on behalf of my family he will not lift a railing accusation against my father against my mother i come with the spirit of faith lift your voice and begin to blast in tongues the bible says even the lawful captive jesus foreign foreign hallelujah seven in the name of jesus please shout it in the name of jesus i declare that every legal access for accusation for oppression over my life over my family by the mystery of brokenness i command it broken now leave your choice serve them in the name of jesus i declare that everything associated with my lineage my family line that the devil is using against me by the blood i silence you hold the hands of your neighbor and prayer [Music] hey [Music] foreign [Applause] oh god you are my helper say it again oh god you are my helper i have no other i call on to you show up in my life lift of yours and begin to pray for god [Music] by your mind [Music] [Music] hallelujah one or two last prayer points and finish the lord has declared that it is a year of signs and wonders i told you a sign and a wonder is a miracle with a message on it you are going to say lord turn me power pray say in the name of jesus father i offer my life turn it into a sign and a wonder on my life is the last prayer and then we share the grace hallelujah you notice we didn't take testimonies today we'll do it tomorrow so when you come i expect lots of testimonies we'll do it tomorrow but we're just starting today we'll just take this prayer point and then we are done tomorrow we can welcome shot new people and all of that hallelujah say in the name of jesus [Music] everything i have lost in the years past i decline declared by the power of brokenness return back to my life open your mouth and pray everything [Music] [Music] [Music] now please listen we're still standing i want you to maximize these times of prayer don't only pray when we come together are we together the fire that is burning in this place will be burning for seven days you can use the time the sun is out but you can look for somewhere sit down and pray i expect this revelation i've shared now it should last you till evening tomorrow so you go back and breathe wake up in the night and pray and cause that devil when you share the accuser declare brokenness call your parents and tell them help is on the way help is on the way i know you are traditionalists but help is on the way call them don't say i'm afraid it will not happen we're talking about god here call them the helper is on the way i prayed for you and god is coming [Applause] hallelujah [Music] please be here on time and when you come don't come alone this is not you can see that there are people everywhere but you have prayed tonight and you know there are some people who should be praying this prayer drag them and plead with them that this is not a coinage thing this is god visiting a land bring them this magical manifestation that people want to not work that way you come and engage mysteries and god will bless you we are fasting please fast these children are not too small to join us if they do six to ten it's all right if they do six to twelve it's okay are we together now take out time and pray and fast by monday i will give us the keys to the other days and what we are going to be doing but take out time to pray yesterday's message has been uploaded get it and listen to it you can wake up in the night just play this song find a song don't snore your way till morning even if it's 15 minutes in the night maximize the night time get up and sit on the ground and just lie down and begin to reminisce on his faithfulness and begin to prophesy you have to engage this team to walk lift your hands in the name of jesus christ i bless you this is the one already it won't reach day 7 before you see the outstretched arm of god in the name of jesus christ some of you already from tonight this was your key for this prayer that you have gotten this key you will command signs and wonders again and again in the name of jesus [Applause] i pray for everyone who is sick here in the name of jesus be healed right now i stretch my hands as an extension of the hands of jesus and i rebuke every infirmity in your body be made whole right now in the name of jesus christ let's share the grace may the grace of our lord jesus christ the love of god the sweet fellowship of the holy spirit rest and abide with us now and forever [Music] you
Channel: KelFusion TV
Views: 6,342
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Keywords: online sermon, apostle selman sermon, apostle joshua selman sermon, new sermon 2021, apostle joshua selman new sermon, youtube sermon, sermon on youtube, apostle joshua selman messages, apostle joshua selman nimmak messages, koinonia, apostle, joshua, selman, nimmak, prayer, apostle joshua selman, apostle joshua selman 2021, koinonia messages, download apostle joshua selman messages 2019, how to grow spiritually, god, how to desire greater glory, powerful prayer, prophetic prayer
Id: MXwCR9niBI4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 124min 18sec (7458 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 28 2021
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