MAILCHIMP TUTORIAL 2024 (For Beginners) - Step by Step Email Marketing Guide

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hey everyone welcome to the channel my name is Mike and in this video I'll be showing you one of the most powerful tools you can have in your marketing Arsenal and this of course is email marketing we really like email marketing for two big reasons and many other reasons as well but the two big ones one of course is that most of the people in your email list are already interested in your product they signed up because they either bought something or they just voluntarily signed up for your email list or whatever the reason might be if you have an email list or if you grow an email list which we'll show you throughout this video that is a group of people that are very easy to Market to which are very interested already and the second reason we like email marketing and probably the biggest one is because it is organic marketing you don't have to pay per click you don't have to run ads for this you're just sending this out it costs you nothing to do and you'll be able to reach like I said that very interested audience so in this video I'll be going through step-by-step how to set up MailChimp and how to do a lot within MailChimp it's really become a lot more powerful since I started using this back in gez 2014 was when I started so since then mail champ has come a really long way you can make a full website on here you can do surveys on here you can have automations and we're going to talk about all of that throughout this video so there's a lot to cover I'm very excited I love using MailChimp and so to get started let's head over to my laptop and we're just going to type in sandal MailChimp or you can click on the link in the top of the description I'm going to hit enter and it'll bring us to a page that looks something like this don't worry if the pictures are a little bit different somewhere you should see a sign up button we're going to click on sign up and there are four different plans here now don't be intimidated I know it can be a little bit confusing here admittedly cuz MailChimp has four different plans and each one varies in price based on how many contacts you have so if you're starting off fresh just 500 contacts it's what it's going to be listed as and it'll automatically adjust as your audience grows but if you import say 10,000 contacts you click on that you'll see the prices are going to be a little bit different and the idea here is to help you estimate based on how many contacts you have and how many you expect to have which plan is actually going to be the best for you and what the prices are actually going to look like and the idea here is that if you have 200,000 contacts like that's a lot of money $1600 a month but $2 200,000 contacts should more than pay for that let's go back to 500 I'm just getting started so I have no contacts here and of course you could totally start off with the free one but I recommend reading some of the things down here first what you'll have what you won't have you'll have one audience and you can use tags to kind of separate audiences but having multiple audiences could be really advantageous additionally if you go down you'll see uh you have more email templates with the paid plan you also have like the SMS add-on for example if you scroll down you can have more monthly email sends you can have more users signed in there's really a lot of advantages for me the big one is having more audiences and we'll explain what that is later in the video I'm just going to go with the essentials one for this video but like I said feel free to choose whichever one fits your business you can start off free and then upgrade later if that makes sense for you so I'm going to go to buy now and no matter which one you chose by the way the rest of the video is going to be the same so now we're going to type in our business email and a password then go over to your email and click on the confirm button and that'll bring you to your account setup and now because I'm doing a paid plan they're going to ask for a payment information otherwise I don't think they ask for that they'll just ask for your contact address so obviously put in your business address here and now we have our plan set up so I'm going to click on close and that should bring us over to a couple questions about our business before we get to the dashboard so tell us a bit about you you can skip through a lot of this stuff but some of it is necessary so business name you can consent to automated calls if you want I'm not going to do that I don't need that I already know enough about mail jimp and then it's going to ask for a business address it's going to ask for what our top goals are and whatever you choose here that's really just going to change a couple things on the dashboard overall the interface is going to be the same so I'm just going to skip through this it doesn't really matter that much which one you choose and you can skip through this one again choose one that makes sense for you because it might give you some some great tool recommendations but I'm just going to skip through all of these now how many contacts do we have since I'm just getting started out on this example I'm going to say 0 to 500 but if you have more that's totally fine I will show you how to import your contacts it's very easy to do and there's many different ways you can do it as well so let's just say 0 to 500 and let's say right now I am maybe social media is the only way I Market to anybody but you can choose any one of these like I said or actually we're just we're not currently selling we're still getting started now what is our domain I'm going to type in my domain then of course you can add teammates I'm going to do that later I don't have any teammates working on this at the moment and now it's going to prepare our account so in just a minute it's going to bring us over to the dashboard and here we are over on the MailChimp dashboard hopefully this does not look too intimidating to you I promise I'll walk you through everything on here and show you how to use all of these features because everything on the left is pretty well laid out in my opinion once you get used to it it makes sense where things are and it's not actually a clunky interface like this used to be so much worse like I said when I started out back in 2014 2015 MailChimp was a disaster it was so hard to use this so they've really come a long way if it looks intimidating to you I promise it's gotten so much better and so you have a lot of great tools over here for example if you want to do surveys you want to survey your audience you can click on audience and we've got surveys down there uh we've got tags we've got all these different things that I'm going to go through in this video of course create is going to be where you're going to spend most of your time I would I would assume where you're going to be making like email emails uh campaigns SMS automations a lot of different things you can create just from that button up there but before we do that let's go down and I'm going to walk through each one of these individually starting off with audience interestingly enough I'm not going to go in order I'm going to go with what I think makes the most sense for you the first one is audience so if you have an audience already you can add your contacts right here so let's just click on that real quick I want to show you there are three different ways you can do it you can import from another service so that'll just connect to if you used like I don't know send in blue or something like that you can connect over very easily you can also upload a file if you have a CSV or a text file or you can just copy and paste the contacts as well and those are three of the main ways you'd go about doing this I'm going to go back I don't have any contacts to import but if we go down to all contacts you've got some options here so for one if you wanted to manually add a contact without a signup form you could add them right here just by clicking add contacts add a subscriber and you know if you're trying to like if you want your mom to be an email newsletter subscriber but your mom doesn't want to like sign up on the form you could do it like this you could just input the name and and everything like this so I'm just going to add myself and of course this person does give me consent because I am myself and uh I'm going to say subscribe you can also update somebody's profile as well in that sense if somebody emails you and says hey like today's not my birthday it's tomorrow and you have some type of birthday promotion you can just go and do that yourself as well but I also wanted to point out when you go to all contacts not only can you add somebody so we now see I am on there actually two versions of me cuz the owner of the account and then the one I just added but if we wanted to remove one of them so if somebody's just like really annoying or they're tell you please remove me from your list you can go and manually do this so we can click on uh the little check box say actions and we can unsubscribe them from our list so let's confirm and they're going to be removed in addition of course you can see how many people are subscribed how many are unsubscribed uh and different things like that you can see some little information down here as you start to grow your audience uh this is of course from the overview tab within audience and then we can go down to signup forms this is going to be probably the top of the funnel for you where most people will be coming in if you have another website you can embed this form if you have a social media uh you can just have a link to this form as its own web page there's many different ways you can get people to go through this form to sign up for your email list so from signup form we want to go to form Builder but like I said embedded forms popups there's a lot of different ways that you can build this but let's just go over to form Builder first we're going to select form Builder now I always found this a little bit interesting MailChimp has a lot of different versions of how they build stuff so if we go to create you'll see in a minute uh the way they build like a web page is much more clean this one's a little bit more rudimentary and I think it's because you're able to embed it that they want to make it pretty simple like this but let's go through how you do this anyway so starting off we have on the top forms and response we're just going to call this signup form yeah that looks good uh we can say let subscribers pick email format I don't need to do that we can disable new users from registering no we don't want to do that we have a URL right there so we can copy that eventually we can have our own custom URL as well with our own domain and we'll talk about that later in the video but going down here building the signup form let's say we definitely want their email address we definitely want their first name we definitely want their last name uh the address is hidden so I guess we're not collecting the address or the phone number right now and then we are collecting the birthday so birthday is the big one I recommend having if you are like a restaurant or uh you know many other businesses that might have like a birthday promotion restaurants are probably the easiest example here uh so you can send out like a promotion and make that very automated based on when somebody's birthday is and MailChimp has great automations for that makes it super easy to do but let's just say maybe we also want their phone number uh phone number is right there and it currently is hidden so let's go down there if we just click on phone number we can make it visible and now we can collect phone number as well so save that field save that field and so address we don't need this at all so I'm just going to click on that and we're going to click on the little minus button there type in delete and say confirm and now let's just say if you wanted to add something else just for the sake of example here we can go and let's say we want a drop down I can click on drop down it'll be added to the bottom so if I just click on the new field and we go over to field settings here you'll see we have a lot of things we can we can change the field label so right now it's Untitled we don't want that we want this to maybe be let's just say how did you hear about us let's say um how did you hear about us how did you hear about us and then we'll have a drop down so field tag uh we could just say let's call this one sub Source it could be a required field if you want or it could just be an optional field I'll leave this as optional it is visible any help text we don't need any help text because it is a dropdown so they have predefined options here and then the menu choices here we so we can say YouTube uh we could say Instagram we could say from a friend and we can save that field in addition let's just click on phone number and some other things you can add like help text I didn't add that for the how did you hear about us field but we can say please exclude please exclude dashes right so we'll say save field and then we'll have that little help text in there as well save field so if we copy this URL and then we go to a new tab and we paste it it'll show us the form so it's good to check this out email address first name last name phone number you might be wondering where the help text is if you click on it it actually just appears below so let's close out of this we have our field pretty much ready to go we're going to make sure everything's saved this is our signup form this is easy to just share this on social media but it's probably going to look a lot better if you embed this somewhere else but we can also go over to design it if you want to make things look a little bit different it's a very very rudimentary design tool here basically like HTML so you can change like the background the header the outer wrapper just like the color of it not a whole lot you can do here I mean there's other ways we'll Design This in a little bit but just for the the basic this is how we' go about doing this of course we also have the translate option so if you have other languages you can have that translated I'm not going to do that cuz English is really all I would be marketing to here so now on the left side let's go down to tags tags are a great way to separate different parts of your audience based on where they came in or what they're interested in you could have people that are tagged as interested in like your fall collection or like they they bought something before or people that have never bought anything but add things to their car like you can have a lot of different tags and you can create a new tag you can bulk tag contacts as well let's just create a new tag here and let's just say this is going to be let's call it repeat repeat customer let's just say repeat customer and anybody who is a repeat customer we would add them in that tag there we can also automate the tagging so uh they've got their own thing that does that like I said there's a lot of automations we'll get into that in a minute um but tags are incredibly popular in fact I can make an entire video just about tags and trust me there's so much to talk about with a lot of cool things you could do with tagging we'll get into more of that with automations like said and that's where it's going to make more sense but continuing on from here we of course have segments we've got surveys surveys is really what I used to use Survey Monkey for or some other third parties out there but now being able to do it directly within MailChimp is really powerful you already have this email list you already have the ability to email people it just makes sense that they would Implement surveys so I'm really glad they did this I think probably two or 3 years ago now they added this essentially all you do is you choose the audience that you're going to send the survey to you can create the survey there's also templates down there as well if you have like any check them out sometimes you can save a lot of time with that again like I said mail champ has a lot of different ways they build things the sign up form was very clunky in my opinion this one's a lot cleaner a lot easier to understand so if we just click on the plus button there we've got a lot of different options and how this is going to be laid out so one thing at a time let's just say the first question is going to be open text maybe we're going to ask we could say what is your name uh what is what is your name the answer goes there it's obviously not a great question because you already have everyone's name but regardless let's leave it like that now we're going to add another question below and maybe this one's going to be video buttons and this could be um would you buy a I don't know this is all pretty bad examples but would you buy an something with zero sugar and let's just say option one is yes we can click the plus option two is no and then option three is maybe and if you don't like that you can always click the minus and that would obviously get rid of that then we can add another thing below and let's say the next one you just kind of get the idea here there's a lot of different stuff here you can have uh check boxes if you wanted and so this could have like more than one answer obviously compared to radio buttons we've all seen this in forms below and then on the right side this is what's really interesting here you'll see not only can can we change what this box is from check boxes to something else but also we can make it required or optional so if you're doing a survey and you don't really need to know everything you can make it optional which is really nice and we could have other option again saves you a little time so you don't have to add other all the time and then Auto tagging this one's really cool so it says right there automatically adds tags to your MailChimp audience contacts using their survey responses and that's what I was saying before tags can be incredibly powerful so I'm just going to say yeah let's do auto tagging I think that's a great way to do things here um just to at least see what it's able to do we don't have to use the tags but they will be there based on this response so it could be a great way to create tags without like you don't have to know your audience you can send a survey and they tell you who they are and that's going to be an easier way to categorize them and send more accurate targeted emails that can first of all not bother people who don't want to be bothered and second of all really be appealing and and convert well with people who are interested in that so now that we have everything that we want maybe I'll just add one more just for the sake of having some more things on here let's say range let's say how much do you like pizza how much do you like pizza and we can have a range level sure and then once that's ready we can click on continue to design so this is what it looks like right now we can add our branding on the top so let click on branding we haven't actually added our logo yet so adding it here there's other places you can add it it's going to be used throughout your entire website um your entire MailChimp experience very convenient to have your logo in here just so you can drop it in use the colors and things like that so I'm going to add an image and it brings us over to the content studio so I'm going to upload my logo right here and then it brings us back to the form customization we can click on branding there it is we could include MailChimp badge no I don't want the MailChimp badge especially cuz I have a paid plan I don't need that on here I don't want to market for them I'm marketing for myself custom messaging we can add a survey title we could say um welcome the submit button can say submit or you could just say send it whatever you could say anything you want confirmation message thank you yeah let's keep that okay so that all looks pretty good there's our confirmation then we can click on Styles and there's not a whole lot here it's going to be the background color maybe the button color so if you have like a your logo i' probably change it to this blue I'd probably change this button to match my logo I think that would make sense also because it's just like a large Banner on the top I would probably use a different logo or like full text logo that would span across would probably look a lot better you get the idea of how you can go about doing this so let's just click on review before we actually save this and uh enabled it so uh Untitled survey we can change the name of the survey to welcome survey welcome survey save audience full audience for sandral media smart notifications receive an email notification when we detect potential negative feedback that may require response that's really cool so if somebody goes on there and like I don't like pizza I'm mad at you uh then yeah you can go and you get the feedback and it's easier than like you having to go in and do everything so there's a lot of AI built into MailChimp and that's one of them right there kind of detecting where you might need to be responding to things and so ultimately that should be helping your business otherwise we can have a daily summary report for people that reply to this and just get a general idea of everything and we'll say continue and then of course we can share our survey so the survey set up all we have to do is either share the URL share it on Facebook share it on Twitter um or you could create a new email and send it out as a blast to your entire audience that's what they recommend they makes sense or you could add it to an existing automation so that's what we probably will end up doing in a minute that'll be probably our welcome email or maybe like right after the welcome email and we'll make that as an automation soon so otherwise we can go down to inbox so actually let's just copy this URL copy the clipboard let's just check it out real quick before we go to anything else and there it is so you can see this is the form this is our survey it looks good inbox this is the last thing I want to show you within the audience category and this has I don't really go here A whole lot but you can see a lot of replies and it's pretty self-explanatory what an inbox is I don't need to really dig into that too much but that's where you'd go about finding that so let's close audience and the next thing I want to talk about is actually analytics now because this is a new account they're giving us sample data I actually really appreciate that for this tutorial so I'm going to say try email dashboard and they're going to show us a lot of this stuff so in your email dashboard of course we can see Revenue average order orders order rate all these different things like that we can also see like the Click rate we can see the open rate 49 understand it's a really good open rate for a latest Styles email campaign and of course we can go and see content suggestions for any one of them uh there might be stuff that's like not clickable there might be things that just aren't working well and so MailChimp is going to give you feedback on that we also have some nice charts down here to see deliveries opened clicked orders and it kind of shows you like where the drop off was you can see like half the people who were delivered to opened which is again a crazy number don't be discouraged if you don't see that kind of open rate then we've got the click rate a little bit lower and then orders again like phenomenal returns here this is some great data they're giving us and then going down here performance over time let's close out of that and so you can see this is where you'd find all of your data we can also see reports kind of just summarizes a lot of that data in something a little bit more I don't know presentable and custom reports as well something you can make there so now let's click on campaigns this is where you'll see all the different campaigns you're sending out and you could have email campaigns SMS campaigns automated campaigns landing page campaigns uh as well as ads and a couple other like little website things down there surveys like we just talked about so camp campaigns are anything that you send out to collect data or just actually anything you send out in in general um and so these will all be listed up here you can manage them you can delete them you can view reports for them everything you do on MailChimp is basically called a campaign and you can find all of that up here so let's go now and I think it's time we make our first campaign so let's click on Create and the first thing probably the most basic one I think we should make is just a general email so let's click on email and we can make a regular email a plain text email which I don't really want to do we can make from a temp temp we can design our own template as well and we can make an AV test so I'm going to go to regular just to show you guys what we'll be doing here the internal email name let's just call this email email one actually let's call this um welcome email one we'll say begin okay so MailChimp really lays it all out for you what you're doing here so who it's going to who is it from what's the subject the send time when they're going to send it and what is the content of the email so starting off with edit recipients this is where we could say we could send it to all everyone in the audience we could totally do that uh that's what I'm going to do right now because it is so pretty straight straightforward we could have a new segment as well so if you only want to send to a certain group we could add a filter and we could say this is where we'd filter by tags this is where I think tags are so popular or so powerful even if you don't have multiple audiences you could have one audience have a lot of different tags and you could say let's only send it to people who have uh a contact that's tagged and the tag could be repeat customer let's say they have to be a repeat customer and then that's who this is actually going to people who have actually bought from us before so new segment we are going to review this segment it says there's one person in our contact list that do that let's apply that segment and it's going to get sent only to the people who we labeled as repeat customers or who are automatically labeled as repeat customers using an automation we can also choose who to exclude if there's any tags that we'd want to exclude from there so if you want to send it to repeat customers but don't send it to people who have not purchased within the last year then you could do that and again really really hyper Target A specific group with these email campaigns I can't stress that enough how powerful that really is and I think everyone out there is going to have a different use case for this we can also send uh personalize that um so we could have it as like personalized the send to field with their name we get a first name last name let's save that sometimes it doesn't work if people have like a weird name when they sign up like they use like a business name then it ends up being like hi Sandell media so it's not always going to work out well but who is it from we could have it going from the account holder like this or we can change it and say I want it to be from a different email I want it to be from like Mike santal we could say save I think we will actually have to verify that because they don't want you to have an unverified domain where it's like you're sending it from like uh Tim like they don't want that obviously um that' be very that's fraud right so then we have the subject line we're going to add a subject this is actually something that there's a preview text right here and a subject most people don't realize this but when you receive an email the preview text the little text below the the subject might not actually appear anywhere in the email most people assume that's actually like the first sentence of the email it's actually not you can make whatever you want here this is going to improve your CTR or your click-through rate you want to make sure that this is something appealing that people click on so we get just say Welcome to our list open for a surprise let's just say something like that and we'll say save and so that is going to be the subject again like the subject and then below that the preview text that's going to show up on Gmail or whatever uh email management they use then the send time we can add a send time and say send it now we can also optimize it as well so uh if you upgrade your plan they are able to send based on time zones do batch delivery and uh really improve subscriber engagement I'm just going to have a scheduled time does doesn't really matter or I could say send now who cares for this example I'm just going to say send now so we'll save that and then we have the content down here so if we click on design email this is where we have a lot of templates we can build from and of course we do have a lot of in my opinion a much better interface than the form Builder I really started you guys off with probably the toughest one to design uh but now looking at this let's say we want it to look like uh maybe this one right here pretty straightforward pretty simple I actually really like that one so we're going to say apply and now we can customize everything so this is a drag and drop layout it's very similar to a a lot of website Builders out there and we will be using this format in a couple other places on MailChimp a little bit later so let's close out of that so for this layout essentially all you would do is click and drag anything from the left side over to the right side then if we click on anything on the right side it'll bring us into this little editor so I can change the image I can browse other images that I have uploaded right now I actually don't have any others on here so you'd want to upload your own images and let's just say we want to edit this text you figure it out you click on it you can change the background to whatever color you want you can change uh like the p padding which is going to be the space above and below so the padding if we bring this up to just for example like 120 or 200 you'll see big gap above that's padding and you can pad it on the left or the right side to just change how far away different things actually are you can make Dynamic content as well we have to upgrade to do that so I'm not going to do that in this video but again just some other features that you might have that aren't necessarily like required for a good successful email campaign but it could be useful for you then we can also click and drag any one of these so code would be if you have like a third party software you want to put in here you can just copy and paste the code we could have a survey and just click and drag these and drop them wherever the little blue bar appears so let's say I want that maybe it's a teal bar right we'll click and drop that maybe right there and now they can click on start survey and it's going to you can select a survey and we want this to be let's say our welcome survey it's going to bring them over to the welcome survey to change the text on anything you can edit that over on the right side so we just highlight this and just type whatever we want of course if we wanted something to be linked out we can highlight that we can click on the little chain link icon and this could link out to uh an email phone whatever survey we can link to the survey again and we could say maybe this is the welcome survey open a link in a new tab we'll say save and so that's just another thing you can add in there Additionally the button right here if you click on button uh you can choose where that's actually linking to and again this could be a web page this could be email so they could just like reply to you for example this could say reply let's just call this one and then if we click on the button we could say reply to mic and I think you kind of are getting the idea of of what we can do here you can also add some really advanced stuff some apps and products as well well so if you wanted to Showcase a product that you have maybe on Shopify you can click and drag that over here and then you just connect to your store and you'll just sign into Shopify for example it's really easy to connect that I don't want to go on too much of a tangent right here but you can see right there you can go to like X or woo Commerce or Squarespace or like I said Shopify down here you just click on that you'll end up signing into uh your Shopify account here and everything should Port over very easily all of your products will be able to just be added into the email campaign like I just showed you but let's go back to where we were so let's click on back click on back again and that'll bring us over to this now if we don't like something let's just click on this and you'll see the trash can on the right side we can go and delete that if we want two of something if we want more of it we can duplicate that block and then that might make it easier if you like the layout of something maybe like this is like a great layout I really like the placement of this button I could duplicate that and I can put that somewhere else on this so let's save and exit and now let's double check everything it looks like we got the check marks everything's all there we have the link if we wanted to uh and then down here settings and tracking you're not using inbox to manage emails or manage replies that's totally fine uh because it's being sent to a different email like I showed you earlier uh you are tracking opens you are tracking clicks you're not tracking plain text clicks that's fine uh which would just be like that that embedded link that I showed you and you're not tracking e-commerce link activity because we don't have a store attached to this at the moment so this looks good of course you could track e-commerce activity if you add if you embed a little pixel in your Shopify store but again that's another video in the future so let's say send it's going to be sent to one subscriber so just kind of confirming that's everyone that we had in that list that was tagged with repeat customer send now and that should be sent so that's how you send out just a regular blast this could be great for like a promotion or like a fall sale or or anytime you want to send off like a onetime email that's a great way to do that but let's say you want to have something a little bit more automated obviously I've been talking so much about this automations category there's a lot to do here and we will be making an automation let's actually do one right now if we click on create on the top we can click on automation now we can get started and there are a lot of automations we can make this is probably the most powerful thing on all all of MailChimp right now let's click on get started and they have some popular pre-built Journeys as they call them so MailChimp likes to call them customer Journeys uh essentially it's pretty self-explanatory of why they call it that but let's look down here and we could say you could recover abandoned carts that's a really popular one if you have Shopify attached like I said you'll have a pixel which is like a little piece of code embedded in your website and if somebody goes on your website from anywhere doesn't have to be from MailChimp if they just find your website they add something to the cart and in adding it to their cart you capture their email and then here you can have an automation that says send them an email if they didn't go and make that purchase cuz you know something could happen maybe somebody knocks on the door their the laptop dies whatever and they could forget to actually go and order and then you could just email them and say hey I know you're interested in this here's a discount and you can give them 10% off just to kind of encourage that sale to really happen you can email tagged customers that's another automation that can be made here you can celebrate birthdays this is the one that I actually want to set up right now and of course there's many others as well you could also just custom build it but let's click on celebrate customer birthdays this is something I think is incredibly powerful and honestly quite underrated as well so a little summary on the top this journey is going to send one email on their birthday and it's going to tag customers who received a birthday offer so it does two things there now scrolling down here they've got this little interface where you can click and drag it around and see the entire Journey uh it's just an it's an interesting layout of how they do that but essentially what happens is a customer is added before their birthday somehow the contact is added then you send them one email on their birthday you add a tag that they received the offer and uh that is the end of the automation so pretty straightforward we can say use this journey we can say continue so it's going to be applied to the entire audience and now we can customize everything right here so I'm starting with this one I'll show you how to make one from scratch in a minute bear with me on how this actually works so you've got a couple different colors here the first one is going to be choose a date so you want to make sure people aren't signing up like the day before their birthday maybe if they're going to your restaurant tomorrow and then they sign up and call it their birthday tomorrow you don't want that so we could say uh maybe as long as it is like 30 days before their birthday then we can save and then they're going to be eligible for this then we can say create an email so let's just have them they're going to have an email set up the subject what do you want for your birthday this year or actually let's just say this instead it's going to be happy a gift from us preview text again subject and preview text and then down here we can select the template for what this email is actually going to be so click on select template and from here uh let's just see you can also search I believe as well all right so I'm not going to waste time going through how to make an email again let's just go and use this one for now so we'll save and return to the journey you get the idea we already know how to edit one of these so you can make your own so save and return to journey and then they're going to be tagged right here as you can see they're going to receive a tag so we're going to tag that customer as somebody who received it um at least once so that's how you'll know how that work now we can say turn on so we have this automation enabled now so now everybody who signs up at least as long as they sign up 30 days before their birthday then on their birthday they will be getting that so now let's go back to our MailChimp dashboard click on the little chimp guy in the top left corner and let's create an automation from scratch so let's go to create automation we say get started and we are going to just build from scratch I want to show you guys basically how you could go about doing this we're going to name this one and let's just call this um like daily welcome daily welcome sequence we'll start building and now we can choose a starting point so when a contact is added we're going to say for example when they sign up so when somebody signs up we don't want to include imported contacts and we're going to say save that starting point so whenever whenever somebody signs up for our contact list and they sign up like uh just in general anybody or we can actually filter this as well so let's say maybe only people who sign up and have a specific spe ific tag maybe people who sign up and they get a new tag or they're not tagged as anything yet or maybe anybody who received like you can see how tags are really useful here if you get maybe everyone who comes from a certain signup form which is only shared on Instagram gets tagged as Instagram follower you can send it only to people who are tagged on that so that's what we could do right here and you can save that so you have a segment of people I'm actually not going to do that for this though we're going to send it to everybody as a welcome email and then the first journey Point Let's just say is going to be send an email so we're going to send an email right away it's going to be a welcome email let's go through these to and from subject this should be welcome and we can have preview text as well save and again we'll select a template for this one you guys know how we're going to do this I'm just going to apply any basic one obviously you'll be customizing this on your own then we save and return to journey and then we'll click on the little plus thing here so the next thing we're going to do is wait we're going to have a time delay so we're going to wait we're going to wait one day let's wait one day wait one day until we send the next one and now in the next one we can have actually a little separation here so we can add a journey point and say if else so you have to upgrade for that but that is something you could do here um so we'll say if else close out of that so we can add a filter and we have a lot of options on the left essentially we want to say if somebody opened the previous email so we could say email interaction we could say opened and any of the last five campaigns if they opened any of the last five then they are going to be part of the segment so if the answer is yes so then we're going to send them another email and this is going to be like welcome day two is what we're going to call this one we're going to change the the name of this one subject to step two and so I think this might be like a 10-day thing where like you send them a new thing every day this something a lot of like online courses like to do but a lot of other people do this as well like a daily thing just to kind of build that trust build that relationship with them and it's like if you send them an email and they never open it maybe they give you like a junk email or like like an email that they don't actually open or use much or they're just way overrun with emails it doesn't make sense to really keep bombarding them with emails but if they do open it then they might be an Engaged customer and so we're going to save this one let's say close and obviously I didn't create an an email with that one all right so if they didn't open the first one let's wait a little bit longer maybe we'll say if they didn't open the first one wait one week and then we're going to send them another one then so let's say in a week we'll send them maybe an SMS we'll send them a text in a week if they didn't open that before and so you can have SMS marketing by MailChimp so you could have if you have that in your plan you can apply that here now I'm not going to actually go through and do that right now uh because I don't want to set that up but let's just say that's how you go about adding that and then from there again you can add other things and you could say let's do a percentage split maybe you're doing some AB testing here and you could say hey maybe if like half the people do this half do that actually let's do like 73 27 let's do 7327 just a little split here and we can Market two different things to do some AB testing here we can send out more emails we can send surveys we can group people we can tag people or we can just straight up unsubscribe so I think this is a bad idea but let's just say we're going to just straight up unsubscribe 23% of them for no reason I don't know we're just going to do that just to show you everything that can happen here so if they didn't open it and then they got an SMS and then maybe if they didn't reply to that then you could remove them from your list just to keep your list clean and keep your open rate higher so let's go back to the yes side we're going to send them an email then we'll add a journey point we'll wait we'll say wait for a time delay or you could wait for a trigger as well you could say wait until they're birthday and then you're going to send them something or you could wait until they buy a specific product and you can send them something um you could do a lot of different things like that contact activity is another one uh it could be based on date it could be based on shopping activity based on if they if they opened it if they didn't open something else or if they click the link tons and tons of things like I said this is the most powerful thing in all of MailChimp and I absolutely love using this so let's go to the W wait thing time delay we're going to say wait one day one day and then I think you guys get the idea here we'll go and add another thing down here and it's going to be like the day three so we can send them another email this email is going to be called day three and they're going to get like another email that we can build and send to them and that's going to be a way that you can have like a daily thing and kind of categorize and tag people as it goes on so by the way if we want to have right up here you think oh actually since that condition was met these are like valuable customers let's add a tag in there as well so you can say tag or untag we're going to add a tag and we're going to call them repat customer I don't know if that really makes sense in this situation but we're going to add them as repeat customer we're going to add them there so there we go so now we've got this really beautiful automation that can do a lot of different stuff you can also have multiple sign up points maybe if they buy something uh you can add them maybe if they just sign up through your contact form you can add them but now of course we would have to upgrade to continue the plan I chose actually doesn't allow for this again I just wanted to show you how you'd go about doing that so I'm going to go back and that is how we could set up our automations super powerful Let's see we talked about campaigns we talked about automations we talked about audience we talked about analytics we did not talk about website yet and this is again very very powerful something that I love that MailChimp has so we're going to come back to that in one second but I want to go to content this of course is where you'd have your creative files like your logo and a lot of other things that you might be using regularly you can just go and upload those so they've got some little designs down here I don't really care about those let's go to my files this is where we can upload things that we are going to be using a lot you can also have your email templates here as well so if you send out like a Weekly Newsletter you don't want to have to build that from scratch every single week making a template so creating template right there uh using the same Builder I showed you before is going to be a really powerful tool that I highly recommend to save you a lot of time and really keep everything very consistent across your entire brand then clicking on Integrations this is something that of course MailChimp is really in my opinion one of the cores of any marketing plan but you can actually have this connected to a lot of other things as well I talked about Shopify earlier that's very very powerful Google analytics could be another thing where you're connected to uh really seeing a lot more about who visits this page uh who visits different like your survey and and your Landing page and stuff like that and how it actually shows up on Google and of course you can connect to all types of things zappier is a huge one which basically means you could do like anything anytime somebody uploads maybe if you have a writer and they upload something to Google Drive then automatically you can take that and put it over into MailChimp and send it out as a campaign or something like that like you can do a lot of different triggers and automate your whole workflow outside of just MailChimp using zapier you can integrate with Cana to kind of make designs in there Port them over to MailChimp and send things easily there and of course you can connect to like WordPress for example or Squarespace to embed your signup forms within another website but speaking of websites let's go back to website here so you can make your own your own landing page here so I showed you the signup form but maybe you want like a full-blown landing page that looks a little bit better you can sell products on here you can offer services you can have scheduling and appointments it's really a full-blown website builder now all included in MailChimp so let's go and start off by setting up our website so we're going to set up our site we're going to name it let's just call this santal Media email I don't know that's not what I would recommend calling if that's what I'm going to call this one just so we can kind of distinguish what this is so welcome to your new website builder uh we could take a quick tour you don't actually need to do that I promise I'll show you everything you need right now so let's click on Skip and we have first of all one page by default we can add other Pages maybe if you want an about me page you want a contact page you want like a refund policy page return policy you can add some other Pages we'll talk about that in a second let's edit the first page here or actually before we even do that let's look at the highle stuff of course if you want a cookie Banner if you're like collecting cookies you can enable that and make people little like accept that or just you could just show that you could say accept cookies or not accept you could just tell them that right that's something that obviously check with your attorney if you if you need that um every website's going to be a little bit different I'm going to leave that off for right now we have styles then you can choose the colors so we've got this cool color palette even though there's very warm colors on there but you could change it to like vibrant or playful or hot dog food truck if you wanted that Vibe or you just obviously create a new palette based on your logos that's probably what most people would go about doing so I'm going to go with balanced actually cool looked pretty good let's go with cool so now let's go back we can change the text the text pairing as well our website will have multiple different fonts they'll have like their heading font and then their paragraph font and that's going to be usually a pairing of fonts that in my opinion these all look pretty good together but I'm going to leave it with the one that it currently is let's go back we can click on pages and we can add other pages right here or we can add links as well to our uh navigation on the top but let's go and actually edit the first page so this is going to be pretty familiar editor this is called a section layout very common many website Builders use this and so everything between these kind of heel bars is one section so you can see this whole thing right here is all one section uh these sections are kind of big so it's hard to really demonstrate that but everything here here's a small section this is all one section right here this is all one section down here and so you can change the background on one section so for this one right here if I just click on edit section I could go and change the background to like purple for example and now this whole thing is is just you know that's how you would edit the section you can also move them up and down so let's move this one down uh maybe it looks good right there and you can change the layout of it as well and say hey maybe if I want a button in there I can add this layout here so let's go back and close out of that and of course if you don't like it you could also just delete that by clicking the little delete button or like I said you can edit that section so let's go down and see if we wanted to customize anything in here so let's say we wanted to change the text you can click on that of course edit the text you can make things bold uh you can change a lot of things change if it's heading to uh heading one heading four whatever and we've got our paragraph text there as well buttons of course if you click on them click on the little link button you can choose where the button is actually going to go to it can go to a certain page on this website maybe a homepage for example we'll save uh of course it's going to redirect to the same page so that doesn't really make a lot of sense but you get the idea how we would go about editing that Additionally you can change the size and layout of things so if we want to crop this image in a little bit we can do that and this section of course has two different columns so let's go and add another section kind of demonstrate this a little bit more cleanly of what's going on here so let's click on the little plus icon We'll add a section and this section we could choose from a lot of different kind of pre-made formats we can look at some intro sections we could look at some text and image sections you can do side by side top and bottom uh we can look at like a video section this could just be hey if you just want a video with some text maybe you want the video on the left side the right side this is how you choose your layout just by clicking on that section it drops it in there and you can click on any element and choose what is going to be so if I just want to drop in like a video that I put on on a channel recently I'll say save it'll add that video in there and boom you got a YouTube video embedded on your website very easy to do this is probably one of the easiest website Builders I've seen and probably one of the most important things we could add here is going to be of course the sign up form so if we click on plus we can add a section we could say subscribe and we could add uh maybe this one right here and then we could choose this whole section we can require a lot of different things first name phone number birthday how did you hear about us and so this is our signup form remember we made earlier in this video it's all going to be right here and we could require certain things so first name maybe your birthday things like that are required now we can go back so now this is going to be your signup form embedded in your website and the beauty of of using MailChimp for this is that not only do we have a website that works well but it's also very seamless everything's made here through MailChimp so you don't have to worry about any kind of apis changing or any links breaking like it's all embedded MailChimp is definitely making sure that this is absolutely going to work every single time somebody uses it so we can click on preview then it'll show us our website I highly recommend most people don't see this this little button right here check out what it looks like on a phone so you can see right here this looks really bad on mobile you want to make sure you're changing that that doesn't look good um but otherwise everything else seems to look pretty decent pretty okay a lot of visitors on most of my websites I would say about half to maybe 60 65% on some websites are coming from mobile it's incredibly popular uh so you want to make sure you're optimizing not just for desktop let's exit the preview we can say done and I think you guys get the idea of how we'd go about editing that page so now we can publish the website we can accept and publish and back on the website tab you can see they give you a little bit of information about the traffic to your website the domain for where our website actually is sandal media mailing. mail Champs which we absolutely should be customizing with our own our own domain so if we go down to settings let's click on settings we can choose there's a lot of stuff right here so domain if we click on edit of course you could upgrade and buy a domain through MailChimp you can also import your own from if you buy it from like Google domains or or Squarespace or something like that uh those are actually the same thing now but I'm going to leave it on that just for now uh again you could just go probably the easiest way to do this would just be to upgrade your plan and get one directly through MailChimp they just make it a little bit easier that way and within settings by by the way you can change the name of your site we already chose that in the beginning the site icon so right now says weird little squiggly line we don't want that the icon is going to be on the top so you can see the MailChimp icon when we're on MailChimp if you're on Amazon you got their little Amazon logo it's really important that you have your logo on the browser so definitely upgrade and add that in there if you're using a website and if you do have an upgraded plan obviously that's going to be in my opinion very important we can also enable site tracking and we could have a popup form if we wanted some type of promotion on there if you go to edit you can add a popup form form and this is going to have a pretty simple Builder here not a whole lot going on you're just going to have like what do you want there um what's the color of everything going to be again very basic Builder on this one um but hey this is going to maybe a great way to uh send out like an email offer to somebody who signs up give them 10% off if you capture their email so let's go back so now there's two more things I want to show you in this video one is going to be store and the last one is going to be appointments and they're actually very important so don't skip out on the appointments one for sure starting off with selling obviously you could sell through here you can set up payments you can personalize all the selling within here and if you click on start your store it'll help you kind of sell everything through MailChimp but what I would probably recommend instead of doing it through MailChimp is actually just using uh Shopify for example and and linking over to Shopify we have a full- free training on how to use Shopify and I'll link it down below it's like an hour and a half long show you how to do everything set up your store then you just connect that to MailChimp so you get all the benefits of MailChimp and all the massive benefits of using Shopify which is going to be great for like inventory and stuff like that if you wanted to kind of streamline it all and you just wanted to set up like a quick little one or two product selling set up through like MailChimp you could set up your store just like this and then of course we have appointments uh which is going to be great if you are like a restaurant or your hair salon your anything that has like in-person appointments or for that matter if you have like maybe webinars or you're doing like online golf lessons yoga classes whatever you can do appointments through MailChimp and then send out emails to remind about the appointments and and manage everything very easily through MailChimp so we can add a service here and we could choose maybe our service is going to be yoga class with me it's 30 minutes maybe it's like 50 box I don't know I actually don't know how much yoga class would be I feel like 50 is too much and you can have SMS appointment reminders as well so let's say continue maybe it's a virtual thing could be in person like I said but this is going to be virtual we can paste a link say continue and this could be maybe available like every single day or you could choose when it's going to when it's going to happen we'll say continue and it looks good so we can publish that service on our website and people could just say book now they can pay us they can sign up for that uh and do everything through our website that was a lot to cover in this video I think most people coming to MailChimp probably won't be doing appointments store nearly as much as email campaigns and automations but I hope you found everything in this video helpful if you did please consider subscribing to the channel leave a comment below with any questions you might have or maybe what you plan on using MailChimp for and as always I appreciate you sticking around for the duration of this video really thank you for watching the whole thing I'm Michael bran from sanral media thanks for watching and we'll see you guys in the next video
Channel: Santrel Media
Views: 110,213
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nate o'brien, mike o'brien, santrel media
Id: HUQ28NpKr3A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 18sec (2658 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 21 2023
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.