How to deal with confused mind and negative thought processes Sadhguru ?

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you can become life and no life you can never figure life just understand this never ever can you figure life out but if you become an absolute piece of life you will know life for what it is [Music] [Music] confused mind possible mind can only be confused if somebody has a clear mind he must be a fanatic you understand the nature of the mind is confusion that's its beauty it's always confused because it can't figure anything but it can gather everything and mull over it endlessly this is the nature of your logical mind mind is always going to be confused unless you're a single track idiot or you're a fanatic otherwise mind will be confused a confused mind is good if you know how to organize your confusion if you know how to handle your confusion if you know how to increase the enormity of your country confusion consciously if you can handle your confusion consciously mind is a very productive instrument the more intelligent you are the more you will wonder the more you will be confused about everything the more profoundly you look at life the more confused you will be and it's good only somebody who doesn't look at anything who's got a parallel vision he is dead sure about everything so you must either be an idiot or a fanatic to do that and there's not much difference between the two so now your mind is confused that is the nature of the mind you have to learn to use the confusion to your benefit if your mind is not confused that means it's not constantly receiving it is a blocked up mind it your mind has become a concrete block which is dead sure about everything otherwise constantly if you're perceiving more and more information it is always confused because it can it is always receiving much more than it can ever process so much information everything that you see if you see little more carefully right in this room you can see so many things that you never thought possible in your life you understand if you observe just one thing it will happen like this it is just that people are saying like this and they don't see anything if they pay enough attention to any one thing you will see a simple and can keep your focus on for the rest of your life it has so much in it so everything around you if you pay enough attention there is so much information no way can any mind ever process it only an unattentive mind thinks it knows everything an attentive mind is always wondering and confused about every little thing in the universe and that's the way it should be you should not suffer your confusion you must understand if you're constantly confused that means you have a functioning intelligence yes so once you've separated your soul and your mind a non-existent soul in your experience the mind is receiving too many things from every direction all the time endlessly in wakefulness and sleep the five senses are always perceiving endlessly most people are not alert to it so their life becomes stagnant and boring confusion means there is still a possibility conclusion means it's death so don't try to conclude and take away the confusion confusion is fine right now do not imagine things which are not true confusion is because never in the history of humanity anybody ever figured the nature of creation nature of life in their mind you can become life and no life you can never figure life just understand this never ever can you figure life out but if you become an absolute piece of life you will know life for what it is so the only way to know life is to become one are you one or your soul or your life are you life or no you are so become that right now you are not a life you are a bundle of thoughts emotions ideas opinions and prejudices that is more dominant than the life in you isn't it yes or no your thought and emotion is occupying more space than the aliveness that you are so you are not experiencing yourself as a piece of life you're experiencing yourself as a bundle of thought and emotion and whatever else this is the wrong perception because you're alive you may think you understand not because you think that you exist because you're alive you may think if you wish but right now the thought process has become so compulsive that people think that is more dominant or is predominant to life it is not so it does not your thought does not exist before life because you're alive you may think thoughts if one's thought is so what to say focused towards one thing in his life nothing else seems to matter such a person is free simply because of his thought not a confused thought process that thought process will not protect you but if one's thought is like this that it is absolutely connected to one thing and one thing only a focused thought such a thought can give you a lot of protection and a lot of purpose and a lot of capability that's a different thing but right now you are not in that state it's better to use a simple tool and you don't have to worry that somebody is going to affect you you need to understand this if you protect yourself you will also protect yourself from well-being [Music] so the protection should be such that only what is not necessary for you is filtered you need a filter not a wall yes if you build a wall around you it will protect you from life itself a lot of people are doing this they want to protect themselves from death and danger but what they will succeed is they will protect themselves from life even life won't touch them they are so safe don't become like that life should touch you even if life smothers you it's better than remaining untouched by life if you are capable of causing depression to yourself [Music] i am saying this [Music] not without any concern for your illness [Music] or not due to lack of compassion because that is the nature of what's happening to you if you're causing depression to yourself you are able to generate substantial amount of intense emotions and thoughts but in the wrong direction if you don't have very strong emotions very intense thoughts about something you cannot get depressed [Music] it is just that you are generating thoughts and emotion which work against you not for you so you are strong enough to cause depression to yourself [Music] because for you to cause a mental illness for yourself unless you're pathologically ill which is just a small number of people rest are all self-created most of them are self-created a few are pathologically ill it's they cannot help it it just comes from within because of genetic and other factors almost everybody here if we train them towards a certain kind of thought process and emotion and push them a little bit with the outside situations almost everybody will go lose their mental balance they will become clinically ill they can be driven to madness i'm saying because the line between sanity and insanity is very thin people keep pushing it you get angry you're pushing the line it's a thin line in fact when you get angry you know you're pushing the line that's why the expression i was mad at somebody you're not mad at somebody you're just going mad you cannot be mad at somebody you're just pushing your sanity the boundaries of sanity and moving into insanity for a certain period of time and coming back you do one thing every day you try this 10 minutes a day try intense anger on somebody but [Music] you will see in three months time you will be clinically there yes just try it if you want because if you keep pushing the line you go mad and you come back you go mad and you come back one day you're not able to come back that's all one day you're not able to turn back then you're clinically ill you must understand even if you got angry for a moment you're already ill maybe you don't get the certificate of diagnosis they don't slap a certificate on you that you're gone but you are going isn't it you think it's your right to throw tantrums you think it's your right to get angry with people you think it's your privilege to be depressed so that you'll get attention from somebody you keep playing this one day you will not able you will not be able to turn back keep crossing the line every day one day you will see you cannot cross back that day you need a doctor [Music] till then everybody needed a respite from you but the day you can't cross back they get the respite because now they can catch you and give you to your doctor [Music] otherwise you're temporarily going mad every day many times a day they cannot even send you to an asylum they have to bear with you your family your friends your people around you if you get at least truly clinically ill we can hand you over and you have incentives in your life to become ill right from your childhood you got the maximum attention only when you fell ill when you are happy they screamed at you when you scream squealed in joy they scream back at you adults [Music] when you are a child physical illness is good because you will get attention from a mother and father and everybody around you and you don't have to go to school on that day so if you learn the art of falling physically ill but once you get married you learn the art of becoming mentally ill because if you want to get attention you go sit in a corner act depressed people will pay attention to you so you plea keep playing this game one day you're not able to cross the line back that day you're clinically ill unfortunately in many ways not just in the way that i said now in many different ways i would say 70 percent of illnesses on the planet all kinds are self-created even if you get an infection there is a way if you keep yourself in a certain way physically and mentally the virus in the bacteria will not work the same way as it works upon somebody else if you set yourself like this no matter what's happening anyway i have to go and do this this and this there's no break from that the last 29 years i have not been able to cancel one program because i'm running temperature i got a cold i got this i got that it doesn't matter what's happening what you have to do you anyway have to do you can't turn back on that either out of your commitment or you have a boss like that one or one way or the other if it happens then you will see you will not at all fall sick so often because if you have temperature you still have to go if it's summer you still go right now a lot of people don't go it's a little hot outside they don't go on work little cold outside they don't go on work a little raining they won't go on work a snowflake they will not go on work this is just weather so for every change in weather if you have the comfort of covering yourself in a blanket and lying down once you create that your body will learn to fall sick as often as possible if you just keep it this way it doesn't matter what it is anyway i have to go and do what i have to do you will see your body will just bounce back as quickly as possible even if it gets the worst kind of infections [Music] so you just have to set the necessary conditions for health necessary in incentives for health both for yourself and your children if you have them do not set incentives for sickness the child is sick observe him from a distance never go cuddling he knows that's the worst time of his life and he knows he has to get well soon and give him the best attention when he is joyful you will see he naturally learns from within his very chemistry will learn that it pays to be joyful it doesn't pay to be sick if you make this very clear to your own biology to your own chemistry and to everybody around you you will see people will not fall sick as often as they are right now so set that up for yourself you will see you will get healthy if you can turn your mind this way you can also turn it this way i want you to understand this no no i am like this because my father abused me when i was seven years of age if you know all that you can as well turn yourself around isn't it [Music] it's time you must understand mentally physiologically chemically energy wise you must clearly understand it doesn't pay to be sick unhappy depressed it doesn't pay to be joyful and ecstatic at pace if you make this clear to all these people inside they will all behave properly
Channel: Smarter By The Day
Views: 549,226
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: human mind, confused mind, remove negative thoughts, live positively
Id: brGm1w87IxQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 46sec (1066 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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