Put your 100% into your EFFORT, what happens happens - Sadhguru

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me [Music] [Music] or winning election [Music] faith god luck effort maybe all of them but in what proportion so when you say faith obviously it's something that you cannot do anything about when you say luck again obviously it's something that you cannot do anything about when you say god again it's something that you cannot do anything about so only thing that's in your hands is effort so put your hundred percent into your effort what happens happens isn't it so don't leave proportions of your energy and your capability to luck god fate all these things that's not your business if there is such a thing it will act your business is only effort isn't it just do that effort has to be incisive in the sense it should be focused calibrated simply if you make effort it's foolish effort isn't it just labor is not going to get you somewhere right kind of action the right timing right place all this is important isn't it so for all these things to happen you need perception and intelligence so that's all you must do in your life constantly looking for ways to enhance your perception and your intelligence rest will anyway happen this is one thing that unfortunately humanity is not doing they're trying to become capable of something do not try to become capable of something just enhance your perception and intelligence whatever comes your way right now let us say it's like this you know this is happening in the world all the time everybody wants to become a doctor not now if 25 years ago it was so if you want to study means first thing is medicine if you don't get a seat what's next engineering don't get a seat what next thing next thing like this so let's say you became a doctor and let us say everybody came to the yoga program and they stopped going to your doctor at least your visits to the doctor has come down isn't it has it has it come down or no for sure it's come down so business will go down it will no more be a good profession to go into because very few doctors are becoming doctors because they want to become doctors others are becoming doctors because they think it's lucrative isn't it isn't it so most people are becoming doctors because they think somebody's sickness is a lucrative business it's a very i don't want to go into other aspects it's quite disturbing for me there are a few doctors who really want to be that they want to understand the human system and they want to serve in that direction that's great suppose everybody became healthy you don't want that isn't it yes you don't want that so do not try to put up a recipe for your success success is only when you are able to use yourself to your full potential it doesn't matter whether you become a doctor or a politician or a yogi or what the hell you become is not the thing success means you are living your life to your full potential that's what success means if that has to happen you need perception and an active intelligence how do i grow my intelligence don't worry about that right now the important thing is to enhance your perception if you're able to see life just the way it is you have the necessary intelligence to conduct it well if you're not able to see life the way it is your intelligence will work against you most intelligent people on this planet are generally the most miserable people on the planet this is simply because they have an active intelligence but no perception of life so one thing one most important thing that people have not worked at is to enhance their perception they're trying to broaden their mind that's not the point that will only make you socially successful not truly successful if you want to be truly successful you must be able to see everything just the way it is without distortions if you can see everything just the way it is life becomes a play you can play joyfully you can play it well for sure if you can play it well people will say you're successful you should never think i want to be successful don't ever think i want to be successful just see how to make this being into a full-fledged being people will say one day oh he's successful he's a great success you should not be aspiring for success it's a miserable way to structure your life you will simply cause pain and suffering to yourself and suffering to everybody because your idea of success is sitting on top of somebody's head isn't it yes or no your idea of success is right now everybody should be below you you must be on the top this is your idea of success this is not success this is sickness so do not ever think of success just see how to make this into a full-fledged being this will find expression if it finds good expression people around you will say oh he is a great success that's fine people should recognize you're a success you should not be thinking how to be successful very wrong way to approach life today the modern world is always goal oriented in the sense we want to win the game whether it's life or game they're only thinking about winning i feel that's a big mistake if you you people don't win a game because they want to win a game who doesn't want to win everybody wants to win people win a game because they play well isn't it any team wins because they play well not because they want to win who doesn't want to win you know we say in yoga if you keep one eye on the goal you have only one eye to find your way that's not a good way to play a game it's better both your eyes are on the game the winning the cup and the accolades are things which happen because we play a game well it's not because we want them it'll happen because we play well it happens so it's always best that we keep our eyes our body our mind everything focused on just one thing that is when a human being functions at its maximum efficiency there's a beautiful incident in our culture when ronacharya is teaching arjuna and a few other boys archery he asked one by one to look up at the tree and aim and shoot at the bird that was sitting there a wooden bird that was kept up on the tree and a small dot was marked on the neck of the bird and dronacharya said you must aim at that at that particular dot and shoot so when they just pull the string and they're just about to shoot he asked them to stop and ask what do you see so they said we see the leaves we see the tree we see the fruit we see the bird we see so many things everybody said this and when arjuna's chance came when he was ready to shoot and drona asked him what do you see he just said i see only one dot and it is one who sees only one when one's vision is totally one pointed that is when you get there when everything in you gets organized in one direction that is when the best results happen that so you're playing a hockey game it's not about winning it's not about getting a cup back home it's not about newspapers it's not about fame your whole business is just to how to get the damn ball into the goal every moment of being there on the field that's all isn't it as 10 people on the field just seeing how to get that ball every time in there the idea is to get it there every moment they won't let you get it there every moment but the whole thing is to just get it there get it they'll get it there if our mind is focused on how to win the cop will we win the cup or not when we win the match or not i have seen whether it's football or cricket or hockey or whatever many matches are lost before the game is over somebody has scored three goals against you so what three goals can be scored in a minute oh such miracles don't happen it's not true it can be done and it's happened sometimes isn't it so the business is not how much somebody has scored or not scored whether you're going to win or not win when you're playing a game there's only just one goal putting that ball into the goal that song if you just stay this way at least who we are our talent will get fully expressed what we are not we cannot do if we do not do what we are not capable of it doesn't matter but if we do not do what we are capable of that's a tragic life isn't it isn't it so if one does not do what he is not capable of it does not matter but if one does not does not do what he is capable of that's a wasted life and when our focus is not one pointed this wastage always will happen because we are thinking about something else if everything is focused in one way your body your energy your mind everything is organized in just one direction a person who is going in one direction will go somewhere a person who is trying to go in five different directions will not go anywhere so much time and energy and effort is wasted in trying to go in different directions so if one can just keep this in his mind there is nothing else to the game except putting the ball there it is not about winning it's not about the cup it's not about anything it's just about putting the ball into the goal that's all at least your talents will be fully expressed if we are not good enough we have to prepare more if we are good enough the results will come for us that's all the game is about but if our talent doesn't find full expression that is a waste that should not happen to us [Music] me [Music]
Channel: OnePath
Views: 35,718
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sadhguru about success, sadhguru how to succeed, sadhguru about full potential, how to unlock full potential, sadhguru about effort, sadhguru on ways to succeed, sadhguru about perception, sadhguru on enhancing perception, sadhguru about 1 direction, sadhguru about focus, sadhguru on the only way to succeed, sadhguru speech, sadhguru latest, sadhguru english, sadhguru 2021
Id: lcIKIF7wyCk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 52sec (832 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 29 2021
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