How to deal with bullies and haters

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these days everyone has been asking me Liz how do you deal with your haters how do you deal with bullies okay listen to me first of all I do not deal with haters anymore I think I used to be very much like more involved but as if right now I do not read my comments I don't know what is being said about me I mean sometimes I hear it but I'm not really involved with them why because I don't want to give them my energy I don't want to hear it I don't want to see it I'm in my own little bubble with my just the people I love with my cats I'm good you know I'm good I'm minding my own business I'm doing my own stuff I'm upgrading my live in silence I'm not bothering anyone so why should I allow someone to bother me no okay the only Power haters have over you or bullies have over you is the power you give them by you giving them a reaction but if you take that away they do not have any power over you it can only make you feel bad if you allow them to make you feel bad top of that with haters I realize you know someone in somebody that's successful somebody that's beautiful somebody that has a lot of self-confidence self-worth will never go and like write something nasty or like create rumors or do like very nasty stuff nobody who's actually living a successful and happy life does that it's always the miserable ugly looking Gremlins that want to talk but baby instead of worrying about other people's faces about other people's life look at your own most of the time is jealousy it's Envy everything that's involved but at the end of the day I do not care for them no recently I went to visit my family in the country where I grew up and I met up with a friend that I hadn't seen in a long time and she basically told me um about like a girl who reached out to her again who knew that me and her were friends uh she basically told my friend like all these stuff about me that people were saying and then my friend told her she was like but why are you telling me all this you know like it's all obviously a lie and then why are you telling me this and then she goes like yeah just so you just so you can tell Liz what people say about her and what will I do now will I Cry like I like the fact that I talked about do you guys not get it I want to be talked about I think haters are my biggest fans you have my regular fans and then you have my super obsessed fans AKA haters because they will watch a video and they will constantly watch it until they find something that they can take out of context and they can run for like years and years and say oh my God she said that she said this but like my other fans were just normal they'll just watch it think whatever they want and they'll leave like chilly like what will I do now oh my God no people are talking about me why am I on social media to not be talked about are you insane that's so dumb I saw a painting that said uh there's one thing worse than being talked about and that is not being talked about and that made me really realize how true that is because imagine nobody talked about me nobody even cared for who I was or what I did like I would not be successful in this video I will show you how you can deal with bullies haters bullies you can have in school you can have uh at your job this is literally a very good video for anyone I have been bullied uh in my own home by abusive parents and always in school like I was always bullied so I can give you the best advice hi guys my name is this and welcome back to my channel okay let's get right into it first things first do not have empathy for them listen I really I am a very empathic person so I am the kind of person I would always put myself in other people's shoes right so I had this girl she used to bully me uh when I was in high school and constantly she was bullying me she would make fun of my looks everything and I always felt bad for her because everyone was saying like yeah it's because her dad like left them she's very traumatized because of that then I'm thinking oh that's so sad for her but now I'm thinking like I literally the same at the same time I was growing up with an abusive parent that was abusing me every single day and I did not act like that towards anyone so at the end of the day I do not have empathy for them anymore because you can literally decide what you do with what happened with to you yes life is unfair things happen uh you did not deserve it but how can I just because I was abused as a child and all these things go on to grow up to do that to someone else I would never because I know how it feels I know how damaging that is even saying something to someone I do not feel good if I made someone upset because of my words because of anything I literally would not be able to sleep at night these are the type of people they feel comfortable in this you know like people say like yeah but it's hard for them you know they grew up like very harsh whatever no you know it's actually hard get growing up that way growing up in an abusive household or like being trumped as whatever and then choosing to not be like that because that's the only thing you know but if you choose to be like you know what I am not gonna do this I am not going to continue this that is actual strength doing the same thing that you have been taught because that's the only thing you know at all victim mindset so sorry that this happened to me yeah actually nobody cares what happened to you true you should take responsibility for what happened and you should deal with that and you should not go out and Bully other people or hate on other people because you have issues that is not my issue or anyone's else issue that is for you to fix do not have empathy for them have that empathy for yourself they are putting you through something that is not okay they are putting into something that is not nice regardless of their situation I could not care less about their situation I do not care you should look at yourself and be like am I being treated badly have empathy with yourself another thing is stop trying to be nice to them this is a mistake we make because we think oh if they're bullying us like we should be nice to them maybe they'll be nicer to us kill them with kindness this never works this does not work why these people do not know what it means to be kind these people do not know what niceness is I actually tried this once with my abusive parent um I grew up and I was sitting down uh with this person at the table and I was like okay maybe you know what like I should just be nicer to this person because then this person will like me more so then I remember we were having a conversation and stuff and I was just being normal and whatever and then I said something nice to this person which I hadn't tried before I swear I never got scolded more in my life the reaction was insane like literally and I I literally left the table crying like this person completely turned because I was nice to them these people do not know what nice is to them it's a threat so if you're trying to be nice to them that will actually make them even more angry and make them even more upset but what do you do instead instead every single person whether it's a bully whether it's a guy whether it's whoever you mirror them the same energy they give to you you give to them same with bullies like they're called to you they're they're distant they they're mean to you whatever I'm not saying go provoke them and be mean back but keep your distance then do not try to get closer to them okay you keep your distance you do not engage with them you you just be on your own whatever but mirror them do whatever they do to you if you're texting a guy right and this guy's being cold and dry to you whatever and you're trying to be nice and then like I have conversation going no you are cold and dry as well you give them exactly what they give you this works like gold like gold I had this one friend of mine he has like issues at his job whatever and this one guy who was working with him his co-worker he constantly was like uh digging at him and throwing dicks at him whatever and he would like he would let it slide slide and he was just trying to be nice to him so he would like him right but then I told him you should start mirroring him do exactly what he does to you give him the same energy right so uh with that I meant like if he's being passive aggressive so he makes like comments that are like not nice but he says it in a way where you can't really say hey that was not nice you know being past Progressive you are being passive aggressive back to him you give him the same way he's treating you in a cold manner you treat him in a cold matter when people start to mirror them that's when actually the person also starts to see what he is doing wrong now this thing is don't tell them anything about you do not share anything personal do not share anything pictures nothing do not do not try to befriend your bullies or whatever do not do not go there like I said in my last video about friends and all these things these people are nobody's friends these people don't like themselves when somebody doesn't like themselves they will not like you it doesn't matter they will betray you they will do whatever you will be in so much trouble do not share anything personal with this person because anything you say will be used against you imagine you shared something or or you already have already know something about you or they want to expose something about you or a picture they have or a video or whatever have no fear tell them lick it do it you take your power back by having no fear when somebody is not scared of anything they have nothing nothing on you because at the end of the day the only thing they feel powerful of is your fear the only thing they're feeding off right now is your fear I had I learned this with my abusive parent uh when I was younger all of my siblings and we would all get abused we were so scared of this person everything but then when we grew up we started to really like uh speak up for ourselves and we started to defend ourselves and defend our other siblings when anything happened and that's why and that's when it really showed how small this person was like he was not powerful at all we made him powerful because we gave him constant like oh we're scared of you we're scared of you we gave him like that constant fear so he was feeding off of that but when we started to speak up for ourselves he totally lost his power is there was no more fear and that's also when he left only thing they have over you is your fear of them fear nothing the thing is take nothing lightly listen when uh bullies when they become physical with you right and even if it's like a little push or whatever I had um this one friend of mine and she basically nobody would ever bully her because this girl one time we were in class and this one of this guy like he pushed her but playfully this girl went down on the floor and started yelling ah he hurts me Miss he heard me I'm in so much pain I'm a heart patient and like a whole like I've never seen something like this before by the way this girl is still my best friend like I love her so much but it was insane and after that nobody ever dared to touch her because she made it so big and even though like the principal came everyone was like oh my God is she okay like everyone was so stressed because she made it so big and I for example I would like that common slide I would like like even them hitting me I would slide oh yeah it just jokes it just jokes it's not jokes okay you are the joke you are a joke literally they're making fun of you so now if I would be in high school again and I would do it all over oh I would be the biggest drama queen ever anything they say to me I'll go to the principal and be sit there for like 10 hours I don't care like complaining all day I will get police involved I would do anything literally like I have no shame literally if you feel uncomfortable about something I don't care if you go on onto the floor cry your eyes I'll start yelling whatever you do anything that is so dramatic that it will not ever happen again and don't think it's like weak to appear like that in front of other people or oh like you lost the fight honey I'll lose your fight any single day because I do not fight I literally don't fight with who am I gonna fight why why should I fight I'll fight you in court yes but I don't have physical with anyone imagine they do something to my face or something or they break something that's disgusting tell people in Authority tell your boss tell your principal tell the police I do not care hair go to people in Authority don't think that is weak don't think that it's snitching no people lose their lives over this this is your life your life is important okay you can actually do something about this when you tell people in authority and you should bother these people because sometimes even people in Authority will not help you they're like oh yeah whatever it's not that big of a deal no bother them bother them bother them until you actually get what you want change schools change your working environment change your city your environment your country anything where you feel like you're being treated in a negative way anything where you feel is a negative environment for you where you cannot drive where you're being bullied you change that place it is not weird to like go to a different country where you feel better it is not weird to change schools no whatever you need to do to have mental peace and to have peace in your life and to actually start healing from the things they put you through that is amazing and you should actually actually do that because that's what's best for you do not think that it's weak or that you're running awake or or that they will think you're weak or whatever the weakest human beings are the ones that bully others they're so weak they're so pathetic they're so ugly come on focus on upgrading yourself Focus On Healing yourself um a lot of times we don't understand what kind of trauma and bullying brings we just uh shrug it off oh whatever it was in high school whatever no those things actually leave an imprint on you even uh in your adult years and whatever happens so Focus On Healing that focus on talking to people talking to a therapist writing it down journaling um and focus on really creating a higher sense of self-worth of self-confidence upgrading yourself in every single way possible focus on anything that you feel like is best for you and at the end of the day haters and Bullies will become fans literally the people that have believed me literally the people that have hated me are literally fans now and it's just embarrassing like you know what haters I love haters they're so easy to manipulate if you can make someone hate you for no reason you know how strong of an emotion hate is like I can make them love them love me as well like so quick I'm just like I love to manipulate these people like I can say anything and they're mad and triggered and then they send all their energy to me just because I made them mad but they're so easy to make mad I think any day is a good day when I hate a cries anyways guys don't let yourself get discouraged like make yourself feel bad about these ugly low-life people like genuinely um just focus on yourself focus on doing every single possible to keep your safety because that's the most important thing you are actually the strongest one out there and all the people that were bullied before are successful now it's always like that because God really blesses you and he did that with me and he will do that with you so do not worry it will all be okay and do not fear them because of your fear you're giving them power okay guys thank you so much I love you guys so much I hope you guys learned something and yeah I love you I see you in the next video bye-bye
Channel: Thewizardliz
Views: 1,374,109
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Id: egJ-3K51KCI
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Length: 17min 44sec (1064 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 20 2022
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