How to Deal With Anger - Sadhguru

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Namaskaram Sadhguru My question is, what are we supposed to do when we are angry? And how to deal with deep-rooted anger? Sadhguru: It depends, who is the victim? (Laughter) You (Laughs)... please. Suppose you are angry with your mother, you behave one way. You are angry with your friend, another way. You are angry with your professor (Laughter), completely different way. Yes or no? So, who is your victim right now (Laughs)? Accordingly, you should do. But now you are asking this question as if anger is a natural part of you. Are you angry right now? What’s your name? Questioner: Rohini. Sadhguru: Rohini, are you angry right now? No. Then why are you bothered about anger? Once in a way you get angry, tch, yes? You get angry, anger doesn’t happen to you, you get angry. You like it? You don’t like it, then why do you do it? See, around us so many people will do so many things that we don’t like. Yes or no? So many things in Mumbai happening, things that we don’t like are everyday happening. But at least within you, only what you want should happen within this, isn’t it? Hmm? I cannot decide that only what I want should happen with you, but I can definitely decide only what I want must happen within me, isn’t it? If you could decide only what you want should happen within you, would you choose anger or joy? What’s your choice? Please choose, I am going to bless you. Participants: Joy. Sadhguru: Tch, see you want the highest level of pleasantness for yourself, isn’t it? Then why such a thing not happening? As I said earlier, you never read the user’s manual. How this functions has not been looked at. Do not go by the example of people who came here a few years earlier than you, that “No, no, my mother also was like that, my grandmother also was getting angry, so I am also getting angry.” They should not be the leading lights of your life. I want you to look at it. Your thought, your emotion, your body must happen the way you want, isn’t it? Hmm? If somebody else can decide what should happen within you, this is ultimate slavery, isn’t it so? What happens around you maybe we can decide, but nobody should decide except yourself what happens within you. If you decide, you would keep this in the highest state of pleasantness for sure, you wouldn’t be battling with anger. It’s not just about anger - fear, stress, tension, don’t address them separately. Essentially your mind is not taking instructions from you. Why? Because you don’t know where the damn keyboard is, yet. We gave you a super computer, you do not know where the keyboard is, so one day you did this (Gestures) something worked, another day you did this (Gestures) something worked – You know, Have you seen people? The radio doesn’t work boom and it works sometimes (Laughter). That’s not a technology, that’s chance. Have you seen this? If something doesn’t work, people think tap tap tap, it’ll work. And a lot of people are using this for human beings also (Laughter) Something doesn’t work, tap tap and it’ll work. In Tamil Nadu there is a saying - "Naalu kudutha ellam sari ayidum" That means if you slap them four times, everything will get fixed (Laughter). Doesn’t get fixed like that (Laughs).
Channel: Sadhguru
Views: 236,026
Rating: 4.9203072 out of 5
Keywords: Sadhguru 2018, youth and truth sadhguru 2018, youth and truth sadhguru unplugged, youth and truth sadhguru september 2018, isha, yoga, spirituality, wisdom, mysticism, seeking
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 34sec (274 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 19 2018
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