How to cut a fresh pineapple the correct (and easy) way

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what's going on everybody today I'm going to show you how to cut a pineapple [Music] basically the reason for this is I've been doing this for a while so every time somebody comes into work and they are just starting out for us typically they don't know how to cut the pineapple and they kind of butcher it so it shows it on the pineapple to cut it differently but if you're looking for like the little tidbit type size then what you're gonna want to do is what I'm doing today okay so first thing you're gonna want to do is lay the pineapple on its side just like this okay we're gonna cut the top off but somewhere toward the top you want to make sure it goes all the way through not just up here so right up here cut it straight off spin it around and then we're going to do the same thing on the bottom all right so you cut the top and the bottom off and then you're gonna see this right here the what we want to do next is we want to cut all the way around but not straight down because you can see the pineapple is rounded on the edge so I always start with one of these brown marks here and then I cut along the edge just like that so it should look something like this and the piece that you cut off is going to look like this then you're gonna cut each one similar and go all the way around the pineapple just like this so it should have some rounded edges around it and then you're gonna see the core in the middle now the way I like to do it is to go right on the outside of the core right here and go straight down like that and then spin it around and do the same thing on the other side then you're gonna you can lay it down like this or you can stand it up and go right on each side of the core you can see the core there and then that little middle part right here that's what you're going to get rid of so we're gonna have these two pieces like this you can cut that Brown off you don't have to cut it all off you're gonna have these pieces flat hand right on the top you're gonna cut through the middle and then you're gonna cut through the middle at the top just like this now dice it up and you're gonna have pieces just like so they're all gonna be about the same size this is what we use on our pineapple pork tacos so for the sides you're going to do the exact same thing flat hand on top cut through with a knife let the knife do the work don't try and push it and then you're gonna do long slices just like so and then you're going to die some again so again you're going to get the same size some are going to be a little bit bigger but they're like tip bed size maybe a little bit something will be a little bit bigger a little bit smaller so that's basically everything about cutting the pineapple you just there's four steps basically cut the top and the bottom off cut the sides off cut around the core and then you want to dice it up and that's it so whatever size you're looking for that's up to you it's your choice well and make it happen I have a great day
Channel: Papa Pineapples
Views: 202,429
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Je2sqpb-Uyw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 16sec (256 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 13 2020
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