Diablo 3 Season 25 Inna Mystic Ally Monk Build Guide Best Build By Far

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[Music] hi everyone it's rax and i'm starting my season 25 videos right now and we're going to start with a guide that i've actually already written in the past i usually avoid redoing a guide that i've already done unless there have been a lot of changes to it but the reason why we must start with this one is this ena ally monk is the strongest build by far at everything let that soak in for a second if blizzard doesn't nerf this build this is the strongest build by far at everything for anybody anybody can play this if you've never played the game before i promise you this is the best build there's no exception to it i don't expect blizzard to nerf this because usually they let the super powerful builds go for at least two seasons this is only the second season it's been around so let's cover how to do this um so we need the full enus set the two-piece is going to increase the passive effect of our mystic allies and give us more of the passive effect of the mantras okay the four piece is gonna give us all four mantras at the same time we're gonna get five percent damage reduction for every mystic ally we have out and they don't take damage they're going to stay alive and they're going to give us damage reduction perfect we're going to get the passive abilities of the five ruined mystic allies at all times attacking enemies creates our chosen mystic ally it lasts for 15 seconds you can have up to 10 allies the damage of your mystic allies is increased by three thousand percent for each mystic ally you have out what does all of that mean it just means summon your mystic allies you're not gonna take any damage and they're gonna absolutely destroy everything that's all there is to it now when we go to the weapons i know that you guys are going to be absolutely terrifying in shivering in your chairs when we suggest that you need to use shenlongs so let me explain why that would happen in case you are new to shenlong's there is a bug with these weapons that went on for a long time that said uh what you want to do is you want to fill up your spirit and then your spirit drains very quickly but while it's draining you deal massive damage now the problem with this set was you would get it very close to the top but it wouldn't trigger it wouldn't trigger the buff when you wanted it to happen and therefore you would miss your opportunity to deal massive damage and then everyone would get furious including myself i made many videos on this over many seasons begging blizzard to fix it well i have good news two pieces of good news the first piece of good news is blizzard fixed it in the patch notes they said we fix shenlong's you can use it now and not cry but i have an even better piece of news for you about shenlongs i tested it i tried it because unfortunately sometimes things are said that don't always materialize right it does work it's super easy to play i just posted a video a couple of days ago of me using shenlong's i told you look it works perfectly so we can use shenlong's don't worry if it was a thorn in your side before i promise you it works so we want both shenlong's pieces they are by far the best options now that the ethereals are gone and one of the beautiful things about the mystic ally monk is area damage doesn't work area damage is normally like the most powerful stat that you can get no matter what you're doing right but this time area damage doesn't work so we're going to take things like damage attack speed cool down credit chance critic damage everywhere that we possibly can um to destroy things so we'll take both shenlongs i'll cover the shul the soul shards at the end but here's like the normal setup that you could use for any season in the offhand we want the other shenlong's piece with exactly the same stuff with the crit hit damage socketed there the crudus boots mystic allies summons two mystic allies that fight by your side at the beginning of the season you will want to gamble for these and try to get them if you get these right away you will destroy leveling up you will crush it i'll i'll do a bunch of practice runs i'll show you what happens if you can gamble these boots and it's actually a pretty good chance to get them and then you can crush but obviously miss galley summons two mystic allies we need this dexvit all resistant armor is what we want um on the pants we want dex fit all resist we're going to sock it with diamonds to help us stay alive travelers pledge and compass rose are going to let us be in control of whether we want to do massive damage or whether we want to stay alive if you move around it reduces your damage taken and if you stand steel stand still you deal massive damage so stand still deal the massive damage with travelers pledging compass rose we want all the typical damaging stats you know damage range crit crit bane of the trap is going to give us a huge damage boost you take bane of the trap in every damage dealing build practically um in diablo 3. so a bane of the trapped we will take it for the 60 increased damage and on travelers pledge again crit crit with the fire and we will take enforcer because mystic allies are pets and enforcer increases the damage of our pets by sixty percent so that's where that comes from another thing that we use all the time convention of elements should seem pretty logical damage crit crate is what we're looking for and bane of the stricken is going to help us kill the guardian quickly if you're doing lower level content you don't have to take bain the stricken you could take something else but for the super highest solo pushes we're going to need it to help us kill the guardian on the belt we're looking for dex fit all resist and life just to stay alive on the gloves we'll look for the quad's attack speed crit crit cooldown left fibrous soliloquy when we cycle and strike we take 50 percent less damage it's going to keep us alive and we must take cyclone strike for the bindings of the lesser gods so this is definitely the best in slot shoulder unless you want to be a crazy person and try to go um maybe somehow with all guilds to drop both of these but uh i wouldn't recommend that if you're a new player decks all resist cooldown and mystic ally damage is what we want on the shoulders on the helmet dex vit and crit with a diamond normally but we'll take a special soul shard for season 25. oh pizza's done uh for the ina chest dex vit and mystic ally damage and finally we have the spirit guards which is fire decks crit and life on hit is a good choice if you don't have life on hit anywhere else to help keep keep you alive and spirit guards are going to give us 60 damage reduction whenever we use a generator so on to the skills mystic ally fire ally obviously we need to take mystic ally it's the whole point of the build fire ally is what deals by far the most damage fire ally is the best for solo pushing and it's also technically the best for speed greater ifs because it can do so much higher when i do speed grader riffs i like to use the water room though because it's so fun it just destroys everything on the map it's very easy mode it's very chill but the fire ally will outperform water in every single thing except like t16 or bounties but you could choose still choose to use the water rune for speed graderiffs but water is absolutely not a choice for pushing it has to be fire dashing strike lets us move around blinding speed gives us a chance to dodge inner sanctuary we drop it helps us stay alive especially with travelers pledge and trump compass rose if we want to stand still serenity just helps us stay alive when we're trying to blast way of the hundred fists assimilation we punch this is gonna activate our spirit guards and it's going to give us a damage increase right before we unleash the hounds here and cyclone strikes going to pull all the monsters together to help us damage everything cyclone strike will give us the damage buff from the february soliloquy and the damage above from the bindings of the lesser gods near-death experience is a cheat death nobody likes dying so take a cheat death cease the initiative is going to give us massive attack speed when we first hit our monsters beacon of utar 20 cooldown and guardian's path will help us stay alive with the 35 dodge flying dragon is incredible for this build it has a chance to double our attack speed which increases the damage of our allies so that's what we'll take in the cube slot bindings of the lesser gods will give us massive damage after we hit enemies with cyclone strike you need this in the in speed greater ifs and in the greater of pushing but you can consider getting rid of this in like t16 content because you'll one shot it anyway and finally ring of royal grandchildren will complete our enus set and then for t16 we have all of the normal stuff that you would expect we'll pick up boone of the hoarders so we can pick up a bunch of gold you can cube gold wrap now we don't need the bindings of the lesser gods anymore to keep you alive forever once you pick up the gold mesher submits reaver is nice it's going to give us infinite cooldowns we can pick up warzeshe and armguards to move faster we're going to take the febreze i guess to stay alive there's no other great choice it really doesn't matter going to be one-shotting everything anyway again with in-g-om to reset all our cooldowns echoing fury for the more attack speed and the movement speed and here in the speed content in the bounties and the t-16s it's 100 water water just swims everywhere and just crushes everything in one hit this is in my tests i think the ena water mystic ally monk is the best key farmer in the entire game it's rivaled by some other top tier ones like the god dh but i think pound for pound still the mystic ally water ena monk is the very best so what about speed greater rifts what can we do there again you have a choice you can go fire which is technically better fire will give you more xp per hour or you can have some fun and you can be lazy and you can go with water you're going to lose a bit of efficiency well actually you'll gain efficiency playing but you're going to lose a bit of xp because you're going to have to go many tiers lower but anyway we can throw on all guilds here and get rid of all that survivability stuff that i told you about because we're just going to try to just one shot everything anyway we can get rid of traveler's pledge and compass rows and coe and instead pick up squirts and focus and restraint so we're going to alternate between our way of the 100 fists and our cyclone strike it's going to keep keep that buff up and we're just going to crush everything as we run on through uh shenlong's is also probably not needed you could try it with shenlongs but you're probably better off just going with in-geom to reset all your cooldowns and echoing fury will help you crush as well so try all guilds focus and restraint and squirts otherwise it's all pretty much the same thing and it's your choice whether you use water or fire try them both see which one you like better so now let's take a moment to talk about the season 25 buff and how we're going to use this with the most powerful build so as you may or may not have known there are all of these new powerful soul shards that you can socket into your helmets and into your weapons and this is the lovely bank that the maxwell team has come up with that you will see being used in all the guides so for the ena ally monk in helmets and on it honestly for practically every single for every single class we are undoubtedly going to go with sliver of terror unless blizzard decides to nerf it so let's look at how how this uh plays out so at the top you're going to see a bunch of stats those always come with it but your cooldowns are increased by 25 percent so that means that's that's a bad thing right our cooldowns are always going to be on cooldown so that sounds bad already but for every skill on cooldown you take 12 and a half percent reduced damage and you deal 25 percent increased damage now that is starting to sound significant it's going to be a huge damage reduction for us we can stay alive and it's going to be a massive damage boost so sliver of terror is already amazing right there then if you look at the very bottom the one of three magic properties you have a couple of different options that you can take while you're solo pushing you can either cast a devastating ring of fire after a hunt killing 100 enemies this is a fine choice the ring of fire was way too powerful in the first iteration of the ptr it just destroyed everything and it procked after you killed 50 enemies now it's a hundred now it's less powerful um but it's still helpful so ring of fire is an option the attack speed and the critical hit chance are increased by seven percent for each skill on cooldown this is an incredible option as well attack speed makes our mystic allies hit harder and critical hit chance i mean we'll take that whenever we can get it and then if three or more skills are on cooldown your lightning and fire skill damage are increased by 50 percent well whenever we're pushing we're using fire skill damage so it's another 50 percent damage so actually this is a scenario where any of these three would be pretty powerful and it will actually kind of be kind of interesting to see which one people go with but the sliver of terror with these powers is definitely what you're looking for in the helmet in the weapons there are a couple of different options except for there really isn't because dregs of lies unless they nerf it is by far the best choice for us so we deal 25 percent less damage that's not sounding too good but our pets deal 50 percent increased damage oh well mystic allies are are our pets and they deal all the damage so that's a huge boost for us when we look at the bottom the out of the three choices they are not equal at all the top one each time your pet hits an enemy your damage is increased by one percent stacks up to 100 and then once you reach 100 it drains very quickly that's the best option by far it gives us up to 100 percent crease damage again on our pets the other choice is receiving damage it summons the shadow clones right now the shadow clones one shot everything on the ptr it's a bug i hope they'll fix it so if they fix that the shadow clones suck and then killing an enemy reduces all of our active cooldowns that's nice but that's nowhere near 100 increased damage to our pets so actually it's a very straightforward choice for us which is good we want to update upgrade slivers of terror for our helmet and we want to update dregs of lies for our weapons for season 25. now let's look at the paragon points quickly first max your movement speed and core then just dump everything into decks unless you need to survive then you can put some into vitality for offense all of these are good uh maybe start with cdr but then i mean all of them are good cdr credit chance credit damage and maybe attack speed last those are all godly defenses we definitely want all resist first then life then armor and life per second last and finally at the bottom we never need area damage area damage doesn't work and area damage has a chance to lag us in the game so leave this at zero uh we can take the life per hit first to stay alive and then the resource cost reduction even though i mean it's not gonna help us too much and then the bonus globes just pick up the life per hit first and don't take the area damage and that's all you need to know about the paragon points alright guys let's look at some gameplay here since i already showed you the 140 baby monk footage let's see how it looks in t16 well i just spam all of my buffs and i dash forward with my water allies and okay well 25 of the rift is already done you just fly around boom pick up the dbs and by the way this footage is without the seasonal buff i don't have the drags of lies here and i don't have the sliver of terror so it's going to be even more ridiculous in season 25 and there are probably some t16 shards that we can use for increased movement speed because honestly we probably don't need the damage in some of that easy content where we can just destroy everything but as you can see we're almost done now literally before i could explain everything we have cleared the entire thing and pretty much all i'm doing is spamming all of my buffs and dashing forward i do have a cyclone strike there to gather up the enemies but really i don't even have a chance to use it because they just die instantly i think pound for pound this is the best t-16 build in the entire game let's see how long the guardian lasts you got vaporized now let's jump over to a gr-100 and see how that looks alrighty if the game would load and here we go let's see how hard a gr100 is and by the way this is a very baby monk this is not a powerful one at all this doesn't have any augments nothing like that it doesn't have the seasonal theme this is just a pure little baby monk that you could make doing a 100 and again i'm using the water allies for speeds because i like them a lot i have a lot of fun using them but i am admitting right now that the fire allies although they're a little bit slower can do such a higher tier than water that it is the better choice but even when we have a bad map a spaghetti into a little cave you can see our bar is just flying oh power pylon this should be hilarious let's see how this goes move at the speed of light one shot everything instantly this 100 even for my baby monk is just way too low and you're going to be able to farm way higher though than a 100 when you actually get a geared monk when you actually get the seasonal theme going you know i don't know what what tier you're going to be able to speed farm but i'm going to go out on a limb and say there's going to be people speed farming probably at least in the 120s maybe into the 130s and just just absolutely annihilating it anyway guys this is i hope is a clear demonstration of the unimaginable power of this build adios choker well thank you so much for watching everybody i hope you guys have an amazing thanksgiving many more videos are coming i need to get i need to get the shout out now because this deal is going to be gone soon if you guys may have already known i'm partnered with apex gaming pcs a lovely company that builds computers they have a black friday and a cyber monday sale going on if you want to buy any of these pcs or look around if you use my code racks you can get up to 250 off and you get free shipping if you're if it's international i think it's 50 off shipping but it's a pretty incredible deal so look through these see if there's any of them that you would like if you're trying to pick up a computer for christmas and love you guys and i'll see you guys in the next video and happy holidays [Music] you
Channel: Raxxanterax
Views: 145,601
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diablo 3, diablo, d3, rax, raxx, raxxanterax, guide, walkthrough, greater rift, rift, gr, diablo 4, diablo immortal, monk, dh, demon hunter, wiz, wizard, wd, witch doctor, barb, barbarian, sader, crusader, necro, necromancer, blizzard, blizz, streamer, stream, youtube, diablo guide, diablo walkthrough, d4, druid, amazon, zon, sorceress, sorc, sorcerer, paladin, pally, challenge, challenge rift, EU, NA, Season 25, Diablo 2 Resurrected, D2R, Diablo Immortal, DI
Id: UA5Q4Ig37d4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 56sec (1256 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 25 2021
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