Complete Leveling Guide WITHOUT A CACHE for All Classes in Diablo 3 Season 28

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hi everyone it's Rex bringing you the second leveling guide that I had promised you and yes I read all the comments on the other leveling guide I made an entire other tab for the try hard guide without the cache and I'm going to go over it with you in detail and then I'm going to show you a 95 minute run of how it's done I I only actually had one try to do it and I had to do it off of the PTR um so let me say a few things about the run then I'm going to walk you through the steps which are a little bit different it's significantly harder and then I'll show you the actual run as I talk through it one thing that I want to stress about the Run you're going to watch me do is your run will be way easier so I did it in 95 minutes but I had literally everything working against me and at least most of the things that I'll mention you won't have going against you so the first thing about it is I'm leveling on live the PTR is down so I'm on live so I don't have the altar and that means that I don't have the first node which makes your Massacre rope double the length and it makes your massacres payout double this hurt my XP call in a colossal way you're going to see it's very very hard to keep your massacres up and you will just level way faster than me in general so that's the first thing the second thing is is I leveled on Hardcore and I also leveled solo so if you play with people you're going to get more XP and because I played on Hardcore and I couldn't die if I died it wasn't just try again I would lose my weapons because I didn't have the altar because I had to use gems of ease to reduce the items to level one and that hurt me further there's another reason but um because I played on Hardcore I had to play very safe I had to play at very low torment difficulties where I couldn't make a mistake but if I hadn't done that I would have just put it on T6 and I would have erupted much faster that cost me a lot of time but I couldn't afford to die um and then the other thing about it is after you get done crafting your weapons you will be able to craft at least a couple of extra pieces that I discussed we were Theory crafting as I was playing that I couldn't craft so you're going to have a few more level 70 items than I would that's going to help you level faster and the final thing is I did a few little practice runs and some of the runs I got very lucky in sometimes I got a leorc's crown sometimes I got a a Godly multiplier sometime one time I even found a gold goblet which is a godsend because we're trying to farm gold it's one of our key things um in this run I have none of that I have the worst luck ever nothing goes my way so it's literally worst case scenario I'm sure a lot of you will have something lucky happen to you you find a blood Thief you find a gold Goblin you find a really nice weapon something something nice will happen for you nothing nice happened for me so I want to Str I can't stress enough that this is the worst case scenario you can do better than I did with all of these Buffs okay now that we've got that out of the way let me walk you through the steps we didn't do that really on the other one I more of just showed you but this one is very very particular you gotta do it exactly like this so let's talk about it you do the challenge Rift you pretty much have to start on a necro or a witch doctor I heard everybody say you know you don't have the necro pack you really need to start on necro if you don't start on necro which doctor could do this every other class you are going to suffer horribly trying to do this so it's that girl or witch doctor but please play necro if if you've got it you have to make the game on torment one it cannot be any other difficulty it can't be any lower than torment one because then your bet your Act Bounty cash won't give you a death's breath and it can't be higher than torment one because you won't be able to do it so it has to be torment one and you need to make a game that either has zolten cool or the Magda bounty in it if it doesn't have one of those two in Act 2 make the game over and over and over until it has it and then you're gonna play from there you're not going to open the Challenger cache that's the whole point of this leveling method it's going to be a lot harder okay but you're going to have the Challenger of cash to use for node 15 you don't have to wait for Monday so don't open it otherwise if you open it go back over to this uh the main leveling guide and you're just going to crush here is the key point do not speak to the enchantress do not click on her do not inspect her gear I know she's pretty you gotta leave her alone if you talk to her it's over delete your character make a new one the reason why is she starts off with a little dagger that sucks if you don't speak to her and you speak to her at level 11 it upgrades into a giant blue staff and it's really really good you need that we don't have any money we don't have any mats and they're not coming from anywhere where we need her weapon at level 11. do not talk to the enchantress take the two items from the blacksmith and the scoundrel's bow and we need two whites so we would love to put on the shield but we can't because we need to salvage two of these things so equip the javelin and Salvage the shield and the bow you're you're starting to see this is much more particular because we don't have the challenge of cash the Challenger cache makes everything easy here we have to be very particular and deliberate about everything that we do go to the Altar and unlock the Note then port to every Bounty just go in to all the waypoints and then go to the next one this doesn't make a huge difference but if you do that it snapshots the monsters around the Waypoint not for the whole Zone it'll at least make it so when you leave the Waypoint you're not going to get killed instantly and give you an easy corpse to explode then you're going to do the you're going to kill ZK or Magda a big hint here it's going to be a very hard fight when you kill their ads and you're about to level up stand next to them the level up explosion will do a ton of damage to them make sure that you use that open the chest get the stuff then you want to do the other Act 2 bounties and if you're if you have a lot of knowledge about the different bounties do them from hardest to easiest the hard one might be run to this cave go to floor two and kill every monster there well that's a lot of running and maybe that's hard I don't know I don't know anything about bounties I hate bounties so I can advise you here but the idea is to do the hardest one first because it's easier to do it in the beginning because as you level up the monsters get harder at least until you get to a level 11. I want to call out that you need to pick up everything that drops racks I do that anyway yes in all your other videos you tell us not to pick up nothing but I pick up everything this is going to benefit you here you need everything click every chest click every little corpse every little breakable break it pick up every white every blue every yellow pick up all the gold activate your pet you need everything can't stress enough you don't have anything and we're going to be starving for veiled crystals and for gold those are the most valuable items when you get to 11 or higher not before talk to the enchantress get her blue staff you're going to be way stronger like quadruples your damage anytime you're 10 or higher go to the each Act there are uh vendors that end in the fence they sell jewelry buy jewelry that either says two to four damage or int or Vitality any of that is good only buy one of each they cost like 2 000 gold each you will have it by now by having done a couple of T1 bounties but we need gold we need 318k 311 plus seven uh four two and one 318k so don't you only buy two rings and one amulet and that's it when all of your bounties are done open the cache you're going to get 160k gold and a death's breath that's why it has to be on T1 so we have a DB to level up the blacksmith all the way if you're not 18 go to Temple the firstborn pick a difficulty from hard torment want use corpse explosion get to 18. then you do the same thing you do on the other leveling guide make a game on normal Golem flesh Golem and just destroy the keep destroying the bosses until you have two diamonds go to the jeweler upgrade the Jeweler upgrade the diamond and then turn it into the um turn it into the Altar and then unlock the uh items have no level requirement note okay it's all shown right here now you have to make a decision you could either stay on necro and go up the whole way that's going to be the easier path for you but later on you're going to need to power level the character you want later so you have to decide or you right now you could leave the game and make whatever class you actually want to play it will be harder but you won't have to power level the class that you want later same thing applies if you played witch doctor if you don't have the necro pack if you want to make a new class now is the time but it's going to make it slower because you're Dr you're giving up corpse explosion it's up to you um every single class this season has a good hatrix gift necros is masqueraded the burning Carnival which is bone spear bone spear used to be the best build in the game and then blizzard nerfed the [ __ ] out of it but now they're buffing it again this season and now it's pretty good again it's up to you you want to stay with necro do your hatrix gift and start there it's going to be good for you you're sick of necro you're only doing this just to get started you want to go to your real glass Now's the Time okay now you can make a game anywhere from T3 to T6 it just kind of depends and the reason why is You Can level up the blacks with now to at least level 60 and make the highest level two-handed ax you can it's probably going to be the level 58 one but you might have gotten really lucky with a gold Goblin I actually was able to craft one time the 61 one and it makes a huge difference because one's an Ros weapon and one isn't um so now you're level 18 with a 58 weapon you're going to be plowing that's why you go from T3 or T6 okay if you're on softcore to start on T6 see how it goes if it sucks lower the difficulty if you're on Hardcore try T3 or something go to the temple firstborn keep doing massacres we're looking for gold we need gold gold gold gold gold gold gold we need like another 150k gold to level up the blacksmith through 70 and then we're going to make a 70 weapon okay open up with the second you get to the cursed chest and do all your corpse explosions open the chest and leave go new game so you can get more gold once you have enough golden mats max out the blacksmith craft the 72 ended ax or bow if you made a DH okay um don't craft other jewelry or armor pieces we're going to solve all of that at 61 just take whatever drops on the ground and then just start crushing here are the skills you should use it's different than the skills when I that I had over here because here you you're not going to have anything so this is what you should use you'll notice it's slightly different but there's the list when you're 61 again you're going to be very low on gold try to buy two rings and one amulet that help you look for Vitality or intelligence that's what you want not gonna add much gold be very very careful and then here if you have leftover gold and some leftover materials craft a couple of 70 armor pieces like a 70 Helmet or something a yellow one gonna help you a lot this is something that I could not do in my run turn the difficulty down and you're going to make it up there I did I did it in 95 minutes without the PTR XP double buff without the extended rope without the doubled kill streaks in hardcore by myself with and I'd never actually done this run before without any luck any lucky thing that happened to me even if I dropped something really good for me I threw it away so it would invalidate the run I did that in 95 minutes you can do it faster I'm certain and because you can play on T6 I also did in hardcore so I was scared the whole time you can do it even faster I'm certain of it I could do away faster let me take you into the run and I'll show you how it's done if you have any questions or tips post them down below and one final thing I want to say I read the comments you guys want a printable version of this so I'm going to when I have all the information in here correct I'm going to duplicate the tabs I'm going to make it printable if you'd like to print it I don't like to kill trees but just this one time I'll let you guys print this out if you want it okay many more guides are coming I have a lot more guides for season 28 planned so stay tuned let's get into the Run thanks for watching try again go okay take this and this take this put on the spear you have to salvage the other two and throw away your starter weapon by the way I started with 9 000 gold that's cheating let me get rid of it [Music] let me just sell it all back can I make enough to buy something that's expensive perfect there there we go now I have 10 gold the pet threw me off yeah when I put on a pet Then I then I was uh thrown off so after you Salvage it you grab the first node then you go to each bounty not this not the boss Bounty but the other ones to try to snapshot the monsters close to you that one doesn't help at all I really think this this snapshot strategy is not helpful but there's a pool that's nice okay [Music] let's try again into ZK we go [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] not sure that ZK is easier than Magda it's easier certainly to get to him but ZK as a boss actually easier than Magda I'm not sure about that I did hit it it is way easier to hit him with both explosions though so that and that I think does make him easier very easy to hit him with both level up explosions from the Golems so as long as you do that you're gonna be good [Music] uh of course I got a crusader Shield nothing that I can actually use okay ZK is dead let's go to the next Bounty if you know all the bounties which I don't but if you do then you would do the easiest the hardest ones first I have no idea what's what so do I have a rune no I don't not high enough level but I do have corpse explosion that's all that you need let's go in here you can't talk to the enchantress if you talk to the enchantress you brick everything so that's not a thing okay so we need to kill a hundred monsters here so let's do that I want to kill these monsters back here in case I have to back up and then you just use corpse explosion the goal is to get to level 11. if we get to level 11 we can have a much better weapon [Music] so let's not play games with this yellow here probably going to be a very tough bite it's not a tough fight if they're just gonna stand there it's not what I would call a tough fight [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you just die level five normally level five means a lot in your leveling Journey are you kidding me another Elite [ __ ] this game man [Music] see if we can kill them with corpse explosion let's see if we can get them over here where's the you come here lesson learned only I love how that guy teleported right when I was trying to get my 50 Massacre amazing lesson learned use corpse explosion for everything corpse explosion corpse explosion failed Crystal you absolutely need those don't leave any of them behind you need 30 to craft both of your weapons you need 30 to craft both of your weapons oh God spinners [Music] oh that was incredible can I bring him over to these Corpses probably the fastest way to kill him right come on come on buddy you can do it yeah come get me yeah come get me boom got him um at eight at eight you can check the fence fenders for better for two to four damage rings I think the amulets are at 10. [Music] those are the literal worst no the literal worst Rings I've ever seen in my life I got 8 000 gold so I could definitely buy them [Music] remember at 11 we get a big damage increase this guy is supposed to be selling rings and doesn't even sell them okay so game doesn't work that's fine Let's uh just keep going they're gonna completely change the Natalya's set yes okay I learned my lesson here Jesus Christ I learned my lesson here before we need to uh actually we don't want to kill these monsters but we need to so we can stay alive need to put on some let's go with this and this okay [Music] so we need our skellies when we get our skellies our survivability will go up significantly because they'll just tank for us which will be very nice okay we have to kill 50 monsters here anyway so it's fine there's nine now we have our skellies if you command them ahead and they will tank for you 39 kills we got our 50 kills oh bounty's done let's try to finish this massacre to see if there's any hope of us hitting 11. nope got to be 11 to talk to the enchantress got absolutely nothing what a surprise we're doing these the bounties very quickly though compared to the other run that I tried these bounties seem a lot easier let's see if we can just freely run through everything and get to the bounty to put on runes I think I really got any I haven't gotten any yet I do have fueled by death though let's put that on so we can move faster once again click everything everything is an upgrade here it's trying to tell me that is trying to tell me that um I'm missing gear on my Necro um let's go for the go for the little babies instead of the elites so we can get a corpse to explode as it went way worse than I thought it was going to I'm just so weak right now I've just found such bad gear that's good though it's good for the demonstration at 11 my power level will increase tremendously it is an outrageous damage increase we should probably do this cursed chest first of all we have to get to 18 anyway and uh we got a Papa John right here Jesus foreign literally what what is hitting me hey let's just uh forget that cursed chest I'm too scared seven Shadows thanks for the prime men do I ever play with viewers I was literally playing with viewers uh well getting carried by viewers just a little bit ago yeah I play with you guys I'm gonna play with you guys at the next season on na and EU as well yeah I play with you guys [Music] what do these guys have Vortex okay the vortex could the vortex does damage by the way Vortex itself deals damage so okay it's not that much though what I should be doing is running past them and um using corpse explosion from other monsters to finish them off but uh it's not an option for me don't have very good gear okay blow that guy up okay that guy is dead okay we got a Papa John here that's a problem [Music] all right um can I get some trash to foreign toughness by the way [Music] [Music] I can't believe how weak my necro is here without that staff it's unbelievable how much of a piece of [ __ ] she is okay final monster here we go [Music] I'm a 12. okay now we will get a massive massive damage increase so now we talk to our enchantress and now we take the staff our DPS was 13 now our DPS is 61. um let's check the vendors we need better jewelry we will gladly spend the gold to get better jewelry it'll help us a lot go to the vendors that end in the fence Vitality I don't really want that I guess that's what we're going with now I can't die pretty much and we have gift of death we have this we have nothing there okay let's Salvage this okay keep going with the bounties there's one more to do keep going [Music] now we are way way way way way way way way stronger not even close now I need to get to 18. and everything just dies instantly okay so now you can see how much stronger I am [Music] when you if you talk to your enchantress early you could totally totally brick totally brick the uh to getting this weapon you have to not speak a word to her until you are uh until you're 11. [Music] no speaking to the enchantress until you're 11. [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] okay now my caches are done I'm not even close to the level that I need to be I need to be 18. I'm 14. so that's not going to work at all we got our death's breath now but I can't um I can't craft anything so I don't have the reduced level requirement node but any veiled crystals do I have I have 19 let's just go let me see if I can do Temple the firstborn on T1 this might be way too hard but I'm gonna try do I have my Golem with flesh Golem yet Golem but I don't have flesh going okay don't have a room there okay and Sarah how are you [Music] let's see if I can see if I can do this okay I just got a 41 kill Massacre for doing literally nothing foreign I'm 16 okay that was the easiest two levels of my life 25 massacre here [Music] sucks that my pets don't count to keep up my massacres but you can looks like you can play on T1 here 's chest here [Music] just need any corpse spawn there we go [Music] 17. [Music] so now we need to do boss bounties on normal until we get two diamonds and then once we have that I just got a diamond okay I have one of them it's nice he's nice new game and remember I have an XP penalty you would have gotten to 18 faster than I just did because you would have the double mask or in double payout that I don't have that won't work Skelly King will work it's fine let's grab enforcer and flush Golem let's go thank you I should still be very very strong here right oh yeah you probably shouldn't kill these Monsters by the way I'm just making it harder on myself but uh necros don't don't care necros don't play by the rules and necros don't follow the orders of anything okay we need a diamond and preferably a ruby sayonara Junior thanks for the we got the diamond okay we're good let's go so now we go over here uh first of all okay let's do it correctly what you'd have to do is you go to the jeweler pay a thousand bucks a thousand gold and then you would have to upgrade this to the flawless diamond now that you have that now you walk over to the Altar and now items have no level requirement okay and I have 200k that means I can make a it actually means I could have no I can only make a 60 weapon so now I can make a 60 weapon as long as I have enough materials and I have plenty so I would make a 60 weapon here I go the 60 two-handed ax is this one or is this one okay I make it now I would be able to put it on but I I can't put it on because I don't have the altar that's why I made this 60 weapon that I can put on with a gem of ease okay now you can see now I'm a God so now let's leave and uh I'm gonna try to play on T6 I have a 60 weapon at 19. can I play on T6 I got no idea I might die here but I'm gonna try another question that I have is can I do a T6 boss bounty to get enough gold I'm going to try something for science I'm gonna try to kill the Skeleton King on T6 and see how much it pays me because I need this value to say 3 18 for me to craft a 70 weapon to have enough failed crystals to craft it not quite but the Bounty would give me enough I think let's try this I'm gonna make the claim that I can walk through here without dying I could be wrong I could get killed in one hit let me get hit okay well [Music] no no no we're in you need 20 yellow for that note as well oh really you need 20 veiled crystals for that node are you are you is that true oh [ __ ] okay I gotta redo this then [Music] uh I think of Skeleton King teleports and hits me he's going to kill me by the way let me see her [Music] I'm gonna stand right here and how much does this pay how much does this bounty pay I mean I don't know if it's enough oh it oh it only takes blues and whites okay I think you would be okay then okay I think you'd be all right then and uh uh it doesn't look like doing those T6 bounties are worth it and it also looks like T6 is potentially too dangerous let's try T4 [Music] okay let's go we need this number to say 318 when it says 3 18 we can make a 70 weapon it is insane how much faster the Rope is on live I'm so used to playing on the potato PTR where you literally have an eternity to hold your massacres turned me into a [ __ ] player I was already a [ __ ] player and it somehow made me worse remember guys the only other class that would have a chance of doing this according to chat who has tried it the only other class that would have a chance that this is if you're not going to go necro is [Music] um witch doctor [Music] [Music] dang okay [Music] um I'm tempted to keep looking here because I might have a resplendent chest on the second floor which might give me some things that I really need but maybe that's the wrong play maybe I just leave um ow l oh foreign don't want to kill all of them let's leave a couple alive I'll never keep my mask or to next anyway but I want to run through this and see if I can get a um I want to see if I can get a or Splendid chest right up here to the left no okay how much gold do I have one more run and then I can have a 70 weapon I think I wonder if I sold all of this is do these have any value the gems have some value I only need a ruby which I don't have looks like the values of every of all the items are just way too low okay why no follower followers just get in my way tone it down a little bit followers just get in my way um let's check out our stuff here we got more passives I'll take I don't know literally nothing none of this helps me um I take Standalone for a very tiny tick dislocation [Music] um I don't need the Golem anymore I can throw that away and I'll take blood rush uh uh the rest of it seems fine let's go take that I have no survivability here but I do have a lot of damage this is exactly what I want I want the cursed chest because I want the Monies boom boom boom 100 kills just like that boom boom necros are way too strong okay it's all about cursed chest so I'm just going to drop this and go next do I have enough now needed to say 318 313. okay that's not good enough let's play by the rules new game [Music] don't forget to craft a quiver well meaning if you craft a bow you need to also remember to craft a quiver you don't craft a quiver unless you're playing Demon Hunter uh uh potency thank you okay let's go I need 5K gold you want to know what how much does this sell for that sells for a thousand need it to say 318. 318 we go I think that's the correct number because it's 311 it's 311 for the there we go this will do it perfect still getting absolutely murdered by these monsters I think you just run to this cursed chest over and over and over for gold gold gold gold gold gold and then [Music] foreign [Music] drop it I certainly have enough now [Music] okay and then you would craft a 70 two-handed ax I'm going to craft it so it spins the materials now I would normally equip it but um I can't but I can equip this one because I use the Gemma vs so you would sell these two things put the ruby in the helmet now I have extra gold so what I would do now is I would try to I would check the vendors and spend my gold so I re I can't go below I can't go below 318k I can spend my gold as long as I don't go below 318. another thing that I could do if I had the materials is I could start crafting 70 gear once I get some more veils but I can't I literally can't do that in the simulation because I don't have more gems of ease but all of this I could get some upgrades on if I can find something worth it you don't see anything that's a huge upgrade I would recommend that you don't buy it and save your money let's look here though any like 11 toughness I'll buy that for 5K I'll take nine toughness that [ __ ] all sucks let's put this on throw this away and then anything toughness eight percent toughness I'll take that okay as long as I'm above 318 for the rest of the Run I'm I'm playing fairly right keep the ax didn't I keep the ax did I put the 60 back [ __ ] well this is the only run we're doing okay let's go it's on T6 by the way I probably can die instantly here I'm very scared I don't even want to see how hard those uh uh can't play here I'm going to grab that respondent chest and get out of here I can't I can't play like this this is way too dangerous I gotta turn it down I got four yellows though any of these any good slightly better slightly better get rid of that get rid of that let's go next I'm gonna drop I think I'm gonna drop the skellies let's just try on T3 let's drop the skellies and let's take Standalone when do I get final service [Music] let's drop the skellies for I guess I could take a Golem that will work you can't reduce the difficulty of the game in hardcore guys that's soft coral and playing on Hardcore I can't I can't turn it down while I'm playing you can't do that in hardcore [Music] [Music] down here come down here and die to my corpse explosion thank you now I have much more armor [Music] remember you would be leveling a lot faster than I am because you would have the um you would have the extra Massacre thing but I think since I'm playing in hardcore I'm going to be safe and what I'm going to do is I'm going to keep trying to have this steady income of yellows so I can stay alive another thing about just printing these yellows is it would let you craft more 60 gear [Music] um can can briefly check here anything good the thing that's going to be really good I guess the really big upgrades you're going to find are from the uh jewelry at 61. I think Skelly Mages kind of suck because Skelly Mages don't count as an attack that in that refreshes your rope timer so here we go we're just going for the um man if I was on softcore man I would just send it on T6 the entire way you just you just send it man my damage is definitely T6 playable but you can't risk dying on Hardcore I don't get another try at this unless I want to make another Gem of ease which I absolutely don't we doing 42 minutes at 42 not too bad and remember you're gonna level faster than this your massacres played paid double you're probably gonna play on softcore you can just play on T6 here you can get way more XP than me and if you die it doesn't matter if I die I'm dead okay very nice by the way as I continue to get this stuff I have a 100K gold right now I could craft level seven start crafting level 70 yellows as long as I have enough veiled crystals what's the best duo for a father and son next season um well you gotta bring us you gotta bring a z Barb Z Barb is always in the best team a support Barb that does no damage so someone's playing support and probably it's either going to be a death Nova necro or a taurasha wizard are probably the best the best two in the game probably I don't know both of them both of them are Godly tarashas probably bit easier to play [Music] um probably tarasha wizard z-barb would be an absolute God team foreign oh God bains here apparently Bane thinks he can step on my Corpses Bane was not correct in that assumption [Music] One does not simply walk over a necro's corpses you know what I mean can't uh that's the kind of stuff that'll get you shot if you're on the wrong end of town can you believe that Bane thought he could stand on my corpses did you see him do that I've never seen anything so stupid in my life not a wise decision at all foreign got five more seconds of this cursed chest let's see if we can hold this up bro my bone Spike killed him in one hit Jesus let's open this chest why not anything good here that's really good that I would lose my Ruby now just to give you a just to show you as an example here I can't do this because I don't have the the powers but I'm I'm up 160k gold right now so and how many veiled crystals do I have I have 22 veiled crystals so that means I could make well I can only make one one 70 armor piece how many but I have a lot of reusable Parts you could convert this into a hundred veiled crystals and then I could potentially make three I could make three level 70 yellow armor pieces you should absolutely do that a DB is needed for what not for each craft just to unlock the blacksmith I already unlocked the blacksmith yeah if you can get a hundred extra reusable parts then you could use that recipe oh converting needs a DB oh damn [ __ ] you're right never mind never mind yeah you can't do that you're right I lied I lied never mind I was just checking to see if you guys are paying attention um Danger okay [Music] now we're gonna keep this massacre up [Music] you can absolutely for a long time here for a very very long time you could play on T6 I could be playing on T6 right now if I was not playing bro I just hit that guy with bone spikes how did it drop my Massacre this game is so broken man I promise you my Massacre never dropped off there I promise you fake News man um but uh that like that okay monster monster monster monster Monster [Music] [Music] I'm not beneath picking up yellows not at all I mean you just run around and Slaughter everything let's go here let's go here [Music] foreign I did way too much damage there damn it I'm gonna check if there's a resplendent chest right here on the right lit [Music] foreign [Music] getting a lot of I'm up 200k now I could buy a lot of gear [Music] you want to buy all new gear at 61. that's what I'm gonna do let me use something other than this this sucks uh let me try try death Nova for fun foreign worthy armor I'd love a worthy armor [Music] in fact I gotta be if I'm being honest out of all the armors Worthy is my favorite flavor [Music] I'm getting hurt here this hurts [Music] this is a dead end but it can have guys in it uh um I wonder where I should go not this way going the wrong way [Music] because I'm bad [Music] 117. kill those guys like that let's blow those guys up move up here how the [ __ ] did my Massacre fall off this game sucks man [Music] this game's dog [ __ ] once again my Massacre never fell off and says I didn't attack fake news [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] why did that kill everything I purposely blew up the corpse at the back so that wouldn't happen bro a corpse exploded the corpse at the back so the stuff at the front Wouldn't Die [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign it's just that simple blizzard I hate you you suck it's just that simple you suck I never dropped my master there [Music] game doesn't work never drop my Massacre didn't drop it last run didn't drop it there foreign [Music] [Music] I really I'm really shocked at how much damage these bone spikes are doing his own spikes literally just killing everything Golem get out of there please you're not letting the people walk through the hallway because you're too fat you guys ever have Golem to Fat problems God I do my Golem's too damn fat [Music] [Music] monsters thank you [Music] um I don't know how we're gonna keep this please be a monster in here lit up this game sucks [Music] thank God you guys are gonna get what you guys would be close probably close to 70 by now because you would have had a a higher way better massacres hold the massacres effortlessly you'd probably already be 70. let's go again come on down here Mr golden thank you what we need to do is we need to hit 61 when we hit 61. uh if we can even hit 61 without dying that is um my everything will get way better because I will buy better gear from the vendors because I have an extra 300K gold that should allow me to buy some really nice stuff and you would be able to not only buy better gear you would be able to craft better gear too I can't craft better gear because I'm not on the PTR anymore so I can't do that but I would if I could you will be able to so needless to say your experience will be way easier than what you're seeing me do here and remember if you're playing softcore you can um you can play on T6 pretty much the entire way if you die who gives a [ __ ] it doesn't matter you just keep going this is not a thing on Hardcore and if I die here it's even worse because if I die here I can't even really try again because then I'd have to level more gems of ease which is a fate worse than death I do I will take that respondent chest by the way please walk with me it's good let's go this way might drop my masker here especially when my Golem punches him and kills him in one hit Golem you piece of [ __ ] wow what a throw by the fat ass Golem [Music] ah fat ass Golem man what a throw man always throwing men [Music] [Music] that was not a good decision please be a monster in here rip season I'm 61 it's good enough let's go okay so now I'm gonna do the poor man method of buying gear by the way I can craft 61 gear uh uh so I can craft the I can graph two of these so let's craft a belt what else should I craft my helmet is an absolute piece of [ __ ] let's make a helmet as well if this doesn't have a socket in it I'm installing Poe I don't have words no words I don't have any words there's nothing to say um do I have enough to re-roll this piece of [ __ ] that I just made we can try and re-roll it two more times foreign I don't want to talk about it [Music] now you check all the vendors for upgrades [Music] 20 toughness but I lose looks like my gear has actually gotten pretty good okay [Music] um that is nice for 60s I remember my my money can't go below my money can't go below three 18. by the way I shouldn't have re-rolled at the Mystic there wow my now my game crashed Jesus Christ blizzard my this game oh we only have a few more months of it guys it's gonna be okay this game is a catastrophe it says I'm playing Diablo right now okay let's let it think let's let it think for a second there nice dionis [Music] how certain am I that the season will start on the 21st for 24th [Music] um [Music] trog thanks for the primes smitten thank you for the prime Sid thank you for the six months Uber Frank thank you for the 20 months um I'm torn about your question [Music] uh I know that you need to know the season start date but I am not at Liberty to tell you I wish I could just tell you but that's not my place so then I don't want blizzard to hate me can you explain why someone is still streaming the PTR is someone on the PTR have they have they stayed in the same game since yesterday [Music] um before I restart the timer I will say this I'm not saying one way or another let's say I did not know the start date if I don't know the start date if I had to bet a million dollars on the start date I would bet on the 24th and the reason why is like five seasons in a row five the Sunday that it ends the very next Friday it starts okay it ends on the 19th or whatever so it should start on the 24th okay from the last five seasons in a row it's also been like a seven month season so why in the hell would they need any more time than that so if I was gonna if I didn't know the start date if I was going to bet a million dollars at a casino I would bet on the 24th let's continue the run here crashed a million times restarting the Run go okay so I can still spend some money and I have to spend it on jewelry I have to so we go Act five let's go here bro come on man help me game work with me here the music is too loud okay I turned it down is that better uh that's what I wanted okay and let's just let's just play like that just go like that remember I'm gonna I'm sorry that I've said this 15 times I'm gonna say it again remember your leveling experience compared to what you're watching me do is easier I have a penalty my Massacre bonuses pay me half of what they pay you and and they last twice as long so they're way I will never I would never drop my Massacre online oh with with the buff never not I'm not gonna drop it one time so you would definitely already be 70 by now probably earlier than this and you would have crafted a couple 70 yellows instead of my piece of [ __ ] 61 yellows so and if you're on softcore you can play on T6 if I could do this again I might do this again and try it on T6 as a softcore necro and show you what I can really do I think you're gonna do I think you can do this if you're really paying attention I think you can do this in well under an hour I mean well under this is the wrong way so let's go this way I don't really need the cursed chests anymore they aren't really important to me anymore because I uh don't need materials really too much anymore now it's all about getting to 70. but this is a good demonstration of as hard as as it's going to be on you when you can't craft gear you don't have the massacre bonus you don't have the massacre rope bonus you can't play on T6 because you're playing on Hardcore and you're playing as if you truly only have one life because if I would have died here then I would have had to remake gems of ease I'm just absolutely not willing to do that not willing to do it I'm not going to do it so okay now these guys are getting quite chunky I just corpse exploded that guy 20 times and it did nothing to him Bane is here as well pretty much exactly who we didn't want to join us so now this is getting quite tough [Music] okay it's getting much harder okay this is too bad because I can't I can't get a 400 multiplier here too bad I almost certainly can't keep my Massacre to next floor as a Necro 369 huh [Music] I want to see if I can go down here and get some little gumbies if there are some little gumbies over here then I can uh if they crawl out of the floor here I might be able to like this yes and then is there another pack of them right here maybe let's blow those guys up see if I can move over here I would love to hit 400. is 400 a thing [Music] lit foreign oh what a play get out of here okay let's try playing on T1 now okay foreign [Music] but doable it's not so tough that we can't do it [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] that's a dead end but we got the fast boys with us now marqueezy I like that [Music] open the door no no no no no no why why did it kill the entire room why why why didn't you just kill art of the room like every other time why did you kill every single Monster why [Music] why did you kill all the monsters [Music] oh man it's taking a while T1 massacres are garbage especially when they pay out half what they'll pay next season [Music] foreign [Music] kill massacre here and call it call it good there's 97 [Music] what oh I was Nightmare and I was like what is happening my necro is not obeying me [Music] okay [Music] thank you call that good I think I can't remember if there is a kill streak at 250 or not nope [Music] what would be my brain dead build for season 28. probably the god DH thank God there's no danger here foreign corpse all right bones spiked into the Next Room didn't count foreign foreign foreign [Music] foreign [Music] is so broken man it's sober that I don't understand I I don't get it I I don't understand [Music] hey the big boys are dead foreign Spike that is there a problem with bone spikes as a skill is that is that the issue is it the bone Spike skill that just doesn't register maybe it's bone Spike should I use a different generator I don't know if I knew what was wrong I would fix it it keeps saying I'm not attacking monsters but that is not true oh believe me I'm attacking monsters are being attacked that is happening foreign [Music] foreign Ty over here there is seems to spawn quite often [Music] one cap almost there yeah these last couple of levels are tough again set it 20 times be easier on you especially if you're playing on softcore softcore you can play and probably at least T3 here and just go for it hardcore is going to be tougher I'm showing you literally the worst possible scenario with uh uh hardcore so whatever you see here will be easier on you like and I'm talking significantly easier like like a buy a huge margin maybe for once in our lives we can actually do something here I'm gonna try to actually get a very very good nice massacre here if I can one thing that would really help is if my Golem stops throwing I do love the corpses that he gives me but I've been wondering if it's really worth keeping him around [ __ ] corpse bruh blizzard I press it a hundred times what's wrong with you oh all right now that I've had an aneurysm I need a monster in the Next Room to appear oh let's just brisk it Monster oh my oh what might wait wait my master dropped don't want to talk about it oh I don't want to talk about it [Music] looks like we got old Beanie boy look who showed up Bane come over here why don't you have a seat on those Corpses he's actually taken those pretty well damn Bane ain't what it used to be a couple of levels ago he used to be my little [ __ ] now it's the other way around yeah it's all that good it might have I been lucky or not um what I found it like Elite I can't remember I do so many runs I can't remember but one of the runs I found a gold Goblin and a leorics crown or whatever I just I threw them away um why am I going here no I'm simulating not like literally nothing I've got literally nothing here I'm just playing with a 70 weapon I've got nothing here investigate the altar why don't you make me I'm gonna try my damnedest to hold on to this massacre God I wish my Golem would just go to hell he's making this run absolutely impossible on me just gonna jump forward and pray there's monsters in here God he's literally ruining my life this Golem is absolutely not worth it absolutely not these monsters appear thank you let's kill some of them but not all of them okay that's pretty good now let's go to the next room go on go to hell Golem go to hell okay we've got this dude it's good enough got these dudes thank you please please Golem please Golem please Gollum I [ __ ] hate you don't play with a Golem if you value your sanity [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] so no Double XP buff no double rope no double Massacre no soft core which means you can play on T6 or most of the way if you give me those four things and you also can't craft early 70 years you don't have the altar by the altar I could have got some early 70s stuff and had a 70 helmet with a ruby in it the whole time if you give me those five things back I will do this in under an hour probably if not under an hour right at about an hour so I got five massive penalties applied to this run I also didn't have any luck if I found anything good a leorics a legendary weapon anything I threw it away to show you the shittiest possible look if you get lucky with anything if you get a gold Goblin if you get 18 before you open the Bounty get the diamond like I did in the previous run it just cuts more and more time some of you get Super Lucky and have something awesome happen to you
Channel: Raxxanterax
Views: 76,974
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diablo 3, diablo, d3, rax, raxx, raxxanterax, guide, walkthrough, greater rift, rift, gr, diablo 4, monk, dh, demon hunter, wiz, wizard, wd, witch doctor, barb, barbarian, sader, crusader, necro, necromancer, blizzard, blizz, streamer, stream, youtube, diablo guide, diablo walkthrough, d4, druid, amazon, zon, sorceress, sorc, sorcerer, paladin, pally, challenge, challenge rift, EU, NA, Diablo 2 Resurrected, D2R, Echoing Nightmare, Orek's Dream, Season 27, Season 28, Maxroll
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 112min 50sec (6770 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 10 2023
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