How to Crimp Large Gauge Wires (Battery Cable Lug, Ferrules & Ring Terminals) | AnthonyJ350
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Channel: AnthonyJ350
Views: 204,489
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Keywords: AnthonyJ350, Anthony j 350, 350z, cars, automotive, vehicles, Nissan, 350Z, Z1 Motorsports, how to, tutorial, exhaust, demos, tutorials, Silverado, Builds, Car, Audio, Install, Bay, Installer, MECP, 12, Volt, Electronics, Upgrades, GMT800, LS Motor, 4.8L, 5.3L, VQ35DE, Electrical, Vehicle Electrical, Go Fast Have Fun, DIY, Maintenance, GMT-800, GMT-400, Youtube, How-To, Wiring, Battery Lug, Battery Cable, Amplifier Power Wire, 0 Gauge, 4 Gauge, 0 AWG Wire, 4 AWG wire, Amp Kit, wire termination methods, Crimp
Id: ca37WnL6Oxo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 13sec (2353 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 01 2021
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