How to: Battery Terminal Install. Better than Factory.

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[Applause] all right and of course we want this long enough so that when it sits in there it bottoms out right now I still need to cut a little bit more very high atlas looking good right this setup is a parallel clamp down here just a wooden clamp and then I have another one a smaller one holding that and then within that smaller one I just have a little pair of needle nose vise grips so that's what I'm going to use to hold on to my terminal all right okay so the first thing we're gonna do is get some regular pace flux that uh and we're gonna coat the entire inside of this terminal we want to use paste flux because if the metal heats up with oxygen touch me touching it it'll oxidize and solder does not like to stick to oxidized metal so we have that now I have my plumbing solder it'll work just fine and I'm gonna turn off my torch and I'm gonna feed in this plumbing solder right as it heats up and it starts to melt now once I get a big enough pool inside of here I'm gonna dip this in and I'm just gonna hold it straight down and the heat of the solder will heat up the wires and everything will solidify but before we get doing that of course we want to put some solder on our wire cable too [Music] [Music] now I don't want to keep the solder directly in there because it might just melt off from above it basically I'll just drip okay there we go I'm wearing eye protection you don't want this to pop off in your face get that in there I'm just holding it while it solidifies here he goes looks nice and clean professional I did drip a little bit cuz I use more than I needed there's that drip make sure that your you're wearing some clothes tulip shoes not like what I have all right now to show you that it's really on there I'm gonna put this in a vise and I'm gonna try to pull it apart see that it actually works my right-hand side I have the factory crimp on my left hand side I have what I soldered here in my garage right it looks nice and clean looks factory now here's a tip before you dip the copper cable into the terminal use your flame to warm up the the wire just a little bit not so much that it oxidizes or so that it burns the rubber but what happens is if you dip the copper wire into the terminal before it is warmed up then it cools off the solder as soon as you dip it in and then it might get stuck halfway in halfway out and you have to heat this up so that it heats up the wire but then you start melting the rubber as you can see in this example here a little excess right there so there's a difference now you know
Views: 2,314,863
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: crimp, solder
Id: CccZY6vnpo4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 40sec (280 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 29 2019
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