How to CREATE + SELL Etsy Digital Products in 2024 💸 (Etsy + Canva Tutorial)

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selling digital products online is an amazing way to earn passive income and Etsy is just the place many people come to find the digital product they're looking for whether it's a business owner needing templates for her online presence a homeschooling Mama looking for printables to use with her kids or that young professional needing a digital planner to keep her to-do list organized there's a digital product for just about everyone and that's where you come in my friend if you can learn how to effectively create and sell Etsy digital products there is a major profit to be earned so today I'm walking through exactly what I would do if I were getting started selling digital products on Etsy this year let's Dive In hey friends welcome back to the channel if you're new here and we haven't met yet I'm Kate I'm a wife mom Etsy seller and business coach and I'm here to help you start and seal your online business so that you can make a full-time income doing what you love I'm super pumped to be talking about all the things that digital products today but before we dive into that I want to let you know if you're watching this around the time this video is published then I want to invite you to join me live on Thursday January 12th either at 2PM or 8 PM eastern time for a free live Master Class where I'm teaching through my five pillar Etsy success formula I'm going to be laying out step by step for you exactly the formula of process and system that I use to bring my Etsy shop to the top one percent and to earn multiple six figures this class is going to be an hour jam-packed full of practical and actionable Etsy strategy that you can Implement in your shop today whether you've not started yet or whether you've already started a shop and want to grow it even further and make consistent sales and we're also going to have a time for Q a so make sure to come ready with your most burn any Etsy questions to ask me I'm ready to answer all of them there's also going to be a free gift that we're giving out to everyone who shows up live to the class and that's going to be a freebie bundle of digital assets that you can use in your business today things like free mock-ups financial trackers templates there is so much goodness in this freebie bundle so you definitely want to show up live either at 2 p.m or 8 PM if you can and even if you can't show up Live still sign up because we'll be able to send you the replay link afterwards the link to get registered is in the description box below so there are several steps that I would take if I were starting an Etsy digital product business this year the first one is that I would validate my digital product idea it's so important to validate your product idea before you ever even create a listing to ensure that you're offering something that's in demand and search for on the Etsy platform so the first step I would take to validate my product ideas to come to seal Samurai and to use the keyword Search tool to type in a keyword phrase that I'm thinking of that's related to the product I'm wanting to offer so let's say I'm wanting to offer an Instagram real cover template I might type in the term Real cover templates and see what comes up sales Samurai will show me the amount of estimated search volume for Etsy for that keyword phrase so we see for that term Real cover templates it's giving us an estimated 117 searches per month for that phrase and then we can come down here under suggestions and also see related keyword phrases so we see here the term real covers has almost a thousand searches per month so that tells us the keyword phrase real covers is actually more highly searched on Etsy than real cover templates so you can come over here and see some more broad related keyword phrases like Instagram templates which has over 3000 searches per month and this tells me that Instagram templates definitely are highly searched for on Etsy and when we get more specific even to Reels covers those have a pretty good search amount per month as well so I feel pretty confident moving forward with this digital product idea because I'm seeing there is some search and some Demand on Etsy for this so once I've done the preliminary validation of my product idea step number two is to continue my product and market research on Etsy so I'm going to come to Etsy now and type in a keyword phrase that I validated on seal Samurai so I'm going to type in real covers and I'm going to look through these listings that are coming up on the first page of search results because these are the top-notch best-selling listings now I'm going to skip over any of these listings that say add by Etsy seller that's telling me this person has paid for an ad to be viewed right here so I'm gonna skip the ones that have ads to look specifically at the listings that are organically ranking high on this first page for reels covers I'm going to take special note of any listings that have that yellow popular now or bestseller badge but I'm also going to take note of the ones that have a lot of five star reviews so this one has over a thousand five star reviews for their shot I'm gonna click through on this listing and take note of a few different parts of this listing so the first thing I like to do is to read through the five star reviews to see if I'm noticing anything repeated over and over again that people are really loving about these templates this is going to clue me in on some things that I could incorporate for my best seller potential listing and things that people really are looking for when they're looking for Instagram Real cover templates I'm also going to click through the photos and see the video that might be there and take note of the style this seller is using and also what specifically is included in this listing so we see this is a canva template that's editable it says we can edit the text fonts colors photos delete duplicate so this is telling me that people are really liking personalized editable canva templates and we see there's over 50 included in this so people like bundles of multiple ones that they can use we're going to continue to just click through these and get inspiration not so that we can copy this seller or this listing element for element but just so we can take some ideas and put our own spin on it to make it even better for our shop I also love to come down here and click learn more about this item so I can read the full description to see what exactly is included in this we see the seller has the whole process of how the downloading and editing works we see that there's 52 Instagram highlight covers included we see the size of the covers that are included we see the file types our PNG or jpeg we see what we can edit so it's just great to look through the whole description to get an idea of what all is included in this best-selling listing now the next part of this step is to identify a gap in the market if we're able to a gap in the market is an element that's not currently being offered within a certain Niche that there is demand for so if you can tap into a gap in the market you're likely to break through the saturation of that Niche because you're going to be offering something that people are looking for but not many sellers are offering currently so what I would do for this is to continue scrolling through these listings and take notice of color schemes font Styles different Aesthetics and Vibes Within These listings and think about what your Target customer might be looking for that isn't currently being offered Within These listings it could be a boho color scheme it could be a retro font style it could be a light and Airy look but if you can identify certain elements that are missing from these reels cover listings then you're sure to find that Gap in the market and have really great potential to break through and be discovered alright so once we have validated our product idea we've continued to do product and market research then we move on to step number three which is to actually create our digital product in canva now this is assuming that the type of digital product you're thinking of is a canva template obviously you would use whatever design software or program you need to create your specific type of digital product but a lot of the digital products that sell well on Etsy are editable canva template so I want to walk you through this real quick to just show you the process of actually creating this in canva so of course if you don't already have a canva account you'll need to register for one real quick so that you can use canva but it's completely free and easy to use I have a link in the description box below that'll actually give you a free 30-day trial to canva Pro which is their paid subscription but you can totally do this for free and use all of the free elements to be able to create your designs okay so the first thing we're going to do is come over to canva and click create a design we're going to put in our custom size that we know we want a 1080 by 1920 that's the size of the Instagram reel so we know that's the size we need for our cover image we're going to click create new design and then we can come here and start designing however we want just to quickly run through this I'm not going to create a really super complicated design for the sake of this tutorial if you're interested in learning how to design on canva I have a few other videos on my channel that I've already walked through in more detail that I'll link in the description box below but just for the sake of this tutorial let's add a background color and let's say that we want to add a few elements for a q a reels cover go to elements and look for shapes now keeping in mind whatever sort of aesthetic we want to have we would look for a shape that would go with this let's just choose this cute little boho design here you can always change the colors to fit our branding can resize we can duplicate and make this exactly what we want now we might want to add a photo inside of a frame so let's look up a circle frame a frame in canva is something that you can add a photo to and it will automatically make it that shape so if we want a circle photo we first add our frame then we can search for the type of photo we want so let's say we are targeting business owners as our ideal customer we might type in computer and click over to photos so we can see all the computer photos now you'll notice in the bottom right corner some of them will say Pro with this little crown that means that's a pro element that you can use if you have the Pro Plan of canva if not you would want to use free images now since this is a template that you're going to be selling for others to reuse for themselves and edit I would suggest that you stick only with the free images and elements so that your buyer doesn't run into any issues if they are not a canva pro user so let's say we like this photo this is a free photo we're going to click that drag it into our frame and we can double click to move it around if we want to but we have our photo and our frame here I might just edit this and add some text to make it say q a okay so this is just a really simple and kind of thrown together image right here so this probably wouldn't be the best to sell but I want to just create a little something to show you now once you're done with your reels cover photo then you can always click on the little duplicate page icon to duplicate this page and then you would go through your elements and create another design so remember how we saw on that listing the template bundle that we looked at had over 50 of these reels cover templates on it so if we wanted to give a bundle of multiple images we could just continue doing this and duplicating so that these are all on the same page when they open their canva template but of course we would not give them 50 that look the same we're going to go through and delete these elements or change them to reflect the different types of reels cover templates that we want to offer them so you can go through delete change and make each one different so that it's a complete bundle now once you are happy with what you've created you have all of your different images here on this one template then what you're going to do is come up here to share and you're going to click template link now canva has generated for you this specific template link this is the link that you're going to use to actually share this template so it will be editable for your buyers so you want to click copy on this link and now we have that link copied we're going to paste it in a minute to the file that we're actually going to be delivering to the buyer when they purchase you want to make sure to use this template link as opposed to just copying and pasting a different link because this will actually open up a brand new copy of this template for each unique purchaser so when that Shopper purchases the listing from your shop and they click this link it will actually open up their own unique copy that they can then edit so that your original template is never touched or altered by anyone okay so now that we have actually created our templates in canva the next step is to create a PDF to deliver the template link so we're going to come back into canva come back to create a design and we're going to create a new design in really the Size Doesn't Matter for this but I would just try standard letter size so this is an eight and a half by eleven but you can really create this in any size you want the important thing is that you're giving instructions for your buyer on this as well as embedding that template link so that they can just click through on it to open the actual canva templates to edit so just to be clear this is going to end up being the file that we deliver to the buyer once they purchase on our Etsy listing so of course we want the style of this to reflect our brand colors and our brand fonts and all of that but for the sake of this tutorial I'm not going to spend a lot of time on the design of this I just want to show you what elements you need to include on this PDF so I would suggest putting a logo of some sort on here and then adding text to include instructions for your buyer because this is going to be the first thing they're seeing after they purchase your templates from Etsy so you might want to say something like step one register for a canva account this is so that if your buyer doesn't already have a canva account they know they do need to register for that you can let them know details on this under this step as well as the fact that it's free and it's easy and you can include a link for them to click through and just register for canva real quick and a tip here is that you can actually register as a canva affiliate yourself so you can include your affiliate link here so that every time someone actually signs up with canva and if they end up going with the pro version then you can get a percentage of that sale as well so definitely not necessary but it's smart to be thinking in terms of how to make some affiliate income with this as well so that's your step number one then you're gonna do step number two click here to edit your template okay so this is where you're going to create sort of a button for your buyer to click through on where you're going to embed that template link so to create something that looks like a button we're going to come to elements and search rectangle and we're going to add this and make it the size that we want we can also change the color if we want to fit our brand colors and then remember that we had already copied that shareable template link from our template so now all we have to do is to come up here to where it says link with this little chain symbol and we're going to paste in the link that we had copied so now the link has been added to this button but we also want to add some text here so that we can link it to text as well so let's add a text box and let's type in something like reels cover templates we always want the colors in the font here to be matching our branding we can resize this to what we like now the important thing is once we have this text highlighted again we're going to come up to link we're going to paste that link again and now that has added the link to our text as well so both the button and the text are connected to our link We may also want to add an underline here so that it's really apparent this is exactly where they need to click to get that link now of course you want to make this whole PDF document look a lot prettier and a lot more branded and professional than what we have here but this is just the basics to show you the idea of what you're creating here you're giving a step-by-step guide as to what your buyer needs to do giving the link for them to click and then you can follow this up down here with some additional steps as to things you want to let them know for editing their templates now let's say that we have already made that's really professional and nice looking then we're ready to download this as a PDF we want to make sure to add our Title Here for whatever we want this file to be called because this is what the buyer will see as the file name so let's put reels cover template PDF and then we're going to come up here to share we're going to click download and where it says file type here we're going to choose PDF standard and download okay so now that we've created the templates we've created our PDF to deliver to the buyer then our next step is to create the actual Etsy listing so I'm here on my Etsy Shop I've clicked add a new listing and I'm going to skip through the majority of adding this listing because there's a lot to add here but I want to show you what you need to know specifically for adding and delivering this digital product so when you're adding a new digital product listing you want to make sure under type to select digital this is going to give you the ability to upload a digital file if the buyer will download now that we've selected digital when we come down here we can see this section that says digital files and we have the option to click this button to upload a file so we're going to click this upload file and we're going to choose our our PDF file that we downloaded and we're going to add this to our listing so we see now our reels covers PDF is here so this is what will be delivered to the buyer as soon as they purchase our Etsy listing they'll be able to click and open this PDF document once they open the PDF document of course it'll look like exactly what we designed it to look like and they will click here on this link which will take them over to this page that says template created by Kate was shared with you obviously this will have your name in it start designing now so they'll click here to use the template and like I said before if you use the template link this will open a brand new unique copy of the template that they can then go edit every single element that you've allowed them to edit without altering or changing your original this will show up in their canva account so that once they have edited this they can edit the fonts the colors all of this to make it what they want and of course they can come up here and click download themselves to download and use it so I hope that was helpful for you in terms of walking through the basic process of creating and delivering a digital file nylon Etsy to your buyer there's a lot that goes into designing things well on canva and doing market research so if you're interested in any of that you can definitely check out some of the videos I have Linked In the description box below that will walk you through these steps in more detail I do want to mention some of my favorite tools and resources for creating graphic designs that are going to help your designs look super professional and those are websites like place it creative Fabrica and creative Market you can get tons of digital elements and mock-ups things to use for your listing to really level it up and make sure that you're creating the best most irresistible offer and listing there is on Etsy I have all of those linked below as well as the link for my free live Master Class coming up on January 12th if you want to register remember I'm going live at 2PM and 8pm that day you can register for either of those times and I would love to see you there live answer all your Etsy questions and help you on your Etsy selling Journey see you next time friends sometimes [Music]
Channel: Kate Hayes
Views: 110,177
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: etsy digital products, etsy, canva, canva tutorial, digital products to sell online, selling digital products on etsy, selling digital products online, how to make money online, make money online, digital products, passive income ideas, digital products to sell on etsy, how to sell digital products on etsy, canva templates, canva template, passive income, canva tutorial for beginners, how to start an online business, etsy shop for beginners, kate hayes, side hustle ideas
Id: W4rfWP5udfI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 16sec (1036 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 10 2023
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