Rain and Splashes Simulation | Blender Tutorial

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[Music] you're watching a rain simulation that has rain and splash animation and it's all in real time this technique does not require water simulation and it's super easy to do with the help of geometry node and I want to share it for free for everyone because why not maybe some of you will create even better setup than this or maybe some odd pieces that utilize the technique in this video and I can't wait to see all of them so for the meantime don't forget to download the D with me f my Road and when you're ready then let's [Music] go someone once said delete the default Cube so I'm going to do just that by withing explosion after you successfully delete the default Cube let's duplicate this plane and place it up here also let's rename the plane so that we can find it easier this will be our emitter and the rain is going to emit from this plane but how do we keep creating rain every frame well geometry Noe can help us with that let me introduce you to the simulation zone so do understand the simulation Zone imagine we have two actions create points and move existing points now with simulation Zone these action can be executed at the same time every frame so if I go to the first frame you can see that the points are created but because there was no point in the previous frame the second action is basically skipped now if we move to the next frame both of the these action will be executed the existing Point move down and new set of points will be generated I'll switch between the two really quick so can see the difference now as the simulation continues new points will be generated and existing point will move down and that's really it now it's your turn to make that into reality open your geometry node editor and create a new node setup grab the simulation Zone this is the most important note in this video and we want to add some more to it which are the create r node this is custom node that simply distributes some points with some custom attributes on a geometry and also we want the set position node so that we can control and move the points now modify the upset a little bit so that the rain falls in a negative C Direction and place it in between the simulation Zone then plug this node together with a joint geometry node like this after that plug the group input and a group output like this and that's really it this GM node setup basically what I just showed you before it moves existing rain down and creates new set of rains every frame try playing with the animation you should be simulating rain within blender see simulation zone is super easy right oh thank you by the way why do you have why you why your face like that oh oh uh yeah I'm I'm sorry there you go good as new now as you can see the ring does not collide with the ground but how do we check if our rain has collided with something hey default Cube can you help me over here okay imagine our default cube is falling with constant speed and he's going to hit the ground but without any Collision detection he's going to fall forever now let's try again but this time we put an arrow on top of his head and this Arrow can tell us whether it is is an OB Co not so as our default Cube falls down we can detect when he falls through the ground you can also think of this as casting a ray in the direction and when the ray sees something it will tell us and the note that can do just that is the ray cast node and I'll add this set up before the node so that I can control the F dist stand easier make sure that the vector math node is set to scale and with the value of negative 1 because we want to shoot the ray in the opposite Direction now once again let's make the rain falls in a negative C Direction and add this setup for the Target geometry and set the collection info to relative now let's select the ground and we want to put this in a separate collection you can press M and select a collection called Collision now let's select the emiter and select the collection in the geometry note then let's separate the point that already hit from those that don't using the separate geometry node then plug the is hit output to the node then for the point that already hit we want to add a set position node after and plug the hit position into the node which will freeze the rain in the position that it hits the ground then be sure to plug it to the Joint geometry too and yeah that's pretty much it currently our simulation is just some points and in the next part we be install some geometry on top oh what is that you got a package oh what is this [Music] oh holy that that's awesome thank you defa Cube you're such a [Music] savior now that our default Cube has created rain and a spash animation for us we don't have to create the model by ourselves anymore in the fire you see collections called rain and splash which contains measures that we can instance on the points now we will instance the rain Mish on the falling points and the splashes on those that already hit the ground and of course we use the instance on points node for that now let's add two of them and plug each of them to the falling points and the points that already hit the ground like this and plug it to the Joint geometry node be sure to turn on the pick instances too then add two Collections and choose the Splash and Rain collection then make sure to turn on the separate children and reset children for both of them and don't forget to plug them and now because our instances and points are mixed together we need to add a separate component note and put it here then plug only the point Cloud to the geometry and now look at that see geometry note is super [Music] easy the dispatch is not animating oh yeah uh you're right oh I think it's because by default the instance on points node picks up random instances from the collection and because we haven't plugg anything into the instant index input yet so that's why it happens so if I manually set the index to zero then no will only show the first frame of the spash animation and if I pick one it will show another frame but that just applies to every Splash that happen we need something that can change the frame automatically whoa what did you do to the great cast node H the hit ede wait oh that's genius okay now the r cast node can keep track of how many frames since the rain has collided with the ground this should work let's try this node out pluck the r Direction the target geometry the points and then is hit and the hit position here and most importantly we want to pluck the hit age this should automatically select the object in the collection for us then let's see if this works hey let's go thank you default Cube and that's the power of Ray cast Noe with some custom attributes now for those out there who want to create their own Splash animation let me provide you with an example if I want a jumping Cube for my Splash animation I will need to create a collection and initially put just one cube in there and then I need to duplicate it and edit a bunch of time to create each frame for my animation then I will have to update the max hit age according to the number of frames in my animation so if I have seven frames in my animation or seven objects then I need to change this to number seven and then I need to select the new collection here too and there you go bouncing cubes and let lastly we have arrived at our last challenge all of the hard parts are already finished and all you have to do in this part is just to have fun enable the rain and splash collection and select one of the objects and press new material in the material properties and you know just have fun with the Shader I'll just use this material setup which you can find on Gum Road and once you're done with the materials you can select the other objects into rain and splash collection and make sure to select the object with the material last then click copy material to select it and there you go hey congratulation everyone you did it you've created the rain simulation within blender and now everyone can create Rain by the way you can also get the advanced version of this setup which you can find it on gumroad it has the feature to animate On Tools bounce on some walls and ripples if you do have any question or suggestion s feel free to put them in the comments also you can always DM me on Twitter if you are stuck on any part of this tutorial lastly thank you so much for being part of this I've talked to many people made a lot of friends and it's all because of your support stay positive and I will see you in the next one happy blending I finally finished this tutorial H I hope he got a message oh well we'll meet again anyways hey buddy it's the one are you having a good time you know I don't always give you the easiest time I always delete you and you always end up in the cash folder every time I even blew you up today but I want you to know that you made my channel better than I could make it alone I will be away for some time so before I go I decided to upgrade your home the more graphic it looks SM and there are also some stars in the sky so you can always have something interesting to look at when I'm away it's just a little thing I can give you for now and I hope I can give you more in the future well I hope you have a great rest of the year and I can't wait to come back to make more projects with you [Music]
Channel: Tawan Sunflower
Views: 28,392
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: advanced simulations, blender animation, blender art, blender effects, blender insights, blender magic, blender nodes, blender secrets, blender techniques, blender tips, node insights, node magic, node setups, node tricks, particle dynamics, simulation, simulation mastery, simulation techniques, splash particles
Id: 7xFROhVB9pA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 15sec (675 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2024
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