3ds Max Corona Render Exterior Advanced Tutorial (Voice Over)

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[Music] everyone and welcome back to another tutorial in this video we're going to be working on exterior scene it has been requested a lot on my youtube channel and on my email some people told me that they want like a scene that can be created using only 16 gigs of RAM so what I did is I took off one Ram that I have because usually I have 30 32 gigs of ram now I got 60 in an order for us create this scene with the limit that we have and mostly people coming like new to 3d rendering they they only got like 60 and only so in this video we're going to be working on this cabin it's going to be in the woods and I'm going to cover up like how to generate basically the area the forest using Corona scatter some fog lighting setup for the exterior and the render setup for exterior so let's get started so for the terrain I think I'm going to grab a plane excuse my voice because I don't know what happened okay so let's start with a simple plane okay scale it a little bit and we're going to angry increase the segments press a fourth to see it okay I think something like this alright now I'm going to grab the model I have downloaded it's called abandoned house I downloaded this from 3d Schuyler org I'm going to leave the link down in the description so here's our wooden okay oops I'm going to rotate it to something like 90 degrees alright and now back to our plane we're going to say scale it to something like this all right let me grab a camera it's going to be something like this shift off to select the safe frames and we're going to select our renderer set it to Corona and make sure the output size is set to custom I think it's going to be something like 1500 by 1500 or actually let's keep it simple 1920 by 1080 okay alright know what happened okay so we have our view now maybe take it a little bit back alright now we're going to grab our plane something like this maybe scale it a little further all right I think that's enough now let's shift off again to remove the say frames you can check it from here also all right now for this we're going to the modify we're going to select FFT 4 times 4 times 4 times 4 all right press the small arrow here and to this now all I mean control points all right now we're going to scale some things up and down in order to give our terrain this realistic feel right now don't worry about this covering the building we'll come back to it just generate our surrounding okay maybe this that said the view to clay in order to see at least and maybe press a for to show the wireframe right let's make it a little bumpy from here take this up let me check okay alright and now control to select different points and keep on pressing shift and drag it a bit okay maybe give this a little bump here some like okay where's this one alright now we a random terrain still not looking realistic so now we're going to back to our plane and right click convert it to editable quality okay we're going to choose polygon and go to soft selection select yourself selection you can see that when you press it will generate like a fall-off to polygon so the closed polygon will get affected by this and we're going to increase the fall of distance to something like maybe 54 okay now we're going to select a select object icon from here select different polygons press W to move and we're going to play with the terrain I like it this way because it will give me more control to my my terrain rather than choosing a mask map that you can create it with this place but I will cover both ways in a different video pretty soon but for now on we're going to select this mat okay so for this one it's going to be something like this now here I'm going to go over this a little bit back to the Select W on your keyboard let's see maybe a little bit higher here higher in there higher here too okay let's give it a nice-looking feel to it okay we don't need this just a show all right maybe a little bit from here and [Music] some from this side okay now we have our terrain we're going to add the final touches back to the plane let's wait for the save real quick I don't know why the save is taking so long or maybe I'm not used to 16 gigs of RAM okay so back to the modify we're going to select noise and we're going to add noise and dizzy so you can see that the terrain is like doing shape like some sort of wave so let's find a good spot maybe this will do okay we have our terrain now select it and for a quick save we're going to call the exterior whitey and safe all right now you can see we have our terrain I actually I didn't check this one here mind you don't need it alright now let's set up our ground material as I said I'm going to leave everything down in the description from the textures to the the materials that we're going to use and the 3d models alright now that we have our house set let's go to our material editor and create our ground texture which is ready I downloaded this from polygon and also I'm going to leave it in this description okay so it's called ground forest 0:03 on their website alright now to grab this polygon material there's a very easy way instead of grabbing every texture and setting it up and your material editor there's a script you can download from the polygon website it will help you it will help you get your material and to your material editor easily so we're going to select script which also I'm going to linked in the description we're going to select our folder where the material is so okay plus exterior was it Xu Xu grunt four zero zero three you can hit okay you can see that your material is here selected and it's on 3k resolution and we're going to hit load material okay you can see that material was loaded and to your material editor you can scroll down until you see a temporary library and drag it into you're a terrible viewport all right now let's remove our clay and default shading and we're going to drag drag this into our plane and select shows shaded in to viewport all right now we can see that our material has been selected but need UVW so into our modify panel we're going to select UVW map okay so here's our UVW map I'm going to start box let's set it to something like 50 by 50 by 50 okay let me check I think it's looking perfect yup and maybe let's try to scale it a little bit here maybe to something like 80 okay so let's try 80 by 80 all right it's looking pretty fine I guess now into the relink bitmap script I always have this into a in my description we're going to select our a path where we can get the texture of the house so - into the download and select real link you can see you know that our house have the materials but on showing the viewports we can see it the render and maybe I can show it here okay now let's select rendering Corona interactive so we can see your the house and the light that I'm going to set up now and it's going to be my Corona Sun at first so Corona Corona Sun and I think I need to light something from here let me let's stop this one select a task on a camera one selector on a camera one until you see this brown border if I select the other color on a camera one you can see the border is here but we need it up so we're selecting this one and we're going to lock it and set it to interact the viewport now you can see that whenever I move my viewport down there this has been locked okay so for Corona son I'm going to use a value of maybe 0.3 okay we don't need it too bright and the slide is maybe something like five because we don't need sharp shadows so I think the Sun is good but that's create our sky so enter your render setup select scene scroll down to use Corona press on the none bitmap and let's select HDRI you can select any HRI or you can select the one that I'm going to use I'll leave it in the description okay so let's try I think this one let me try it okay back to our material editor let me delete everything here and we don't need okay we're going to drag our hgri into instance select a color correction from the maps sign it and assign the color correction into our 3d view yeah see in our environment okay now we can enter into our color correction go to Advanced oops and into gain that's maybe decrease or increase the brightness a bit let's try a 120 140 let's say back to 120 I think 120 is good but I'm not sure about this HDRI maybe I'm gonna change it to mean your star let's try this one a little bit okay and until the HDRI let's change the tiling size to 3 by 3 for example okay but this one needs a lower value something like 80 okay let's try 50 a bit okay so I think 50 is great okay that's all for the hgri now into our camera settings let's decrease the exposure to my 0.5 the highlight compressed you something like to contrast the two or actually let's keep the exposure or give it a value of 1 in order to see better the sharpening will be the blur of 0 all right so that's pretty much it for the environment setup for now ok quick save always save your scene in order to not lose anything alright now we have our ground material selected now let's mess with the ground material ok Windows key and right arrow to assign this and to our right if we go to our ground material you can see that we have displacement here with the max level of 2.54 and water level disabled so if I increase the max level to something like let's say 10 you can see that the displacement of the ground is going crazy and we don't need that because it won't create like realistic ground because if we zoom and sometimes you can see that there's like sharp but for this one it's going to be something of value of like 4 or 3.5 which I find pretty reasonable let's try 4 yeah we can find it like a pretty reasonable for the ground and if your texture has like water bottles in it you can select water level and you can see that there's some water showing on the textures but it's a high value let's keep it to something like 0.1 0.2 0.25 yeah I think 0.25 is good you can see that there's some water bubbles showing in the background we don't need it like it's a winter scene we just need like a few showers happen before so that's it for our ground material now back to our Sun may be adjusted to it slightly here we're gonna get that to our Sun now let's see it okay so now in to our grass and stones it's pretty easy we're going to get to this icon and scroll down until we see Corona and there's something called sea scatter which stands to grow on a scatter we're going to create one two three doesn't matter size just create three okay so here's three Corona scatters let's disable the grid by pressing G okay now in to score on a scatter one we're going to the modify and you're going to name it let's name this grass one okay you can see that the name has appeared here into a grass one we're going to grab some grass my material or some shrubs maybe this one will do okay so yellow shrub here it is I'm going to grab it and into our viewport I'm going to select it all right but I think it's pretty big we're going to scale it down a little bit and copy it into three let's copy make sure it's set us copy so we can have different variations all right now grab the second one scale it scale this too and scale this again okay you can see we have now large one and two the smaller one and we're going to select our material okay let's wait we have them so elected and now into our coronal converter to convert them into coronal materials right now into our grass color on a scatter we're going back to our modify and you can see here there's distribute on objects we're going to cell plus icon here and select our plane you can see that our plane is selected this means that these objects are going to be scattered all over this plane okay but before we do let's get our big viewport I don't need the grass to be scattered here next to my my house I need some spacing between the grass and I don't need the grass to be covering up my my door so back to my plane and modify I'm going to grab something called vertex paint okay so you can see here's vertex paint and there's this toolbar appearing I'm going to select the vertex color display in this one grab the brush increase the size of it you can see that there's a small brush right now okay maybe set it to something like yeah oops that's something like and let's say 100 okay and we're going to paint like a trail here alright name the trail leads to here - I don't need the grass to appear in this area nor this area and some parts from here - maybe to make it more realistic all right yep some air from here - okay but make sure the front door is painted really good okay now let's close this one and back to our corona scatter okay as we said we have our plane set to distribute on objects and now we're going to select our objects that are going to be instanced so again to the plus icon into the instance object and select one two three and four alright now we see that we have this crazy wire boxes all over the place and we don't need this so if you go here and to my viewport you can see that the grass is scattering Oh lover and all you have to do is let's scroll down into our count and we're going to set the count distribution to something like thirty because I don't need this much of the grass maybe that's low 300 let's see okay so 300 seems good but you can see that the scale is very large and all you have to do is here mm enter the scale let's select the scale something from 20 and 200 or 20 and 280 maybe okay let's select rotation from the z-axis so we can make different varieties so they don't they won't be like rotating went into the same angle we're going to give it some rotation degrees from 90 to 180 let's see okay now you can see that some are pointing to the other direction and some to the other way and also be going to make sure that every stepping distance is set to the Z so there won't be any floating objects maybe scale it a little bit more something to let's say 50 okay we don't need this much of shrubs all right let's try count to 500 maybe all right and now into our material editor we're going to select our vertex color and this vertex color is going to go into our random distribution into the map okay now sell it as instance you can see that there's no shrubs or bushes going into the road and the spots that I have painted with my vertex brush okay so that will be for step one now oops now we need some grass material let me check my download [Music] let's see grass okay I have this grass here I also downloaded this from three da sky you can see there's different types of it the smaller one the bigger one and the medium-sized before we do this as always let's save okay we have our grass and after our grass we're going to be creating some really nice-looking fog okay now back to our corona scatter - we're going to name this grass mane okay so this is going to be the main grass on the plane right let's select this and into our viewport set it as merge and I don't need this let's delete it and delete the plane you can see that we have our grass here we're going to grab them next to our Quran scatter and into disrepute object we go on + and select the plane again and instant objects we're going to select our grass variety one two three four five and six hey let's make sure that we have their death maps ready so we're going to relink them okay no need to convert them because there are corona material okay now back to our account we need this to be scattered a lot so let's increase the count to something like 100 thou and hit okay let's give it a minute because this is a huge and I'm only using like 16-bit little ramp okay you can see that we have our grass showing now and it's a bit too much let's try maybe 50 Cal all right and let me increase the rendering speed so into performance oh it's already set let's select new lights over which helps us with cleaning the the light and set our secondary secondary solvers into path tracing because this is an exterior render okay and do you know is a mount we're going to set it to fast preview video all right so [Music] everything is done here okay now we have the grass scatter a lot we're going to set spacing between them but the spacing will be something like 40 K let's disable back the first preview because I can see clearly okay I think 40 is good it's looking pretty good there's the grass everywhere and there's some variation and to the yellow shrubs that we did before but now we need variation into this so rotation again 90 to 180 and the stepping angle is going to be Z is that for this to the scale is going to be something from 22 into a hundred and again the vertex color is going into this map to as instance okay again you can see now that our path has no grass on it our spots also here the black spot the black spot here and the other spots that I have made okay maybe the spacing is a little too much let's try let's try 30 yep 30 seems pretty good but maybe we'll change it a little bit more later on okay so now save as save again select yes so far the render is looking good but now we need some fog or actually let's finish with the rocks before going into the fog so we have our current scatter three we're going to name it stones and back to our folder here I have 3d scan rocks downloaded also from 3d sky org okay so we're going to merge the file and we have an error and you will be getting this r2 if we're going to use the same work so the error say is a normal map appears to be using input image with the incorrect IANA this can cause shading our artists artifacts so that's an easy step to into our material editor I'm going to grab the picker here and we're going to select the material on our rock so and took a Corona material we see that we have Khurana normal we're going to swap red and green and that's going to be it sometimes it won't be working I don't know if it's a bug usually we're going to set this and gamma input but I don't know why it's not working maybe because we have this turning a lot so let's use it something like one and maybe this goes okay and to our rock we're going to create different copies yeah here it is but that's okay copy it to something like three and again scale scale and scale the last one to a smaller one stones are going to be distributed on our plane and then stand object one two three and four okay you can see this crazy scene and this one would be a spacing of 100 because we don't need a lot of rocks and the count would be really really low let's try 100 on this one maybe a little more let's maybe 50 or 20 because I'd only need a lot of rocks and the scene so yeah 20 20 seems to be pretty good and to our said that rotation 90 to 180 now the reason why I'm using Corona scatter and not forest back it's an order for you to see how we can use karana scatter and sometimes it's very useful and big scenes and it seems where you want to like work on something specific so yeah for the rocks seems really pretty good and again our vertex color into the distribution map as instance okay now we have a few rocks showing on the scene which seems pretty awesome and let's connect their Maps okay let's stop this and again save every step of the way all right now let's select this one here and let's create fog so I need like smaller fogs coming from this way and to the upper Hill it's like this fog you see in the morning and the forest or horror movies okay so it's a pretty step yeah pretty simple so going to grab box I'm going to create the box something like this and we're going to move it into our scene select the F button and let's scale it down okay now we have to go to the modify crease the segments from all angles okay press f4 to show the segments okay into our modifier list we're going to select FF d 4 x 4 x 4 small out here control points I'm just going to like give it some crazy shape something like this like this I know some weird stuff doesn't really matter but it will give a nice variety in the fog okay so I think this is enough now to our noise we're going to give you the noise into yet into y2x something crazy not this much you know like this okay and we're going to select fractal here and increase the roughness maybe a little bit like this scale it and until it looks like it's smoke all right now we're going to scale it down something like this let's take it a little bit down and rotate it the fog it's like going downhill yeah this seems to be looking pretty good maybe rotate it this way now into our material we're going to negate the coronal volume material we're going to assign it let's get back to into our interactive Windows key right arrow as always we're going to need the scattering colors to something like white let's increase the distance you can see now it's looking like I don't know maybe foam okay let's increase the directionality and let's play with the distance now until it looks like it's fog the higher the number the more fades absorbtion color it's going to be white to something like this okay now you can see it's looking like smoke let's try a distance of something like 2,000 now starting to looks like smoke you know we don't need the single bounce okay so for this one it's going to be a value of 1000 all right let's copy this as a copy and take it upwards and rotate it the other way something like this maybe something like this I don't need it to be looking a lot let's copy this so keep on holding shift left click oops keep on holding shift left click and rename it something like fog - now assign it to the one above and for this one let's decrease the distance to make it a little bit harder so yeah this one is looking pretty good and let's copy this one in front of the house - here maybe as copy I'm going to take it a little bit down and rotate it or something like yeah something like this back to our material editor shift keep on holding with the left click and name it fog 3 sign it to this one let's increase the absorption a little bit very good let's preach decrease I mean the color or actually let's make it super wait yeah I don't know while I was changing the whole time this one up like what's happening okay back to this one here I'm gonna grab this the sign it's alright I think this one is pretty good here I don't need it to be strong I just need like this haze coming from the fog yeah so I guess this value is pretty good 200 something to under-17 okay so now we have our fog ready and and - oops and to our save this tutorial is going to be a little bit long but I hope you'll find it useful now I need trees covering it up the background so it doesn't look like this house is floating I'm going to grab a plane and remove the segments into one big one let's make that plane smaller okay let's convert it to editable poly let's connect these get the connected one here okay shift hold and drag copy those two okay great edge and copy it okay now I have this plane to create some trees smooth it higher up you can see it from here so let's take it down a little bit all right now we need another piranha scatter for the trees so Oh No go on scatter scatter here and we're going to name this treats oops trees okay and we're going to select this plane here plus and let me see what trees I have already forgot next year see the models yeah I have those trees that I've purchased a long time ago [Music] what trees I'm going to be using this one she's good at the preview okay you can use any trees or you can purchase these if I find the link I'll drop it down and the description I think for for this one won't you be using those maybe yeah those seems good PK oh these things that's it that's it yeah let's try it so Khurana reg file okay they're a bit large scale it down and assign their materials all right now into our karana scatter we already selected this plane now we're going to select the trees so one two three four all right that's crazy let's change the spacing here you so the spacing may be something like forty I'm going to remove the locked view so I can see clearly now so disable lock okay and let's look here alright maybe forty is a little bit maybe twenty it's back to the way camera here and select a different view different output size back to custom let's say to 2000 by 2000 okay so now I have my trees let's make sure everything goes on the Z and nothing is floating okay scale from 80 this time to 100 rotation from 90 to 180 make the centuries have changed direction okay back to the spacing I think I'm going to set it to something like that's a lot maybe 20 oops 25:28 21 24 okay so yeah I think 24 is good for for for the background now we're going to set some trees into our normal plane so again some scatter here smaller one instant to the plane disabuse on it oops so this should be done plane and select the small tree here and this one all right now now spacing for real and make sure everything is on the Z scale let's scale them a lot 20 to 80 maybe back to our vertex color where is it into the distribution map as incense on the count decrease down to 100 I don't need a lot of trees here 60 maybe okay rotation 90 to 180 okay I think a nice view here but still the space you need a little bit yeah this scene is pretty good I love like this seems pretty nice I just need the fog appeared to cover up this area and of it give it like stronger fog material so let me sign it back said this two foot white crease the distance this one here all right now up there let me try and render it real quick so I hope guys you're enjoying this video so far I know it's a lot of information but it's pretty useful to cover up different different things in Corona like Corona scatter how to scatter them how to give them a realistic look how to create the fog and how to set up the lighting for an exterior scene and also how to how to set the correct render setup for an exterior scene as you can see here that I have my fog looking pretty good and again I'm not used to 16 gig of ram so I think this would need some time to render well I can see that it's looking pretty good and the trees are scattering pretty well giving it like a really nice looking vibe to the forest okay so let's kind of this seems pretty good back to our viewport here I actually am solve this say it's a Corona I'm going to plus icon here configure viewports layout set the layout on one corner corner camera one so I can see better in their renders ok so we still have like a few touches to do and it's time for save so we can't lose anything and we won't all right now that we have our fog up there some small fog here and one in the middle I need this to to cover up this part here so T copy it rotate it something like this into the trees okay scene it's pretty good now let me try and change the Sun so we can give it like a more realistic look I'm going to lock this one again back to here current interactive okay note that I'm using Corona renderer 3 which is my favorite so far but I'm going to switch to Corona for pretty soon okay so let's give it like it's a morning vibe but this time I'll need the fast preview the the one that uses the NVIDIA GPU so performance fast preview it's going to be blurry but at least I can know where the Sun is having faster so this seems pretty good let me stop it and start it again with the end video do you know either okay think this son is looking pretty good I don't think I need some adjustments let me try Mabel over taking it a little bit higher but increased decrease the intensity to 0.1 and the size to something like 12 I don't need sharp shadows so yeah this one is looking pretty good let's take it a little bit there no yeah this is better this way and a little bit higher let me decrease the output sighs it's so much let's set it to a fast video number really hello one 1000 mm yes okay so I think the Sun this is looking awesome this way and the trees are looking good I just need something now for the from view we have the background you have the middle view and we just need something for the front view and you can see how and Vidya denoiser has like a bird everything out but I can see at least the light it's heading it's only available in Corona renderer three and four there's also a new CPU denoiser and Corona renderer for which is pretty good if you're like if you don't have a supported GPU so now I'm going to add some details and it's going to be a wind turbine may I add it to the roll up destroy and see how it will look okay let's group it and T let's set it somewhere here and maybe rotate it to something like a 45 or so oops hmm so it would look like it's a in old place okay let me grab I can see you at least okay stop start again so we can see the materials yep here it is and it seems is pretty really nice here but it's overlapping a tree I guess so let me try see better no it's it's next to a tree let's bring it to the spot here where I set my vertex color okay all I needed to show a lot I just need to set something in the background here okay let's try in the render now all right see it's pretty fine and looking good I guess and now for the final part it's going to be a stump I also downloaded this from three sky alright so stump and let's set it somewhere here all right grab the materials to downloads all right maybe rotate it a little bit try it this way and yeah things are looking pretty good alright let me convert everything in the scene start let me check the material of the stump everything is looking pretty good okay she is very nice okay I think everything is good maybe add a little more detail yeah maybe this one will do let's add a trunk let's convert this to play so I can see better all right grab the materials maybe it needs everything so we can seat Sofia Ramos here oh yeah let's stop now it will show yep here it is all right this is looking pretty good for this fog I'm going to make it a little bit stronger so again corner of everything the table sign it change the color to white full white okay and increase the distance [Music] okay so this is looking very nice okay I think this is enough making trying it this way and the trees and duck or not scatter in the background but set the spacing too - yep all right I think this is looking pretty nice here so back to the default chaining just set this here and trees on them okay maybe take this one back I don't know it's messing with my front view I think this one seems very good like this yeah alright I can say officially that this is done now into our settings back to our performance tab let's check everything is very good yeah everything's good white balance is going to be some thousand five hundred we need to be warmer because it's a morning the shortness it's good the bloom we're going to set it later on the glare is going to be 0 but the bloom is going to be something like 5 maybe under then your do you noising mode it's going to be high quality ok let's see you're being set no is level limit it's going to be - we don't need noise in the same all right so now back to the actually this one is pretty good the size okay everything is looking pretty good we can use filter later on and we don't need them right now so yeah going to leave this for the end now we can officially render and after rendering I'm going to get back into some Photoshop edits some editing and light the environment the the filtering so we can get our final result all right now I'm going to give it a test render and if it's looking good I'm going to continue the render until it finishes and if there's something that needs to be corrected I'm going to also show you how to correct it so for now let's leave this into the render and see you guys in a few alright guys now we have our scene ready it's on 1000 by 1000 resolution and it looks pretty amazing now let's see if we can make some small adjustments to it maybe let's try out the exposure and 1.8 maybe I'll a compress let's try 5 let's change the white balance maybe try something like 8,000 or 10,000 I think 8000 a good spot okay for the contrast maybe three point five I think it's good saturation would only that see the highlight of changes so filmic highlights it's not that big of a deal let's first save the picture as TIFF format where is it okay name it orsk okay now let's continue maybe the curve editor let's reset it grab the spot here okay and increase the light a bit mmm oh I like this okay so now let's give it this way okay so for this let's give it a value of one and check some filters let's try to find something pretty sweet oh this one seems very nice let's try it with the value of something like is 0.5 0.3 0.3 okay but maybe increase the contrast ask for yeah this one looks pretty good let's try to preserve this but I think it will take effect because we don't have lights showing the scene but I'll keep it to 10 and for the sharpening let's leave it to the same amount okay let's try and we save this one let's call it final and save it okay now final drag it to Photoshop let's wait for Photoshop now all right into Photoshop let's go to filter first let's copy this by ctrl J filter camera roll filter let's try some settings maybe get a cool look higher exposure higher contrast lower the highlights creased shadows increase the white dress the black dress the clarity mmm let's throw some da's from the scene let's tweak the vibrance a little bit we don't need some really high green okay sorry about this okay and I think it's pretty cool like this you know this one seems very good I don't think we need filters I think the the picture looks pretty amazing this way okay so here it is that's called for the exterior scene I hope you guys enjoyed the video so to sum it up we covered how to create a terrain how to set the material using polygon material inverter script we learned how to scatter some objects including grass stones and some bushes and we learned how to create a fog like the one we can see in the background we learned how to set some realistic lighting in our scene including karana Sun and the HDR eye with the color correction and that's pretty much it I hope you guys really enjoyed this video and find it useful if you did please make sure to LIKE subscribe if you're new here to the channel and comment down below if you have another request until next time stay safe and thank you for watching [Music]
Channel: Roy Ghaya
Views: 52,050
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: render, how to render, rendering, 3d render, lumion render, cement render, blender, lumion 8 pro render, render up, renders, render wall, corona renderer, corona, corona render, corona renderer 3, corona tutorial, renderer, corona render 2.0, corona render 4.0, corona rendere, 3ds max corona render, corona render 3ds max, corona render свет, corona renderer 360, corona renderer 2.0, corona renderer 3ds, corona renderer 1.7.4, corona render 2.0 скачать
Id: E3JXV3R7jNs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 6sec (4626 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 26 2019
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