How to create Linux Server on ESXi host ? | Centos 7 Server step by step installation on ESXi host

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hello everyone welcome to Virtual training so in this demo session I will create Linux virtual machine and Os will be sentios 7. okay so let's create the virtual machine so click on create pm and then create a new virtual machine and then click on next and here we need to give the virtual machine name so I'm going to give send to centers 7 and next we need to expand guest OS family so expand this and then select Linux and then next guest OS version expand this option and then select sentios 764 bit and then click on next so by default I have only single data store so the virtual machine will registered in this data store and then click on next so here we need to customize the virtual machine settings so I have a located one vcpu so let me expand here so you can see here core power socket I have a located one and CPU hot plug if you will check mark enable CPU hot add so what is the advantage to enable this one so when you will extend the CPU then in that situation you no need to power off the server you don't need to shut down the server you can add the CPU on running virtual machine okay I hope you understand this okay now next I'm going to allocate 2GB uh 2GB memory for this virtual machine and let me expand here and you can also you can also enable the memory hot plug okay so the same uh if you want to like let's example a letter after creation you want to extend from 2GB to 4GB in that case you no need to power down the server means you no need to shutdown the server for you know resources allocation so if you will enable this option you know you can add the memory on running virtual machine so because of this this is lab so I'm not going to enable that one okay now hard disk I'm going to give 25 GB okay now let's expand host device so expand here and then data store ISO file so I have uploaded Centro 7 ISO image in data store Okay so you can see here I have uploaded ISO image okay now select this one and then click on select and then click on next and then click on finish so virtual machine has been created now let's power on this virtual machine so I am going to power on this virtual machine and then click on console and then open console in new tab okay now hit enter so press the enter key to begin the installation it will take some time then installation will proceed okay now you can see the installation has been proceeded so it will check all the you know uh all the packets and it you can see here it is checking the uh you know all the uh required package okay so it will finish till 100 percent okay so you if you want to about this one you can press Escape but let's uh you know always do this checking till the hundred percent if you are new on this channel please do subscribe this Channel and you can also follow me on Instagram and virtual training Facebook page so please support me to grow this channel so thank you so much no it's completed 100 percent now starting installer okay now it's appearing in graphical graphical review okay so welcome to Center 7 so here we need to select English and I'm going to select English India and then click on continue okay now we need to select you know we need to complete one by one so let's click on installation Source okay and then click on done we don't need to change anything here then software selection so under software selection you can see the base environment so minimum install minimal minimal install it means you know it it will not appearing based on graphical user interface okay so I'm going to select server with graphical user interface okay and if you want to if you want to install anything here so you can select if you want to install backup server DNS name Server email server FTP server okay so you can select here but I'm not going to select anything then click on done foreign click on installation destination okay so just click here and then if you will see here the part partitioning is automatically configured partitioning I will configure partitioning I would like to make additional space available so I'm going to select I will configure partitioning click on turn then if you will expand here so there is you know four option a standard partitioning BTR effects lvm lvm think provisioning so I'm going to select LVN logical volume manager okay and here I'm going to click on plus icon and then if we will expand here so I I'm going to select first root then I'm going to give the capacity so I'm going to give 20 GB for root partition so 2 0 4 8 0 okay I have converted in NB and then click on add mount point okay and the file system if you will expand here so this is the file system I will upload video on file system okay later so by default like I'm going to select here xfs file system and then next click again on Palace and then I'm going to select here boot so boot I'm going to give uh you know 500 MB okay and then click on add mount point so I'm going to click on add a new mode point so click on plus icon and then expand here and then I'm going to give swipe so swap always you know two times of a located memory so for this virtual machine I have given 2GB a space so now I'm going to give 4 4 0 9 6. MB okay so add more point and then still 515 MB space is there so I'm going to click on plus icon and then I'm going to allocate for home okay so I'm going to allocate 500 MB add mount point okay now click on done and then accept change okay now next click on network and host name and here I'm going to give sin centers 7 and then click on apply okay and if you if you want to enable the ethernet so just click on on and then okay so you can see the IP address has been assigned for this virtual machine click on done okay now the final we need to begin the installation so click on installation and then set the root password so I'm going to set the password and then click on done okay now you can see a starting package installation process so it will take around 10 to 15 minute to install this operating system installation has been completed okay now we need to click on reboot okay so OS is rebooting now so now here we need to accept the license okay so click on accept the license agreement and then click on done and then click on finish configuration so I have already selected English India Okay now click on next and then again need to click on next and if you want to enable location service I'm going to off this one and then click on next so here we need to select time zone so I'm going to enter Kolkata India Okay now click on next and then skip this option and then here we need to give name full name so I'm going to give live okay and the username is lab so click on next and then set the password so I'm going to set password okay then click on next now start using centers so send your 7 OS has been installed now and now let me click on application and I'm going to select system tools and then I'm going to open the terminal okay and then I'm going to use the command to check the IP address so if config so this is the IP address now let me access This Server via Puti so okay and then root now I'm going to enter the password Okay so so I have login this OS via putting now let's type the command so you can see the IP address okay so this is the OS installation part and then in coming days I will upload more video on basics of Linux machine okay so I hope you will like this demo session so thank you so much have a nice day
Channel: Virtualtrainee
Views: 2,674
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to create Linux VM on ESXi host, Centos 7 Server installation step by step on ESXi host, Centos 7installation, Centos Server, Centos 7 linux machine
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 19sec (799 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 23 2023
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