A Step by Step guide to install vCenter 7 0 server.

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welcome back to facebook today in this video i'm going to show you how to install vcenter server appliance on a virtual machine so if you look at it here i got a esxi 7 machine that is my host machine and i got my second host mission and i got a windows 10 client for me to install the vcenter server you need to have an operating system or you need to have a computer where you can run this esxi i'm sorry run this executable file right so the recent appliance comes as an executable file so you can see here i got the vcenter server here it's about an i'm pretty sure it's about 9 gb files so you can see it's a 9 gb file and if you double click and if you go to vcsa vcenter server appliance you are installer you see the install is a package for three different types of operating system you got a linux based mac base and a windows space and under windows space you see the installer.esx es exe so you just go to installer.exe and right click and run as administrator so when you click run as administrator it comes to the screen where you can start the installation the esx um the vcenter server has two phase of installation in the first phase you're just going to install the vcenter server right by just clicking here it's like an installation so in the stage one of phase one it's just going to deploy the vcenter server and then in steps two you are going to set up the vcenter server so whatever what is the meaning of deploying vcenter server means this vcenter server is ova file technically it's an ova file if you look at this one right this is an ova file that we can take that ovf file and we can then send it to the esxi server so by just clicking install or deploy the vcenter server you're just creating an ova file and you're going to push it to a host machine so on the way when you go through the configuration and use a license agreement we sent a server deployment target at this point you are going to provide the target which is your destination host machines ip address so in my case my destination host is this so if i provide the ipads of what happens it will just transfer that ovf file from this windows 10 machine through it will get that ov file from here this within this operating system or within this package and then push them to the host machine so let's do that i'm going to start now and click continue so click next accept the end user license next now it's ask you to provide the destination so in my case the destination is 192 168 200. 135 and the username and password of your host machine let's provide the username and password of your host machine so i'm sure that 135. come back here and see it's 135. so i'm just going to install next the one thing that you need to notice when you install the vcenter server is required a lot of resources right pretty much the tiny version of vcenter required about 12 gig ram and around 390 gb space so hopefully we will have enough space here in this esxi host machine and then i can transfer it there so let's accept the built-in certificate as a created certificate and then provide the virtual machine as i said to you the vcenter server is going to create an ova and then transfer into your destination host so once it's transferred to the destination host you're going to run a virtual machine all right the vcenter server appliance is going to run as a virtual machine inside the esxi server so provide a name for that virtual machine i'm going to say vc essay we sent a server right you can set up a password root uh root password this is for your console access of the vcenter server virtual machine right to access we sent a server through the web interface we got another login information that i'll show you later so this is where the deployment comes in as i explained to you i'm going to use the tiny version of the deployment your tiny version required 12 gig ram and you can see it's required about 578 or 579 gb storage i'm sure that i don't have that much storage here i'm sure that this computer or this virtual machine has got only 300 gig on the data store too so i've created this two as my data store too i'm gonna try and push into that storage and see how it works so let's click next all right i'm going to pick that data store 2 and i'll make sure that enable the thin provisioning so that it's not going to really use the entire space click next here it's going to ask you the details for that specific virtual machine so i'm going to put this on vm network you can change these networks later on so don't worry about this part right and then iphones for that we set the server appliance virtual machine i didn't want to create a complex network here but in real world we can put this into a management network you can put all the virtual machines into one network and you can do even vmotion on a different network but i have prepared my network to support this configuration if you look into here i put this virtual machine into netmode but i have got some custom network that i designed it here with the support of management v m network and v motion i'm not going to go through this part now because it's too much complicated right now and i'll have to explain why i have to do this one and how to set up these different types of networks so i will skip those part but maybe in another video i'll show you how to create these different types of network and manage it right so that's we will do it on a different video right so for the time being i'll put into the vm network so the ip address they are all in net mode so my um this virtual machine is also going to be in net mode so i'll put the network id let's say i'm going to put 200 and the subnet mask it's a default class c subnet mask and the gateway network as we all know d2 dns server you can provide same thing right and click next right so pretty much reconfirming the deployment information and click finish right now this is going to deploy the vcenter server this will take couple of minutes time so we'll wait technically the whole installation will take about depends on your computer's performance it may take from one to two hours if your computer is really good it can run in 60 30 minutes 35 minutes but you need so much time to complete the installation so this is stage one installation once this stage one is completed we will go to the setup of recenter server right so let's wait here until we complete the stage one and then we'll move to stage two all right now you can see um the stage one deployment is done it's completed and now we are in the prompt to continue to the stage two so you can see if you just click continue that's going to start the state to to process or to proceed with stage two of the deployment process we set a server setup click continue so i'm gonna just click continue right so let's continue and while it's loading up let me quickly go back to vcenter server and show you what's there look at it here this is 135 ip address so i've gone to 135 ipads and i can see there's a virtual machine sitting here right this virtual machine i didn't create this virtual machine keep in mind i didn't do anything to create this virtual machine this virtual machine was just created by pushing through the step one of the configuration so it's just completed see right now i'm going to continue from stage two let me go back to stage two process stage one is completed and now we are moving to stage two setting up the vcenter server so the vcenter server can be set up in two different ways right i'll show you that configuration steps in a second and so we can put the psu the platform service controller uh within the vcenter server or we can have it in a separate system as well so before we go there let's see whether we can synchronize the time so i'm going to synchronize the time and enable ssh and i'll go to the next the second next stage is sso right single sign-on so this is where you need to be very careful this is your web interface login prompt this is where you're going to use your web browser to login to vcenter server and manage the vcenter server if in case if you don't have a new sso domain you can create it by default the name comes on single sign-in server or single sign-on domain name is vsphere.lockheal so here the username is administrator so if you are going to login to your vcenter server your username is administrator at vsphere.local if you got a domain controller if you have a domain network then you can provide the domain name so for example if you got faceitnet.com.a you so your username will be administrator at faceitnet.com so you have to provide that here so i'm just going to continue with the default i'll leave it as vsphere.local and i'm going to provide the password all right um so let's provide the password right um we speed.local we dot so provide vsphere.local administrator and next some that customer experience program do you want to enroll to or join with i can just remove it next these are the information where to get access to your vsphere server right and finish all right this process cannot be reverted so you can't stop and do anything so once it started started that's it right there's no way we can stop in between so be sure that you're going to start the installation and click yes and it's going to take time to do it so i'll click ok and we will leave it to deploy the vcenter server it's going to take some time so until that we will wait right so if i started and i'm going to wait here for another 30 minutes maybe let's look at the time it's 10 26 we'll come back and see how long it takes to deploy this stage right be there i'll come back once it's completed all right now if you look at it it's completed it didn't take too long it took only 11 minutes for me to complete it so all in all it took me around 30 minutes 35 minutes to complete the vcenter server installation so now the installation is done i'm going to go through the web interface to manage it so click on the url and let's close it so it takes me to the url right so as you know that the ipad as i have given for my virtual machine was um 190 168 200 200 right that was the ipad as i've given to this virtual machine so you can see 200.200 so let's open up a new tab and i'm going to type in the ib 200 and hit enter so that's certificate warning click continue you can see this is vsphere interface or vmware esxi management interface this is your vcenter management interface so launch vsphere client so this is to manage the vcenter click on launch and you see a completely different interface than vsphere client right see this is completely different interface to what you had here so if i look out this interface um sign out so this is we and where esxi interface this is we sent a server interface so as i said login it's not root the root and the password is for the console access now i'm going through the web access for me to go through the web access i have to use the sso so administrator administ now at the dot local and the password oops v-s-p-h-r-e-l-s-a-l right okay now i'm logging into recent server appliance web interface right so the password that i have given was root and another password let's see how to use that password so for if i want to use that password i'll have to go to you can see this is recenter server and licenses and all these things i'll come back to that later so let me log into my vsphere which is my access server right the host question not the vcsa it's the host services if i go here and if i click on console access open the console right here it will ask me for a username and password right let me close and open this console drawback interface console through a new tab right hit enter all right um sorry uh we can go through maybe ssh right let me see yeah i have to customize a console come back here launch console open browser so i believe one of these now i can't remember one of these but if you open through that the password should be then root and the password so anyway i'm not going to go there i'm just going to complete it here so now we can see we center server is ready but you can't see any host machines in the vcenter server the reason i need to add the infrastructure right to come under the vcenter server management so i'm going to add these to esxs servers under my wii center so if you if you go here right so this is your server right click here you can create a data center first right so click a data center and give a name to your data center so let me see this is my melbourne one so melbourne data center so it comes as a folder and in my melbourne data so you can attach as many as uh data centers but what i'm going to do is under melbourne i'm going to add the cost host cluster so i can create at host and it will ask me to provide the ip address so this one is so i'm going to provide that click next username right next yes next evaluation next drop down mod disable right so we can see the first data center has been added similarly i'm going to add the second host machine add a host so this is 1.92168 162. so i'm going to put that ipad 2 next same old and the root password next checking for certificates and we'll come back confirm the certificate alert next next next still it goes under the same data store and finish sam now you can see this is my first host and this is my second host and you can see the names as you know under my first host remember this is my first host web interface right if you look at it here i got only one virtual machine undersea it got one virtual machine called vcsa if i go to vcenter here let me cross this one this is we set the server here under my host machine i got one virtual machine called vcsa right so i can now create as many as virtual machines here so if you go here you can create new virtual machines right virtual machine and you can create it or if you want you can go in here and create a virtual machine the whole reason why we wanted to maintain a vcenter server is to manage all the host machines into one network or into one simple login now this is not just only one reason but there are many reasons why we wanted to we want to create a shared data store we wanted to create a distributed switch we want to enable the system to do the vmotion we want to create the high availability so if you want to do any of these configurations you must have a vcenter server without that you cannot do it so just to rewind and what's just to wind up what i've done is i've downloaded the vcenter server appliance right and i mounted that into one of my virtual machine and gone into the virtual machine mounted drive go into vcsa and run this installer package when you run the installer package it will go through two stages stage one it will dip install and deploy sorry deploy and in stage two it will set up to deploy it will ask you the destination ipad so you have to give a destination which is your host machine one of your esxi host machine provide that ip address and it will just transfer over there when you create the virtual machine or when you run the virtual machine then in stage two that will ask you to provide the size of the deployment in my case in my practical network i cannot go a bigger uh deployment size so i have chosen the smallest one which is called which is called tiny which required 12 gig of memory plus 576 of storage space even though it says 576 you don't really need to use that much i have created with 300 gig but i have assigned 12 gig because if you assign less than 12 it wouldn't let you to create the virtual machine right so keep in mind this is the process that i've gone through and then i've logged into my vsphere server through vcenter so i looked into my vcenter through vsphere web interface and i have to use the sso logins it is not the root and the password you give that is for console access this is for your web interface access so that's the process to complete this practical hope you understand um i'll see you in the next video how to create the vmotion in a uh virtual environment so that's me migrating virtual machine from one host to other host without shutting it down stay tuned for another video i'll come up with a new video which is vmotion configuration thanks for watching you
Channel: FaceITNet
Views: 35,650
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mware vSphere 7.0, VMware vCenter Server 7.0, A Guide to VMware vSphere 7.0 Installation and Setup, virtualization, vcenter, vcsa, manage ESXi hosts centrally, deploy vCenter, Tiny, Small, Medium, Large, X-Large, vCenter Server Appliance 7.0, Deploying ESXi Hosts, Installing ESXi, Creating a datastore, eploying vCenter Server, SSO configuration, new SSO domai
Id: qYhngoFF3sw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 3sec (1323 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 07 2022
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