How to create letterbox opening intro in VSDC

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We’re continuing our series of awesome intro tutorials. Howdy, VSDC fam! From this video, you’ll learn how to create a splitting letterbox intro. Here is how it looks: : your logo appears in the scene and then the background opens revealing your video. Looks good? Let’s get started. First of all, add your logo and place it in the center of the scene. Make a double-click on it and add Zoom from the Video effects menu. In the Properties window, find “Levels” and switch the parameter change mode. . Now click on the three-dot icon you’ll see a trajectory on the timeline. On this trajectory, place control points on different levels just like we’re demonstrating to achieve the jumping effect. Move to the main timeline tab and place the cursor at the end of the Zoom effect. Time to bring text to the video. Use the T button from the left-hand side menu. . Here, we’ll apply formatting and place it to the left from the logo. Select the logo and the text and align them to the center. On the timeline, make a double-click on the logo. Place the cursor at the end of the Zoom effect and add movement using this green button on the left. Drag the movement vector to the left and set up the control points of the movement animation Specifically, the first control point should be placed at the end of the Zoom effect, and the second one should start in half a second. Let’s go back to the main timeline tab and work with the text. Drag the layer to the beginning of the clip and click on it with the right mouse button. Convert it to sprite. Make a double-click on the sprite, click on the text layer and place it to the left of the sprite zone. Make a double-click on the text layer. Then add movement. Drag the movement vector to the right, where the sprite zone is. Now, place the cursor to the end of the logo Zoom effect. Also place the first animation control point here. Move the cursor 1/4 of a second further and place the second control point right below the cursor. Our animation is ready, but you still can see the text behind the logo, right? Alright, let’s go back to the main timeline tab and fine-tune sprite settings. In the “Properties window”, deactivate the “Use a container” and the “fill background” parameters by switching to “No”, then select “Yes” in the “Show effects” field. Select all the layers on the main timeline and reduce their duration to just a couple of seconds. Then open the text sprite with a double-click and add the Fade out effect from the Video effects menu. Repeat the same actions with the logo. Place the cursor at the beginning of the Fade out effect and add your video to a new layer below. Make a double-click on the added video and apply the Wipe effect to it. In the Properties window, find “Mode” and select “Vertical out”. Also, switch to “True” in the field named “Directly”. Great job! If you have any questions, we’ll respond to them in the comments below. Don’t forget to like and subscribe. Bye-bye!
Channel: VSDC Free Video Editor
Views: 21,065
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: letterbox opening, letterbox intro, splittering letterbox
Id: Ix7spz0XXXo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 46sec (346 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 14 2019
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