How to create Elevation Profile

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[Music] [Music] hi guys welcome to today's js tutorial in this video we learn about elevation profiles you can subscribe to this channel to follow all my previous useful geos tips and tutorials for those who are interested in taking up a complete course from basic to advanced gis you can register at 12 years by following this link you can also join our patreon i'll provide all the useful links in the description below an elevation profile is a depiction of a two-dimensional cross-section view of a landscape it provides a side view of a train elevation along a line drone between locations on a map an example of this is this cross-section that i did for mount kilimanjaro and we're going to do a similar cross-section for a region anywhere anywhere in the world in this lesson we'll explore two methods you can use one is by using the qgis software and two by using google ad pro so let's start today's exercise we're going to open up qgis and create a new blank project now the data that you need in this exercise is an elevation data it might be a raster layer or some just point data that have elevation values so i'm going to look for some dm data or region so i'm going to open my browser in this case i'm going to be using google chrome and in my browser i'm going to search for then i'm going to select the data tab and data catalog then i'm going to go to the global data so that i can actually access some free dm data and i'm going to look for the srtm data and i'm going to download the srtm gl1 which is 30 meter resolution srtm data so i'm going to scroll down i'm now going to go through the process of getting this data to get this data i'm going to select a region in the world somebody is going to zoom in to an area that i want to get out of i'm going to pan around and zoom i've gotten the area that i want to get my data from around this region in mount kenya so i'm going to select my my data by drawing a box around the area i want to get the dm off then i'm going to go to the next step and you can see the area is approximately 600 kilometers so i'm going to go to the next and i want it to be adjective where do i uncheck generated shares because i just want it to be very simple then i'm going to just put my job description as gis and i'm going to put my job description as gis and hit on submit it's actually requiring my data and you can see after querying my data i have a rasa i have a doctor file so i'm going to download this which is 7.5 mb i'm going to save it in my work folder dm data the dm folder and i'm going to call it mount kenya later i'm going to save it there i'm going to open the folder and i'm going to unzip and now i have my t file unzipped so the next thing i'm going to do is i'm going to go to qgis and in qgis i'm going to load the wrassler so to load the russell i'm going to go to layer add layer address a layer and i'm going to browse where my rasa layer is and i have this output here that you downloaded i'm going to click on open and i'm going to click on add and close now we have already added our data in qgis after loading this rather layer i'm going to apply some style to this layer so i'm going to duplicate this layer so that i have two layers so i'm going to create a duplicate of the same layer then in the first layer i'm going to just style it using different colors so i'm going to right click on the layer go to properties instead of a single boundary scale i'm going to say single band pseudo color there i'm going to select a color ramp we're going to create new color ram and i'm going to use the catalog city pt cities and i'm going to look because since we're dealing with topography i might select topography and then i'm going to use the elevation topography so i'm going to use that that typography then i'm going to click on classify apply okay and now i have a visual representation of my rasa layer now i'm going to uncheck the top layer that i've just symbolized then i'm going to check the copy and this copy i'm going to actually generate a heal shed of it so i'm going to go to properties then symbology instead of a single band grayscale i'm going to say here shared then i'm going to just say the z factor to b10 then i'm going to say apply okay now i have the the heat shed and so i'm going to now take back the initial layer and then i'm going to apply some transparency on this layer so that you can actually see a very nicely filled representation of this data so i'm going to go to properties again i'm going to go from transparency and i'm going to reduce the transparency to say 50 and apply okay and now we have a very nice visual representation of our data so the next thing we want to do is we're going to install a plugin that is going to add us into getting this elevation profile so i'm going to go to the plugin manager manager install plugins it's fetching the response stories then i'm going to look for under all i'm going to look for the profile the profile tool so we're going to install a plugin called the profile tool i'm going to click on install the plugin has been sold successfully so i'm going to close this window here the plugin is under the plugin tab so i'm going to select plugin and you can see we have the profile tool it also appears on your toolbar somewhere you can see we also have the profile terrain profile tool so i'm going to go to the plugin manager profile tool then i'm going to select terrain profile and you can see it actually appears below the map view so this is actually the interface of the profile tool so the first thing we need to do is we need to add this layer into the profile tool so we're going to click on add layer and it will add the output which is the which adopts a red color if you want to change the color from red to any other color you can just change it by clicking on this color here and selecting whichever color you like so i can select blue and the profile that will be drawn will have a blue color you can add as many layers as possible here but because you're only working with one layer we're going to just only add one layer so the next thing you want to do is you're going to want to go to the options and under the options you have three actually three options there's a temporary power line that you can actually draw or you can just be having some share files by selecting the layers that you have in your in display or you can just have a selected online so we're going to for these exercises you're going to be using that a temporary power line so i'm going to draw a line that i want to view a profile of i'm going to start from here then the line is going to cross through this region here i'm just going to draw a straight line you can actually draw a line the way you want like it can be zigzag if you want but i'm just going to draw a straight line there you reach the end of your desired line just double click and it actually now draws your profile here when i'm moving from one side of the profile to the other side it actually highlights the region that i'm working in and you can see the highest point of my profile is around 400 meters from the graph that you can see here and you can see this region here is where it actually the elevation goes up a bit and then quarter so actually you can now see the direction of the slope of this area generally and with these you can actually do so many things you can actually decide to save this as a png and put it in your report or let me just expand it a bit and you can see the maximum value is 4 800 meters and the minimum value is 420 meters so you can draw as many profiles as you want i can draw another one here and just let it pass through that and go back this way then i reach the end i double click i have my profile and you can actually see is how my profile looks like i'm actually going to draw another profile of the same area so i'm going to zoom in into my area then i'm going to just do another cross section maybe start from here then and here by double clicking and now i have my profile so this is the data that you want to actually get from from my area so how can we get these data from our area you can actually go to the table tab under the table tab you can actually see now some values so how can you get these values into maybe your report or maybe as a layer so there are actually several ways you can actually do that you can actually decide to copy it on a clipboard and this option gives you an option to copy them including the coordinates so i'm going to click on copy and clipboard then i'm going to open an excel file and i'm going to paste all these values and you can actually see now we have the points the x and the y coordinate and including the elevation values so you can actually use this data to bring it back it's a csv layer into a js environment then another way you can actually do that is by clicking on create temporary layer so i can click on create temporary layer and actually create some very very many points let me just zoom in so that you can actually see it actually creates so many very many tiny points and it is also added as a temporary layer on your in your project so when i open the attribute table i can actually now see it has the elevation values of the different points within my work area so this is very useful because you can actually now be able to save this data and put it in the gps and and use it in any other kind of analysis that you want to do so you need to what you need to do is you need to actually right click on the layer and make it permanent and save it as any file that you like so i'm going to save it as an sd share file and i'm going to save it in my work folder my test file i'm going to call it profile profile points and it's an sdk file i'm going to click on save i'm going to click on ok and now it is saved in my folder i can bring it as a as a layer now and i'll be able to do any analysis with these kind of data another useful functionality of the profile tool is like currently import the png this gpng of the cross section into your report so how do we do that you can actually import it saving it as a png or you can save it as a as an svg a 3d line dxf or a 2d profile dxf for your autocad software so i'm going to save it as a png but before i save it as a png i need to remove this cursor by making sure that they don't show any cursor then i'm going to click on save as i can say pt pt1 i'm going to click on save i'm going to i've saved it in my in my desktop so i'm going to access my desktop and look for pt1 and then i open it i have my nice graph that i can actually include now in my report that is how useful this profile tool is and you can just play around with it to look at the different settings that you can actually use to make your profile and the information that you get much better now we can go to the next software which is a how can we do the same in google as pro in google apps it's actually quite uh very straightforward exercise so i'm just going to zoom into my region where i want to get a profile i'm going to zoom in into fairly the same region that i was working in in qgis so i want to get maybe say a profile of this area and it can be a road or a hiking route or anything leaning in nature so the first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to create a path to be able to create a path in google apps i'm going to just come to the part path then i'm going to add a path so i'm assuming this is the path that we're going to be following or the one that you want to get the cross-section of i put say there then i'm going to call this my profile i can change the style of the color to maybe say red and i can also change the width to be a bit bigger to maybe say too and i can add as many information as i want here but this is enough then i'm going to click on ok and now you can see i have a path of where i want to get the profile of to be able to get the profile of this path i can just go to the layer right click on the layer and then go to show elevation profile and when i select your elevation profile you can actually see now we have a very very beautiful elevation profile just below so when you move and you move from one point to the other you can actually see it also there's also an arrow that shows where you are in your profile so this is the highest point and you can see that you can just go this is how the area is sloping and this got to show you that this is the the correct profile of mount kenya so to be able to save this profile what you need to do is you just need to use the snip tool and you can actually just create a new snip and you snip these section there it is and save it for use in your report so i'm going to call it p2 it's a png file i'm going to save and now i can access it from my desktop this is pd2 and you can be able to add it anywhere in your report to just show the profile of what you are working with so that's how you generate elevation profiles in qgis and google pro that's it for today's exercise if you found this video useful and you want to learn more gis you can subscribe to my channel or you can register with voice js so that you can be able to learn more from basic to advanced gis otherwise i'm happy you're here see you in my next video [Music] you
Channel: WiseGIS
Views: 455
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elevation, elevation profile, elevation profile in google earth pro, elevation profile in qgis, profile tool, opentopography
Id: ezgRwCpVG_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 7sec (1087 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 08 2021
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