How to Create and Sell NFT Art (super simple!)

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hello everyone in this video i am super excited as i'm going to show you how to create and sell your own nft art so just like this little dude i made right here so we're going to be doing everything step by step so perhaps i'll be creating it as you know like i made this in microsoft paint pretty much but definitely the other part so that is connecting to a uh nft marketplace connecting your crypto wallet to that marketplace and so on now i'm not going to be going into what an nft is or what the ethereum blockchain is i think those two topics deserve videos all by themselves this is a video to quickly go from point a to b okay so you've got your art you want to sell it if you do want to know more about non-fungible tokens or nfts or the ethereum blockchain then please pause here do some googling and come back to this video once you are happy with the knowledge that you have for this video we are going to be using wearables so the wearable marketplace and metamask as my wallet of choice okay so what are we waiting for let's do this super simple video i'm going to show you everything step by step let's start now if you do like my content i would really appreciate that like and that sub as this is the way that i can carry on creating more content by you guys so please go ahead and do that now thank you very much okay so here we are on rarible which is an nft marketplace this is what we're going to be using to essentially create our first piece so i'm simply going to click on create and create a collectible we can choose single or multiple the choice is totally up to you for the sake of tutorial though i'm going to click single and there we go easy as pipe the next thing it's going to ask me to do is actually upload my file so i'm just going to do that now i'm going to upload this lovely image that i have created using microsoft paint the next thing that we need to do of course we need to think of a price but we'll come back to that the price can be in any one of these cryptocurrencies so i'm going to keep it as ethereum next we are going to actually select if um next let's actually think of the title so i'm just going to go push the button and let's carry on now the description is optional i'm just going to leave it blank for this tutorial royalties i'm just going to leave the default of course change that if you wish and then we just need to connect to our wallet so i am using metamask however i'm gonna do this completely from scratch as i said so i'm gonna sign up to metamask with you so for this i'm gonna ask you to get out your phone so this is my phone this is a screen recording of my phone currently now i want you to go to metamask in your app store i'm obviously using an iphone but please uh if you're using android then just use the android store i'm not even sure what it's called so we're gonna find metamods this is what it looks like okay and we're just gonna download it i'm gonna cut this out because no one needs to watch something download so okay so here we are now this is going to be super simple i'm going to create new and i'm going to set a password so once again i'm going to cut this out because you don't need to know my password so i'm just going to edit this do i want face id of course i want face id i'm just going to click through to next now this is super important these are your seed phrases so once you see them please do not share them with anyone like these are fake by the way i've changed them around so you don't know my scene phrases but essentially you need to write this down somewhere super safe because this is super important don't share it write it down and definitely don't lose it this is how you access your wallet so now it's going to ask you to confirm your seed phrases so just move them into the correct positions similarly to like you saw in the last scene so i'm just gonna do that now once again i'm gonna speed this up this is all very edited for your benefit and congratulations we have now made it so there we go that's it we are connected to our wallet everything is great let's carry on so here's my wallet obviously it's uh on the ethereum blockchain so there we go that is what it should look like that should be what your wallet looks like at the moment we have no money in it we have no um currencies at all so now let's go back to our marketplace so now that we have done that i'm simply going to actually um connect to the wallet that we have just set up on our phones so i'm going to click here and of course we already have a suit phrase it's the one that we saw with loads of words so once again it's gonna ask me to put in the seed phrase so in the same order that we had the other ones i'm gonna have to write everything in here so just write it all out keep writing it's going to be a lot and this is what it should look like okay so i've just actually so so you can see and you can compare it to the other one these are my fake seed phrases so you can figure out what is going on and then of course we need a new password so i'm just going to put a new password and confirm and great we've passed the test so that is brilliant we have nearly done it we just need to connect with metamask so there we go connect and fantastic so now our marketplace is connected to the wallet we have just made great let's go ahead and continue fantastic so oh yes we need to of course put the price in so let's do that now and create so perfect now becomes the part where we have to part with some money because there is some fees that are involved with this listing is free but we need to play these um gas prices essentially so first is the fee so once we approve here i'm actually going to put money into my account so let's get up our mobile phones again i'm simply going to do it by uh paper and i'm just going to put in 20 dollars minimum is 50 so we're going to put in 50 dollars and i'm simply just going to go back to here once that money is in my account or my wallet sorry and i'm going to click confirm great so now we've done step one step two is uh the mint so this is where we're gonna have to pay for the gas prices so it's gonna be quite expensive um as you can see so i'm gonna have to put more money into my wallet so i'm gonna once again i'm gonna put in a hundred dollars and once we do have that money in our account ignore the twitter messages then once again we can go back here and just confirm so we've now done the first step which is do the transaction we've now sent off our transaction and now thirdly we need to set the fixed price we of course need to sign for this and there we go we've done it it was really that easy there is my art it's hosted on wearable you can obviously feel free to like personalize your profile as much as you wish this is essentially like where you store all your nxt so we only have one for now but i mean that's what we wanted in this tutorial you wanted to know the whole process step by step no faff no extra sort of like fluff it's a quick step-by-step video you guys um so yeah that's it hopefully all the visuals really helped that's why i sort of shared my screen with you i'm a very visual person and i really appreciate i guess the visuals more than anything else so now you can go visit my arts you can potentially buy if you wish we are done thanks so much again for watching this video i hope it was useful and i hope you can now too create and sell your own nft art
Channel: Code with Ania Kubów
Views: 307,618
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: non fungible token, crypto art, nft art, ethereum, ethereum blockchain, create nft, sell nft, meta mask, rarible, ania kubow, blockchain, crypto, crypto wallet, nft tutorial, meta mask tutorial, metamask tutorial, metamask, nft tokens explained, nft tokens, cryptocurrency for beginners, cryptocurrency, bitcoin
Id: qIJsvKIuzIc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 53sec (533 seconds)
Published: Sun May 16 2021
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