How to Create an ArcGIS Story Map

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hello everyone this is Leslie pilch at the Vermont Center for geographic information welcome to our weber webinar today about arcgis story maps and how to make them i'm gonna start off by just pointing out that the recording of this webinar will be posted at be CGI's youtube page and as you can see on the screen we're right at the front page of e CGI's website and down here on the lower left below the contact information there's a little string of icons that says connect with us above it and if you click on the YouTube icon that will take you right to the V CGI YouTube channel where you can see other previous webinars are also posted so I encourage you to check through those and look for this recorded webinar in that place we're going to start off today before I get into talking about ArcGIS as a platform for creating online maps and I just briefly mention that although today we are going to focus on ArcGIS I'm also planning to do a webinar in the future about another option which is QGIS some of you may be familiar with QGIS as a free open source GIS desktop software QGIS also has a platform called QGIS cloud that allows you to do online maps and to host and share online maps so I will be doing a webinar about that in the next months to six weeks sometime before the end of January but today we're going to focus on ArcGIS online and specifically on creating a story map in order to create a story map you actually have to start out by making a map and then you take that map and insert it into the framework that they've provided to make story maps and in order to get started with all of this we do have to have an account I'm going to focus today on the fact that you can do all of this with a free public account if you have an organizational account you can also obviously create online maps and story maps so the process is pretty much the same the only difference is a little bit more functionality a little but fewer limitations and you can actually store your photos on the ArcGIS platform rather than having to access them via URL from some other platform so we'll see that in just a moment so if you don't already have a free well actually whether you already have a free account or not and even if you have an organizational account you click on sign in up in the upper right corner here just to the left of the ESRI logo in order to get started so if you don't yet have a public account you just go right over here to the left and click on create a free create a public account it's a free account you have to give a little bit of information not too much and then once you do that you'll have your account and you'll be able to sign in so I already have an account so I'm going to go ahead and sign into that as you can see I'm now signed in says my name up here I can access my content before I actually start making my own map I do and I'd show you a couple of existing story maps just so you know what we're working towards and also maybe to see a better example of how powerful this can be as a platform for our sharing both mapping information but but other types of information as well or the images and texts that can go along with maps to make them a little bit more meaningful so this is something I happen to notice that ArcGIS was had on there they're rotating set of example story maps and it's called Atlas for a changing planet you can see they're making good use of beautiful photographs text just a little bit of text to explain what we're going to talk about in the story map and then basically really taking advantage of the the medium and the platform here to do some beautiful photographs and then get into the maps and all the maps I believe all the maps in this story map just our global maps and show various types of information on those maps as you can see over here in the text it's not just a map it's not just an image it's interactive so we can zoom into an area of interest if we want to like New England you'll notice that the data is this is intended for a global map so as you zoom in you do start to come across the limits of the data but you still get in there pretty pretty close and notice it says click on the map for detail so not only can we zoom in on the map but we can click to find out what the values of these pixels are in the different places around the area and then we can zoom back out pretty easily we can move on to other maps I like this one in particular because it gives you this nice picture of where forests are obviously the South America parts of Africa have still have some pretty dense forests but over on the left Texas's click here to see forest loss which is particularly striking we click on that and now we've got a magenta layer that's showing us where we've lost forest which I thought was really effective use of the map so lots more maps every so end just enough text to help you understand what the map is showing and then also some links to other information you'll see in the text that's one of the other benefits of this format is that it allows you to take advantage of images to make your point as well as maps and then also you can link to other information to provide additional information about your story map so I just wanted to show that and then one other thing I'm going to demonstrate is actually my story map that I created and then I will go through the process of kind of creating a simplified version of my story map I'm going to delete yesterday's practice maps and start Maps first so the the map that I made recently - in order to create my my example store map but the map is called our trip so first I'd create the map and then I used that map to create this story map that I will show you briefly so my family went on a trip to Europe this summer a big deal and we took lots of pictures and of course it was a trip around Europe which means that it was geographically relevant and so I'll just show you what I put together so our trip started out in Denmark then we went to Scotland in Iceland I've got a picture here of us in Boston getting ready to get on the train to head out on the trip you can see I've got a little bit of text we can now move around the map and zoom into the map and obviously as I created this story map I got to set the zoom level and and when I created the map I decided what icons would be indicated on the map choose the pictures choose text as we move through this you can see the the pictures give a little more interest in detail to what we're seeing on the map which is just kind of where we went I'll I'll point out in when I actually put together an example a similar story map the fact that although in this story map I used the same map I had one map and I just moved around on it zooming in and out on it a bit and obviously had these these icon different icons indicating different places on the map but when you create your story map you can actually use multiple maps you can have a bunch of different maps and each section or slide can point to a different map book and want it to or just as as it seems appropriate to your to your story map or to your story and so for instance you might actually show the same geographic area and extent but but perhaps with a different map to highlight a different aspect of that particular area I also want to point out that it's very easy to add all these features in the panel we have text obviously we have pictures we also can have links so here's a link to the campground that we stayed at in Scotland and I will demonstrate when I put together a story map that you can also put in videos and so there you go you can see we just saw I continued on here I also put oh I wanted to point out that the map is not just a static image it's an interactive map so even as someone's looking at the story map they can interact with it they can zoom in and out you can move around so this part of the map I actually drew a little bit of the path that we hiked on when we went on a hike took a hike pictures of the hike pictures of some of the things we saw on the hike like highland cattle and then a little boat ride we took that lead to riding the Harry Potter train okay so there's my store map how did I create that so I'm logged into my ArcGIS account you can see I do have a little bit of content here if you were starting a new account you obviously would not have any content here you would just start with create say you want to create a map give it a title and then you can see that it's saying save and fold or less a Belgian I don't have multiple folders within my my content area but if I did I could choose to put this in a particular folder whoops alright so there's our starting our sort of default starting place now obviously I do not want to create a map of that takes place in the United States or a story rather takes place in the United States so I'm going to go ahead and zoom to the area I'm actually interested in not just Europe I can then just close right out of that to get rid of it let me zoom in just a little bit more you don't have a lot of control over your zoom it's all preset zoom levels so luckily the zoom level works pretty well for me as a as a level for my my starting page for my map about our trip I'm just going to do three points today one in each country just to demonstrate how we put this together something else to think about and you'll see this as we go as we get to the point where we say we want to make a story about how you have your Maps Center just get a matter because depending on your formatting and your in your story map but you can always come back and edit this map that's one of the nice things about all of this is that once you've created this map and then bring it into your story map you can still come back to this map and edit it and as long as you save it you'll immediately see those changes in your story map all right so here we go we've got a blank map the first thing that you want to do generally when you are starting to make a map in ArcGIS online is choose your base map so by default is giving me this nice topographic map which is indeed the map that I ended up using as my background map for my store map but let's just see what are there other options we have here so as we provides you with twelve different base maps that you can use imagery imagery with labels and then a number of different street maps both their street map and street map if you prefer that kind of map for your story they also have these nice light gray and dark grey very plain maps so if the map that you're making really you want to highlight information on the map not so much maybe the topographic features of the places you're looking at similar to the atlas for a changing planet where they were really putting a lot of automatic information on there then you might want to choose one of these simpler gray base maps we also have one that's the National Geographic style USGS well but yeah so that's going to take us back to the US didn't want to do that it's kind of interesting that it does that since it does have the information for Europe all right so I'm gonna stick with let's say I'll go to this street one of the street map options just for something different so after you've decided on your base map then you start considering well what am I am I putting information on the map or am I just using a basic base map as sort of a background and orientation for my story obviously you don't really have to do much more at this point in terms of adding to the map if if really all you wanted is a map to give orientation and a little additional information but in my case I do want to indicate the three countries that we went to on our trip so I'm gonna look at ad and see what my options are for adding to the map as is often the case with GIS programs rather than having something simple like add points the map at lines the map we have add map notes which is not to my mind terribly intuitive in terms of what that means but add map notes really just means adding points lines or areas to your map other options that we see here are adding a layer from file I'll just show you that it does tell you what your options are as soon as you click on that so you can import a zipped shape file if you're familiar with shapefile format just have to make sure that that shape file is actually is zipped up into a zip file in order to upload it you see that you have some limitations in terms of number of features that's important to know about to both know your data and know that that limitation is here you can also upload a CSV or txt file basically a spreadsheet that's been saved into a CSV or txt file as long as that spreadsheet or that CSV has location information in it meaning addresses including state country if necessary zip code if possible serve as much address information as as you have access to in that or it can have lat/long coordinates or state plane coordinates where a coordinate system you just have to know what it is if there are coordinates in there you can also upload GPS data which is GPX format notice that there's a limit on how many features you can have that's actually lower than the 1,000 is 250 if you do the CSV or txt file with addresses let's just very quickly let me just show you adding these other types of files so you click on choose file you go to where you know your data is so I actually have some sort of random data here that doesn't have anything to do with my story map just show that I can show the process so here is an Excel spreadsheet saved as comma a CSV a comma delimited file and it has restaurant data for somewhere in the United States and we're about to find out where so there's this step that allows you to remap in case any of your address information is not clear you can actually indicate and change how it's mapped but you can see that by default saying that the name in the spreadsheet that's called address they're going to assume that's the address well that's correct the field that's called city they're going to soon city state you can see that the names in this spreadsheet are straightforward enough that this should work just fine and there we are in Burlington and by default this is showing me that we have a few different ways to draw this this is actually creating kind of a heat map where areas that have a lot of restaurants or showing up as a big circle and areas with fewer restaurants are smaller but as we zoom in they kind of break apart a little bit actually maybe they don't alright so we just want to go to a regular location symbol meaning a dot for every restaurant a little bit hard to see on here changer base map to the gray so you can see all of the dots each one representing a restaurant and you can also see that by default it has created a pop-up for each one and it has brought in the information that was in that CSV file that that Excel spreadsheets so basically I was able to go from a spreadsheet to points on a map with the information linked to each point in this pop-up very quickly and I will just point out that now that we have done that we can also edit that pop-up if we want to we can remove it if we don't want the popups we can also configure it we can do things like say which of those fields we actually want to include in the pop-up by just clicking so I might not really want all the state and zip information but I do want the cuisine the website perhaps the phone number okay and then I can also just remove that if I've decided I don't want it so let me show you one other example of a way to add data from a file so this time I'm going to upload a zipped shapefile that I created and this data is actually some GPS data that I collected and then changed into a shape file transformed into a shapefile and it shows a path that goes around the National Life Building through the hillside here in Montpelier and so there it is that so again pretty easy this is actually both line data and point theta so if I click on this you'll see that whatever information was in my GPS data which wasn't very much does give the elevation okay so there's two examples of ways that you can add data and remove that again and the final thing that I would like to show you because I had a question during the webinar the first time I did it about whether you can add different data as base maps so we're given these twelve base map options but what if you don't like any of them and you happen to have some data or map image or something that you want to use so the one way that I know of to change the base map and bring in your own base map essentially is to add layer from web and you can see that there's a few different options here for those of you are familiar with these various different sources of geographic information you can take advantage of this and I'm just going to demonstrate the fact that you can get a WMS OGC web service excuse me from the VC GI website so let's just go over to BCG I go into data and imagery web services so this is a way to access geospatial data that doesn't involve downloading it but rather involves connecting to it as a service over the Internet which means it only works if you have internet connection but then ArcGIS online only works if you have internet connection so I'm going to try adding in some of our black and white imagery cached means that it's going to perform a little bit faster its pre created at different zoom levels vermont state plane meters and I choose that actually may be able to choose web Mercator and you'll see that there are kind of two options for each of these imagery services one is an ArcGIS 10 layer file that's what I would click on if I was wanting to use ArcGIS on my desktop right now and all I would have to do is click on this and it would both open ArcGIS and plug in this service so that I would see it my arcgis project but what i want to do is actually add this service an OG c version of the service to my arcgis online map so open source GIS would be the key here because OG c refers to the open geospatial consortium I'm not sure I have that exactly right but the short thing to know is look to the ArcGIS 9 3 or higher or open source GIS service right click copy link address and you'll see that it gives you whoops let's change that WMS OGC web service so now I'm just right-clicking and pasting click use as base map an add layer and voila whoops got that nice high resolution imagery and we can also zoom oh that's interesting we could zoom out to the whole state because this is a whole states worth of data but notice now this this is all we have as our base map we've just lost the rest of the world because this we're now saying this is what we want as base map and this only includes Vermont so if that's what we want to do we're all set if not as is the case for me I'm gonna get rid of it nope oh I think I might have to start I just have to select something else okay so I'm gonna go back to my open Stowe B I can't now I think I have to start a new map because I didn't know how to remove this okay so I'll go to new vampa all right so we went through a number of different ways to add data but we are actually going to use the simplest way which is to add map notes I'll also point out now that when you start a new map generally it gives you these four steps to point out what you need to do to get started on your map okay so add map notes the first thing we do is pick a template there's a few different templates listed here I'm gonna stick with the map notes template which just means it's the plain template that just gives you some points lines in the area I'm going to change the name to where you know and it's kind of the name of the data layer that I'm creating and you can see I've got some pushpins I've got some lines I've got some different areas and shapes so I'm going to choose the pushpin and start out by putting a pushpin on Denmark because we went to Denmark I call it Denmark if I want to I can give some description in here if my goal was really to create a map and have people interact with my map then I would do things probably like put a good description perhaps put an image that would show up in a pop-up box and notice that that image has to be linkable so it has to be an image that's posted somewhere like a Facebook Flickr Picasa someplace like that and then you get the direct URL to that image and just plug it in here the image can also serve can be a link itself so that if someone clicks on the image it can take them to a website or wherever you'd like them to go you put that URL right here even though I picked a an icon for my little pushpin here I can actually change it at this point so I can click on change symbol I'm gonna pick a nice little star make it a little bit bigger and go with that okay so there's my first piece of data that I'm putting on my map put another one on Scotland there we go I'm gonna call it Scotland again I'm gonna change the symbol and now I've got two stars on my map and I'll do it one more I sling and give that another star and there so there's my very simple map now as I said we're not so much focused on creating a lot of functionality in the map because we're gonna use the map in our story map and add most of our functionality things that we're highlighting in the story map but keep in mind that we can do a lot more with this map so if people are interested in learning more about that feel free to contact me let me know and I can do a webinar just to go a little bit more into the ways that we can customize this map but it includes things like let's get out of edit mode here making this pop-up menu have a lot more in it like pictures links that kind of thing all right so here's our map it just contains this little where we went layer so this is a layer of geographic data we've created in our topographic map in a background well we'll notice that you can not only edit the individual features that you've added to the map which in this case really just means editing the pop-up box or moving the feature which you can do at any time when you're in edit mode you can also change the layer itself a few things about the layer itself and the way you do that is you make sure you're in the content section as opposed to about or legend and then under that layer which is the where we went there we click on our three little circles and see what our options are one thing is transparency so I can make these a little bit transparent which might be useful just in case they're blocking the name of a town or a part of the country I can decide to show this layer in the legend or now may have noticed when I clicked on legend quickly it didn't it said no legend so if I click on show in legend it does show notice that it's not actually showing the symbology we've chosen it's showing kind of the default symbology so it's not a particularly useful legend in my opinion so I'm going to go back and say hide it's not that much more we can do other than rename the the layer and then set the visibility range so if we only want these features to show up within a certain range we can set a range of scales within which it would show up okay so there's our map Center a little bit over here so the most important thing now that we've actually created our map is to save our map I often forget to save despite years of using ArcGIS so we're going to go ahead and save the map to give it a title once again and we're gonna save it in that same folder alright so now we have saved our map once we have saved our map but not until we've saved our map we can set change some settings in the share box and also then potentially create some more things so right now it's not public by default my map is not public but I just have to click here and by making it public you notice we had a link to the map before we made it public so we can choose to share the map with others by sending them a link now that it's public we can also do these two other things embed in a website or create a web app so to embed our map in a website we just click on embed and you'll see that we have some options that we can change like the size of our map and orientation what tools and icons appear on the little embedded map by default it just has zoom control scale bar we can add a home button we can add view larger map which will allow people to click a link to go to the bigger map map details legend all these options we can go the light or dark theme so once we have set these things the way we think we want them to be all we really have to do is copy and paste the text the code that is automatically generated in this little box here for some reason they make it very very small but all you have to just click on it so it's all highlighted right click copy and paste that code into some website source code which means if you have access to that source code you can do it yourself if you do not have access you'd have to work with whoever manages your website and just to show a quick example of this I'm going to go back to the VCG iWeb site in the about V CGI section we have a directions to V CGI and I created a little embedded map here to show where V CGI is located and it's nice because it's not just a map image it's an interact map it allows people to say oh okay if I take the highway what exit do I get off looks like exit 8 I Drive down the exit I'm going to be taking a right so it obviously goes along with the directions and it allows them to see where we are so that's just a simple directions embedded map but you can have your more interesting map embedded as well and going back to the share options we're gonna finally get to creating a story map which is what the way that we do that is we create a web app because the story map is a type of a web app notice there's a bunch of other types of web apps that you might be interested in checking out but today we're going to focus on story map and even within the story map there's a few different templates that we can choose from I'm gonna go with the story map journal just my limited experience I've found this to be the easiest to work with them and gives the interactive result that I want so I'm gonna go ahead and choose story map journal notice that you seem to have three options here I'll say this third option preview is not really a preview it's actually just takes you to a page that tells you a little bit more about this style of story map journal just though it gives you some more information about it what you can do with it the to meaningful options here are create app and download download actually allows you to download the code that creates this story map which means that someone again who's working directly on their own website and wants to create this story map and put it on their website you can do that you can download the code the templates it allows you to create that story map and then actually put it on your website what we want to do today what I want to do is create a story map that's going to continue to exist in the cloud on the ArcGIS comm site so I don't actually have to host it anywhere so we have to actually give it a different title the as it won't let you name it the same as another thing you have saved and we can add more tags if we want to we can put on a summary if we want to notice that by default it does say share this app the same way as the map but we could uncheck that perhaps if we're still working on a draft or we just don't want to share it want it to be an internal app something like that but I'm going to leave that sharing it publicly so first we have two choices for our overall layout one is to have a side panel the other is to have a floating panel the only difference here really is that your map your background map goes across the whole screen with the floating panel and your panel actually blocks part of the map whereas the side panel just has the map sectional but separate although immediately adjacent to the side panel so let's try that one and then we have to give it a title so this is going to be the title that appears kind of on our intro page of our landing page gives you a very brief overview so you know what you're doing and then you start filling in your content so you can see that the very first thing we have to do is tell it what do you want to have in the main stage as they call it of this story map on the front page the first section the home section and although this is called the story map you saw that most of these have maps you also saw in the Atlas for changing planet that they actually start out on the home page with an image here not a map so you can choose to do that by just clicking on an image and then telling it where your image is located you can do a video and pointing at the platform that hosts your video or you can do a webpage and just fill it in the URL so we are going to actually do a map you can see that I can actually select any map from among the maps that I have created so I am in fact going to do our trip no sorry story map trip the map that I just created and I'm gonna start out with default location content pop-up I am going to put an overview map and I'm not gonna put a legend because I don't find the legend to be useful so when I click on next now it lets me do the side panel section which is where I put some text and I can format that text a little bit as you can see this is also where we would add pictures so if I go ahead and click that I want to add a picture once again I get these options and actually I can add an image a video or web page I am going to actually use pictures that are on Facebook but I'm not going to log in through Facebook because I can never remember my login I'm just gonna say that and then I'm just going to go to Facebook so here are some pictures we will use this one on our front page so here I am looking at a picture that I have posted on Facebook and all I have to do to get it into my map journal is right click on the image and choose copy image address so that's gonna copy the URL directly to that image and I can just pop it in here and to apply okay so I've created my home page my first page or section of my story map now notice that the way that my map is centered doesn't really work all of a sudden because I push over to the left a little bit now I need to really fix that so I'm gonna edit this and I'm going to edit the main stage which is the bigger panel and I'm going to edit the location of my map I'm going to go from map default to custom configuration and this allows me to just drab drag my map around and as you'll see it also allows me to zoom in when I'm ready - all right so I just resented that that looks fine my overview map is fine so now I'm ready to add another section so this next section is going to be the Denmark section so I'm going to call it Denmark I'm using the same map so I'll leave that I do want to do a custom configuration because I want to both recenter and zoom in on Denmark and that looks good I can also choose to open up the pop-up so this is where if you have actually done more customized your pop-ups to contain information that you do want to highlight this is where you could take advantage of that now I did not really do my pop-ups that way on my story map but let's just imagine for a second that I had all I have to do is click on it so let's say I wanted to show not only a photograph over in the side panel but also in this pop-up I could have put a nice photograph that works well in a fairly small format because you don't have a lot of control over your pop-up here but I could have put a pop-up in here I could have put links I could have put a video any of that stuff and that would now be showing on my map once I saved this okay okay so that was my map so now in my side panel I'm gonna put a picture again actually maybe this is where instead of a picture I will put a video so let's just go to youtube briefly I happen to know there's a fun video called impressions from Denmark we're gonna cut glitters off and we just want to put link to that video right into our story map so I've said I want to insert an image video or webpage I said I want to do a video actually now going to click on YouTube put the link in here check it which is kind of nice that way you make sure you've got the right link and as long as this all pops up the way you expect it to you just go ahead and click select video you have a few options in terms of how it will fit custom or a so custom would be if you don't really want it to take up the whole panel but you'd rather have still have a little bit more room for texture I have text score on the side or something no I guess it's see it says width will always fit the panel so I'm not sure why it gives you a width option we're just going to go with fit it in there say okay and now we've got and I still can put my text up here okay so there's some text video and there's our map oops edit that a little bit oh I see huh why is it not letting me just edit the text okay damn right not quite sure what that did I think I may have just added one more you took added a blank space well quite sure what it's doing here there we go alright we'll forget about the text okay so there's our Denmark section with a video and let's add another section now go to Scotland and we're gonna need to configure the map so how we do that by going up to Scotland and if we didn't like our zoom level obviously we can change that I'll zoom in a little bit more and see that I'm gonna go back to map default for pop-up because I don't want to pop up to appear ok so now our side panel we can say whatever we want to say about Scotland and this time I'll add a picture back to her so again choose your picture open up your picture right click copy image address pop that in if you want to do a caption and do that yeah all right and let's see all right so you get the picture we've got our starting point where we have in this particular example we have our map zoomed out to show all the locations that we're going to highlight I've got sort of a random picture here but maybe the picture of us getting ready to head out on our trip mind if I don't know better if I'd remembered to put it in this album and then we can move through our trip and this zooms into different parts of the map we can put different types of media or just text if we want over in the side panel and as we move around it it moves our map it gives us our different content let's see is there anything else I wanted to show you in the map notes I know let's say when we made our our story map I suddenly remembered oh I forgot to include another section about some aspect maybe I wanted two sections about Denmark and I would go ahead and add a section but then it would actually be in the wrong place because it would automatically be tacked on to the end if I wanted to change the organization of my sections all I have to do is click on organize and then I can drag the different sections around to change their order so in this case I just changed the order so it goes from the home page to the Scotland page to the Denmark page so it keeps the obviously the information about each each section the same it just changes the order okay and the other thing to always remember is that you have to save save save and let's see I was gonna maybe also show you that so let's say as we went along that we didn't or no I know what I want to point out so as I mentioned in this example so far we've only used one map we have one map in here each section is referring to the same map let's add a section that uses a different map so remember the very first thing for the mainstage content is map and by default it's going to keep using the same map but we can go oh that's interesting I thought I was going to allow me to choose a different map it's actually letting me edit my map which is even better in a way so let's say I wanted to change it to imagery with labels yeah who is this might change it for all of them no I think it'll just change it for this one we shall see so that okay I see what I did I edited my Stewart map the the map that I created for the storm that I called Stewart map trip so I did actually go back and edit the map which means let's just check this out okay oh because I added it okay so you'll notice that this map has a different section a different background let's see whether that changed the maps in our other sections yes it did all right so the point there is that I just edited the map that was being used so I didn't just change it for that one section I changed it for all of the sections which is not actually what I meant to do so let's quickly go back to the other map go back to editing the map that's kind of nice you but that allows you to go back to your original map and work on it directly rather than having to open up a separate window okay that's fine so now let's go to that new section that I created and edit that because what I really wanted to do is to show that I can point at a different map so rather than click on edit I need to click on my little drop down and say select a map so now I can look at these different maps so this one I'm pointing that story map trip let's try see what that is okay and then we can actually edit so here's my second map that I'm not using change the basemap and notice that because this is a whole different map this doesn't have my icons on it so I could go ahead and add some icons right now if I want to just put some quick weights on here and here all right so just to show that we've created a brand new map we can save it and that's what's going to be used on this particular panel so now if we start at the beginning so our original map is over here with our side panel as we have designed it let me zoom in to Scotland we zoom in to Denmark and then in our final panel we zoom back out and maybe I would make this my the final section where I say Europe was great and there's my slightly strange story map and again we can reorganize this to fix the fact that I've got Scotland and Denmark in the wrong order there and then we say ah story is shared but it has issues this is an interesting thing so I created this brand new map but I have a feeling that map is not publicly shared so let's go ahead and change that from private to public it's very nice that it allows you to do this right within working on your story map and we're all set and now we can save it okay so there's our story map I think that's all I wanted to show I did have a couple of questions yesterday one we already talked about which is changing the base map another question was whether you can output this this format this story map into another format like a PDF or something more static and I don't believe you can I could not figure out any way to do that you can share it in the sense of giving the the link to it too you know you can post your link somewhere send it to someone you can embed the story map simply by copying the iframe information right here so that's a nice option but you can't there's an a way for this to automatically output as a more static version I think that is it in terms of questions and the general overview of how to create a story map I hope that this was useful for everyone and that if you have any questions you'll contact me just go back to our be CGI website Here I am contact information right on the front page actually on every page of our website but over on the Left leslie pilch outreach coordinator and don't forget that this all of our webinars that are recorded our posted on our YouTube page so check them out we have some playlists that have a little focus like yes well I have a few different things where are we QGIS there we go there's a QGIS playlist and there are some other playlists including fun ones so I hope everyone found this useful and I look forward to hearing from you if you have questions and I hope you have fun making story maps thanks
Channel: VTgeospatial
Views: 31,992
Rating: 4.9745221 out of 5
Keywords: GIS, VCGI, Vermont, Mapping, Maps, GIT, arcgis online, story map, ArcGIS
Id: Fi63TOP7Vxo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 6sec (3366 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 11 2015
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