What's New in Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS

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and this is the what's new in operations dashboard for our question my name is Pat I'm presenting with Sandra coming to you from Ottawa Canada we're very happy to be here my wife - 15 degrees this morning I told her that I walked here in my t-shirt so so whenever me today so we're gonna spend the next hour going on our explain to you what's been going on with operations dashboard sort of since we last met last year here how many people here are new to operations dashboard never used it ok you'll probably pick up a few tips here look although the product works but this session is is intended to sort of focus on you know what is new did want to give a shout out to my colleague Derek law who was in the audience today we've got his Twitter handle up there if you ever want to see good examples of DAP up dashboards in use you can Derek so really good for pro posting those so let's get started just a simple slide to get us started here to sort of position this product in your head you know what its intended purpose is and who it's for so operations dashboard is a configurable web application it provides location for data through the use of our robust a robust set of visualizing visualizations the purpose of the application is that we focus on authoring and viewing dashboards so if you think of the ArcGIS information model you're used to authoring Maps you author scenes you can you can create web applications and now as part of the mission model you can author dashboards as well dashboards feature a powerful flexible layout so all of your data is on a single screen at the same time like I said previously best suite of visualizations and through the configuration experience you can configure the interaction between these visual elements so you create a powerful analytical analytical product the data that we show can be anything that can be your people he services your assets your events premise of dashboards is that they facilitate understanding by providing the information at a glance so sort of term that we use internally to explain it as its explanatory analytics as you're you're giving context to your data but on a single screen so transitioning into the to the what's new I just want to kind of show show this slide in that it's a little bit tongue-in-cheek and this is this is something from from one of our users who posted it but the reason why I wanted to show it is because you know this is this is this is a David saying you know this was his thought when he started to use the operations - but we wanted to use it in our presentation to say this is what happened to us this year after we released the application in terms of seeing all the wonderful new use cases coming out of coming out of the woodwork we you know the name of the product is operations dashboard and yet many of the dashboards we're going to show you go beyond the Operations Center so that's the first thing that we're gonna focus on in our what's new session it's the patterns of use and rather than just show you a couple of them on a slide here what I'm gonna do is I'm going to jump out and I'm gonna go and and show you some of these dashboards from that we've that we've found along the way this year and for each of these dashboards you know we'll sort of show you what's what's unique or different about them or some of the the design aspects that we like about them so here's a dashboard that's monitoring you know a dam and flood situations somewhere in South America and so some of the things that we like is you know you know good set of colors you know clearly articulating the the metrics that are of interest robust use of the the dashboards layout by you know stacking things but also taking advantage of the ability to sort of create your own custom little view here and that we do support rich Texan people creating nice little layouts and so that's the first dashboard I'm going to go through these pretty quickly we have a lot of content to get through today here's another interesting dashboard and this one is from New Zealand and the thing that we like about this or what's interesting about this one and it looks like some of them aren't actually working these are live feeds from all these different points across New Zealand and you know they embed them in the dashboard and they can monitor this but what this dashboard also does is it it provides links to other dashboards well let's open the first couple of them here and so you can start to see that through through the using this dashboard this organization New Zealand is just showing off all sorts of different things so you can linked here oh you're near real time Highway dashboard your other alerts kind of thing so you know really really really interesting use case here and with all other indicators and stuff like that you can see down here they've been they've embedded create our feed so that's pretty cool here's a here's a dashboard they show I think the World Bank prepared this with Perico Bank and sort of the use case here is that they're you know effectively dynamic filtering at runtime to sort of change the view of the dashboard so just by you know changing the dashboard a little bit they can start asking it buys a shion's change to reflect current state of the filtering so that's it that's pretty cool too here's here's a dashboard that's that's showing something about bike paths in I believe this is France but the thing that we like about this is when they've used pie charts they've actually done it in an effective way there's nothing there's nothing nothing worse than a than a pie chart that has too many slices in it you can't tell what's going on so what they've done with this pie chart is they've actually you know they're the very low number of slices but they've also hollow it at the middle that or turn the pie chart into a donut chart just do some of the config settings and they've they've you know they're able to articulate their point more effectively that way here this is a dashboard for the city cancer challenge a bunch of cities got together and they wanted to show off some some key performance indicators around that topic you know here what we're showcasing is sort of the the integration of dashboards or its ability to take advantage of sort of the latest and greatest with what's going on in the plenary this week they they showcased how easily how easy it is to create your own custom based map through you know some simple styling so here these people through simple styling have created a really powerful document you know it's very clear what they're trying to get across it's it's aesthetically pleasing it's really nice people are using dashboards to tell their stories so here are as part of their data storytelling so here Tempe Arizona has written a are in Tempe Arizona they're doing a wastewater testing for opioid contamination and you know they've got a big long narrative around that but as part of that they link out to a dashboard where you can start actually see you know you can tell your story but it's like hey you know what you want to see some more information about it you can do this so that one that one's pretty cool too we see this pattern a lot this is these are dashboards that are embedded into story maps they sort of that the pattern is the the the use of story maps to sort of be a quote unquote catalog of applications so here in a dashboard you can see lots of very interesting things you know they're they're showing there they're floods they're showing they're earthquakes their shelters their fire you know just tremendous amount of information in in one document here but then also you know value in flipping through the tabs you know sort of you get it all all on one thing here you know sort of along the same idea of up storytelling with data or and then also go with story maps are different use of story Maps here this is the the Thames Water Authority and they've there they're telling a story here you know explaining what a river fly is and and all of this other good stuff but at some point as part of that narrative they need to actually show some statistics off so what they're doing here is they've embedded a dashboard they've taken advantage of the ability to style it however they want and you can you can sort of see some of the metrics that are going on around their study and you can filter it at runtime to be on certain dates and that kind of thing we're seeing a lot of dashboards embedded into you know community facing webpages so this is actually produced by ESRI solutions group and it's available to you as a template if you go to solution start just calm you can get this and here they're just showing a bunch of their key performance indicators whether they're on target whether they're being monitored or whether they've they've missed their targets and they're doing that across a lot of different sort of categories so you know economic opportunity within public safety so they're they're you know they're able to do this and sort of in terms of one-stop shopping so dashboards are embedded here again use good use of our styling capabilities to make it look really aesthetically pleasing along those lines City of Brampton you know a much different type of dashboard but here through through their their public facing hub you know they've they've come in and they've they vendetta embedded some dashboards into their applications - and these are these are actually you know they're dynamic and that you can you can change the view of the metrics sort of on the fly and as you go this one is from the city of Baton Rouge it's three Rowan citizens request and again it's along the lines of showing some key performance indicators they've created this one and I want to I wanted to draw some attention to this pattern of use because although it's it's you know it's really powerful we want to sort of offer this as with a word of caution is that they've taken the ability to stack elements within a dashboard and what they've done is they've they've sort of created you know multiple pages of dashboards here and doing this you know as you go through all of this stuff this is really really powerful but you're adding more and more elements there's more and more data being queried to the point where this honest slow network connection can be slow so you know it's kind of like dashboards are great for showing this information but you do you can reach a tipping point and actually here they've realized that and so then that little sort of hidden here they just say do the large amount of data being processed please allow the application a moment to load so they kind of they found that out so so that's that's kind of interesting that they did that I forgot my to bring my my little dongle today but one of the things that we did this year is we made dashboards available for your phones Sandra will be talking a little bit that or about that in a little while but it's one of those things that if you author your dashboard specifically for use on the phone it'll just work on the phone this isn't a screen shot this actually is a live dashboard it's just in the in the browsers developer tools to show you what it would look like on a phone we're showing this this example here again it's a story map but this one is actually taking advantage of something else that's new this year and again well demo it later is are going to details of how it all works is URL parameters so by navigating your story you can actually change your dashboard on the fly and through the use of URL parameters so we'll come in here change it change it and you can actually come down here and and and actually zoom in to specific counties or something like that so so that's all configuration there's no code to do any stuff of that kind of stuff so very useful the last pattern that I wanted to show you guys and hand the presentation over to Sandra rush I think I have one slide after this and I'll hand it over is this one so this is a tongue-in-cheek little dashboard that somebody put together we became aware of this right before Christmas and obviously it's fake data but it does bring in real data feeds but you know in terms of pattern reviews people are actually embedding full-on applications within within their dashboards and stuff like that so so I wouldn't say that there's an overly large amount of utility here but you guys can get the idea like we can show you all that kind of stuff or we can we can show you examples where there is utility but this is this is kind of neat I think pretty much everyone showed this to their kids around Christmastime so making sure it was it was too bad for my son because he wanted he whenever I'd show on maps he wants to see Ottawa on a zoomed in and we zoomed in we zoomed in and we zoomed in and there was no point over Ottawa and so and so he was he was sort of like uncertain where he fell on the naughty or nice list so so I had to explain that one away but anyhow so back to the slides real quick and like I said I'll hand it over to Sandra so that's you know what's what's new this year number one patterns of use you know dashboards dashboards are being used everywhere for for many use cases that's always been our intention you know we we sort of have a we have a mantra where we say dashboards everybody needs a dashboard and so within an organization you know you sort of have your operational dashboards you know the one word were and so there was a real-time dashboards you know you see lots of things moving we have tactical dashboards sort of like for middle management and then we've got strategic dashboards that are used by the executives and sort of you know the difference between these is you know these types of dashboard is you know the level in the organization or the person that's using them but also the amount of time they spend on screen you know with an operational dashboard it's often on a on a TV screen or a big wall-mounted TV and in the operations center or as you know a strategic dashboard would be on an executive an executives like tablet or something like that and they just look at it quickly and then put it down sort of thing and get the information they want so so that's sort of everyone within the organization needs a dashboard but we're actually expanding that idea and and we'll talk about that as part of the next session here so with that I'm gonna quickly hand it over to Sandra you're on number number four and with that I'm testing the mic as well can everyone hear me excellence okay thanks pod so I get to dive a little bit deeper into some of the configurations of these patterns of use and some of the what's new that we've tackled over the last year and that'll also be coverings from what's coming as well in the next release which is happening in a couple weeks so we'll see some live demos so bear with me so the first one up here we're gonna dive into URL parameters and patch out an example and we'll dive into that one in a little bit detail as well but I'm actually going to start from scratch here and just introduce you to this dashboard and show you how you would configure a parameter that you can pass into the dashboard to customize maybe the filters or the actions what happens on the dashboard load and you might be doing this to share this link or this dashboard with a colleague management or as Pat showed you might be embedding this in another application like a story map okay so this is historical data fine earthquakes around the world we've got a list here that's sort of sorted by magnitude great we've got some coloring of our dots again based on magnitude we have some details we have a generic account of all the earthquakes that are in this display and we have a serial chart at the bottom based on user grouped by year to show the count of earthquakes per year great but what I want to do is start customizing this to maybe launch the dashboard in a mode that only shows the earthquakes above and beyond a certain magnitude anything lower than let's say a magnitude of 8 I'm really not interested in so our URL parameter settings are found at the dashboard level so we're gonna go into the dashboard level settings and you're gonna find a new tab here for URL parameters and we provide five different flavors of these so depending on the type of data and the information you want to pass in you've got a number of options here and based on that choice you're gonna have even further options on what actions or interactivity is gonna happen as a result of passing in that parameter so I'm gonna start with a situation that I talked about the magnitude so I want to pass in a number and I'm gonna give it some kind of name that's making sense and an operation so I said earthquakes greater than or equal to to a value that I'm gonna pass in and then I have a choice down here of what is going to happen when I pass that value in what do I want to be filtered in this particular case so remember I had a list I had a map I had some details I had a chart so we can go ahead and actually add all of those as targets of my filtering action okay so I can go in here I've got it in my my map I can add in my list here I select the field that I'm gonna match it to I can go in and add let's add that indicator okay and I can go on here so I've added a number of different targets that are gonna get filtered what I pass in this parameter so basically I can come up here and remember the name that I gave it which was mag and I pass in the value and we're gonna start to see just hit enter that now my list has been filtered the indicator has also been filtered and then the map would have been filtered as well okay and that's a numerical parameter so I had a filtering action that's available to that but there's other types of parameters and I'll show you another one here go back in and this time I'm going to add a geometry parameter okay and this is gonna provide me a few other actions that I can apply to my dashboard onload so in this case I actually want to apply an extent so instead of loading in a particular and a default extent of my map I want to actually zoom to a particular area I pass in some coordinates so I'm gonna pass in lat/longs in this case the action I don't want to do a filtering but I want to actually set the extent of the map based on the coordinates that I'm passing in so it's as simple as that I have one map my dashboard if I had multiple maps like it's at the target on all of those but in this case I just have one so I've given it a name and I've got the action that I want to apply so again I can come up here and I can add this in in addition to and I can say extent equals and then I'm gonna hop it to notepad and grab this number come back over here and I should see my map update based on that extent okay so suddenly here I now have a nice long string a customized string that I could embed in another page I could send this in an email to a colleague and suddenly this a little bit more complex dashboard with lots going on it's been filtered I've focused the purposes dashboard to show earthquakes above a certain magnitude and focused on a particular region all the interactivity that I had originally configured in the dashboard is still there so it still works but now it's been customized for that reason okay quick question asked the question is can I get back to the full extent yes sorry how does the user get back to the original state to the application you can get back to the full extent of the map if you've configured a bookmark there or to go back to full extent you could reload the page by just removing those URL parameters and it'll go back to the standard the way that the dashboards configured to get rid of that particular filter right yeah it helps focus your attention so let me let myself in first so a good discussion around sort of the ability to to clear a filter for lack of a better word by the user at runtime so though that's something that we're that we're working on we will add that in a future release currently the set of use cases that we were in you know intending with this functionality you know that they don't they don't need that ability you know that we're focusing on the embedded case you know we do have it in our backlog to not only have the ability to to basically reset selectors but also clear filters and that type of thing so you'll see that eventually as well okay yeah yeah can we save questions to the end do you think we'll try this charlie up some space cool yeah so I just want to move on to another dashboard this is the one that Pat showed us a little bit earlier we're just gonna take a quick peek at the parameters here and just just to sort of remind ourselves of the different types this one has a number of different URL parameters configured with lots of different filter actions so this is the dashboard that was used in that story map and I'll show you that story map again but one of the ones that Pat showed in the demonstration as well is one of the URL parameters that was set up was tied to a zoom action so as you're interacting with this dashboard through the story map you could see the dashboard zoom to a certain area based on your selection okay so there's lots of different actions that you can apply here not just filtering but you can control the the way that the dashboard behaves as well through all those filter options so this is that story map again right as we were paging through we saw the dashboard update based on different filters that are applied and then at the very last page here this is where that zoom action is applied based on your selection so as I click on a certain County we see the dashboard zoom to that particular area so that's great so that's URL parameters hopefully kind of tied up and you seen a little bit how they're configured and then how they're actually used okay another use case that Pat introduced us to is the embedded content so I'm showing a similar dashboard this one's from the state of Oregon and they've actually embedded a Twitter feed into their dashboard this is providing a little bit of extra information in terms of what's going on in terms the weather in this particular area so they've embedded a third-party little website into this dashboard to sort of extend the story here so what I want to do is just back up a little bit explain a little bit about how you add embedded content and a few tips and tricks along the way so again I have a very simple dashboard to show this example and like all of our other elements and widgets we're gonna find the embedded content break from the add menu so if I want to add in a new element to this very simple dashboard I just have a simple map and we're gonna get to what's going on here in a second but all I would do here is add this embedded content and it comes in a couple of different flavors you can add a static web map or you can make something feature based and we'll talk about that example because that one gets quite quite interesting but we'll talk about this static one first because this is how you could add in a YouTube video or a third-party application by providing a direct URL into your website and to your dashboard here so I'm gonna do a little shameless plug for our colleague who's got a presentation happening later today at sex it's Anna session on tips and tricks on operations dashboard and one of the demo theaters but this is the presentation from last year and so what I want to do is actually just embed this YouTube video right in my dashboard okay so one of the tips for embedding YouTube and other products is you need to go get the embed code okay and we get a lot of questions about this because people are just trying to grab the actual URL to the YouTube page itself we've got to actually go grab that embed link and that's what's going to work for you guys so I've taken that here you can copy this we can bring this over and then there it gets embedded into our application hey I don't have to worry about all the other parameters because that's taken care of by this element in dashboard there are a few parameters that we can take advantage of like start time if you are the things but generally just need that embed code to get this this video working okay and I can come back out here and I can actually go play that video but the live presentation is gonna be so much better today at 6 so I encourage you to go see it ok so that's a little tip about YouTube now also keep in mind when you are embedding content of course make sure that it is embeddable ok that you permission to embed it and that it actually is allowed to be embedded in other pages watch out for the HTTP versus HTTPS that trips out a lot of people as well so make sure that scan assistant but otherwise yeah this is the new embedded content that available to you okay the other version that I'll just delete this so we can getting back some screen real estate here so if we go back to the original configuration of this dashboard I have a world map here and I have a number of selectors here for different regions around the world and I do have an embedded content here at it's a Wikipedia page okay but what I've done is I created a relationship here between my buttons my regions of the world and this Wikipedia page so as I click different buttons here we're gonna see that the page actually updates to reflect what I've selected so there's a relationship between these two things and I'll show you quickly how it configured that so if we go back into the configuration of this embedded content element I've used the features option okay I've built out I've used the base address to the Wikipedia page and what I'm doing is dynamically building out the rest of that link based on the live data that I've got in my dashboard so it's reading this continent information from the data source that I've chosen so I can actually show you the data table here so it's reading this information right from the future table and it's gonna inject that into the URL and build that out dynamically as I'm making different selections okay so that's the first step you would build this embedded content you would choose your data source and pick your field that you're going to extract that information from the second step is to build that interactivity to get them talking to one another so I need to come up here to actually my buttons which is a category selector and under actions I want to set up a filtering action so as I make a selection that embedded content element gets filtered based on my selection and therefore passes along that information to update that URL so it's two steps you configure your page your embedded content and then you figure out the connectivity the interaction between the two so that's your embedded content so those are a few simple kind of examples but we're seeing much more than that and I believe Pat's got a demo that he wants to share with us yeah okay yep just how to extend it even even a little bit further another another use case okay so so one thing we get asked a lot especially at this conference is is is your application customizable you know what's your developer story and sort of we've purposely not added one in that we've sort of we've we've built functionality into the dashboard that will allow you to bring in your custom content and and that is the the embedded content element and people are now starting to actually author data visualizations specifically for bringing them into operations dashboard so we just found this last week on github one of our colleagues found it and this is by John Stoll so in case he's either here or he's listening to this video at some point in the future you want to give a shout out to John this is not our idea this is his and what he did is he he wasn't necessarily a fan of our details element in its ability to show attachments so he wanted to show a gallery of attachments to his features so what he did as he wrote a little PHP page and what it does is it goes and and for his data and his workflow he goes and gets the last and I think it was default to 80 he goes and gets the last 80 features and he shows them into a gallery of into a gallery of photos in that and then hosts that on a PHP page and then brings that PHP page into his dashboard now we thought that was useful and and and neat but we thought it would be sort of in terms of a next step it would be great if we could actually get that gallery working on upper future basis so we we went in and tweak the code a little bit it's it's you know a pretty simple page I think it's bring it up it's just you know doing a loop through to you know basically go and get the attachments for a selected feature creates a little bit of a a little bit of a dynamic gallery and it shows it up there so it's it's pretty simple but you can bring that into - bored so now this dashboard doesn't have it this dashboard is configured with our detail our detailed element and so the way that this one works is that whenever you select a feature you know you have to iteratively go and look through the attachments obviously I like beer and so this is a my favorite brewery and auto on these are the types of beers that they sell at all of their you know their their vendors what which ones to which beers are available at which at which vendors kind of things so so now that in itself you know the user has to interact with it quite a bit so what I can do is I can reconfigure this dashboard real quick I'll just come in here and I'll move this over here I'll change the settings of this so this is the details I'm going to ask it to stop showing all of the information and I'll come in and do this then what I'll do is I'll go and I'll add an embedded content element I'll tell it that it by features I'll say that I only want one of these things what I'm gonna do is sort it my object ID and similar to what Sandra did with hers I'm going to come in here and I'm gonna go and inject a URL so now it should come into here I'll restyle it and so now as I go through these Oh what I'm sorry I forgot one step what I need to do is I need to configure the interactivity on it I need to come in here and say that when the selection changes I also want to filter that guy so now when I do it it should update - if I actually have some here let's go back to the original extent because that's where I have the best data and so let's go to the Carleton and it's got these types of beers there we can go up to absinthe they've got these kind of beers here so you guys get the idea you know through the use of very simple coding techniques you can create your own data visualization that data visualization can be brought in to your dashboard and it can actually participate in the dashboard through the use of other lectures in the filters so that's that demo I'll pass it back over to Sandra great okay moving on we've got a couple of new actions that have come online since we last spoke at the dev summit so this sample dashboard here is tracking snow plow trucks or at least that's what I pretending very familiar with those in Ottawa these days so I'm on operations manager shift manager I see my trucks moving around my district I see the three one one calls that are coming into my Operations Center and a little bit of information about them so a couple of our new actions will just use this dashboard to highlight those and the first one is what we call a follow feature and this allows you to get your dashboard into a mode of updating and centering on a particular feature that you've chosen so in this case everything is moving around right it's hard to sort of maybe follow each one individually and see where truck one is going so what I can do actually in this particular case is I'm gonna set up a new action on this category selector of type follow feature okay and this will appear for point data that it has a refresh interval set to it okay and it's gonna follow that on the map when I make a selection or who actually activate this feature I'm gonna follow truck one I've also set up a filtering action on here just to highlight this even more for us but you saw that the map shifted it's centered that feature for me okay it also has a halo effect to it and you can customize that color and we'll talk about where you do that so it doesn't have to be that default blue color I think we have so I've augmented here to be in yellow and you'll see that as the truck moves the map will continue to Center on that feature great right I don't have to worry about that anymore it just keeps following it around the other thing that I'm also gonna get is what we call a state bar that allows me to pause this action okay so the Maps gonna stop centering but I'm still gonna get that pulsing halo great so I can keep a track on that truck as well I can move my map around maybe I need to do a little bit more investigation and I can restart that following action and it'll recenter that future for me okay so this is a new action type called follow feature we'll just bring back all the trucks here and we're gonna drive the next action type the new action we have called show pop-up from the list on the left here but first of all we'll just sort of show a pop up in general if you've got a pop-up configured in your web map we honor that so if you click on a map and click on a feature you'll get your pop-up window and it's nice because it does overlay the map but you can dismiss it unlike the details feature that actually always maintains or takes up some screen real estate the pop of action you can dismiss okay so by default your your map is configured that way you can click on a feature and get all that item detailed information from your pop-up but I don't necessarily want users to click on the map because that may be not as intuitive I've got this nice list of calls here on the left-hand side with a very limited information I didn't want to provide too much detail because it would clutter the display so instead of configured a show pop-up action to use that information to extract that information from the maps pop-up so when I click on a future I see the pop-up appear and if I have more than one feature selected that's great you'll start to see them stacked one on top of the other and I can page through each of my different features okay so that's the show popup action that's available to you okay what I've also sort of hinted at here a little bit in this dashboard is some of the new settings that we have on color and configuration and this is something we're really seeing that people are taking advantage of going above and beyond the sort of standard light and dark themes they're really branding their dashboards and we've provided many more opportunities to do that so for example I've customized the color the faction color in my list is a nice contrast to the rest of what's going on this dashboard so if we go into the configuration you'll see a number of new color options here so you can really get control over that user experience maybe brand it to your logo your organization's so the list element has some new customizations but the bulk of them are actually found at the dashboard level where you can really dive into customizing the background colors the separator colors between all of these elements so one technique that we're seeing actually is to sort of blend each of the elements together instead of highlighting them in separate boxes like this so you see it shows up on the screen there's a slight coloration different so each the elements has a defined border which is great but we're seeing a lot of examples where they're blending that out and making it all sort of seamless and that can be done through your configuration settings and this is where under your theme tab you'll find all of your color options here so I could quickly go in here change my colors of my background color my element background color and my element outline color to all be the same and suddenly everything starts to disappear and you get a nice seamless look to your dashboard and that might be something that's of interest to you okay you do have a lot more options here so this is something new that was introduced last summer with a really subvert to us online one last thing here that I'll show in terms of what's new and Pat's alluded to this is the extended support for mobile phones or smart form factor devices so the restriction has been lifted that dashboards are available in read-only mode on these new devices one thing to keep in mind when doing that though is to keep your audience and method of use of the dashboard in mind while designing for a mobile phone I can you can imagine that trying to put this type of dashboard maybe on a small you know iPhone and trying to interact with it the gauge numbers would be very small and interacting and trying to click a button not giving the best user experience also with our mobile users often they know the purpose of the dashboard they know what the information is already going to display so you don't necessarily have to worry about a lot of explanatory text around it and you can keep things very simple so for example I've got a dashboard here that on this screen doesn't look necessarily all that exciting I've got a map I've got a very basic list there's not much going on here there is a look there is one interactivity in this particular case if you come into this list we can see that the map will update i've also configured a tab here as well that shows some very basic numbers this is some water quality water monitoring site information so I don't have to explain it necessarily I'm just giving very basic text use of color nice big numbers because the intended purpose is not for this but it's for the mobile device so in in case of Chrome I have access to the developer tools which allow me to mimic what this is going to look like on a particular phone or device okay and suddenly you start to see the reason why I configure things that way because it's gonna look a lot nicer on a handheld device even a map and some basic interactivity looks a lot better and I would even argue that that list is too complex probably want to pare that down or maybe not even needed at all for a location okay so keep that in mind so yes dashboards can be viewed on mobile devices great keep your audience in mind you know are they going to be using this out in the field and the daytime at night limit your use of interactivity you don't need a header bar you don't need much in terms of explanatory text okay so that's mobile phone support so these are all things that are new that are out now with ArcGIS online I'm just going to quickly switch gears here I've got three more things to show you about what you're gonna be getting in the next little while so coming in about a week and a half with the next release of RTS online we're extending support for three additional languages so Ukranian Hebrew and Arabic okay so this is an example of a dashboard that's showing some health statistics that's authored in Arabic language and this was authored before we extended support for for this language so this is what it would be viewed in sort of today if your browser locale your user profile settings in ArcGIS online or through the use of a URL parameter we can actually will honor the language settings and coming in a couple of weeks you're gonna start to see dashboards that look like this so I've actually applied a parameter here to honor the language that this dashboard was authored in and you may see that things are mirrored to monitor to reflect the right-to-left nature of this language okay and not only is the runtime experience mirrored in this case we see that you know the header bar is flipped over we see that the map controls are flipped but also the authoring experience is also flipped in the right to left language okay so dashboards are for everyone we've got three new languages now that will be coming out to support it just kind of neat okay another thing that we're bringing out is more extended support for rich text or customizations in this when dashboards are showing let's say no data or our query has been done but there's no data available so let me give you the Nereo here so we've configured this you know relatively nice-looking dashboard we're showing some housing price indexes and it looks quite nice in this state if I'm issuing a query making a selection on on my data and it's an invalid query what can happen is that some of our elements return no data it's a valid query but there's nothing there okay we gave you the option to customize the tech that was displayed here but that was about it you could you could enter a different text but you couldn't really configure it and make it look nice okay so what we've done now is extended the options here and added the ability for rich text in this environment so you can come in here and add in different icons okay you can actually configure your text with different headings different fonts and make it look a little bit nicer in the situation when no data is returned instead of just having plain text okay the last thing I want to show you is all about our category selector okay in this case the category selector is designed to filter my map so as I choose a different municipality it comes down here and I'm gonna see this municipality filtered great I've got this configured right now in single selection mode so as I make different choices will see different municipalities update and if I want to revert back to the default state and showing them all I've got this right now what's called the none option and I should see my map update and all of the disabilities are displayed again great fantastic that's nothing new if I configure this to a multiple selection mode so I can come in here and select multiple different missa palette ease all at once we see them at it in I'm going to scroll down grab some of the bottom here great I've got multiple Anisa palette ease selected so how do I get back to my original state where I show all of them right now we would have to unclick each one of these and I'd have to scroll down find this one and keep going coming in about a couple weeks we now have the ability when you have multiple selection mode to include the none option okay or an all option and you can figure that text it can be whatever you like what this is going to do now is it's going to put this option at the very top for you so if I come in here and again select multiple municipalities I've got them highlighted here and filtered now I want to go back to my original state I can in choose none and they all come back okay so that's what you'll be getting coming soon with the next release of RTS online which is next week er that we capture that or something like that so that's cool so back to me we've got 15 minutes left okay I'm gonna have to ran through this stuff pretty quickly so in addition to the things that Sanders showed in terms of what you're getting in the next couple of weeks there's a couple other highly requested features that we're currently working on and I'm gonna give you a sneak peek at these these are not ready yet they will be well release them when they are ready but we do have them and so here I'm I'm without a net this is sort of raw source code so your mileage may vary with this so quickly what the first one is the ability to do a group by on a list so right now a list is just by feature but people have asked they they don't necessarily want to take up dashboard real estate by using a serial chart or a pie chart they just want to be able to get that group by statistic and and put it into a list so I'm just gonna go through quickly here and I'm going to configure a list to let's see I was doing that I need to sort it just second dollar is descending and then on the list what I can do is I can say it's it's group values now instead of just being by features and I can group it based on sector and I can add a series of statistics so I can come in and actually I'll go and I'll do the sum of the dollars I'll do the men owe the dollars and I'll do the max and let's call it done and there is actually a small bug in this branch so I need to actually go in and paste in my rich text for the lists but you can start to see you can get these these types of things in here so that in itself is pretty be useful but you can also use this type of functionality to do other capabilities so if I quickly came in here and added another list of projects that doesn't matter this one is going to be by features I'm gonna use the same data source but I'm gonna do this real quick so you've got something like this oops that's not what I want to do so you can come in and you can see individual details but individual projects what I can do now is bring this over here come on well not actually paste there and now in a second so what I can actually do is move this over here and use techniques that we saw previously on other elements where on my list rather than doing something like this I can dynamically linked it to content and here I'm just going to use an image so I can do this I need to come in here and sort this by some descending so now I can get a dashboard that looks like this for all my different sectors so what I can do now is I can configure some actions and do it so I say that when I so when the selection changes on this I want to filter the list so that's cool when I do a selection on this I want to flash the location on the map and I want to pan to that location so now I can get dashboards where if I select an LRT project you know and I can select it and you can build this type of this type of experience into your dashboards pretty quickly so group by list that's sort of on the what's coming list the next one of those is it speaks to the idea of when a dashboard loads they might be actually trying to process a lot of data and it takes a long time for the dashboard to load because all the data has to be brought to the client and then processed and rendered so a really popular request is to I don't want anything to show up on my dashboard until it's been filtered either through a URL parameter or by user interaction but this feature is a little bit rougher in that we're not quite as far along in the implementation of it but the basic premise is this you know you have your your data here and this is this is just a list and what we've done here is we've added a new option so only draw me when I'm filtered writing so this is what it will look like when it's filtered but when there's when it hasn't been filtered it'll be blank and you know similar to Sanders point is you'll be able to put whatever you want there some rich text make it look nice to say hey you got to click something before you see data so but now so what it does is so whenever you select something is it actually shows up the data so it'll be a new interactive experience there I'm going to quickly now jump into back into the slides and start on this one so I want to start giving you some more ideas in terms of our roadmap the things that were that we're working on so this is the list of the highlights of what Sandra Sandra showed and so I'm just going to go through a lot of these ones with the asterixis and tell you you know what we have in mind for the next steps so for URL parameters right now we support dates but we don't support relative dates so we we need to add support for that and so we'll get to that eventually but that'll allow you to say you know show me the the content within the last three hours within the last two days and that kind of stuff and it'll keep up to date as the dashboard refreshes with the embedded content element sandra showed you we have static content and we've got features and with features you can actually dynamically inject the values about those features into your URL and you can get a good user experience through that what we also want to do with embedded content is we want to improve the static version of that to be able to have custom information injected into as well so for example if you are making a selection on on the map or on any element for that matter serializing that value and being able to pass that into the URL or when the map extent is changing be able to serialize that and pass that extent or at Centerpoint or its level of detail and pass that into the embedded content so you can get you can just imagine all sorts of different types of applications that you can embed into a dashboard by having that information passed into it through its URL we want to do continue to do more work with our settings on colors and those types of things you know we're seeing such beautiful dashboards the attention to detail that people are putting into their dashboards is awesome and we want to do everything we can to keep that kind of thing going we know that our smartphone display is kind of like a workaround right now it gets people over the hump but we know it's not satisfactory we want to do more work on that you know we need to have we need to rethink some aspects of our layout and how it works right now it takes up 100% of the view at all times it's not intended to be responsive it's it's you know the it was originally it was it's for operation centers showing on a big screen TV is never gonna shrink so we're always taking up all the space but you know through the patterns of youth that we're seeing people demand from us we know that we need to go back and take another look at that and make improvements there so that's that and then the last thing you know this the road it like the real road ahead and so this is sort of a metaphor here is the future is bright you know we got lots of great things coming why don't you know the big thing one of the things that's occupying a lot of our time and a lot of our dev resources right now is that we are moving this application it's in progress we are moving it from the JavaScript API 3x to the 4x technology and that's going to change a lot of things it's going to be more performant we're going to be able to show more data we're gonna have the opportunity to do more things in dashboards that you want such as 3d elements putting scenes into dashboards being able to properly use our Cade our ability to support Arcade right now is pretty weak you know but with the 4x stuff we can we'll be able to get it now one you know I'll put a big asterisk beside the arcade and that with great power comes great responsibility you know you can write gnarly arcade statements that slow things down you know and that might affect you in a pop-up situation on a map and you say I'll take the hit I'll take the hit I don't mind it but when you're actually rendering something like a list or a chart or something like that you need to understand that some of those things are gonna happen for each of those features so so you know Arcade even though it'll be there is you know we're gonna have to articulate the story is you want to have a light touch with it you know if you don't have to do something dynamically don't you know put it into your data but for those cases that you just need that little bit extra that's the that's the right use of Arcade and of course we want to put different types of data visualizations into dashboards you know we don't we haven't sort of you know we don't have heat charts we don't have highlight tables we don't have bullet charts and so these are all the types of things that people have been asking for us and you'll see improvements in those things as we go in there so that was really fast I get it but we do have a few minutes for questions and I know that you have one because you had your hand up earlier so so we'll let you start okay so he wanted to know if about Arcade and we took care of that so excellent so the another question here so the question is is it all web map driven or can you can you connect to a hosted feature service or something like that so so there's two different ways you can get into data into a dashboard one is through your map and the other one is when you are when you are configuring any given element in the upper right hand corner there's a button called select layer and you can click that button and you can select map feature layers and and a couple of different types of layers there but it does have to be a layer you can't directly go to the URL of a service but as long as you have it in your organization's content as an item then you're you're good is there any other questions down here [Music] we have we did have we thought about graphics in the map and we've had some loose discussions with customers about that it sounds to me like you've got a really specific use case if you're interested come by the island and lay that out for us a little bit more detail that's sort of a new one for us over here with ArcGIS Enterprise 10 7 so the question is how much of the functionality we showed today is going to come with 10 7 everything up to what was the first thing you showed from the new the new languages so that was the first feature you showed so ladies and gentlemen mr. fred abri lead developer on the team and the multi select dropdown won't be there the right to left language won't be there the rich text for no data won't be there but everything before that will be there all right if you have some more questions come up here ask us in person thank you very much for attending
Channel: Esri Events
Views: 5,495
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Keywords: Esri, ArcGIS, GIS, Esri Events, Geographic Information System
Id: g9Gb9laod5M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2019
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.