How to Create an AI Assistant with OpenAI | OpenAI Assistant API Tutorial

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in this video I'm going to show you how to create your own custom GPT assistant without a chat GPT Plus account if you've used chat GPT before you're likely familiar with custom gpts if you're new to Ai and custom gpts you should probably check out this video first custom gpts and assistants are essentially modified versions of chat GPT that have Specific Instructions that you give them ahead of time rather than creating these long elaborate prompts you give the assistant all this instruction a single time up front and the chat bot uses that information to help you with whatever it is you created it to help you with as an example at next J podcaster we created custom gpts to help analyze your podcast episodes or help you write blog posts and how it does that is already predetermined by us because we created them so then all you have to do is upload a transcript to a podcast episode or give the custom GPT a blog post idea and then the chat bot will do the work based on the instructions I'll put a link down in the description if you want to check those out or see how it works for yourself but not everyone has a chat gbt Plus account or can afford a $20 subscription per month so instead we're going to build an open AI assistant that you can use at a tiny little fraction of the cost and what's cool with an assistant is you only pay for what you use so if you create it and only use it one time you're only going to be paying pennies or fractions of a pennies for that use so to do this we're going to go to then you want to log in or create a free account if you don't already have one and then once you logged in we're going to choose this API option and don't worry you're not going to have to have any coding experience or anything like that now to actually start running and using the assistant that we create we have to make sure that we have some money inside the open account so we're going to come over here into settings and then billing and then we're going to click like add payment details say individual and then you're going to be asked to put in payment information I obviously skipped showing this step for obvious reasons and then you get to choose how much you want to put into this account $5 should be plenty for what we need right now and then would you like to set up an automatic recharge so if that money dips below a certain threshold it will automatically add new funds back into it we're just going to turn this off and say no for right now click continue I can see we have a $5 balance in here I'm going to come over to assistants and this is where we're going to create our assistant so in the upper corner we're going to click create and now we're ready to begin giving our assistant instructions let's create a simple assistant that will take a transcript or a blog post and turn that into five tweets that we can publish on social media so I'm going to call this blog to tweet you can obviously name yours whatever you want and then we need to tell the assistant what we want it to do so I already wrote a prompt and I'm going to paste it into the instructions here and if you want to use the same prompt I'll put it down in the description but it essentially says I want to create five tweets from other pieces of content I want it to be under 250 characters don't use emojis and add two hashtags next we need to select the model that we want to use to complete this task and I'm going to choose the GPT 5 3.5 turbo 0125 this is the most upto-date version of GPT 3.5 feel free to use whatever model you want the model you choose will determine the price so I will put a link down in the description that explains what the different models are and how the pricing structure works for each of them so that you can make the right choice for your assistant okay next we're not going to do anything with functions that falls out of my scope and knowledge so we're going to avoid that one for right now and we're going to leave code into interpreter turned off for right now although you could include that if you wanted to be able to upload documents so you wanted to upload a transcript to the assistant but we're just going to copy and paste the information into here so we're just going to leave code interpreter turned off and then this retrieval function is going to depend on you how this works is you can add reference files to the assistant this could be something like your brand messaging or examples of tweets that have worked well for you in the past and then your assistant will be able to reference those documents when performing the tasks for you for this specific video we're not going to worry about this but if you want to learn more about files and retrieval let me know down in the comments and I can do another video on that topic specifically so with that done we'll click playground and now we can begin testing and using our assistant so to test this I'm going to paste in a blog post from Next Gen podcaster and I'm not going to do anything else I'm not going to give it any other instructions other than basically here's the blog post and then click run and just like what you might used to be seeing with chat GPT you can see it gave us five tweets and it looks like it followed our instructions because it did give two hashtags at the end of every single one of these tweets so that's perfect and all we had to do is paste in that blog post we gave it no other instructions now if you're not happy with the tweets it created or you want to make adjustments you can always come over here and tweak your instructions and you can continue adjusting and testing until you get the kind of results that you're looking for so we've created the assistant and we've tested it but what is this all going to cost me well I pasted my blog post into Google Docs and you can see that that blog post specifically is 583 words if you come over to usage in the corner here you can see that we spend less than one cent to generate those five tweets now 583 words to get to $20 that a chat GPT Plus account would cost you could run this 2,000 times before you hit that $20 Mark and we'll round this down to 550 just to make this math a little bit easier and give us a little cushion but if we were to run a 550w blog post through chat GPT for this assistant specifically 2,000 times that's a 1,100,000 words that we would hypothetically be able to run through this assistant before we even hit the price for a chat GPT Plus now I will add in the caveat it's going to depend on how much information you're putting in how much information is in the prompt and how much information you're getting back so if you're having this assistant generate long scripts for you that usage is going to be a lot less you're not going to be able to use it quite as many times but you can see from here less than a penny for that one run this is a very affordable option if you don't want to Shell out the $20 a month for a chat GPT Plus account and as you can see it's extremely easy to set up so in the next video I'll be showing you how to set up an automation that will automatically grab the content you create send it to this assistant that we just made and then automatically publish the tweets or send them to you in a message that you can post them for later so make sure you hit subscribe if that's of interest to you if this video was helpful give it a thumbs up
Channel: NextGenPodcaster
Views: 390
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: custom GPT, custom AI assistant, no ChatGPT Plus, OpenAI, create AI assistant, affordable AI, AI automation, social media automation, tweet generation, blog post to tweets, AI for content creation, AI for social media, NextGen Podcaster, blog post promotion, AI pricing, AI cost, OpenAI billing, AI tools, AI for business, content marketing automation
Id: zmh2l2rt6Sk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 41sec (341 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2024
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